Waking the Beast - 18 osob vs avatary
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Autor:  mrynar [ 8 wrz 2006, 23:10 ]
Tytuł:  Waking the Beast - 18 osob vs avatary

Na najblizszy piatek (16.09) probujemy ustawic walke z avatarami. Tanki i magowie sa szczegolnie mile widziani, ale niech zapisuja sie wszyscy, ktrorzy moga byc w grze w piatek wieczorek (pewnie przez ladnych kilka godzin).
Rhaegal jest szefem runu i to on wybierze ze zgloszonych 18 osob. Punkty dostana wszyscy zapisani, bedacy on-line w czasie walk.
Dropy bidujemy tak jak w sky.

7 punktow za wszystkie wygrane walki.


1. Opiekun (ok)

2. Vejitta (ok)

3. Lesiu (ok)

4. Panpritula (--)

5. Kalcia (ok)

6. Karwacek (po 22.00)

7. Myrta (--)

8. Galenros (ok)

9. Kyuubipl (ok)

10. Bartelius

11. Stokrotka (ok)

12. Zjawcia (ok)

13. Rhaegal (ok)

14. Ancover (ok)

15. Maras (--)

16. Tomala (--)

17. Suczka (ok)

18. Draconi (--)

19. Deshter (ok)

20. Samadam (--)

21. Saitou (ok)

(ok) - zaliczone pakty z podstawowymi avatarami.



* Talk to Carbuncle and receive the Rainbow Resonator.

Elemental Avatar Battles

* Defeat the 6 Prime Celestial Avatars at the 6 cloisters.
* As in the Trial by Earth family of quests, the Prime avatars have an elemental TP attack that is a Level 75 meritable Blood Pact.
o These TP attacks ignore Utsusemi and do ~1000 damage unresisted, so keep Barspells and Carol on the tanks (if any) at all times.
o Titan: Geocrush
o Ifrit: Meteor Strike
o Shiva: Heavenly Strike
o Ramuh: Thunderstorm
o Garuda: Wind Blade
o Leviathan: Grand Fall
* The Avatars use their Astral Flow attack at fixed time interval (about 10 minutes), and is independent of the avatars' HP.
* You can either tank the Avatar with Ninjas, or if you have enough Summoners (6 or so), they can kill the avatar by themselves with physical Blood Pacts.
* Nukes of the Avatar's weak element do decent damage, but nukes are better used on the elemental pets.

* The avatars are supported by 4 elementals that share hate with the avatar.
o The elementals will not share hate if you do enough damage on them.
o As well as attacking the players, the elementals cure the avatar with tier IV nukes.
o If killed, an elemental respawns each time the avatar uses its special elemental TP attack (see above).
o The elementals' melee attacks have an added effect of the appropriate debuff of that element.
o The elementals' are weak to melee attacks.
o A good number of Black Mages are important for killing the elementals. 5 -ga III spells of the strong element will take out all of the elementals.

* Defeat the avatar to win.
* Each BCNM will drop a few elemental clusters of the appropriate element after the win and each person will receive the following key items:

Eye of Flames (BCNM Cloister of Falmes)
Eye of Tremors (BCNM Cloister of Tremors)
Eye of Tides (BCNM Cloister of Tides)
Eye of Gales (BCNM Cloister of Gales)
Eye of Frost (BCNM Cloister of Frost)
Eye of Storms (BCNM Cloister of Storms)

Final Battle

* Once you have all 6 key items, proceed to Full Moon Fountain for the final BCNM and one kick butt cut scene.
* Once you defeat this final BCNM (sometimes random avatar weapons (i.e. Ifrit's Bow) will drop upon exit), you will also receive a Faded Ruby (key item).
* battle name: "Waking the Beast", player limit: 18, time limit: 30 minutes.
* The battle at Full Moon Fountain involves fighting Carbuncle Prime.

The sequence for the battle is as such:

1 Carbuncle Prime will appear and will stay until he hits 75% HP, at which point he'll disappear.

In its place a random avatar prime will appear. When he's dead, Carbuncle Prime will appear.

Deplete Carbuncle Prime's HP to 50%, and he'll disappear.

In its place will appear two random avatar primes that have not appeared before. When they're dead, Carbuncle Prime will reappear.

Deplete Carbuncle Prime's HP to 25%, and he'll disappear.

In its place will appear three celestical avatar primes that have not appeared previously. Defeat them and Carbuncle Prime will reappear.

However, this time there will be *5* Carbuncle Primes, with their HP at 25% each.

Defeat these 5 Carbuncles, and the battle will be won. Notice Carbuncles will astral flow (all 5 of them) upon the first prime defeat or their astral flow timer is up (about 1 minute).

* After the battle choose either yes ("Disturber of Slumber" title) or no ("Interrupter of Dreams" title), if you want to give the energy back to the fountain or not.
* Return the Faded Ruby to Carbuncle to finish the quest and receive a Carbuncle's Pole.

Additional Rewards

These items may be dropped during the BC.

Carbuncle's Cuffs
Garuda's Sickle
Ifrit's Bow
Leviathan's Couse
Ramuh's Mace
Shiva's Shotel
Titan's Baselard

Autor:  Vejitta [ 8 wrz 2006, 23:12 ]

Nie-mag sie zglasza^^

Autor:  egoist [ 8 wrz 2006, 23:24 ]


Autor:  coldee1 [ 8 wrz 2006, 23:33 ]


Autor:  Pan_Pritula [ 8 wrz 2006, 23:39 ]

jak <75 da rade to i ja ;]

Autor:  Slayerek [ 8 wrz 2006, 23:40 ]


Autor:  kalcia [ 9 wrz 2006, 00:08 ]


Autor:  karwacek [ 9 wrz 2006, 00:44 ]

Ja sie pisze jak bedzie po 22, chyba ze cos sie zmieni. Moze bede wczesniej. Moge byc jako rezerwowy, ciezko mi powiedziec co bedzie za tydzien.

Autor:  Balrog [ 9 wrz 2006, 02:44 ]

ja, bardzo chetnie

Autor:  Kang [ 9 wrz 2006, 05:44 ]

Count me in.

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 9 wrz 2006, 06:20 ]

Też bym się przeszedł.

Autor:  Bartelius [ 9 wrz 2006, 08:07 ]

Zglaszam sie

Autor:  Scorpio [ 9 wrz 2006, 08:10 ]


Autor:  Duszek [ 9 wrz 2006, 08:15 ]

ja ja ja :D

Autor:  Targaryen [ 9 wrz 2006, 08:15 ]

Mnie też można dopisac :)

Autor:  Elfka [ 9 wrz 2006, 09:00 ]

przejde sie

Autor:  Marass [ 9 wrz 2006, 09:03 ]

To ja tez sie pisze na ta dzidke:D Tomala tez jest chetny!!!

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 9 wrz 2006, 09:07 ]

Swoja droga mam juz item do wejscia na pierwsze walki bo dostałem jak copa robiłem (po tem sie musiałem przez to drugi raz przez pso'xja fatygować :roll: )

Autor:  krzyk [ 9 wrz 2006, 09:07 ]

Zglaszam sie rowniez.


Autor:  Draconi [ 9 wrz 2006, 09:17 ]

ja moglbym sie przejsc, ale nie mam wszystkich summonow wzietych, wiec nie moge isc, chyba ze bedziecie je robic jeszcze jakos przed tymi walkami?

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