Z zycia innych LSow
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Autor:  mrynar [ 28 sty 2006, 11:49 ]
Tytuł:  Z zycia innych LSow

Wiem, ze nie wszyscy chodza po forach innych LSow, a czasem mozna spotkac tam smieszne albo ciekawe teksty.
Na poczatek pare postow z "najbarwniejszego" forum czyli DH:

"nice stun bot, I guess stunning wing and blast 100% until the end (when blms were nuking) is all part of a very complex stun order! you expect me to believe that you go from wiping horribly to winning perfectly with out the aid of a third party program? the fact that you're all so amazingly happy about this defeat shows how truly insecure your linkshell is. You feel cornered and pressured, and fear being the worst. Let me fill you in on something. Your linkshell was the first HNM ls on Ramuh, and the last of ramuh to kill Tiamat. EVEN fucking CAE killed it before you. Not only that, but you're one of the last LS's of ANY server to kill Tiamat. Dynamis is going good, you have lots of shadow mantles and relic weapons? btw flee kiting in dynamis, great strategy, like I said earlier. You are nothing with out third party programs. After the upgrade to "fix" bots what happened? You lost every single fucking pull at faf, aspi, and behemoth. TO FUCKING SW. What does that say? No skill. Grats on last place, and enjoy being the absolute scum of all linkshells. Atleast you're first place in something, FIRST PLACE AT BEING THE WORST. Honestly you don't accomplish anything as a linkshell EVEN WITH BOTS that's so amazing. And what, you don't bot? That's why half your fucking linkshell has been suspended multiple times EACH and MANY banned? Wonderful logic, children. Return to your hole, and Donexan, enjoy your friendship with your 8 year old friends. (Crosno is like 8 LITERALLY.)"
Choujii - forum DH

"hey aerie quit being a pussy and show ur true colors u hitler wannabe peice of shit

stop hiding behind the guise of anon u weak fuck u dont have shit why dont u work on coming up with some more racial slurs for edwin and the rest of people from poland u weak fuck. To bad the jews didnt exterminate the germans we prolly woudlnt be disscussing this right now nazi."
fourtysixxxntwo - forum DH

"Polish people are the worst thing to happen to FFXI, I don't care who you are, what part of Poland you're from, quit this game and go become a farmer."
Choujii - forum DH

Autor:  egoist [ 28 sty 2006, 12:25 ]

"Polish people are the worst thing to happen to FFXI, I don't care who you are, what part of Poland you're from, quit this game and go become a farmer."
Choujii - forum DH


Autor:  Targaryen [ 28 sty 2006, 12:28 ]

Nie wiem czemu ma słuzyć wyciąganie tego tutaj Op...

Poza tym Chouji jak się okazało to Rikktor/Harrower. Fajne podziękowanie za choćby zdobycie mu Sokobo Sukehiro (czy jaki się to pisze).

Autor:  Balrog [ 28 sty 2006, 14:38 ]

jak tego chuja dorwe na nie bedzie co zbierac.

Autor:  mrynar [ 28 sty 2006, 16:12 ]

Targaryen napisał(a):
Nie wiem czemu ma słuzyć wyciąganie tego tutaj Op...

Budowaniu nastrojow patriotycznych. :D

Autor:  Slayerek [ 28 sty 2006, 16:20 ]

Balrog napisał(a):
jak tego chuja dorwe na nie bedzie co zbierac.

taa, i napisz mu jeszcze że jesteś Polakiem i z której części Polski jesteś i że Twoim najlepszym przyjacielem był w FFXI Edwinpl :D

Autor:  mrynar [ 28 sty 2006, 16:26 ]

Podejrzewam, ze tak mysli spora czesc NA graczy. Zreszta nie ma sie co dziwic jesli wychowali sie na kawalach o Polakach. :D

Autor:  Gokulo [ 28 sty 2006, 16:47 ]

Btw. Zelda ma w sumie racje - w szerszych kregach roll 0 uznawany jest jako 1000 :)

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