Mysle ze ten opis sporo mowi o tym z czym mamy do czynienia:
"Forget what you've heard about this NM bomb. A balanced party of 6 would probably get stomped on. So here's how I've done it:
Lets start with his tp moves. He uses Circle of Flames - exactly as it sounds, a spinning fire attack; Sling bomb - single attack, heavy hitting (thank you for the correction); Formation attack - this is like a powerful triple attack; and Self-Destruct - I hate that move. He seemed to have permanent fire spikes, and used his refueling move often, which hastes him.
Since he is a combination of 3 bombs, he triple attacks non-stop. The only move you won't be able to stun is Circle of flames, as it's very fast. He's moderately resistant to sleep. Lulliby will last 20-30 seconds and sleep 2 varies from 30 seconds up to a minute or two, if ES was used. DoT is a no-no. You want to have the option of putting him to sleep if tanks die.
Party wise, there's room for experimentation, but I would go with no less than 12 people, with a minimum of two ninjas, one paladin, one or more white mages, and three to four black mages. Black mages are absolutely key to this fight, because a stun rotation must be set up in order to control his tp usage. We came totally unprepared the first time, and there was little information about this NM, and needless to say we got 2 GKs in 8-9 hours after about 10-14 wipes, hehe. But we came back with a fresh perspective and the right jobs and got two more GKs without incident. One summoner can take out about half of his health with astral flow and 2-3 ifrits. He's very resistant to freeze as well. Two bards in the tank party helps alot. Fire carols, sheepfoe mambos, and knights minnie will be the tanks salvation, hehe.
There are two Nitro Clusters, which spawn about 10 minutes apart after you kill them, in the tunnel before his ???. The ??? seems to be on a 15 minutes timer. The nitro clusters drop the clustered tar fairly regularly, which is a plus if you find yourself repeatedly wiping. Just so you don't get lost, here is a map of where you spawn, after travelling through the portal, in relation to the location of the NM. There are wyverns, hippos, ivys, and bomb clusters en route, but only the hippos have true sight; so sneak and invis and careful maneuvering are your friend. Hope this helps people out! I'll be sure to add anything I forgot that might help.
Note: His tp moves are absolutely stunnable. If we didn't stun his tp move, we wouldn't have survived. (...) Each time he self-destructs, he loses one bomb in the cluster. "