Nowy wywiad z SE
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Autor:  Huckster [ 15 maja 2008, 09:06 ]
Tytuł:  Nowy wywiad z SE ... =2&t=33741

  • Adjustments to Einherjar are done and should be in a Version Update soon.
  • Players will get rewarded more from Einherjar then at the present time.
  • Questionmark retimers can be reduced if people complain. A list can be made till next Games Convention.
  • More HNMs will be implemented to conquer current endgame.
  • More powerfull equipment will be implemented.
  • No changes will be made to current endgame HNMs.
  • The Dynamis entry cost is under review and is planning to get lowered
  • An adjustment of the drop rate in the Northland Zones is also planned
  • Battle music will be possible to enable/disable in some time.
  • New HNMs, new areas and some new contents are being planned
  • Soon : When a player changes nationality, access to previous outposts will be saved
  • Soon : In a new nation, a player will have to start out from scratch. However, previous records are retrieved upon return to the nation of origin and the player can then re-access saved outposts.
  • Nothing is planned for the Windowed mode
  • New Mage food is under work
  • The Development Team is looking for a way to check effects of food items.

Autor:  kamilus [ 15 maja 2008, 09:20 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Nowy wywiad z SE

Huckster napisał(a):
The Dynamis entry cost is under review and is planning to get lowered

Soon : When a player changes nationality, access to previous outposts will be saved
Soon : In a new nation, a player will have to start out from scratch. However, previous records are retrieved upon return to the nation of origin and the player can then re-access saved outposts.


Autor:  Vejitta [ 15 maja 2008, 09:22 ]

Moze w koncu dadza cos przydatnego z Einherjar, tak dla odmiany :] Fajnie ze bedzie mozna bez bolu zmieniac terac nacje. A tak poza tym:

Nowy 'powerful' equipment = Ares Cuirass project on hold :P
Nizsza cena za wstep na Dynamis = Ares Cuirass project on hold :P
Nowe HNMki = Ares Cuirass project on hold :P

Szkoda ze nic nie wspomnieli o nowych relikach.

Autor:  Kyuubi [ 15 maja 2008, 10:53 ]

# New Mage food is under work
# The Development Team is looking for a way to check effects of food items.

Wreszcie wpadli na ten genialny pomysł :P

Autor:  Slayerek [ 15 maja 2008, 10:56 ]

ja myślę że jak SE zrobi cokolwiek z tego co napisane jest w pierwszym poście oprócz :
is looking for
is planned
is under work
should be
can be
will be possible
also planned
are being planned

to będzie super

ciekawe czym się różnić będzie dla gracza wynik "gadki" typu "will be implemented" od "are being planned"

Autor:  Targaryen [ 15 maja 2008, 12:10 ]

Vejitta napisał(a):
Nowy 'powerful' equipment = Ares Cuirass project on hold :P
Nizsza cena za wstep na Dynamis = Ares Cuirass project on hold :P
Nowe HNMki = Ares Cuirass project on hold :P

SalvageExplorers news on hold...

Autor:  Duszek [ 15 maja 2008, 12:13 ]

Targaryen napisał(a):
Vejitta napisał(a):
Nowy 'powerful' equipment = Ares Cuirass project on hold :P
Nizsza cena za wstep na Dynamis = Ares Cuirass project on hold :P
Nowe HNMki = Ares Cuirass project on hold :P

SalvageExplorers news on hold...

to moze zrobicie dla mnie usukane seta? :P
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Autor:  Vejitta [ 15 maja 2008, 13:10 ]

Targaryen napisał(a):
Vejitta napisał(a):
Nowy 'powerful' equipment = Ares Cuirass project on hold :P
Nizsza cena za wstep na Dynamis = Ares Cuirass project on hold :P
Nowe HNMki = Ares Cuirass project on hold :P

SalvageExplorers news on hold...

Zapomnialem dopisac:

No Wootz Ores = Ares Cuirass project on hold :]

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