Hucksterowe kopanie
Strona 1 z 3

Autor:  Huckster [ 19 lis 2007, 20:33 ]
Tytuł:  Hucksterowe kopanie

Nowe Title (spoilery)
  • Sprightly★Star
  • Sagacious★Star
  • Schultz Scholar
  • Knight of the Iron Ram
  • Fourth Division Soldier
  • Cobra Unit Mercenary
  • Windtalker
  • Lady Killer
  • Troupe Brilioth Dancer
  • Cait Sith's Assistant <- !
  • Ajido-Marujido's Minder
  • Sandworm Wrangler <- nowy HNM
  • Fishmonger Owner
  • Armory Owner
  • Jewelry Store Owner
  • Boutique Owner
  • Apothecary Owner
  • Curiosity Shop Owner
  • Shoeshop Owner
  • Restaurant Owner

Nowe obszary
  • Bastok Markets [S]
  • Batallia Downs [S]
  • Beadeaux [S]
  • Beaucedine Glacier [S]
  • Castle Zvahl Baileys [S]
  • Castle Zvahl Keep [S]
  • Crawlers' Nest [S]
  • East Ronfaure [S]
  • Everbloom Hollow
  • Fort Karugo-Narugo [S]
  • Garlaige Citadel [S]
  • Ghoyu's Reverie
  • Grauberg [S]
  • Jugner Forest [S]
  • La Vaule [S]
  • Meriphataud Mountains [S]
  • North Gustaberg [S]
  • Oztroja Castle [S]
  • Pashhow Marshlands [S]
  • Ruhotz Silvermines
  • Sauromugue Champaign [S]
  • Southern San d'Oria [S]
  • The Eldieme Necropolis [S]
  • The Last Stand
  • Throne Room [S]
  • Vunkerl Inlet [S]
  • Walk of Echoes
  • West Sarutabaruta [S]
  • Windurst Waters [S]
  • Xarcabard [S]

Nowe questy


Too Many Chefs
Client: Ferghus (Craftsmen's Eatery, Metalworks)
The new apprentice cook is being blamed for everything that goes wrong in the eatery, and today doesn't seem to be any different...

A Proper Burial
Client: Offa (House, Bastok Markets)
The time capsule containing letters written by Offa and his friends during the war has been plundered by Goblins. He sure would like to know what his childhood dreams were...

San d'Oria

Atelloune's Lament
Southern San d'Oria, in front of the fountain)
Help distressed Atelloune straighten out a young Elvaan brat by bringing her some ladybug wings that will blow his mind.


Gobbiebag VII:
- lynx leather
- adaman ingot
- rainbow cloth
- deathstone

Gobbiebag VIII:
- smilodon leather
- electrum ingot
- square of cilice
- angelstone

Lakeside Minuet
Client: Laila (Artisan Bridge, Upper Jeuno)
Laila has asked that you bring her a stardust pebble before she'll consider allowing you to join Troupe Brilioth.

Stardust Pebble:
A brightly glowing stone found in Lake Mechieume during the time of the Great War. The pebbles were so avidly sought after that not a single one remains in the lake today.

Lake Mechieume jest w Jugner Forest :) Czyli time warp -> Jugner Forest -> time warp -> Jeuno. Hehe.


Trance While in effect, lowers TP cost of dances and steps to 0.

Sambas These dances imbue melee attacks with special enhancements.

Waltzes These dances cure and remove ailments from party members.

Drain Samba Inflicts the next target you strike with Drain daze, allowing all those engaged in battle with it to drain its HP.

Drain Samba II Inflicts the next target you strike with Drain daze, allowing all those engaged in battle with it to drain its HP.

Drain Samba III Inflicts the next target you strike with Drain daze, allowing all those engaged in battle with it to drain its HP.

Aspir Samba Inflicts the next target you strike with Aspir daze, allowing all those engaged in battle with it to drain its MP.

Aspir Samba II Inflicts the next target you strike with Aspir daze, allowing all those engaged in battle with it to drain its MP.

Haste Samba Inflicts the next target you strike with Haste daze, increasing the attack speed of all those engaged in battle with it.

Curing Waltz Restores a party member's HP.

Curing Waltz II Restores a party member's HP.

Curing Waltz III Restores a party member's HP.

Curing Waltz IV Restores a party member's HP.

Healing Waltz Removes one magic-induced ailment from a party member.

Divine Waltz Restores the HP of all party members within a small radius.

Spectral Jig Allows you to evade enemies by making you undetectable by sight or sound.

Chocobo Jig Increases movement speed.

Jigs These dances enhance your own abilities.

Steps These dance steps enfeeble enemies while granting access to finishing moves.

Flourishes I Powerful dance steps that can only be used after earning finishing moves.

Quickstep Lowers a target's evasion. If successful, will earn you a finishing move.

Box Step Lowers a target's defense. If successful, will earn you a finishing move.

Stutter Step Lowers a target's magic resistance. If successful, will earn you a finishing move.

Animated Flourish Provokes target. Requires at least one finishing move.

Desperate Flourish Weighs down a target with a low rate of success. Requires one finishing move.

Reverse Flourish Converts remaining finishing moves into TP. Requires at least one finishing move.

Violent Flourish Stuns target with a low rate of success. Requires one finishing move.

Building Flourish Enhances potency of next weapon skill. Requires at least one finishing move.

Wild Flourish Readies target for a skillchain. Requires two finishing moves.


Tabula Rasa Optimizes both white and black magic capabilities, while allowing charge-free stratagem use. (2h)

Light Arts Optimizes white magic capability, while lowering black magic proficiency. Grants a bonus to divine, enhancing, and healing magic.

Dark Arts Optimizes black magic capability, while lowering white magic proficiency. Grants a bonus to enfeebling, elemental, and dark magic.

Modus Veritas Increases damage done by helix spells while lowering spell duration by 50%.

Penury Reduces the MP cost of your next white magic spell by 50%.

Celerity Reduces the casting time of your next white magic spell by 50%.

Rapture Enhances the potency of your next white magic spell.

Accession Extends the effect of your next healing or enhancing white magic spell to party members within range. MP cost is tripled and casting time is doubled.

Parsimony Reduces the MP cost of your next black magic spell by 50%.

Alacrity Reduces the casting time of your next black magic spell by 50%.

Ebullience Enhances the potency of your next black magic spell.

Manifestation Extends the effect of your next enfeebling black magic spell to targets within range. MP cost is tripled and casting time is doubled.

Stratagems Methods of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of magic.

Autor:  katsu [ 19 lis 2007, 20:46 ]

Wykop mi cos o Repose!

Autor:  egoist [ 19 lis 2007, 20:46 ]

zadnych nowych armor setow nie ma? tylko to gowno co Taj postnal?

Autor:  Huckster [ 19 lis 2007, 20:49 ]

egoist napisał(a):
zadnych nowych armor setow nie ma? tylko to gowno co Taj postnal?

Armor coś się nie ładuje - tylko weapony i itemy. To samo co u Taja.

Kopie o Repose.

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 19 lis 2007, 20:50 ]

Moon charioter to z Long-Armed Chariot :P
Comet charioter z Long-Bowed Chariot :P

Autor:  kamilus [ 19 lis 2007, 20:51 ]

Huck jesteś bogiem!

Kto idzie ze mną farmić lynxy? Hmmm no tak... dopiero po wyjściu dodatku ; ;

Autor:  Huckster [ 19 lis 2007, 20:55 ]

Kyuubi napisał(a):
Moon charioter to z Long-Armed Chariot :P
Comet charioter z Long-Bowed Chariot :P


Autor:  Lord_Deshter [ 19 lis 2007, 20:56 ]

Z tego co na BG było, to Repose ma byc lvl 48, kosztowac 5mp, miec cast time 12s i byc enhancing magic ~_~

Autor:  kamilus [ 19 lis 2007, 20:57 ]

Lord_Deshter napisał(a):
cast time 12s i byc enhancing magic ~_~

To chyba sleep do opo-opo....

Autor:  katsu [ 19 lis 2007, 21:00 ]

Lord_Deshter napisał(a):
Z tego co na BG było, to Repose ma byc lvl 48, kosztowac 5mp, miec cast time 12s i byc enhancing magic ~_~


Autor:  Bartelius [ 19 lis 2007, 21:00 ]

Lord_Deshter napisał(a):
Z tego co na BG było, to Repose ma byc lvl 48, kosztowac 5mp, miec cast time 12s i byc enhancing magic ~_~

O nieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EMO Deshter + możliwość sleepowania party !!!
/Run Away !!!!!!!

Autor:  Lord_Deshter [ 19 lis 2007, 21:03 ]

Pewnie to info i tak zjebane, bo 'validtargets' dla repose to jest "self" lawl

Autor:  Marass [ 19 lis 2007, 21:05 ]

tak samo jak dla reszty czarow schoolara... Target "self" a maja one zmieniac pogode dla wybranego czlonka PT

Autor:  Bartelius [ 19 lis 2007, 21:11 ]

Lord_Deshter napisał(a):

Pewnie to info i tak zjebane, bo 'validtargets' dla repose to jest "self" lawl

Deshter-"Ahhh sorry U died i couldnt cure i was zzz (hihihihihi)"

No offence Desh ;)

Autor:  kamilus [ 19 lis 2007, 21:11 ]

Jaja będą jeśli wszystkie info to fake'i zasponsorowane przez SE, a za dwa dni razem z instalacją dodatku te staty się pozmieniają...

Notabene Scholar to chyba Geomancer patrząc na czary... I podoba mi się ten job... Może jednak porzucę RDM na rzecz SCH... Obym tylko w czwartek dostał kluczyki ^^

Autor:  Huckster [ 19 lis 2007, 21:13 ]

- 5 MP
- 3 sec casting time
- 10 sec recast
- enhancing
Opis: Puts an enemy to sleep. - więc chyba nie na self :)

Autor:  Bartelius [ 19 lis 2007, 21:14 ]

Jakby to Desh puscil na mnie to by sie opis czaru zgadzal :D

Autor:  kamilus [ 19 lis 2007, 21:14 ]

Huckster napisał(a):
- 5 MP
- 3 sec casting time
- 10 sec recast
- enhancing
Opis: Puts an enemy to sleep. - więc chyba nie na self :)

No to przegięcie... Szybki recast i niski koszt... Mam nadzieję, że przynajmniej będzie słabsze od sleep/sleep2

Autor:  Lord_Deshter [ 19 lis 2007, 21:16 ]

Lol tak, niech będzie słabsze niż sleep, to WHM będzie mógł sleepować moby lvl 60! D;

Autor:  Huckster [ 19 lis 2007, 21:17 ]

znalazłem armory nowe - Taj tego nie wyciągnął jeszcze?

EDIT: wyciągnął:

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