Apocalypse Nigh - kto chętny?
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Autor:  Huckster [ 23 lut 2006, 10:48 ]
Tytuł:  Apocalypse Nigh - kto chętny?



- You need to compete Rise of Zilart, including the last 2 cutscenes. Here's the recap of the missions right after you get sky.
Sky access -> Beat all 5 AA singles OR just beat Divine Might AA -> Kill Eald'Narche -> Talk to Aldo in Lower Jeuno -> Go to Norg

- You need to complete Chains of Promathia, including the final vocal song cutscene. After you get to choose the 3 rings, go to Prishe's room and then go to Blueblade Fell in Lufaise Meadow for final cutscene.

You only need to complete CoP to activate first part quest, but you need to complete Rise of Zilart to activate to second part quest.


- Step in the palace in Ru'Lude Garden to get a cutscene to trigger Storms of Fate quest.

- Go to Riverne Site #B01 to fight Bahamut Battle#1. Simply win the battle to complete the first part quest.

[Need to wait for conquest update to continue]

- Step in the palace again to get the cutscene for second part quest. It's called Shadows of the Departed.

- You need to go to all 3 normal Promyvons; Mea, Dem and Holla to get a Sliver for each. Just touch Memory Flux and you'll get them, no NM will pop or anything. They are in 4th floor (final floor, near BC).

- Return to the palace to finish the second part quest.

[Need to wait for midnight JST(next day) to continue]

- Step in the palace again to get the cutscene for the final part quest, Apocalypse Nigh.

- Go to Sealion's Den to get a cutscene, click Gate of the Gods in Hu'xzhoi to get another, and then lastly Trascendental Radiance for cutscene. Go to Empryal Paradox and prepare for a battle.

Battle against Eald'Narche and Kam'Lanaut
Need a kiter, stunner, and heavy damage melee here. WAR is a good choice because they can tank and do mighty strike 2 steel cyclones. Kite Kam'lanaut and kill the kid as fast as possible. The kid can use (SPAM) -ga3 spells, enfeebles and an aoe terrorga. Get 300% TP before entering and have icarus wing ready, unload everything to the kid and hopefully you can kill him before aoe terroga can do alot of harm. After the kid is killed, the rest of battle against Kam'lanaut should be easy. He still have that Light Blade that deals alot of damage, becareful of that.

- After you win, go talk to Aldo in Tenshodo for a cutscene.

[Need to wait for midnight JST(next day) to continue]

- Go to Norg and talk to Gilgamesh to choose your earring reward! You can only choose 1.

Autor:  egoist [ 23 lut 2006, 10:51 ]

ZM Done
CoP Done

Autor:  Huckster [ 23 lut 2006, 10:53 ]

Mission 14 Ark Angels
Recommend Lv.72+ x 6
Walkthrough For this mission, the goal is to defeat 5 Ark Angels. The good news is that you can beat them one at a time.
The bad news is that each one is harder than ZM8. The reason why they are harder is because they have 2 jobs.
They can use the 2hr special of both jobs. For example, the Ark Angel EV(PLD+WHM) can use Invincible and Benediction.

Basically, to get to the Ark Angels, take the red portals. If you want to get to the different islands, activate pincer stones and take the
blue portals. There are no aggro in this area except for the groundskeepers standing on a blue symbol(people call them the
detectors), so stay far from those.
By now it should already be known that elementals and magic pots aggro by magic.

Here's the order of the fight: TT, MR, HM, EV, GK. Recommended levels is 70+. I went with 70 PLD & WHM, 75 MNK, RNG, RDM,
SMN. Note that for all Ark Angels, their normal attacks do 100-150 damage to 70 PLD.

Ark Angel TT(BLM + DRK) :

-does AE attack [Amon Drive] that can paralyze and petrify, doing 100-300 damage.
-casts up to level 4 magic.
-teleports around.

The strategy to beat this guy is to have mages stand outside the circular battle field and just attack/heal from there as the AE attack
can be deadly if the white mage is hit. Other than that, just have the melee do their usual.

Ark Angel MR[THF + BST] :

-Rampage WS for 800+ damage towards the end of fight.
-[Havoc Spiral] for 2-300 damage. Also uses a sleep WS(can't remember the name for the life of me), so buy some poison potions.
-Uses Call Beast at start. If the pet called is anything but a tiger pet, run away from the battlefield by clicking the portal, as the battle
can get very hard.

Sleep the pet and just focus on Ark Angel MR. Aside from Rampage the fight isn't too bad.

Ark Angel HM[NIN + WAR] :

-Blink tanks.
-Uses WS [Cross Reaver] for 500-900 damage.

Some people say this is the hardest battle, but it was one of the easiest for ours. There really aren't any strategies for defeating HM
other than pound him with attacks.

Ark Angel EV[PLD + WHM] :

-May use Invincible and Benediction.
-Uses [Spirit's Within].
-Uses Shield Bash, ALOT, and it has a long stun time. Erase can take out this stun effect so it can be invaluable for this battle.
-Uses AE attack [Dominion's Slash] that also silences, does 2-300 damage. Buy Echo Drops!

This is by far the hardest out of all AA battles. Spirit's Within, when used with high HP, can be very deadly and may kill anyone
instantly. Most parties beat this through luck, meaning sometimes EV only uses Spirit's Within when HP is low enough to not instantly
kill anyone. My party used this strategy: RDM casts Gravity, PLD Provoke and run around the map while EV chases PLD.
Everyone else just attacks EV from there.
It was a long fight but at least it was a sure win this way.
This strategy only works if there's a mage that can cast Gravity.

Ark Angel GK[DRG + SAM] :

-Uses Call Wyvern and Meikyo Shisui. It is possible that GK can create a Light Skillchain when using Meikyo Shisui.
For our battle, GK did a Fragmentation with Tachi: Yukikaze and Tachi: Gekko.
-Jump ability that does AE damage and binds for a few seconds.

The dangerous part for GK is that he deals a ton of damage. For our party, we defeated GK but only the WHM and SMN lived.
Thank god for Fenrir.
Mission 15 The Sealed Shrine Recommend Lv.75 x 6
Walkthrough 1.Talk to Gilgamesh in Norg.
2.It is event generating, when it goes into Ru'Aun Gardens and goes into the entrance of the front to straight The Shrine of
Mission 16 The Celestial Nexus
Recommend Lv.75 x 6
Walkthrough After entering Ru'Avitau Gardens from H-9 in Ru'Aun Gardens, you will appear at G-12 based on Ru'Avitau Gardens.

-Have one person go to H-10 and activate the Yellow Monolith.
-Go back to Ru'Aun Gardens and use the pincerstones and blue portals to go from I-10 (to J-9) then walk along to K-7 (and be sent
to J-7) to get to I-6(have to walk down the stairs). You will enter Ru'Avitau Gardens at K-5 of this map.

-It is recommended for everyone, including mages, to buy Sneak Oil and Prism Powders. 6 of each should be enough.
Weapons aggro through sound and Golems aggro through sight. Make your way to H-9 and go down the stairs, then zone to the
Celestial Nexus to fight with final boss!
Mission 17 Awakening
Recommend Lv.75 x 6
Walkthrough -Battle with Eald'narche. He has two forms. It is recommended for everyone to buy Hi-Potions, and a few Hi-Ethers wouldn't hurt

1st Form

Orbitals x 2: has 300hp and if defeated, can regenerate.

Exoplates: armor surrounding Eald'narche, he is invulnerable while this armor is up.

Eald'narche: invulnerable to attacks until Exoplates is defeated. He really likes to use ancient magic and sleepga, so be careful.

Have the melee use 2hour special to quickly dispose of the Exoplates. Sleep the Orbitals as they're not worth attacking.
After the Exoplates are gone it only takes a few hits to get Eald'narche to his second form.

2nd Form

There won't be time to rest as Eald'narche will rush straight to the party. He will still mainly use Ancient magic and Sleepga, and will
add WS here and there. One of his WS is AE damage(around 200ish damage) and will terrorize and bind those that are hit.
Terrorize will prevent that player from doing anything for 5-10 seconds.

Autor:  Duszek [ 23 lut 2006, 11:00 ]

yes, please

CoP - done
ZM - zostala do zrobienia ostatnia walka
Bahamut - hmm.. probowalismy :P

Autor:  Scorpio [ 23 lut 2006, 11:08 ]

Ten ethernal ring to dla Xava poprostu da best item imo do solo :)

Autor:  Slayerek [ 23 lut 2006, 11:10 ]

ja jestem chętny, to wszystko co mam

Autor:  Elfka [ 23 lut 2006, 11:10 ]

yes please!

Autor:  Huckster [ 23 lut 2006, 11:12 ]

Jak podchodzimy do ZM? Aktywujemy stare CoPowe składy (np Xav, Sai, Bod, Zet, Huck, Drac) - czy dobieramy się "jak leci"?

Autor:  Elfka [ 23 lut 2006, 11:17 ]

nie wiem 8)

Bodziu chyba robil ZM z Opim i Rha czyli swoim statikiem
moj CoPowy statik narazie sie nie wypowiedzial
Zajawa robila z okazji
a reszta osob co wymieniles, zdaje sie poza Sai i Zetem ma juz wiekszosc rzeczy porobionych w SW

wiec trzeba wiedziec robimy w 6-kach czy 18-alliance
i ile nas jest chetnych?

Autor:  mrynar [ 23 lut 2006, 11:20 ]

W solo AA moge pomoc. Te walki sa fajne.

Autor:  Scorpio [ 23 lut 2006, 11:22 ]

Anc Bodziu i Ja nie mamy zaliczonej ostatniej walki z ZM. Bodziu i ja mamy zaliczone walki z Aniołkami. Na naszym poziomie walki z aniołkami to poprostu banał. Opiekun i Galen wchodza w BCNM, odpalaja WS i koniec walki :roll:

Autor:  ksawery [ 23 lut 2006, 11:26 ]

Ja dzis robie z SW Behemota o 23:00 (po limbusie) jesli ktos potrzebuje to dajcie znac.

Autor:  Scorpio [ 23 lut 2006, 11:28 ]

ksawery napisał(a):
Ja dzis robie z SW Behemota o 23:00 (po limbusie) jesli ktos potrzebuje to dajcie znac.

Dają punkty za Behemota Xav? :D

Autor:  ksawery [ 23 lut 2006, 11:33 ]

Nie, to jest prywatny run

Autor:  Seph [ 23 lut 2006, 13:36 ]

Ja bym kcial;] Nie mam ZM.

Autor:  Duszek [ 23 lut 2006, 13:37 ]

tylko dla SW?

Autor:  zet [ 23 lut 2006, 14:11 ]

Ja chetnie dzisiaj po limbusie. Ja od AA w zwyż wszystko ptrzebuje :D

Autor:  Slayerek [ 23 lut 2006, 14:18 ]

trochę "śmieszny" mamy teraz CC LS
stać nas żebyśmy na luzie zrobili DM
stać nas żebyśmy na ludzie zabili Behemota
stać nas żebyśmy na ludzie zabili każdego god'a oprócz Kirina w Sky
niedługo będziemy mieć więcej osób z dostępem do sea i skończonym CoPem niż 99% innych LSów na naszym serwerze
prawie wszyscy w imię fun'u mogą ginąć wielokrotnie w ciągu dnia
prawie wszyscy w imię fun'u mogą sobie pozwolić na popełnienie najprostrzych błędów w tłumie

Autor:  Scorpio [ 23 lut 2006, 14:33 ]

Slayerek napisał(a):
trochę "śmieszny" mamy teraz CC LS
stać nas żebyśmy na luzie zrobili DM
stać nas żebyśmy na ludzie zabili Behemota
stać nas żebyśmy na ludzie zabili każdego god'a oprócz Kirina w Sky
niedługo będziemy mieć więcej osób z dostępem do sea i skończonym CoPem niż 99% innych LSów na naszym serwerze
prawie wszyscy w imię fun'u mogą ginąć wielokrotnie w ciągu dnia
prawie wszyscy w imię fun'u mogą sobie pozwolić na popełnienie najprostrzych błędów w tłumie

Kirina też, i Virtue niektore tez. Stan obecny LS to 3 x NIN, 2 xPLD, 2 x BRD, ~4x ~WHM, ~5x RDM ... to wystarczy, kirina nie trzaba zabic w 30 sekund, wystarczy w 2h a to juz sadze ze bez problemu.

Autor:  swordsman [ 23 lut 2006, 14:52 ]

yup yup
ale moc =! chciec

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