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Posty: 447
Dołączył(a): 19.12.2004
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2007, 17:13 
Ma juz ktos nowy dodatek?
Chcialem zapytac jak to u was bylo/jest z rejestracja.
Serwy zawalone - non stop error.

Da cos spamowanie <Retry> w PlayOnline?
Czy mam sobie odpuscic i zaczekac az sie ludzie uspokoja?


.oO°Oo. Gizmos: Elvaan .oO°Oo.
RDM 75 | BLM 75
Bastok/Windurst/SanD'Oria: Rank 10 | ZM: Done | CoP: Done | ToAU: Done | WotG: 3 | Assault: C

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 15620
Dołączył(a): 27.08.2005
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2007, 17:18 
Odpowiedz proszę na PW ^^

ciemny lud to kupi
Deshroom napisał(a):
jeszcze mnie lewy kciuk boli od biegania


Posty: 157
Dołączył(a): 12.11.2007
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2007, 17:27 
ja spamowalem retry...i po 2 godzinach ...sie udalo...



Posty: 447
Dołączył(a): 19.12.2004
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2007, 17:42 
Dzieki Homer - ja tez juz prawie 2h siedze :]

.oO°Oo. Gizmos: Elvaan .oO°Oo.
RDM 75 | BLM 75
Bastok/Windurst/SanD'Oria: Rank 10 | ZM: Done | CoP: Done | ToAU: Done | WotG: 3 | Assault: C


Posty: 157
Dołączył(a): 12.11.2007
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2007, 17:54 
Gizmos napisał(a):
Dzieki Homer - ja tez juz prawie 2h siedze :]

Twoja cierpliwosc napewno zostanie wynagrodzona ^^




Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2007, 18:05 
Dajcie znać czy to działa!!!

Hey all, this is how I got to register my wotg. It will not be easy and will take patience. When you do the speedy wotg banner to get to the register screen, you will have that network error message pop up ALOT.. more then you may like.. However I kept hitting retry for hours. Sometimes however, it will load part of it. Like the background. I learned whatever you do, do not exit from that membership background part and just keep retrying. Like a webpage with a unfinished loading picture. It will try to resume its loading. Till finally I got to the register code screen.

After you type in the code, you will probably see more network errors. However luckily it does not invalidate the entered code! So meaning you are now on the final stretch! Till finally I was able to see the lovely confirm screen saying I was registered. =D

So just a tip to anyone who is cursing the servers and wanted a idea that may help them out. Just keep retrying as it loads parts of the form up till finally it clicks. If you exit that screen or so, you may wait longer for them to reload it seems. Good luck! =D



Posty: 157
Dołączył(a): 12.11.2007
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2007, 18:09 
zet napisał(a):
Dajcie znać czy to działa!!!

Hey all, this is how I got to register my wotg. It will not be easy and will take patience. When you do the speedy wotg banner to get to the register screen, you will have that network error message pop up ALOT.. more then you may like.. However I kept hitting retry for hours. Sometimes however, it will load part of it. Like the background. I learned whatever you do, do not exit from that membership background part and just keep retrying. Like a webpage with a unfinished loading picture. It will try to resume its loading. Till finally I got to the register code screen.

After you type in the code, you will probably see more network errors. However luckily it does not invalidate the entered code! So meaning you are now on the final stretch! Till finally I was able to see the lovely confirm screen saying I was registered. =D

So just a tip to anyone who is cursing the servers and wanted a idea that may help them out. Just keep retrying as it loads parts of the form up till finally it clicks. If you exit that screen or so, you may wait longer for them to reload it seems. Good luck! =D

dokladnie tak robilem



Posty: 447
Dołączył(a): 19.12.2004
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2007, 20:10 
LOL - czytajac post Zeta zaladowal mi sie ten screen niedokonczony (po 4h) - bede klikal dalej :D juz polowa sukcesu

.oO°Oo. Gizmos: Elvaan .oO°Oo.
RDM 75 | BLM 75
Bastok/Windurst/SanD'Oria: Rank 10 | ZM: Done | CoP: Done | ToAU: Done | WotG: 3 | Assault: C


Posty: 447
Dołączył(a): 19.12.2004
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2007, 22:53 
7h+ spamowania <Retry> ............ poddaje sie.... SE wins...... congratulations MoFo's :(

.oO°Oo. Gizmos: Elvaan .oO°Oo.
RDM 75 | BLM 75
Bastok/Windurst/SanD'Oria: Rank 10 | ZM: Done | CoP: Done | ToAU: Done | WotG: 3 | Assault: C


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2007, 08:09 
Registration Server Congestion (Nov. 21): Follow-up 5

We would like to take this opportunity to update everyone on the status of the registration server congestion that began with the opening of service for "Wings of the Goddess."

As of Nov. 22, a counter plan was enacted to cease certain registration server functions in order to divert more resources to the registering of the new expansion, but we still have yet to see a significant improvement. Even now, we are still experiencing a congestion due to heavy traffic.

Our staff continues to keep an eye on the situation and is working to resolve this issue.

New updates will follow as additional information becomes available.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and we thank you for your continuing support.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 1818
Dołączył(a): 24.04.2005
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2007, 08:22 
"nowy dodatek zaskoczył servery SE" prawie jak "Zima zaskoczyła drogowców" :P

Planetside 2: Vanu
Final Fantasy XIV: Bogusz Skyserpent [Moogle]


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2007, 10:51 
"Registration Server Emergency Maintenance (Nov. 24)

At the following time, we will be performing PlayOnline registration server emergency maintenance. During this period, along with the registration of Wings of the Goddess expansion pack, following services will be unavailable.

- Register or unsubscribe PlayOnline accounts
- Review or update member information
- Review, purchase, cancel, or reactivate Content IDs
- Purchase expansion pack registration code
- Apply for World Transfer service
- Apply for the Return Home to Vana'diel campaign
- Register campaign codes

Thank you for your patience.

[Date & Time]
Nov. 24, 2007 from 2:00 to 4:00 (PDT)
* Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]

dzisiaj 11:00 - 13:00

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2007, 12:51 
Registration Server Emergency Maintenance Extension

PlayOnline registration server emergency maintenance being conducted right now will be extended until Nov. 24, 2007 5:00 (PST).

We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Date & Time]
Nov. 24, 2007 2:00 to 5:00 (PST)
*Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]
PlayOnline 14:00

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2007, 14:28 
i dupa.

ciągle nie działa.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80


Posty: 447
Dołączył(a): 19.12.2004
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2007, 14:41 
nom, u mnie to samo....

.oO°Oo. Gizmos: Elvaan .oO°Oo.
RDM 75 | BLM 75
Bastok/Windurst/SanD'Oria: Rank 10 | ZM: Done | CoP: Done | ToAU: Done | WotG: 3 | Assault: C


Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2007, 15:43 


w sumie ok 40 minut klikania

timeout jest co 22-23 sekundy - co 10-15 razy "wchodzi" dalej ale nie zawsze przechodzi do następnej fazy.

Fazy to:
1. normalny screen z napisem "Play" i przyciskiem "Wings of the goddess" registration
2. szary albo czerwony screen gdzie czasami się zapala znaczek kluczyka
3. ekran logowania - podaje sie PlayOnlineID, hasło i zapamiętuje hasło (click!)
4. ekran podania klucza (działa ctrl-c/v)
5. ekran z potwierdzeniem - ten co u góry

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 2282
Dołączył(a): 24.10.2004
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2007, 16:55 
przeciez to jest paranoja , kurwa .... siedziec i patrzec na jebniete menu ....

kilkac na okraglo ... PUSH THE BUTTON ...... jeszcze pare minut i bede gryzl ......


Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 15620
Dołączył(a): 27.08.2005
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2007, 17:03 
Daj mi swój kod, ja Ci dam swój w pon/wtorek... chętnie sobie poklikam żeby mieć szybciej dodatek :lol: ;)

ciemny lud to kupi
Deshroom napisał(a):
jeszcze mnie lewy kciuk boli od biegania


Posty: 447
Dołączył(a): 19.12.2004
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2007, 17:25 
Onry 11h spamowania <retry> :D

.oO°Oo. Gizmos: Elvaan .oO°Oo.
RDM 75 | BLM 75
Bastok/Windurst/SanD'Oria: Rank 10 | ZM: Done | CoP: Done | ToAU: Done | WotG: 3 | Assault: C

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 1640
Dołączył(a): 11.06.2005
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2007, 17:56 
Żartujesz no nie?


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