Job and Battle System Adjustments (03/06/2008)
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Autor:  Huckster [ 6 mar 2008, 11:24 ]
Tytuł:  Job and Battle System Adjustments (03/06/2008) ... etail.html


rom the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team
Job and Battle System Adjustments (03/06/2008)

A number of job and battle system adjustments have been scheduled for the next version update.

New Magic and Job Abilities

A host of new magic and job abilities will be added to a number of jobs for the next version update. For example, teleport spells for the white mage, a warp spell for the black mage, sneak ninjutsu for the ninja, elemental spirit MP absorption ability for the summoner, and new automaton weapon skills for the puppetmaster.

Additions and adjustments are also in store for the two new jobs introduced in the Wings of the Goddess expansion.
For the dancer, adjustments will include shortened ability delay to six seconds for all waltzes used when trance is in effect. Adjustments for the scholar will see an increase in the maximum number of charges available for stratagems, and a reduction in charge time.

Apart from job abilities, new status-specific status icons will be also introduced to further enhance playability.



Shortened Immobility Duration

The issue whereby certain restoration magic causes the character to become temporarily immobile, will be addressed. Up until now, casting cure on a character immediately after they initiate the attack command will result in that character becoming unable to move until spellcasting is complete, even after they have assumed battle stance. This immobility duration will be reduced drastically with the next version update.

Autor:  Homer [ 6 mar 2008, 11:32 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Job and Battle System Adjustments (03/06/2008)

Huckster napisał(a):
For the dancer, adjustments will include shortened ability delay to six seconds for all waltzes used when trance is in effect.

No w koncu, bo 2h DNC bylo bez sensu z tymi recastami.

Autor:  Targaryen [ 6 mar 2008, 11:48 ]

/farewell sneak oils

Autor:  Vejitta [ 6 mar 2008, 11:55 ]

Yay, ile nowosci dla WARka... :roll:

Moze chociaz sneakjutsu bedzie ponizej 37...

Autor:  Duszek [ 6 mar 2008, 15:59 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Job and Battle System Adjustments (03/06/2008)

Huckster napisał(a):

New Magic and Job Abilities

For example, teleport spells for the white mage, a warp spell for the black mage,

teleport - co?
warp spell? warpga?

Autor:  coldee1 [ 6 mar 2008, 16:03 ]

tez sie nad tym zastanawialem ..... na LSie poszly teorie , ze niby teleporty i warp > dostepne w PAST ( w WoTG ) , bo jesli nie ..,...

o nowe teleporty w ToAU ??? no i Warp-ga calego party ....

Autor:  Targaryen [ 6 mar 2008, 16:52 ]

tele-aery, tele-valley i tele-dominion

Autor:  Duszek [ 6 mar 2008, 17:06 ]

Targaryen napisał(a):
tele-aery, tele-valley i tele-dominion

predzej warp-cerb, warp-khimi, warp-hydra ale teleport Attohwa Chasm tez moze byc ;)

Autor:  katsu [ 6 mar 2008, 17:08 ]

teleport Attohwa Chasm tylko dla EU LSow!!!

Autor:  Huckster [ 6 mar 2008, 17:19 ]

Teleport-Wajoam - w to samo miejsce co Olduum Ring.

Mogę się założyć.

Autor:  Duszek [ 6 mar 2008, 17:23 ]

Huckster napisał(a):
Teleport-Wajoam - w to samo miejsce co Olduum Ring.

Mogę się założyć.

pewnie tak, npc z kurakiem juz tam JEST...

Autor:  Caspian [ 6 mar 2008, 17:26 ]

Super im wiecej scrolli na sprzedaz tym wiecej kaski :roll:

Autor:  Erelen [ 6 mar 2008, 17:26 ]

Teleport - Ramuh, free teleport to Ramuh, after using it first time, you will receive one extra homam piece. :D

Autor:  Gokulo [ 6 mar 2008, 18:33 ]

Warp do Home nation w past, Teleport nie pamietam gdzie, ale bylo w ktorychs zapowiedziach to napisane.

Autor:  Targaryen [ 6 mar 2008, 18:56 ]

Goku ludzie plotkują, że znów zaginąłeś.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 6 mar 2008, 21:32 ]

Na weekend nie mialem neta, w poniedzialek kasy na koncie :D wczoraj reaktywowalem ale jak sie zalogowalem na assault to byl faf i zwialem ^^;
Jutro cos sie pojawie i w sobote pewnie bede chcial poexpowac :)
Ogolnie wszyscy juz pozaliczali sesje i duzo swietowania teraz jest :D

Autor:  Gli2duS [ 6 mar 2008, 22:02 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Job and Battle System Adjustments (03/06/2008)

Huckster napisał(a):
This immobility duration will be reduced drastically with the next version update.

pamiętam, jak na dynamisie ostro mnie wkurwiało jak mobek castował na mnie jakąś magię i nie mogłem się ruszyć do campu. w końcu ktoś coś z tym zrobi.

Autor:  kamilus [ 6 mar 2008, 22:11 ]

Pamiętam Twoje sławetne "więcej kurwa cure na mnie" w Beaucedine :P

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