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Posty: 1842
Dołączył(a): 26.11.2003
PostNapisane: 7 lut 2008, 14:33 
Since the release of the Wings of the Goddess expansion pack, countless adventurers have enjoyed serving their nations in the Campaign theater. Occurring in higher frequency than their Besieged counterparts, Campaign battles offer a more readily available venue, where players may take on more varied and rewarding roles.

As a result, we recognize the need to make adjustments and introduce new content in order to prevent repetitiveness in the gameplay and enemy AI.
Following in that vein, the next version update will herald in a number of alterations and additions to Campaign.
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce four of the new elements that will be incorporated:

Beastman Strongholds


Strongholds will be introduced in association with each Beastman controlled territory. Campaign battles will occur when the Allied Forces of Altana come to hold sway over any territory lying on the outskirts of said Beastman strongholds.



Available to both the Allied Forces of Altana as well as the Beastman Confederate, the belfry will become available to armies attacking regions not under their influence once their technological means have reached a predetermined level.
Since they house a "war bell" capable of calling forth reinforcements, it is imperative that players not only protect the belfries of the Allied Forces tooth and nail, but also demolish those of the Beastman Confederate as quickly as possible.


The mantelet is also available to both sides, and will be placed at a location that an army is defending once their technological means have reached a predetermined level.
The mantelet's benefit derives from its ability to restore the HP of friendly players within its vicinity. As such, much like the belfry, they must be defended or destroyed accordingly.

Siege Turret


Available only to the Beastman Confederate are siege turrets, which will appear when an army's technological means reach an incredibly high level while attacking an area not under their influence.
Capable of repeated long-range attacks, in addition to spawning ferocious enemies, the siege turret is widely considered to be the Beastman Confederate's most powerful and deadly weapon.

In addition to the items detailed above, further enhancements will be made to freelances, Campaign Ops, individual unit information and adjustments, and more!
Look forward to a richer, more complex Campaign!


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Posty: 2291
Dołączył(a): 30.01.2005
PostNapisane: 7 lut 2008, 14:45 
Siege Turrety moge dostarczy niezlego funu :D

Ciekawe o co chodzi z tym technological means...

Hana wa Sakuragi,
Hito wa Watashi...


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