Update Hucksterowy (Dec. 12)
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Autor:  Huckster [ 12 gru 2005, 18:09 ]
Tytuł:  Update Hucksterowy (Dec. 12)




Quest: Waking Dreams
Client: Kerutoto [Rhinostery, Windurst Waters]

Diabolos has informed Kerutoio that he is waiting for you at the Shrouded Maw in Pso'Xja, buried deep in the northern lands. You must respond to his summons so that Kerutoto can meditate free of trouble.

"Hey, I've been looking everywhere for you!
You adventurer folk can'taru seem to sit still. Can you imagine what it's like trying to find you? The nerve of people nowadays...
Well... I haven't exactly been out searching for you... not in the strict technical sense of the word... but you had me so worked-perked up, I haven't been able to properly meditate!
You've heard of the prime avatar that inhabits the realm of dreams, right? Wipe that innocent look off your face! I know you know better!
I have recieved a summons for you from that prime avatar. Yes, you! And also for your buddy-wuddies.
The past few days have been a nightareumare. Literally! The prime avatar snatchy-watched me up in my dreams, and I thought I was a goner.
But all he said was "come to Pso'Xja", and ordered me to relay that message to you and your palsy-walsies. Do you see what I went through because of you?
But an-y-way! I've told you. I've done my job. So get your tailsy-wailsy down to Pso'Xja like Mr Prime Avatar said. I'll never be able to meditate properly again if you don't! So off with you now. Shoo!

Armor (wybrany)

Z tego co widzę to się zdobywa itemy "-1" - i z nich się później robi +1 (Itemy -1 są). Coś jak abjuration.

DRK: Abyss
Burgonet +1: DEF 28, HP+30, VIT+8, ATK+12, Enhances "Resist Paralyze" effect
Cuirass +1: DEF 50, HP+27, MND+4, ACC+12, Magic Attack Bonus +10
Flanchard +1: DEF 39, HP+18, MP+18, Dark Magic SKill +7, Magic Defense Bonus +5
Gauntlets +1: DEF 21, MP+20, DEX+5, INT+9, Dark Magic Skill +7
Sollerets +1: DEF 18, MP+12, ACC+2, Enfeebling Magic Skill +5, Enhances "Last Resort" effect

THF: Assassin's
Armlets +1: DEF 17, HP+26, CHR+5, Enmity +4, Treasure Hunter +1
Bonnet +1: DEF 25, HP+16, DEX+6, Enmity +3, Enhances "Mug" effect
Culotte +1: DEF 35, HP+25, Enmity+5, Steal +5, Enhances "Gilfinder" effect
Poulaines +1: DEF 16, HP+15, CHR+6, Triple Attack +1, Enmity +3
Vest +1: DEF 46, HP+22, AGI+5, Enmity +5, Increases rate of critical hits

BRD: Bard's
Cannions +1: DEF 32, HP+26, MP+42, "Courtly Measure"
Cuffs +1: DEF 19, HP+16, Evasion +5, Wind Instrument Skill +5, Enmity -4
Roundlet +1: DEF 20, HP+13, CHR+6, Singing Skill +5, Enmity -4
Justacorps +1: DEF 46, HP+19, ATK+20, "Military Parade"
Slippers +1: DEF 15, HP+12, Parrying Skill +4, String Instrument Skill +3, Enmity -3

WHM: Cleric's
Briault +1: DEF 43, MP+29, Enmity-3, Adds "Refresh" effect, Enhances potency of "Regen"
Cap +1: DEF 25, MP+25, VIT+5, Enmity-5, Enhances "Resist Silence" effect
Duckbills +1: DEF 16, MP+18, MND+6, Enhancing Magic Skill +10, Enmity-2
Mitts +1: DEF 17, HP+20, MP+20, Enfeebling Magic Skill +15, Enmity -4
Pantaloons +1: DEF 32, MP+17, Healing Magic Skill +15, Enmity -3, Elemental resistance spells +22

RDM: Duelist's
Boots +1: DEF 16, MP+15, MND+5, Evasion skill +5, Magic Attack Bonus +5
Chapeau +1: DEF 25, HP+14, MP+14, MND+3, Enfeebling Magic Skill +15, adds "Refresh" effect
Gloves +1: DEF 18, MP+23, INT+5, Enhancing Magic Skill +15, Magic Defense Bonus +2
Tabard +1: DEF 46, MP+30, AGI+4, Healing Magic Skill +12, Enhances "Fast Cast" effect
Tights +1: DEF 34, MP+16, DEX+6, Elemental Magic Skill +12, Enhances effect of "Spikes" spells

NIN: Koga
Chainmail +1: DEF 47, ACC+12, ATK+16, RACC+10, RATK+10
Hakama +1: DEF 32, HP+40, Enhances "Dual Wield" effect, Dusk to dawn: Evasion +12
Hatsubiri +1: DEF 23, HP+27, Enhances ninjutsu damage, Dusk to dawn: Parrying skill +12
Kyahan +1: DEF 16, VIT+8, Ninjutsu skill +12, Dusk to dawn: DEX+7
Tekko +1: DEF 19, "Ninja tool expertise", Dusk to dawn: STR+13, Haste+4%

MNK: Melee
Crown +1: DEF 25, HP+5%, STR+6, Enmity-5, "Subtle Blow" +6
Cyclas +1: DEF 45, HP+6%, VIT+6, Adds "Regen" effect, HP recoveered while healing +6
Gaiters +1: DEF 16, HP+4%, DEX+5, Guarding Skill +14, Enhances "Counterstance" effect
Gloves +1: DEF 16, HP+3%, ATK+18, "Subtle Blow" +5, Enhances "Chakra" effect
Hose +1: DEF 32, HP+6%, AGI+5, "Kick Attacks" +5, "Subtle Blow" +6

BST: Monster
Gaiters +1: DEF 15, HP+13, VIT+5, Enhances "Reward" effect, Charm +3
Gloves +1: DEF 16, HP+20, AGI+5, Enhances "Call Beast" effect, Charm +4
Helm +1: DEF 27, HP+19, MP+19, CHR+5, Parrying skill +3, Charm +
Jackcoat +1: DEF 50, HP+21, INT+7, Enhances "Reward" effect, Charm +7
Trousers +1: DEF 35, HP+17, DEX+5, HP recovered while healing +4, Charm +2

SAM: Saotome
Domaru +1: DEF 51, HP+34, VIT+7, "Store TP" +5, Enmity+1
Haidate +1: DEF 41, HP+33, AGI+4, Enmity+1, Enhances "Third Eye" effect
Kabuto +1: DEF 26, HP+20, ACC+12, RACC+7, Enmity +1
Kote +1: DEF 22, HP+20, ATK+12, Enmity+1, Enhances "Meditate" effect
Sune-ate +1: DEF 19, HP+23, DEX+6, ATK+10, Enmity +1


Amour / Romance / Desire/ AttractionChocolate L. (quest item) - The left half of a heart-shaped
chocolate. Embodies the desire to meet that special someone (rare/ex)

Food: - NPC gotuje!
Hmd. Herbal Tea
Your adventuring fellow made
this herbal tea especially for you.
It gives off a faint, soothing

Homemade Stew
Your fellow adventurer must have
worked hard to make this delectable
stew especially for you.

Hmd. Gelato
Your adventuring fellow
made this freezing cold
gelato especially for you.

Hmd. Rice Ball
Your adventuring fellow
made this tightly wrapped
rice ball especially for you.

Hmd. Cheese
Your adventuring fellow
made this cheese especially for you.
It is hard as a rock and difficult
to chew.

Hmd. Steak
Your adventuring fellow
cooked this hot, juicy
steak especially for you.

Homemade Salad
Your adventuring fellow made
this salad especially for you.
The ingredients have been
sliced up carefully.

Autor:  Bodziu [ 12 gru 2005, 18:12 ]

LOL !!!
Huck czy ty czasem nie jestes jakims maniakiem LOL
haha to sie nazywa wyrwa haha .....

No ale czekam na uzupelnienie tego infa ;D

Autor:  swordsman [ 12 gru 2005, 18:14 ]

taaa zapowiada sie swietnie :P

Autor:  Erelen [ 12 gru 2005, 19:37 ]

Jak zawsze Huck musi być pierwszy, nawet jak nic nie ma :D

Autor:  Draconi [ 12 gru 2005, 22:08 ]

Przegladalem troche te pliki to znalazlem af2+1, ale z tego co widzialem to zbyt duzo od af2 sie nie roznia, maja tylko o jakies 0-2 punkty wieksze statsy. Widzialem tez af2-1, wiec pewnie beda one sluzyly do upgradu na +1.

Autor:  Huckster [ 12 gru 2005, 22:12 ]

dodane info nt diabolosa i AF2+1

mi się jeszcze ściąga..;(

Autor:  Draconi [ 12 gru 2005, 22:24 ]

Lvl70 Capes Belts

RDM - Duelist's Belt RDM70 (Ra/ex) 4 INT/MND +4 HP/MP healing...
WHM - Cleric's Belt - DEF:4 MP+40 MND+6 MP recovered while healing +3
MNK - Melee Cape - MNK70 - DEF:8 VIT+5 MND +5HP recovered while healing +5
SMN - Summoner Cape HP+30 MP+30 Enmity-1 (ZOMG)
NIN - (wierdname) Sarashi Evasion+4 Haste+4% M.Acc +2
RNG - Scout's Belt DEF:4 AGI+5 Ranged Accuracy+7 Ranged Attack+7
BLM - Sorecer's Belt - DEF:4 HP+20 INT+6 - Spell interruption rate down 8%
BRD - Bard's Cape - DEF:6 CHR+7 Accuracy+7 Evasion+7
WAR - Warrior's Stone - DEF:5 STR+5 Accuracy+7 Opponent's critical hit rate -2%
PLD - Valor's Cape - DEF:16 HP+40 VIT+6 Enmity+3
BST - Monster Belt - DEF:5 CHR+6 Accuracy+7 Enmity-3
DRG - Wyrm Belt - DEF:5 VIT+5 Accuracy+7 Attack+7
THF - Assassin's Cape - DEF:7 DEX+4 AGI+4 Enmity+5
SAM - Saotome Kosi-Ate - DEX+5 Accuracy+7 Ranged Accuracy+7
DRK - Abyss Cape - DEF:6 Accuracy+7 Weapon Skill Accuracy+7 Magic Accuracy+7

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 12 gru 2005, 22:24 ]

Nie martw się huck mi się ściągneło a i tak nie da sie grac ><

Autor:  Krzysiek2099 [ 12 gru 2005, 22:25 ]

O w morde, Huck, albo się pomyliłeś albo THF będzie miał tyle Enmity co niejeden Tank. I CHR też spory bonus (tylko po co).

Autor:  Gokulo [ 12 gru 2005, 22:25 ]

Dla hate of course

Autor:  egoist [ 12 gru 2005, 22:29 ]

+5emm to nie duzo a poza tym chyba to z SATA dziala gdzies czytalem

Autor:  swordsman [ 12 gru 2005, 22:29 ]

chr zwieszka dmg Dancing Edge
fajne AF paski i cape beda wypadac w nowych dynamisach widac ^^; szkoda ze te wersje +1 AF2 to taka lipa ^^: sensowne tylko jesli tani...
thf moze wyciagnac teraz i przeszlo +30 enmity... heh jedyny melee ktoremu to sie przydaje...

Autor:  Gokulo [ 12 gru 2005, 22:35 ]

Walentynkowe itemki ? :D

Autor:  Targaryen [ 12 gru 2005, 22:36 ]

Krzysiek2099 napisał(a):
O w morde, Huck, albo się pomyliłeś albo THF będzie miał tyle Enmity co niejeden Tank. I CHR też spory bonus (tylko po co).

Enmity dla THF jest good, swoim "ciupaniem" nie wezmie hate tankowi nigdy a na SATa nadaje sie to idealnie :)

A co do AF2+1 to zdaje sie ze bedzie je mozna zrobic tylko z AF2-1 plus jakis item/monety? Po update ide gadac do Sagheery, moze sie tez na Diabolosa zmontujemy kolo polnocy? :D

Pasek ninja bylby super gdyby nie evasion :P Plus dobrze, ze pasek a nie cape ^^

Woot teraz mamy dwa sposoby zdobycia wymarzonego AF2/AF2+1 na roznych dynamisach!

Autor:  Gokulo [ 12 gru 2005, 22:36 ]

Kurde ja tez chce ;P

Autor:  karwacek [ 12 gru 2005, 22:39 ]

Draconi napisał(a):
Lvl70 Capes Belts
DRK - Abyss Cape - DEF:6 Accuracy+7 Weapon Skill Accuracy+7 Magic Accuracy+7

To mi sie podoba, tylko dlaczego wszystkie DD joby dostaly +acc :evil: Gal mozesz powiedziec cos o przydatnosci zamiast ammemeta czy jak to sie tam pisze :D

Autor:  Targaryen [ 12 gru 2005, 22:39 ]

Btw Drk dostal ZAJEBISTY plaszczyk, bez dwoch zdan!

Autor:  karwacek [ 12 gru 2005, 22:40 ]

Targaryen napisał(a):
Btw Drk dostal ZAJEBISTY plaszczyk, bez dwoch zdan!

Tylko ciekawe komu bedzie trzeba zrobic ***** zeby go miec 8 :D

Autor:  Seph [ 12 gru 2005, 22:46 ]

Moj belt jest cudowny....<3

Autor:  Targaryen [ 12 gru 2005, 22:47 ]

Op pewnie tez sie zmoczyl, +5mnd 8)

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