Trudne pytanie + ankieta
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Autor:  zet [ 14 wrz 2006, 16:53 ]
Tytuł:  Trudne pytanie + ankieta

Kto jest chętny aby zrobić to:

Trigger zdobywa się tu:
A tu mozna również niezłą kasę zdobyć

Bo ja bym się pisał na: Bahamut's Staff, Xav pewnie nie popłakałby się gdyby dostał Bahamut's Mask ^^

BTW: Kolesie niezle wymiataja...

Autor:  Duszek [ 14 wrz 2006, 16:57 ]

ja chce :D

ale zeby zrobic bahamutha2 trzeba najpierw dostac monarch orb z ouryu cometh a zanim zabijemy ouryu to hmm.. jeszcze troche potrwa ;)

ponadto kazdy kto chce wziac udzial w tej walce musi miec key-item z pierwszej walki z Bahamuthem konczaca ZM i CoP...


Autor:  Lord_Deshter [ 14 wrz 2006, 17:03 ]

Ja chętnie

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 14 wrz 2006, 17:07 ]

Ja. potrzeba mi bahamuta 1 i last verse.

Autor:  swordsman [ 14 wrz 2006, 17:17 ]

sure, mam wsio co trzeba
wyglada na to ze jednak 18to osobowe hmmm wierd....
Maxii robiles to ?

ps. to pytanie o 75lv jest troche smieszne :P

Autor:  Samadam [ 14 wrz 2006, 17:54 ]

Ja tez chce :) Bahamut 1 jednak mi potrzebny. Aaa na to chyba trzeba 'tylko' CoPa skonczyc...

Autor:  Gli2duS [ 14 wrz 2006, 17:56 ]

i'm down on this ^^

Autor:  egoist [ 14 wrz 2006, 18:24 ]

no i tak wipniemy ale proste ze trzeba isc :]

Autor:  zet [ 14 wrz 2006, 18:40 ]

Podobno z Ouryu_Cometh można około 20-30 mil zgarnąć z runu, a to niezła kaska i niezła motywacja do zbobywania triggera :D

Myślę, że warto :D
Myślę też, żę Simi by był wreszcie zadowolony :]

Autor:  Kang [ 14 wrz 2006, 19:04 ]

Oczywiście że chcę :D

Autor:  Slayerek [ 14 wrz 2006, 19:05 ]

zet napisał(a):
Podobno z Ouryu_Cometh można około 20-30 mil zgarnąć z runu, a to niezła kaska i niezła motywacja do zbobywania triggera :D

Myślę, że warto :D
Myślę też, żę Simi by był wreszcie zadowolony :]

ja jestem zawsze zadowolony niezależnie od tego czy moje zachcianki na walki w/z CC na początku wyrzucane do ki*la są po chwili analizowane przez tęgie głowy z CC i jakoś strawiane pomimo identycznego poziomu 'njubostwa czy profesjonalizmu' ludzi z CC podczas najprostrzych czy najtrudniejszych walk w ffxi, gile są tylko nagrodą za skupienie armi 15-20+ osób

Autor:  coldee1 [ 14 wrz 2006, 23:11 ]

w zależnosci od terminu ... ( czy będę w pracy czy nie ) ... pójdę

Autor:  Max' [ 14 wrz 2006, 23:30 ]

swordsman napisał(a):
sure, mam wsio co trzeba
wyglada na to ze jednak 18to osobowe hmmm wierd....
Maxii robiles to ?

Nie robilem ale duzo info na DH jest o tej walce bo robili ja 3 razy i chyba maja z 2 trigery i jakos sie wybrac niemoga... Jedyne co robilem to ouryu w dh... Ale chetnie bym sie skoczyl na bahamuta v2.

PS.Puzniej lukne na forum i wrzuce jakies info a co do ouryu to dropy juz sa duzo mniej warte...

Autor:  Max' [ 15 wrz 2006, 00:23 ]

We made a total of 3 attempts at this BC last time.. and each one was better then the other. Since we had almost no information on this, it was basically all trail and error.

Attempt #1
We got Bahamut to 80% almost instantly because he is no stronger then the first form. He decided to spawn Vrtra as the first wyrm and as you know from previous topics he is the most deadly out of the other wyrms in this BC. We didn't time nuke him so his HP went down fast but he charmed almost all BLM and raped the others using the charmed people. He was at 5%, but he has 1% per second regen so it was impossible to take him down. We gave up and just waited to be kicked out to try again.

Attempt #2
He spawned Ouryu at 80% and this thing is really a push over. He spawns his normal mobs around, but one at time and you should only see one total if you kill him as fast as you should.

At 60% he spawned Tiamat and did his first Gigaflare which we survived. Tiamat was as much of a joke as Ouryu and didn't last longer then 10 seconds. We were so excited to keep going. We continued to get Bahamut down to 40%. He spawned Vrtra again and this time he was more brutal then last time. We got it to 15% and wiped again.

Attempt #3
This attempt was pretty much the winning one except for a small mistake. He spawned Tiamat first.. this time we didnt use Invicible and still raped it, but it wasnt as fast. He followed by spawning Vrtra next. This time we had one more person for damage (a smn) and killed it easily. We were so happy cause Vrtra was our only real threat. We continued to take it to 40% and he spawned Ouryu which we killed fast aswell. It was left to take down Jormungand.. he spawned with Gigaflare.. one tank was already weakened from another one and so another tank died.. this was really no problem. The weakened tank that was asked to voke Jorm and position him made a mistake and kited instead.. we werent able to chainspell stun Jorm cause he kept moving out of range. BLMs managed to get jorm to 40%... he bloodweapon and regen back to 80%.. then BLM got him to 5% and he flailed cause it was hectic. That was the end. If it was executed correctly Jorm would have died easily. We gave up for the night after this one and going to attempt again today.

Now.. for details! These are spoilers so don't read this if you want to find this out yourself.

He is really a joke himself. All his weapon skills hardly do any damage except Flares which you can somewhat avoid. He is just as strong as the one in the first BC so I recommend practicing on him. The only thing you should stun on him is Firaga IV and when tanks are really low or stun Gigaflare if you tanks arn't ready to eat it. If you stun a Flare he will still try to do it again and he builds resist to stun fast so don't use it unless you need it.

Bahamut spawns every 20% a random Wyrm so at 80% 60% 40% and 20%. I would say the order of threat from these wyrms is Vrtra > Jormungand > Ouryu & Tiamat. They all have enough 10,000 HP and can't be slept.

Bahamut uses a Flare every 10%.

90% -> Megaflare
80% -> Megaflare
70% -> Megaflare
60% -> Gigaflare
50% -> Gigaflare
40% -> Gigaflare
30% -> Gigaflare
20% -> Gigaflare
10% -> Gigaflare

And according to a certain LS he does a Terraflare at 1%, but I have no confirmation on this. They say they wiped because he spams it. If this is true I recommend stunning this while BLM zerg him down.

You can Stun his flares, but he will do them once he is unstunned. He will only use one every 10% so you can easily predict it. I recommend having the tank without hate to run away when he says the message before flare cause having both tanks possibly die is not a good idea.

He constantly casts Shell V on himself and the only way to dispel him is RDM/BLM using Pluto/Dark Staff. We tried using RDM/WHM and he got resisted most of the time. You must get this dispelled!

UPDATE: Forgot to mention this.. you can stand away from all AOE and still be in range of Bahamut. No one should be infront of him except tanks because flares one 180% degrees I think infront of him. So if you are far and behind you will be safe. Make your tanks wear as much HP as possible cause Gigaflare can do up to 1500 damage and you have to survive it!

I think thats about it for Bahamut himself.

He is the biggest threat I would have to say. What is so bad about him is he spams Charm as his 2hr and can charm multiple people. I think he can charm about 4 at once, but it might be up to 6. What we did to make this a clean kill is we had a SMN use Garuda on him to take him down a few % then RDM/DRK started Chainspell stun and then BLM time nuked him with Thundaga III. This brought him down to 30-40% I believe and then they followed with Thunder IV. The RDM and PLD both got charmed from hate so enough BLM were standing to finish him. He does spawn his normal pets, but rather slow and they shouldn't be a problem because Thundaga III should kill the only one that pops in the time span it should take to kill Vrtra.

Chainspell stun is recommended for this aswell because he has Paralyze-ga and uses Blood Weapon which gives him a lot of HP back. As long as you chainspell him and time nuke him you will have no problems at all with him.

He is very easy as long as you stun his Firaga and have tank live long enough for the timed nukes to land. There is really nothing special about him besides that. If you want to make this clean then you Invincbile then no one will die at all.

He is probably the easiest one out of all the of the wyrms just like with the real ones. Just make sure you are using Blizzard and not Thunder on him. He might do Break-ga but you can eat it and still live easily. He spawns his normal adds but out of the 2 times he spawned we only saw 1 add each time because we killed him fast, he spawned Earth Elemental second time and Ziryu first time.

As you can see all the wyrms are pretty easy can can be killed with 2 rounds of nukes. All the wyrms spawn in the same spots each time. Most of them are in the same spot, but Tiamat spawns very near entrance.

Autor:  swordsman [ 15 wrz 2006, 11:08 ]

brzmi jak niezly fun ^^:
bez 5 blmow nie podchodzic heh...

Autor:  Max' [ 15 wrz 2006, 15:12 ]

Ta i jak najmniej melee... sami tankowie SMN i BLMi+ WHMi BRDzi i RDMi to najlepszy sklad.

Autor:  Elfka [ 15 wrz 2006, 15:33 ]

Max' napisał(a):
Ta i jak najmniej melee... sami tankowie SMN i BLMi+ WHMi BRDzi i RDMi to najlepszy sklad.

spox :D na CC akurat takowych nie brakuje :lol:

na powaznie, moze by sie i zebralo, ale bez pomocy z zewnatrz ja nie widze armii SMNrow, BLMow i BRDow

na CC mamy:
WHMow- 6 <Suczek, Cold, Deshter, Pitia, Zetoriush, Anc)
BRDow - 4 <Draconi, Naif, Maxii, Drakant?>
RDMow - 6 <Kalcia, Stokrotka, Maxii, Gokulo, Lesiu, Naif)
BLMow - 4 <Simi, Saitou, Panpritula73lvl, Sonoman70lvl..)
Tnkow - 7 <Rhaegal, Zjawcia, Saitou, Lesiu, Kyuu, Xavery, Glizdus>
SMNrow - 2 <Zetoriush, Maxii?lvl>

nie da sie nie zauwazyc dublowania osob w jobach

tez wymienilam rozdzielczosc kolo 70-75lvl, jak kogos pominelam poprawcie
tez nie wiem czy nie pownni byc DRKowie?

nad tym wypadem tzreba poglowkowac...

Autor:  Max' [ 15 wrz 2006, 15:52 ]

Hehe mi sie wydaje ze najlepszy sklad to:
Tank PT:
w ostatnim PT z 2-3 SMN lub BLM, RDM/DRK, NIN/WAR i PLD
No w sumie to moznaby wzglednic z jednego WHM wiecej zamiast jednego BLMa+dobra taktyka i w takim skladzie moznaby ubic tego bahamuta #2.

Autor:  ksawery [ 16 wrz 2006, 04:05 ]

Zanim zabierzemy sie za bahamuta... trzeba ubic Ouryu... i to nie raz a 2-3 razy. Do tego trzeba 2 PLD z dobrym equipem. Glizd potrzebuje etherael earringa... czyli CoPa, bez tego dupa.

Autor:  Max' [ 16 wrz 2006, 08:24 ]

Po co PLDyni jak to robilem w DH to NINowie tankowali ouryu jedyny PLD mial subnietego /NINa i w sumie tez tankowal ale glwnie NINowie tankowali...

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