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Posty: 1815
Dołączył(a): 7.01.2005
PostNapisane: 21 sty 2006, 11:50 
Didn't think my first post on these forums will be this long...

I think some people know me so let's skip introductions.

Several people have sent me PMs through KI of a link of blog in a person in Pheonix server that has fought AV (, asking for a translation. Well, I've spent about an hour doing a quick tranlation of the entire blog. I've also posted this on KI, but I figured I post it here as well.


本日は先週の土曜日に負けたJailer of Loveに再挑戦して来たので、その時の様子を書きます。

Today was a rematch battle against the Jailer of Love, which we lost on Saturday last week. I will write what happened during that time.


This time, we gathered around 19:00 which was slightly faster than last time, and began explaining the strategy to the helpers. After going through the final checks with EchizenKurage (the hybrid LS), we started fighting at 20:30.


At 20:30, 52 people were gathered for the fight. The setup was pretty much same as last time, with many BLMs and 3 sets of skillchain groups, and the plan was to do damage with MBing skillchains.


We also handled adds the same time as last time: RDM pulls with Diaga, and several BLMs -ga III them. As for the Aern that spawns where we fight JoL, a NIN-centered PT pulls them, and the skillchain groups save TP by hitting those.


If I say the results bluntly, we defeated the JoL in around 3 hours. From now, I will sum up what exactly the JoL is cabable of from what I know and observed:

■Jailer of Love


Jailer of Love

It has the Yovra model (Jellyfish), has tons of HP and has a very strong HP Regen, but we suspect that it does not have TP Regen. Movement speed is normal, but if you move outside of JoL spawn range, it pulls you in.


It has high natural Physical and Elemental Magic Damage resistance, but compared to Kirin or the Wyrms, Elemental Magic resistance rate is rather low, so therefore versus JoL having BLMs as a damage source is a good idea. Among others, Spirits Within also does not get resisted (although I didn't check how much damage Spirits was doing...), and Chi Blast can do upwards of 1000~ damage, so these two were good damage sources as well.


The opponet physical attack is rather low as well, as a PLD/WAR, with an Earth Staff that eats Tacos averaged around getting hit by 200 per. So getting defeated by just getting hit on seems to be avoidable.


氷:ブリザガ3 バインガ
土:ストンガ3 スロウガ ブレクガ
風:エアロガ3 サイレガ
光:ディアガ3 バニシュガ3
闇:スリプガ2 ブライガ ディスペガ

JoL uses magic corrosponding to its current element. Here is a list of magic that the JoL can use that I have observed:

Fire: Firaga III
Ice: Blizzaga III, Bindga
Earth: Stonega III, Slowga, Breakga
Wind: Aeroga III, Silencega
Thunder: Thundaga III
Water: Waterga III
Light: Diaga III, Banishga III
Dark: Sleepga II, Blindga, Dispelga


As for single-target magic, I think it used tier V and tier I Ancient Magic, but I can't remember it very well so I didn't include it in the above list.


Also, it's 2h ability is unique - when it uses it (ie, dust blows from beneith) JoL changes its element, and it starts using magics corrosponding to its current element. A word of warning: if you cast elemntal magic corrosponding to JoL's current Element, it will abosrb it without resisted (about 500 from tier IV), so that's a thing BLMs fighting JoL should watch out for.


・フロレセンス ためる
・ルミナスドレープ 範囲魅了
・ヴィトリオリクバラージ 範囲ダメージ+毒
・オシレーション 範囲ダメージ+ヘヴィ+吹き飛ばし
・イオンシャワー 範囲ダメージ+スタン
・プライマルドリル 範囲ダメージ+スタン

The following are WS that I have seen and remember JoL using:

- Florecence: Boost
- Luminase Drape: AoE Charm
- Voltoric Barrage: AoE Damage + Poison
- Onlation: AoE Damage + Gravity + Knockback
- Ion Shower: AoE Damage + Stun
- Primal Drill: AoE Damage + Stun

こんなところかな。 イオンシャワーとプライマルドリルは連携に行くときに注意で

Something along those lines. Ion Shower and Primal Drill should be avoid if possible before going into skillchains, and Erase should be casted upon the PLD asap when Onlation is used.


As for Florecence, the next normal attack becomes extreamly powerful, so if Dispel or Finale isn't casted quickly it can be dangerous. How dangerous, you say? Well, when a lv75 Taru BLM is hit with an Florecence'd hit, it can be hit for upwards of 1600 damage.


Luminase Drape's AoE Charm length is random but rather short, but it was kind of scary since the LS we teamed up with had the Final Version Relic Scythe. (Also, when Charmed, your hate is reset versus JoL)


Also, at around 50%, JoL used Astral Flow but it ended up not activating. Everyone went: 「Whew, close one…(・ω・Wink」 and relaxed, but afterwards it ended up using Astral Flow several times anyway. But for some strange reason all of them ended up not activating anyway. Perhaps it only activates when a Summoned Pet is around, or some other condition... well, just be aware that JoL does have Astral Flow...

あとは何だろ… 弱体魔法(スロウ、エレジー、バインド、グラビデ、スタン、etc)は

What else... Enfeebling Magic (Slow, Elegy, Bind, Gravity, Stun, etc) gets resisted completely, so it is a RDM's worst nightmare. w


As for the summoned pets, at the beginning it summoned Squid, Manta, Goldfish, but at the latter stages it only kept on summoning Mantas. I wonder way. Well, all adds were dealt with with -ga III magic, so it really didn't matter if they were Squid or Manta or Goldfish.


Alright them, from here I'll indroduce some SS's (SS's have been provided by other people)


倒す前にAbsolute Virtue用のジョブに変えたり、メインPTにシーフを組み込んでトレハンを意識したりして


JoL near death.

Just before we defeated it, EchizenKurage members switched jobs in preperation for Absolute Virture, and switched in some THFs in the Main PT for Treasure hunter.

And finally...



Drops. (*^ー゚)b

Love Hallaburd, Love Torque, and Aura of Adulation, decent drops!! As a sidenote, when Aura of Adulation was traded, it changed into ↓ item.

(Novio Earring)

ついにやったよ!!! と、浸っていると…

Everyone exchanged cheers, as we've finally done it! Then suddenly...

(Absolute Virtue: ......aahhh......aaahhhhh......
Absolute Virtue: ......I have now taken back.....
the fragment of sense that I have lost so long ago......
......I have now remembered....
the fragment of memory that I have thrown away just recently......
Absolute Virtue: .......yet......
Agony now returns now that I have taken back......
Suffering now returns now that I have remembered......
Absolute Virtue: ......teach me......
You, what did intend to seek, why come this far? me......, what do you seek that will satisfy your ideals?)

独り言を呟きながらPOPする、Absolute Virtue
むしろ、喋ってる途中なのに近くに居た人を殴ってるAbsolute Virtue先生!!

Absolute Virtue pops while talking to himself. Actually, Aboslute Virtue is still talking while he's smacking nearby people senseless!! I wish he could just decide if he's going to talk to himself or just smack someone. (;・ω・)

Jailer(看守って意味らしい)を倒したので、Absolute Virtueが開放されたって設定のNMらしいね。

It has been mentioned in Al'Taieu related threads many times, but it is not JoL that was reborn, but since we have defeated Jailer-type NMs - JoT, JoF (fortitude), JoF (faith), JoJ, JoH, JoP, JoL - and since they were Jailers, Absolute Virture was released.

そんなぶち壊れた強さのNM、Absolute Virtueのスペックは以下の通りです。

How should I put it - the NM was so strong, that perhaps releasing him was a bad idea...w Here are the specs of the true Impossible to Gauge NM: Absolute Virtue.

■Absolute Virtue


Absolute Virtue

It has the Aern model and holds a spear. Judging from its WS names, we think he's a DRG type.

Absolute Virtueからの被ダメはナイトで300~ってな感じです。
詠唱0のエアロガ4が辛過ぎ!! 威力は麒麟のストンガ4と似たような物なんだけど

Absolute Virtue's normal hits versus PLDs do about 300~. It uses magic centered around the Wind element, its three primary ones being Aeroga IV, Aero V, and Tornado II. All magics are instant cast. Aero and Tornado can be blinked so it's not too much of a problem (although if it hits, it does hurt), the instant cast Aeroga IV hurts too much! It's strength is similar to that of Kirin's Stonega IV, but if a magic of that class hits you every time directy, it's very difficult...

ちなみに風曜日にJoLを倒したらAbsolute Virtueが

As a sidenote, we defeated JoL on Windsday, and Absolute Virtue used Wind based magic - perhaps this is related? Normally we never pay attention to those kinds of things, but the Wynavs it calls using Call Wyvern also casts -ga III magic - but when called on Windsday it used Aeroga III, Darksday Sleepga, and Lightsday Banishga III... so perhaps they are related after all?


Like for example, if we defeated JoL on Lightsday and it only uses Light Element based magic, it will probably only use Diaga III, Banishga III, Holy II, and the load gets quite lighter, but this cannot be checked unless we defeat JoL again.

(<person> uses Shiled Bash. Absolute Virtue receives 230 points of damage.
<person> casts Blizzard IV. Absolute Virtue receives 429 points of damage.)

イージスのバッシュで200~、ブリザド4(フルダメージ)で400~ サンダガ3(フルダメージ)で600~

The damage we've dealt against it was like the above. Aegis' bash did 200~, Blizzard IV (unresisted) did 400~, Thundaga III (unresisted) did 600~, Chi Blast 900~, Spiral Hell TP300 with Food (no SATA) did about 600. Ranged Attack WSs were near useless - Sidewinder did about 0~10?

vs Absolute Virtueでも良いダメージソースにはなる感じかな。

Elemetal Magic doesn't get resisted too much that it's on the level of depressing, so we think it's a good damage source versus Absolute Virtue.


Even so, the opponent's Regen is totally insane, and even when NIN's do a Mijin that does 1000~ damage, it heals HP almost instantly...


One time, we tried assmbling 12 BLMs and tried to ES Thundaga III + etc all at once, but while casting Thundaga III it used Explosive Impulse (additional effect: Stun) and stopped the casting - it was an NM that was really near-impossible to handle. w Because of this Stun we couldn't last all Thundaga III's at the same time, but we managed to deal 10000 damage in about 3 mintues... but the end result was on the level of "hey look, maybe the HP bar went down a bit for a second?".

それとJoLと違って引き寄せは無いですが、Absolute Virtueの移動速度は物凄く速く

Unlike JoL, it doesn't pull you in, but Absolute Virture moves extreamly fast (Strider/Crimson/Herald kiting strategy is impossible), and if it uses Blood Weapon it instantly catches up to you and pounds on you. With this insane HP Drain and HP Regen, it didn't look like we were even denting it...


Enfeebling Magic, predictibally, all get resisted. Only Shadowbind is effective, so the strategy was to use Shadowbind immideately after we see it use a 2h. Well, even so, if it uses Manafont and casts Meteor right after it's almost meaningless.


Also, it has specialized WS's.

(Absolute Virtue readies Explosive Impulse.
<person> receives 404 points of damage.
<person> receives 432 points of damage.
<person> receives 122 points of damage.
<person> receives 203 points of damage.
Absolute Virtue readies Medusa Javelyn.
Absolute Virtue uses Medusa Javelyn.
<person> receives 1004 points of damage.
Absolute Virtue readies Explosive Impulse.
Absolute Virtue uses Explosive Impulse.
<person> receives 198 points of damage.
<person> receives 458 points of damage.
<person> receives 175 points of damage.
<person> receives 281 points of damage.
Absolute Virtue starts casting Tornado II.)


That is Explosive Impulse. The damage itself isn't too bad, but it's Stun effect is highly annoying!

と華麗に繋げてくるAbsolute Virtue。 当然、狙われた人は逃げる間もなく転がされてます⊂⌒~⊃。Д。)⊃

It doesn't show in the log, but it used Meikyo Shisui before this, and used Explosive (AoE Damage + Stun) -> Medusa (single-target Damage + Petrify) -> Explosive (AoE Damage + Stun) -> Tornado II. Natrually, people targeted by this onslaught went down before even trying to run away. ⊂⌒~⊃。Д。)⊃


And, of course, it used Tornado II at the end, but if that was Aeroga IV we would've wiped. w


・マイティストライク ・百烈拳 ・魔力の泉 ・絶対回避 ・ブラッドウェポン
・ソウルボイス ・イーグルアイ ・明鏡止水 ・微塵がくれ
・コールワイバーン ・アストラルフロウ

And of course, it uses 2h abilities, and with my eyes I've confirmed it using the following 11:

Mighty Strikes, Hundred Fists, Manafont, Perfect Dodge, Blood Weapon, Soul Voice, Eagle Eye Shot, Meikyo Shisui, Mijin Gakure, Call Wyvern, Astral Flow.

こんな感じです。 それと、普通のNMが使ってくる2hアビと違って

Something like the above. Also, there are specialized actions Absoluve Virtue can do when using a few of the above 2h abilities.


First, Manafont. While Manafonted, it starts casting Meteor (AoE 1000~2500), Comet (single-target 1000~1500). And, of course, similar to other magic it casts, it is instant cast and therfore unavoidable.

(Aeroga III + Meteor damage)


It's like a Zerg Rush.

片っ端から魅了されていきます。 エースの歌に聞き惚れろです。

When it uses Soul Voice, it starts using Virelai, and starts charming everyone it sees. Hail to the chief!


When it uses Mijin Gakure, it itself doesn't seem to explode. Instead, all the Wynavs that have been summoned Chain Mijin's (although I can't say that for certain...).


Call Wyvern can be used up to three times to have three Wynavs summoned at once. It was said somewhere on the forums before that a maximum of six can be summoned at once, but when we fought it we only observed a maximum of three.


Like JoL, Astral Flow resulted in nothing happening.


I think that's all the abilities it uses. I'm pretty sure it doesn't use Benediction, but if it does... then it'll definately be an NM that'll be impossible to defeat. w

コールワイバーンで召喚された子竜は、Absolute Virtue同様に移動速度が速く

Wynav summoned by Call Wyvern, like Absolute Virtue, move very fast. Like written above, it uses -ga magic corrosponding to it's current day. Darksday it used Sleepga, Firesday it used Firaga III, and Windsday it used Aeroga III.

子竜は6匹ぐらいしか倒してないけど、子竜の中にAbsolute Virtueの

We killed off about 6 Wynavs, but maybe it's possible that the real Absolute Virtue be hidden in one of them...?

あれは何だったんだろうな… Absolute Virtue様のスピリットリンクなのか?w

There is one thing I noticed, however, that one time we got the Wynav down 80%, but healed almost instantly. It didn't use Benidition, Cure, nor Healing Breath according to the log... I wonder what that was... perhaps it was Absolute Virtue's Spirit Link? w

と、長々と書いてきましたが、Absolute Virtueのスペックはこんな感じかな。

Well, I've written quite a bit now, but that's all the specs I know about Absolute Virtue. It might be obvious to the people who fought it, and even if you didn't you can check out the video posted in the Al'Taieu thread, but I can say it with confidence that this is the strongest NM currently implemented in the game...

しかし、合同先のLSリーダーはAbsolute Virtue討伐を諦めてないし

We ourselves only managed to get its health bar down 1mm. However, our hybrid LS's leader has not given up defeated Aboslute Virtue, and myself as well. We will get revenge on it someday. (`・ω・´)

Skopiowane i wklejone z ... 13&start=0

Dlaczego japonczycy potrafia wziac 2LSy i isc zabic cos duzego a MY NIE!?!?! Wezmy nawet 4 LSy... Za to jaki fun by byl ;P



Posty: 3739
Dołączył(a): 27.02.2004
PostNapisane: 21 sty 2006, 23:43 
Ciekawe czy jak zabija sie non stop wyverny to czy to powstrzymuje AV przed uzywaniem innych 2h. Tylko ze teraz 2h dragoonera to nie jest call wyvern wiec sam nie wiem :/

"The tendency to whining and complaining may be taken as the surest sign symptom of little souls and inferior intellects."
Francis Jeffrey


Posty: 1815
Dołączył(a): 7.01.2005
PostNapisane: 22 sty 2006, 10:27 
Targaryen napisał(a):
Ciekawe czy jak zabija sie non stop wyverny to czy to powstrzymuje AV przed uzywaniem innych 2h. Tylko ze teraz 2h dragoonera to nie jest call wyvern wiec sam nie wiem :/

Zapewne nei powstrzymuje.
Za to teoretycznie mozna uniknac Astral Flow. To juz cos!


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