ProtoLimbus / Limbus Beta
Poniedzialek 20:00
Czwartek 21:00
1. Ayperor BLM
2. Bekisa WHM, SMN
3. Bobbydigital PLD
4. Bluntz RDM
5. Coldee WHM
6. Enoikos RNG, THF, BLM (czwartki)
7. Espeon WHM, BRD (czwartki)
8. Kalcia RDM
9. Kyuubipl NIN
10. Maxii RDM, BRD
11. Murzade WHM
12. Naif WAR
13. Palis RNG, BLM
14. Saitou BLM, THF
15. Samadam DRK
16. Simiurg BLM
17. Taruhealingwind BRD, RNG
18. Tomala MNK
19. Bekisa WHM
20. Syntax WAR
ProtoLimbus GuildPortal -
Info na temat Limbusa -
Tabele z punktami: ... 3125a969d1 provided by Maxii provided by Vejitta
Rules: (nie chce mi sie tlumaczyc:P)
The way the coins are distributed:
On the runs coins are loted by one of the leaders (Maxii, Vejitta, Kalcia or Coldee). After each limbus we divide the number of coins by the number of people participating that run (f.e. 20coins : 6 people = 2,5 coins for one participant) and we write that in the excel table. Coins share is also threaten as your activity in group.
You can take coins only when you are on plus and respectively:
-on AF upgrade (if you have items that are needed for AF upgrade/your debt can be no more than 20 coins)
-for an item (your debt can't be no more than 50 coins)
-for sell (u can only take as many coins as u have)
The way the AF upgrade items are lotted:
You can lot on every item that is necessary for you AF upgrade if you have that AF and if you have proper level to wear upgraded AF. Lotting system depends on your activity. Activity decides who has precedence on lotting particular items.
New members:
All new members are in trial period. The lenght of the trial period is 10 runs. After that the leaders make a vote about that member trial period and depending on their decison the trial period can be longer or he becomes a full member of the limbus team.
Members on trial:
- can lot on AF upgrade items on the very same rules as full members
- can't make debts in coins bank (they can only get as much as they have earned on the runs)
- can't lot on Ultima/Omega items unless some special circumstances occure
Leaving members:
You can leave our limbus group anytime, just inform us at least two runs before. And:
- if you have coins in plus while leaving our group you will get your share; yet, you will have to wait at least two runs, before we will be able to give them to you;
- if you have coins in minus and decide to leave... well... you are an asshole =P
Proto-Omega/Proto-Ultima Rules:
Members on trail can't lot on items from Omega and Ultima unless some special circumstances occure.
Priority to lot on items dropped from each boss:
a) right job and lvl to equip that part
b) priority job
c) if there is more than one person that wants to lot attendance will be considered durning that time
For example:
Nashira seraweels: job priority RDM.
First RDMs can lot, since they are first on priority list for this item.
Now attendence is the thing. Maxii is more active than Kalcia, so he lots first, next Nashira Seraweels will go to Kalcia.
After all of the ppl with priority job have the item, another job can lot it.
Omega >
- Homam Corazza (Omega's Heart) - THF > DRK > DRG > PLD > BLU
- Homam Cosciales (Omega's Hind Leg) - DRK > PLD > BLU > DRG > THF
- Homam Gambieras (Omega's Tail) - DRG > DRK > THF > PLD > BLU
- Homam Manopolas (Omega's Foreleg) - PLD > DRK > DRG > THF > BLU
- Homam Zucchetto (Omega's Eye) - BLU > DRK > PLD > DRG > THF
Ultima >
- Nashira Crackows (Ultima's Tail) - BLM > SMN > RDM > BLU > WHM
- Nashira Gages (Ultima's Claw) - SMN > RDM > BLM > BLU > WHM
- Nashira Manteel (Ultima's Heart) - BLM > WHM > RDM > BLU > SMN
- Nashira Seraweels (Ultima's Leg) - RDM > WHM > BLM > BLU > SMN
- Nashira Turban (Ultima's Cerebrum) - BLM > WHM > RDM > BLU > SMN
All ppl that did lot on certain item need to pay 15 coins for it.
Those 15 coins will be distributed between all of those ppl that came and couldn't lot (and at the same time didn't want to lot, because they can't wear certain armour or because they already have everything they want, members on trail also get their share). This way some of money spent on medcine can be returned.
Aktualnie posiadane chipy:
NW -
NE - Vejitta
SW -
SE -
W - Vejitta
C1 - Maxii
E - Maxii, Simiurg, Kalcia
C2 -
N -
C3 - Maxii