Accounts Banned (Jan. 25)
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Autor:  mrynar [ 25 sty 2007, 14:55 ]
Tytuł:  Accounts Banned (Jan. 25)

We would like to report the termination today of multiple accounts held by players involved in the usage of third-party tools or cheats, or engaged in RMT (Real Money Trading) activities.

Over 6,100 accounts were permanently banned due to terms of service violations. Details of the violations are as follows:

- Usage of tools that allow enhanced character movement.
Approx. 2,300 cases

- Usage of tools that circumvent game mechanics with respect to the timing of ability use, etc. in certain areas or at points where Notorious Monsters appear.
Approx. 850 cases

- Accounts from people that were previously confirmed to have RMT connections, or that had violated the user agreements but re-subscribed to PlayOnline.
Approx. 1,850 cases

- RMT-related activity
Approx. 1,100 cases

The termination of these accounts has led to the removal of approximately 17.2 billion gil from circulation.

We would like to remind players that as well as adversely affecting game balance, the use of third-party tools or cheats can also have consequences that are not immediately obvious, such as introducing damaging viruses, and comprising the security of private account details. Usage of third-party tools will not be tolerated within FINAL FANTASY XI, and we will continue to severely penalize any players found to be in violation of the PlayOnline Member Agreement.

We would also like to announce that the issue where players could illegally obtain gil through the Quest "An Explorer's Footsteps" has been fixed as of the maintenance work that was carried out on Jan. 16th. We have also taken action against any accounts that were confirmed to have participated in illegal acts related to this issue.

As we continue to ensure a fun and balanced environment for FINAL FANTASY XI, we hope that our players enjoy the game as it was intended and take care to avoid involvement in activities that violate the PlayOnline Member Agreement.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding.

Autor:  Sidagel [ 25 sty 2007, 15:02 ]

ciekawe czy kogos zamkneli za windowera:)

Autor:  Huckster [ 25 sty 2007, 17:19 ]

Ja mam wrażenie, że od kilku update'ów z informacjami, że zamykają konta wyraźnie podają o jakiego rodzaju aktywności chodzi.

I nigdzie nie jest napisane - "używanie programów służących do grania w oknie" - wszędzie są definicje JAKICH 3rd party programs dane osoby używały (głównie do skakania po mapie i claim boty).

Autor:  Kret_polny [ 25 sty 2007, 17:30 ]

Widzę, że SE się ostro wzięło za skill-up banningu. ;)

Przynajmniej ceny itemków wydają się być teraz bardziej znośnie...

Autor:  mrynar [ 25 sty 2007, 17:49 ]

Tu sie spokojnie windowerek miesci:

- Accounts from people that were previously confirmed to have RMT connections, or that had violated the user agreements but re-subscribed to PlayOnline.
Approx. 1,850 cases

ale tez uwazam, ze trzeba miec pecha zeby dostac bana za czystego windowera. SE na 100% na takie osoby nie poluje.

Autor:  Duszek [ 25 sty 2007, 17:52 ]

SE banning skill raises 0,1? :P

Autor:  mrynar [ 25 sty 2007, 19:18 ]

pierwszy raz sie nie ciesze z banow...

Autor:  Sonoman [ 25 sty 2007, 19:50 ]

ktoś znajomy bana dostał?

Autor:  karwacek [ 25 sty 2007, 19:54 ]

To ze nie bedzie Denona mnie cieszy i to bardzo. Reszta juz nie tak bardzo. Najbardziej i tak szkoda monet. :cry:

Autor:  Sonoman [ 25 sty 2007, 19:56 ]

Jakzwykle nic niewiem, musze czesciej na pixies zagladac :roll:

Autor:  Vejitta [ 25 sty 2007, 20:07 ]

Denon, Dexy i Gohan prawdopodobnie polecieli :/

Autor:  Shinji [ 25 sty 2007, 20:09 ]

Sono - Denon, Dexy, Rince, Gohan - Perma ban ... nic dodac, nic ujac. Liderzy pokazuja "podopiecznym" jak nie nalezy korzystac z "pomocy"...

Autor:  egoist [ 25 sty 2007, 20:15 ]

nie wiem co to bedzie teraz osobiscie bez dexy i denona

Autor:  ksawery [ 25 sty 2007, 20:16 ]

A co ma byc?

Autor:  Sonoman [ 25 sty 2007, 20:16 ]

No własnie przeczytałem dokładnie na stronce pixies.
Kar ja bardzo załuje że polecieli (dexy i gohan jeszcze niewiadomo czy nastałe z tego co wyczytałem) te osoby były naprawde ok, ucieszyłbym jak by wyjeb**i 3 inne osoby :P

Ps. Ta animacja we flashu denona zajebista jest :D
Tu jest link bo niekażdy może zobaczyć na forum:

Autor:  egoist [ 25 sty 2007, 20:17 ]

no najaktywniejsi sackholderzy

Autor:  Shinji [ 25 sty 2007, 21:01 ]

Ostatecznie dowiemy sie w niedziele, GMi pewnie dostawali tyle telefonow, ze kazdemu interesantowi mowili, ze ma perma bana ....

Autor:  Lord_Deshter [ 25 sty 2007, 21:03 ]

Pomijając to, że i tak są do dupy :P

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