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Posty: 6494
Dołączył(a): 14.10.2002
PostNapisane: 12 maja 2008, 16:09 
Dzisiaj pojawiła się nowa wersja Windowera:

Bug Fixes

The following bugs were fixed:
* Plugin Crashing: 3.3 had a MAJOR bug in its code that was causing plugins to randomly crash, behave incorrectly or downright cause the game to crash. This bug has been remedied 100% and now is now perfectly stable.
* Random Exec Failure: The bug found last summer of 2007 where script execution would sometimes fail for absolutely no reason should now be fixed.
* Modifier Key Sticking: Previously, alt-tabbing with buttons such as shift/alt/control would 'stick' so that when you come back to the game, windower THOUGHT those buttons were still down. Windower will now correctly handle the keys states and no longer stick.
* Screenshot Hangup: When taking screenshots before 3.4, using the JPG or PNG options would often lead to a small hang-up while the screenshot was being saved. This is no longer a problem in 3.4 and your game will smoothly take the screenshot without the hang-up.
* Screenshot Memory Leak: Previously when taking large numbers of screenshots a memory leak was clearly seen, causing the game to eat up alot of memory. This has been fixed.
* Toggleframe: The window_toggleframe command did not work properly unless 1 or 0 was specified. That has been fixed and will now properly toggle. Also, the size will readjust with what the game was launched with and keep the size the same so the text does not get distorted! (note, this will revert a WinControl size change when using this command). Additionally, //toggleframe has been added.
* Crash On Paste: When pasting large amounts of text, the game would crash. This has been fixed and will only paste the maximum character amount the game allows, thereby preventing a crash.
* Unbind Crashing: Previously unbinding keys would sometimes crash your game. This has been fixed.
* Exec Execution Order: A bug where using 'exec' inside of another exec would cause the first file to continue processing commands without waiting for the file it executed to finish, causing scripts to be executed out of order, has been fixed.
* Missing Keys in Console: The following key's have been fixed so that they can be typed into the console, where previously they could not: { } [ ]
* Priority: The priority plugin is no longer needed as 3.4 has the priority code built straight into it. You should no longer have any priority problems. You do not need the Priority.dll file for 3.4.


The following changes have been made/added to Windower:

* Accidental Resizing Prevention: Previously you could freely resize the window, and a lot of times it was done accidentally, resulting in hard to read text of the game. This has been changed so you will need to hold down Alt or Control to resize the window, and keep it proportional. If you wish to resize the window without proportion restriction, you can hold down shift while resizing. This does not affect the Maximize or Minimize buttons, as restoring the window returns it to the proper size without issue.
* Close Button: A new prompt has been added when clicking the X on the game prompting for confirmation on close, and gives you the option to do a Terminate instead of close to completely close the game. You are able to disable this prompt if you wish to not use it. Also, with addition to this feature, you may change the default close method used when the X button is clicked (which will also change the default button highlighted on the confirm box).

Game Close Confirmation

* Console Opening While Chatting: «THIS FEATURE IS OPTIONAL AND DEFAULTED OFF» Previously if a key was set to be the console key it could not be used in game for any other purpose, including chat. In Windower versions prior to 3.3 the default key was ` (~) which prevented the use of those 2 characters in chat. This has been changed so console key will not toggle the console while you are typing into the game chat, so you could bind any key, say 'c' to be your console key now and still use it to type. However, if you bind a key like 'c' as your new console key, you will not be able to start any communication in your current locked chatmode with this as the first letter. For instance, if you use /cm p, you cannot start a new sentence with the letter 'c' or it will open your console. You would first have to type /p and then start your sentence.
* Error Messages: Error messages for failing to execute a script and failure to load a plugin will now display the error message as to why it failed to load.
* Multibind: You may now bind multiple binds at the same time to 1 command for situations that both binds do the same thing by piping the key. ex: bind !1|^1 thunder4 would bind Alt1 and Ctrl 1 to Thunder4
* Paste Insertion: Previously when pasting text into the game it always appended to the end of the message, now it will correctly insert into the location your caret is located at.

New Commands

The following new commands were added to Windower:

* game_allowresize: This command, when set to 1, will disable the resizing restriction and you may freely resize the window proportionally without holding down Alt or Control. The shift key is still required to resize without proportion restrictions (1 for allowing resize without holding alt or control).
* game_exitprompt: This enables and disables the prompt asking for confirmation to close the game (0 for no prompt).
* game_exittype: This sets the exit type for the game, Terminate or Exit to POL (1 for Terminate).
* plugin_list: Lists all loaded plugins into the game chat log.
* plugin_unloadall: Unloads all loaded plugins.
* plugin_reload: Unloads and reloads a plugin.
* console_screendir: Changes the directory that screenshots are saved to (send 'console_screendir' without a path and it will default to the normal directory).
* listbinds: Lists all currently bound keys into the game chat log.
* listaliases: Lists all currently created aliases. (Command will fail if you have more than 40 aliases)
* clearbinds: Unbinds all currently bound keys.
* clearaliases: Clears all currently defined aliases.
* console_chatopen: Disables the ability to open the console when the chatbox is open when set to 1.
* fps_position: Repositions the FPS Counter.
* setkey: Sets the keystate of a key on the keyboard for the specified window.

Console Upgrade

The console has been upgraded to allow more basic features.

* Caret Added: A caret has been added showing your current cursor position of typing.
* Left/Right/Home/End: You may now use the Left/Right/Home/End keys to move the caret position when typing a command in the console.
* Paste: You may now paste commands into the console.

FFXI: Hucksterthief: THF99 / BLU99 / NIN99 | AF3+2 (done!) THF5/5, NIN5/5, BLU5/5 | Merity:670+ | Kannagi: 85
FFXIV: The Huckster: BRD80 i452 | MIN80 / BTN80 / FSH80 | GSM80 / CRP80 / CUL80

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Posty: 15620
Dołączył(a): 27.08.2005
PostNapisane: 12 maja 2008, 16:33 
Szału nie ma. 3.3 było współpisane przez Taja więc pozostanę przy tej wersji ze względu na stabilne pluginy timestamp, llugage.

ciemny lud to kupi
Deshroom napisał(a):
jeszcze mnie lewy kciuk boli od biegania

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Posty: 19064
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2003
PostNapisane: 12 maja 2008, 16:35 
Potrafi juz sam expowac?

(nie chce mi sie wczytywac w mozliwosci plug-inow)

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Posty: 15620
Dołączył(a): 27.08.2005
PostNapisane: 12 maja 2008, 16:45 
Nie potrafi ;)
Windower to nie bot :)

Top goals to fix:
1) Vista related issues
2) Crash on Play Problems
3) Black Border problems
4) Other language encoding conversion problems.

We will work with people to hopefully address these problems in Windower 3.5

Czyli w praktyce - zmiany to tylko zmiany kosmetyczne albo rzeczywiście jakieś "bot friendly" (te 3.3 -> 3.4) - więc nic co by mnie interesowało.

Argumenty czemu Windower jest lepszy od windowed mode:
- szybkość - windower ma bez porównania wyższą wydajność - odczuwalne szczególnie na maszynach z małą ilością pamięci RAM
- grafika - możliwości konfiguracji są przeogromne i umożliwiają wykorzystywanie antialiasingu kart graficznych. Wygląda po prostu lepiej
- timestamp - cud, miód - wiem kiedy ktoś coś do mnie pisał gdy byłem afk.

Osobiście uważam, że powinni dodać jakieś wsparcie dla gildii (coś czego SE nie zrobiło przez 6 lat!) i byłaby kolejna - istotna przewaga.

ciemny lud to kupi
Deshroom napisał(a):
jeszcze mnie lewy kciuk boli od biegania


Posty: 1956
Dołączył(a): 10.02.2004
PostNapisane: 12 maja 2008, 16:52 
i tak przestanie dzialac za miesiac...po updacie...

D3: Sukoshi#2931

"We noticed people having fun, this problem has been corrected"

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