All Worlds Maintenance (Jul. 24)
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Autor:  Targaryen [ 14 lip 2006, 10:22 ]
Tytuł:  All Worlds Maintenance (Jul. 24)

At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI maintenance on all Worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable.

Thank you for your patience.

* The client software will also be updated at this time. Once this maintenance is completed, the client update will start automatically after logging back into FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

* You may receive errors such as POL-1160 or POL-0010 during the download process due to heavy server traffic. If you are unable to access the update, we ask that you please wait a while and then try again.

* For the update details, please refer to "Topics" on the official web site or PlayOnline Viewer which will be available on Jul. 24, 2005.

* Also, the continuation of the Treasures of Aht Urhgan storyline and Chocobo raising have been excluded from this version update for further testing, and are scheduled to be implemented in the next version update. More details will be announced when they become available. We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Affected Period]
Jul. 24, 2006 10:00 to 14:00 (PDT)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]


Autor:  Kang [ 14 lip 2006, 10:25 ]

Ale dali ciała - ja sobie robię miesiąc przerwy ;)

Autor:  kalcia [ 14 lip 2006, 10:33 ]

ale syf >.>

Autor:  mrynar [ 14 lip 2006, 10:55 ]

Banda chuja!

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 14 lip 2006, 11:40 ]

Ale gnojki.

Autor:  Gli2duS [ 14 lip 2006, 11:54 ]


Autor:  Kang [ 14 lip 2006, 11:56 ]

Po prostu sobie jaja z ludzi robią. Ja byłem naprawdę pod wrażeniem - zawsze się wyrabiali na czas, ale 2 miechy obsuwy to już przesada...

Autor:  Vejitta [ 14 lip 2006, 12:17 ]

Znowu jestem jedynym ktory sie cieszy ^^

Autor:  Tomalsky [ 14 lip 2006, 12:43 ]

Mi to tam wisi ;) A czemu Veji sie cieszysz? :)

Autor:  Targaryen [ 15 lip 2006, 07:49 ]

Hey guys.

...Wow, wish I had posted this earlier.

Checked with a friend of mine at Square, and he said it's only a "slight delay," and that the "until the next version update" is a mistranslation of the Japanese news page. Basically, they'll be going in a few days or a week later or whatever, as they've done a few times in the past.

Here's the Japanese text, for those that can read it...

The important part is the...

...Which translates roughly to...
"the plan is to supplement the next Version Up a short time later."

Given that this furor seems to stem from, like, a clerical error, what I can't tell you is why the English page hasn't been updated yet.

Hope this puts some minds to rest, or whatever.
by Ravidrath z BlueGartr Forums.

Może jednak jest nadzieja :)

Autor:  mrynar [ 15 lip 2006, 08:16 ]

"short time later" to moze byc miesiac. :)

Autor:  Draconi [ 15 lip 2006, 08:30 ]

Chocobo Raising and Storyline Release Clarification

There has been some confusion regarding the release of Chocobo raising and the continuation of the Treasures of Aht Urhgan storyline.

Chocobo raising and the continuation of the Treasures of Aht Urhgan storyline have been delayed slightly, and are scheduled to be implemented shortly after the July 24 version update.

More details will be announced when they become available. We apologize for any confusion.

Autor:  Huckster [ 19 lip 2006, 08:17 ]

U nas będzie to w godzinach - 19:00 - 23:00.

Autor:  Mikarus [ 19 lip 2006, 08:44 ]

Nastapila mala zmiaa

[Affected Period]
July 24, 2006 17:00 to July 25, 2006 00:00 (GMT)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

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