Egg Hunt Egg-stravagana! (02/04/2007)
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Autor:  Duszek [ 2 kwi 2007, 10:56 ]
Tytuł:  Egg Hunt Egg-stravagana! (02/04/2007)

Egg Hunt Egg-stravagana! (02/04/2007)

The Egg Hunt Egg Hunt Egg-stravagana is a yearly event where adventurers collect special items known as "initial eggs" and try to form various combinations of letters.

Every port of Vana'diel is abuzz with rumors of the new prizes being offered during this year's event. One of these prizes is the curious "egg helm." Crafted by the finest goldsmiths, these helmets were commissioned by renowned gourmand Royaulais Chalaimbille II, Twelfth King of San d'Oria. They were created for the sole purpose of properly equipping his "Soft-boiled Knights" as they quested for the most delectable eggs in the kingdom.
The second prize is rumored to be the exquisite "jeweled egg," a scintillating masterpiece crafted with the most advanced refraction techniques the Grand Duchy of Jeuno has to offer.

Recreate the egg hunts of the past with your own band of soft-boiled knights and see how many letter combinations you can make!

Before you know it, you too could be standing proud--or at least standing--with your very own egg helm!

How to Play
1. Collect Initial Eggs!
During the Egg Hunt, adventurers can receive a random initial egg from the festival moogles once every Vana'diel day. If you are in a party when speaking with a moogle, it is possible to choose an initial egg inscribed with the first letter of a party member's name. And if that party member happens to be wearing an egg helm…

*Newly created characters must wait at least one Vana'diel day before they can receive an initial egg.

And for those who just can't get enough…
Try trading any type of "egg" to a moogle. Once every Vana'diel day, you might find that the moogles will gift you with an initial egg in exchange for a "normal" egg.

2. Make a "First 3" Combination!
First of all, try collecting the initial eggs required to make a "First 3" combination. Once you have the eggs you need, trade them to a moogle to receive your prize!

First 3: Collect the first three letters of your character's name
For egg-sample, a character with the name of "Moogle" would need to collect one [M], and two [O] initial eggs.

3. Take it to the Next Level!
Once you've made a First 3, why not try something more difficult, like an "Initial Straight 8", or a "7 of a Kind"?
And for those of you who are looking for a real challenge, try discovering different, more egg-citing combinations. Maybe you'll find the right combination to take home the coveted "jeweled egg"!
*Don't forget that you'll have to trade in a "First 3" before you can trade in any other combos. Think of it as a sort of preliminary test!

Initial Straight 8: The first letter of your character's name, followed by the next seven letters in the alphabet
For egg-sample, a character with the name of "Moogle" would need an [M], as well as an [N], [O], [P], [Q], [R], [S], and [T].

7 of a Kind: Seven initial eggs with the same letter
For egg-sample, you could choose to collect seven [A] initial eggs.

The moogles are usually egg-stremely reluctant to give out any of their classified information, but maybe if you are persistent enough, one will let you in on a secret or two! Make it a point to talk to them as often as possible!

Event Details
This event is scheduled to commence on April 2, 2007 at 01:00,and will last until April 16, 2007 at 01:00 (PDT).

Event Locations

You will be able to find the moogles and all the festival fun for the Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza in the following areas:

Southern San d'Oria
Northern San d'Oria
Bastok Mines
Bastok Markets
Windurst Woods
Windurst Waters

Autor:  Duszek [ 2 kwi 2007, 10:57 ]

jak ktos znajdzie info za jakie kombinacje liter dostaje sie egg helm i jeweled egg - dajcie znac :)

Autor:  Sidagel [ 2 kwi 2007, 11:55 ]

Bleee tylko dwa jajka na godzine;(

Autor:  Huckster [ 2 kwi 2007, 13:06 ]


Autor:  Bartelius [ 2 kwi 2007, 13:58 ]

ja mam 16 na godzine :)

Autor:  Sidagel [ 2 kwi 2007, 13:59 ]

Bartelius napisał(a):
ja mam 16 na godzine :)


Autor:  Pan_Pritula [ 2 kwi 2007, 14:14 ]

alty ?

Autor:  Bartelius [ 2 kwi 2007, 14:18 ]

15 altow ;)

Autor:  Duszek [ 2 kwi 2007, 14:59 ]

huck - wiem co daje ten egg helm, znajdz mi jakie litery trzeba oddac zeby go dostac :P

Autor:  Huckster [ 2 kwi 2007, 15:02 ]

F, U, C, K, S, E.


Autor:  Bartelius [ 2 kwi 2007, 15:10 ]

Duszek napisał(a):
huck - wiem co daje ten egg helm, znajdz mi jakie litery trzeba oddac zeby go dostac :P
Zja czytalas to co zamiescilas w Topicu? :D pierwsze 3 litery Swojego imienia "Z""J""A", pozniej mozesz jeszcze 8 liter pod rzad z alfabetu zaczynajac od Twojej pierwszej czyli "Z" "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G". Jest jeszcze takie cus ze mozesz zaniesc 7 liter takich samych np. 7xA. Helmik jest juz za te 3 literki pierwsze z nazwy postaci. Wszystko to jest napisane w tym co zamiescilas XD

Autor:  Bartelius [ 2 kwi 2007, 16:12 ]

R,V,W,G,I,J mi brakuje do calego alfabetu ^^

Edit: jest "I" ^^

Autor:  Sidagel [ 2 kwi 2007, 16:25 ]

Kurde podoba mi się ten event:P

Autor:  Huckster [ 2 kwi 2007, 16:30 ]

Bartelius napisał(a):
Duszek napisał(a):
huck - wiem co daje ten egg helm, znajdz mi jakie litery trzeba oddac zeby go dostac :P
Zja czytalas to co zamiescilas w Topicu? :D pierwsze 3 litery Swojego imienia "Z""J""A", pozniej mozesz jeszcze 8 liter pod rzad z alfabetu zaczynajac od Twojej pierwszej czyli "Z" "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G". Jest jeszcze takie cus ze mozesz zaniesc 7 liter takich samych np. 7xA. Helmik jest juz za te 3 literki pierwsze z nazwy postaci. Wszystko to jest napisane w tym co zamiescilas XD

Masz jajowy kask Bart?

Autor:  Bartelius [ 2 kwi 2007, 16:34 ]

Huckster napisał(a):

Masz jajowy kask Bart?

Jeszcze nie narazie zbieram jajka, poza tym jest taki problem ze nie da sie tego wysylac, wiec najpierw zamierzam zebrac, a pozanij z kims razem (tradujac) przezuce na 1 postac. Na szczescie 12/15 altow mam w bastok ^^

Autor:  coldee1 [ 2 kwi 2007, 17:28 ]

ja juz mam kask .... C O L

a za C D E F G H I śjakiś śmieszny Clear drop

Autor:  Bartelius [ 2 kwi 2007, 17:42 ]

coldee1 napisał(a):
ja juz mam kask .... C O L
tez juz mam, brakuje mi g do 8 z rzedu i mam kilka literem po 5 sztuk juz.

Autor:  coldee1 [ 2 kwi 2007, 18:06 ]

co jest za 7 pierwszych liter Nicka ??

Autor:  kamilus [ 2 kwi 2007, 18:43 ]

8, a nie 7...
Happy Egg

Autor:  Bartelius [ 2 kwi 2007, 19:41 ]

Ok ja juz mam brakuje tylko jeweled egg ale jeszcze nie wiadomo jakie combo na to jest.

Na moim przykladzie

A B C D E F G H - happy egg
7x dowolna litera - fortune egg
A T O - egg helm
???????????- jeweled egg

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