The 7th Vana'diel Census (06/27/2007)
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Autor:  Huckster [ 27 cze 2007, 12:42 ]
Tytuł:  The 7th Vana'diel Census (06/27/2007)

Welcome to the 7th edition of the Vana'diel Census!

All the rankings from the previous year are here, such as the most popular main job/support job combinations and auction house goods. This year we have also introduced some new statistical data, including charts that provide an insight into the overall level of progression in the three expansion disc storyline missions.

What fascinating new trends will we witness with the release of the latest expansion disc "Wings of the Goddess"?

Click here to explore the 7th Vana'diel Census.

SUPER RZECZ!!!! ... index.html

Autor:  Zangetsukun [ 27 cze 2007, 12:53 ]

WooT Ancient Flames Beckon 47.55%!?!?!? Tyle ludzi nie ruszylo wogole CoPa?

Autor:  Lothlorien [ 27 cze 2007, 16:02 ]

Najbardziej mnie ciekawiły joby, przyznam. Widać, że magowie to znaczny procent jobów...whm... rdm (sie nie dziwię).

Pup i Cor 1%... co pokazuje jak się nowe joby spodobały lol.

Autor:  Duszek [ 2 lip 2007, 15:32 ]

:o tylko 10% graczy ma level 70+?

Autor:  kamilus [ 2 lip 2007, 15:37 ]

Pewnie biorą pod uwagę mule...

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