hahaha - - kolejna "waluta"

- zobaczcie ile tego już jest:
Currency (items - you can sell/exchange that with other players)
- Gil
- Ancient Beastcoins (Limbus)
- Dynamis Coins (Dynamis)
- Alexandrites (Salvage)
- Imperial Currency (Aht Urhgan)
Points (you can't exchange that with other players)
- Conquest Points
- Allied Notes (Campaign)
- Imperial Standing (IS)
- Tokens (Nyzul)
- Assault Points (Assault)
- Ampoules (Einherjar)
- Adventuring Fellow Points (NPC)
- Ballista Points (Ballista)
- Zeni (ZNM)
- Guild Points (crafting)
- Chocobucks (Chocobo Racing)
- Jettons (Pankration)
Other (items - but you can't exchange them)
- Beastmen Seals
- Kindred Seals
(wkleiłem po ang. - bo na BG też wrzuciłem + uaktualnione)
Po prostu megakije i marchewki

Jest coś jeszcze? O kur*a - ale tego wyszło.