New Assault Missions and Mercenary Rank (08/07/2007)
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Autor:  Huckster [ 7 sie 2007, 11:17 ]
Tytuł:  New Assault Missions and Mercenary Rank (08/07/2007)

In the upcoming version update, we will be adding a new promotion quest to unlock the next mercenary rank, as well as a series of exciting assault missions.

New Mercenary Rank
The mercenary rank of "First Lieutenant" will be awarded to players who survive the grueling trials put forth by the hard-nosed drill sergeant, Rongelouts. Do you have what it takes, maggot?

New Assault Missions

Five new missions await players who have achieved the rank of First Lieutenant.
Here's a sneak preview of what lies in store:

Bloody Rondo
Mission Orders: After years of quietly defying Imperial rule, the recluse Count Dracula has recently begun preparations for an assault on Al Zahbi. Infiltrate the Leujoam Sanctum, locate the count, and slay him before he can execute his plans.

The Susanoo Shuffle
Mission Orders: In an attempt to strengthen their bonds with the Mamool Ja, an eastern nation has provided the beastmen with a new biologically engineered hydra hybrid known as Orochi. You are to infiltrate the training grounds and eliminate the new threat.

Autor:  Vejitta [ 7 sie 2007, 12:19 ]

Hydra i Vampyr do zabicia :D

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 7 sie 2007, 13:34 ]

Yay Drill Sergant wersja 2! XD

Autor:  Huckster [ 7 sie 2007, 14:16 ]

Trzeba będzie zrobić bufor 25/25 na Second Lieutenant, żeby po updacie machnąć Promotion Quest :)

Na razie mam 23/25 SM > CS (mam nadzieję, że w czwartek zrobię Promo quest na CS).

Nawet stronkę naszego statika mamy: ... ID=1670972


Autor:  Vejitta [ 7 sie 2007, 14:39 ]

Tylko jeden rotten quiver? {Too weak.} ;)

Autor:  Targaryen [ 7 sie 2007, 16:57 ]

Ekstra, trzeba machnąć jak Desio i Kalcia wrócą rundę SL a potem być gotowym na FL i konkretne walki. Btw nie napisali, że to ostatni rank tylko kolejny. Hmmm :)

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 7 sie 2007, 17:12 ]

No i ciekawe jakie itemy za IS :P

Autor:  Vejitta [ 7 sie 2007, 19:43 ]

Kyuubi napisał(a):
No i ciekawe jakie itemy za IS :P

Mam nadzieje ze lipne jakies >.> Wszystkie ISy wydalem na Perdu.

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 7 sie 2007, 20:08 ]

Vejitta napisał(a):
Kyuubi napisał(a):
No i ciekawe jakie itemy za IS :P

Mam nadzieje ze lipne jakies >.> Wszystkie ISy wydalem na Perdu.

Ta? Ja dalej na drugie perdu zbieram ^^:;;

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