!!!! Nowy wywiad z SE - 06/03/2007 - Bercus - czytajcie!!!
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Autor:  Huckster [ 7 mar 2007, 10:19 ]
Tytuł:  !!!! Nowy wywiad z SE - 06/03/2007 - Bercus - czytajcie!!!

Nie będę przeklejał treści - sami zobaczcie:

Here's a quick summary:
Server immigration:
-imminent, wait for more details

Games involving characters/settings from other Square games

Inventory/storage improvements
-only in the form of moogle locker / storage npc for now

-looking into it

Changing timers on kings
Moving kings to battlefields
Improving drop rates
Adding alternative methods to getting king items

Adding weapons better/equivalent to ridill
-we think you overemphasize the importance of ridill

Ulli changes
-looking into it

Al'taieu changes
-we have plans

Virtue stone quivers

Adding new battlefields
-probably later

Adding abj/king items to KS99s

Stackable/non-EX orbs for battlefields

Why is hydra gear such shit?
-it's not "shit", it just has a unique flavoring remarkably like dung. You should savor the taste! Oh, we might add better items if people bitch enough.

Improve the coin drop rate in Dreamworld Dynamis
-totally misses the point

Instanced limbus/dynamis
-maybe later

Beastmasters suck in sea
-by design (lolbst)

Beastmaster jugs suck
-"call beast" improvements are in the works.

Add better items to grand wyrms

Tell us more about hqing crafts

Autor:  egoist [ 7 mar 2007, 10:41 ]

Why is hydra gear such shit?
-it's not "shit", it just has a unique flavoring remarkably like dung. You should savor the taste! Oh, we might add better items if people bitch enough.

całe se. no to tyle jezeli chodzi o moje nadzieje zwiazane z assaultem rowniez. kurwa jak ja ich ninawidze

Autor:  mrynar [ 7 mar 2007, 10:53 ]

Jak zawsze w takich wywiadach minimum informacji.

Cieszy szansa na wiekszy mog-locker i to ze mysla o zmianie popu Ullika.

Autor:  Vejitta [ 7 mar 2007, 10:56 ]

Przejrzalem tylko konspekt Hucka (pracapracapracapraca @_@).

Generalnie dowiedzielismy sie ze nic sie nie zmieni i ze przeceniamy wartosc Ridilla (LOL) + 'maybe' dodadza alternatywne metody zdobywania king itemkow. Czyli na pewno nie beda one dostepne z Nyzul Isle.
Jedyne co mnie zainteresowalo to zmiany w {sea}, choc zwazywszy na to jakie cisnienie w Pixies jest na ten region, nie ma sie co podniecac...

Autor:  egoist [ 7 mar 2007, 11:05 ]

Considering this real pleasure in RPGs, we are not planning to make changes as you mentioned. Nevertheless, for those HNMs whose items have become “too” popular which causes unwelcome confusion, we are planning to make various changes with the next version updates. For example, the introduction of some new methods to obtain these items.

New Assault???????????

oh czyli jednak chyba tak;p to cytat z oryginalnego wywiadu

Autor:  Slayerek [ 7 mar 2007, 11:11 ]

Are there any plans to add weapons equivilant or better than the Ridill sword dropped by the 21-24 hour NM Fafnir? Are any equivilant weapons going to be added that can be utilized by other jobs, as Ridills are primarily used only by Warriors?

It is true that the Ridill sword is a very good item since it has a high DMG rate and you have the ability to attack several times. However, it is only good for Attackers.

We believes that “What is important” or “How to take a more active part in the battle” really depends on the job. For example, Hauteclaire, which has been added with the December ’06 version update, could be a good equipment for Paladins.

Considering each job’s specificity and the general balance, we are willing to add items which might also have some unique aspects so you can enjoy FINAL FANTASY XI even more.

1 genialny wniosek SE : "However, it is only good for Attackers."
2 genialny wniosek SE: "For example, Hauteclaire, which has been added with the December ’06 version update, could be a good equipment for Paladins. "

jak dla mnie dla SE concept i world design jest ważniejszy od fun'u jaki może z tego wyniknąć dla prostych graczy którzy być może nigdy nie bedą mieć szans na zdobycie sprzętu o którym marzy większość endendgameowców, wielkim sukcesem SE jest to że mnóstwo ludzi bawi się kilkoma lub kilkunastoma jobami na lowendzie i dzięki temu "traci" czas i nie robi konkurencji hnmom i innym gadom w sea czy sky, wg mnie najlepiej dla SE byłoby wtedy gdyby nikt nie chodził na żadne hnmy, wtedy balans byłby zachowany

"I don't expect much from SE and FFXI anymore just because they let me down every time I expected big things. The interview just shows me how much they don't know about their own game and how they don't understand their own playerbase. I really think they need to step it up quite a few notches and maybe this new dungeon theme will help unless its extremely full of gimmicks."
niektórzy ludzie nie potrafią docenić subtelnych gestów japończyków :o

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