Choplix, kto chce miec wlasnego goba?
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Autor:  Scorpio [ 7 mar 2006, 09:14 ]
Tytuł:  Choplix, kto chce miec wlasnego goba?

Opis Questu :

Jestem na etapie walki w Old Movalpolos, pewnie mogł bym ją zsolować albo prawie ale chetnie pojde wieksza grupką. Przy okazji mozna zrobić czystke - Opik zbiera ingloty;)

1. Enter Oldton Movalpolos through the K-6 entrance in Gustaberg North, for a cut-scene with Gu'Zhu
Thunderblade to start the quest. You will be given the option of whether or not to begin the quest; if you
choose to not take the quest, you will not be given the chance to start it again, until the Conquest Ranking on
Sunday of the following week.
2. Go to San d'Oria South, to the Tanners' Guild and talk with Faulpie, the Leathercraft Guildmaster, for a cut-
scene. Faulpie will need a Buffalo Hide, Sheep Leather, and 20,000 gil to help out.
3. Trade the requested items and gil to Faulpie at the same time. Zone and wait until at least the next day (after
0:00 Vana'diel time) to talk to Faulpie again for a cut-scene, at which point you will receive a Goblin Cutting
item, and the recipe of the Goblin Coif that requires it. (Note: If you wish to receive another Goblin Cutting,
you can get more from Faulpie for 300,000 gil each.)
4. The Goblin Cutting item is used in a high skill Leathercraft recipe to craft the level 61 headwear Goblin Coif,
which is required for the rest of the quest. Neither the Goblin Coif nor the Goblin Cutting can be sold via the
Auction House.
5. Return to Oldton Movalpolos through the K-6 entrance in Gustaberg North while wearing the Goblin Coif, for
another cut-scene and to receive a key item.
6. Go to G-8 in Oldton Movalpolos and select the Iron Box while wearing the coif. The key item will disappear
and 7 angry Notorious Monsters will arrive! These include a single Goblin Preceptor, one Grimoire Guru
Grimogek (Moblin), one Dread Dealing Dredodak (Goblin), and four Bugbear Porterman (Moblin).
7. The main NM that needs to be killed here is the Goblin Preceptor that appears; once it is killed, the other NMs
will disappear. It may be possible to Sleep/Lullaby the rest of the NMs and kill the Goblin Preceptor, to make
the fight easier.
8. Once the Goblin Preceptor is defeated, select the Iron Box again for a cut-scene.
9. Trade the Goblin Coif to the Iron Box; there will be another cut-scene and that coif will be replaced by
Choplix's Coif.
10. Zone out and back into the Oldton Movalpolos, for a cut-scene that ends the quest, and a Gold Beastcoin

Autor:  Gli2duS [ 7 mar 2006, 10:31 ]

tez mialem ta cut-scenke i tez przyjalem ten quest od Quadava. takze, brakuje mi 2k exp do 61, zeby zalozyc czapeczke. mysle ze przy odrobinie szczescia dzisiaj mi sie uda to zrobic i chetnie sie wybiore te NMy. z opisu na stronach wynika ze nalezy zabic jedynie Goblin Preceptor aby reszta znikla.

The main NM that needs to be killed here is the Goblin Preceptor that appears; once it is killed, the other NMs will disappear. It may be possible to Sleep/Lullaby the rest of the NMs and kill the Goblin Preceptor, to make the fight easier.

opis questu z encyklopedii

Autor:  Kang [ 7 mar 2006, 10:47 ]

Ja się chętnie wybiorę po czapeczkę z gobem :)

Autor:  Scorpio [ 7 mar 2006, 11:27 ]

Zjawcia też chce zrobić choplixa, może jeszcze kilka osób się złosi na tą zabawe. Przy okazji można zrobic też innych beastmenów ^^

Autor:  karwacek [ 7 mar 2006, 12:28 ]

Ja sie przejde. Fun is fun :)

Autor:  Samadam [ 7 mar 2006, 12:55 ]

Chetnie sie przejde. Ciekawe tylko czy po zalatwieniu NMow mozna przyjsc za x czasu i tylko trejdnac czape. Nie chce teraz zamieniac swojej czapy na ta na 75lv bo jej nie bede mogl nosic :P

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