VanaFest live
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Autor:  Huckster [ 28 lut 2010, 09:05 ]
Tytuł:  VanaFest live


Właśnie się zaczęło.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 28 lut 2010, 09:40 ]

Zwiekszaja level cap O.o do 99 X.x No i nowe merity beda.
Alexander i Odin nowe summony - mozna wezwac tylko do Astral Flow.
I opis adjustmentow wow...

Autor:  Keii [ 28 lut 2010, 09:51 ]

A były plotki, że FFXI zamkną w tym roku - widać SE nie chce zawieść fanów jednak.

Autor:  Bartelius [ 28 lut 2010, 09:54 ]

Keii napisał(a):
A były plotki, że FFXI zamkną w tym roku - widać SE nie chce zawieść fanów jednak.

breakujac gre? Caly syf zdobywany przez lata pojdzie do smieci bo kazda zbroja z 95 lv bedzie z 10 razy lepsza :) No chyba ze zrobia tak ze np nie bedzie lepszych zbroji ale to bedzie glupio wygladac ze mozna miec lvl 99 a najlepsze zbroje maja lvl req 75

Autor:  Gokulo [ 28 lut 2010, 10:24 ]

Jezeli rzeczywiscie chca jeszcze gre pociagnac, to potrzebujego takiego "breaka".

Autor:  zet [ 28 lut 2010, 10:42 ]

Bartelius napisał(a):
Keii napisał(a):
A były plotki, że FFXI zamkną w tym roku - widać SE nie chce zawieść fanów jednak.

breakujac gre? Caly syf zdobywany przez lata pojdzie do smieci bo kazda zbroja z 95 lv bedzie z 10 razy lepsza :) No chyba ze zrobia tak ze np nie bedzie lepszych zbroji ale to bedzie glupio wygladac ze mozna miec lvl 99 a najlepsze zbroje maja lvl req 75

Moim zdaniem o to własnie chodzi :) O odświeżenie gry! Żeby np. Bartelius musiał się znowu zaangażować i od nowa zdobywać cały sprzęt - zajęcie na dodatkowe parę lat :)

Zastanawiam się tylko co zrobią z fafnirami, tiamatami itp, bo pewnie będą solowalne na lev 99, czy:
- zrobią kolejny tier tych mobków aka Papa Fafnira :)
- nowe mobki (dużo pracy i pomysłow z modelami)

Co zrobią ze starymi dynamisami - dynamis xarca solo, albo dynamis xarca blm relic burn party ;) - all right

Może nowe reliki ale na zasadzie upgrade starego, żeby nie stracić wszystkiego co się w grze zrobiło.

Liczę na to, że SE pójdzie po rozum do głowy i nie wipnie wszystkich itemów ale część z nich po prostu będzie mozna upgradować - to jest bardzo ważne bo podobnie bedzie z ff14.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 28 lut 2010, 10:50 ]

Z tym solo bym nie przesadzal tez za bardzo. Jakby teraz dynamis bylo pelne mobkow lv 50 to tez bys solo nie dal rady :p Ale low-man napewno. I moze wlasnie o to chodzi? Bo chyba jednak graczy troche ubylo.

Autor:  zet [ 28 lut 2010, 10:52 ]

Though the term is not yet finalized, adventurers will be able to earn “AF3” in Abyssea.

Abyssea will be very different from Dynamis in that you can do these areas with one full party.

The first release, “Vision of Abyssea”, will debut this summer for the price of $9.99 (£7.99).

Autor:  zet [ 28 lut 2010, 10:54 ]

After many discussions, the consensus was reached to merge the lower populated worlds with fuller ones.

The goal of the merger is to balance adventurer populations across all regions time zones and increase the quality of play for everyone.

The merger is scheduled for the March version update, where the number of worlds will go from 32 to 24.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 28 lut 2010, 10:55 ]

Crap, co sie dzieje O.o




Autor:  zet [ 28 lut 2010, 10:58 ]


Autor:  Gokulo [ 28 lut 2010, 11:02 ]

Fuck, moze bedzie trzeba wrocic do gry na lato? :p

A video showing new job specific emotes! A THF tossed a smoke bomb at the ground and disappeared! These look really fun!

SAM: Thinking of lowering the level you earn Sekkanoki, to open it up to jobs with /SAM support. Maybe a new ability, too?

Nagrody Wotg:

Among the new rewards will be formidable weapons that allow the wielder to employ devastating weapon skills formerly exclusive to certain Campaign NPCs.

With the addition of Castle Zvahl to the Campaign battlefront, adventurers who fight bravely for the Allied cause will be rewarded with a chance to square off against the Shadow Lord himself! Needless to say, those who emerge victorious will be rewarded with spectacular spoils befitting their heroic deeds.


“Trial of the Magians” is the title given to a new quest series designed especially for level 75 characters.


The quests will be divided into a number of categories, and progression in each will allow players to earn different rewards. The following quest branches and more are being considered:

- Weapon enhancement.
- Armor enhancement.

Trial of the Magians will be introduced to the game in multiple stages, with the initial set of weapon enhancement quests slated for addition in the March version update.

A Trial of the Magians weapon enhancement quest can be initiated by first trading a suitable weapon to a Magian Moogle NPC, at which point a list of corresponding quests will be displayed. Players may choose a quest based on difficulty level and the enhancement they would like added to their weapon, which will be granted upon the fulfillment of the quest objective.

A single weapon can undergo numerous upgrades. By trading an already-enhanced weapon to a Magian Moogle, players can undertake successive quests to have it further improved. Multiple quests can be undertaken simultaneously.

By repeating the quests, up to 80 different features can be added to a single weapon. With figures such as Damage and Delay added to the equation, there exist 500 possible attribute patterns for a single quest branch!

There are also plans to make it possible to enhance Relic and Mythic weapons through Trial of the Magians. While players can expect quest difficulty to far exceed similar quests released thus far, we are confident the rewards will make it more than worth the while!

Autor:  Targaryen [ 28 lut 2010, 11:21 ]

Hmmm no to chyba jeszcze trochę pogram :]

Autor:  zet [ 28 lut 2010, 11:22 ]

Server merger list - Ramuch bez zmian


Autor:  Gokulo [ 28 lut 2010, 11:35 ]

Blue will get more spells, some possibly added from NM and HNM Sunday February 28, 2010 20:16 Elmer

also they hinted at giving BLU Dual Wield

PLD ma raczej pozostac bez zmian, S-E uwaza, ze job jest wystarczajaco stabilny zeby zostac takim do 99.

Przy Ninja gadali o zmianie ikonki utsusemi tak zeby widac bylo ilosc cieni LOL

They also mentioned PLD's Cover ability briefly, possibly making it easier to use or give PLD a different ability that can help them gain hate after a PT member has already been hit.

For NIN they also mentioned possibly keeping the Utsusemi icon leftmost in the list to make it easier to cancel.

I couldn't hear anything else, the guy talked really softly.


Autor:  kamilus [ 28 lut 2010, 13:43 ]

Jak to wyjdzie przed ff14 to na trochę wrócimy z Anią ;)
Dobrze, że zarobiłem te kilka tysi na starym equipie :D

Chociaż z drugiej strony... 75-99 toć to będzie mega grind :/

Autor:  Gokulo [ 28 lut 2010, 18:06 ]

Jeszcze o Abbysea ciekawe zdanko:

In Abyssea, concerns such as the over-population of battle areas and the need for large time investments will be a thing of the past.

No i opisik:

An announcement was made today at VanaFest 2010 for "Abyssea," an all-new three-part series of battle-oriented add-ons.

A parallel world existing beside Vana'diel, Abyssea is a land fraught with perils and home to savage hordes of heretofore unseen creatures. Ferocious, towering NMs, new-look HNMs?even the garden varieties will confound would-be challengers with their unfamiliar and formidable powers. These and a whole host more await hapless adventurers with open arms and voracious maws.

Autor:  100licad [ 1 mar 2010, 09:00 ]

Ciekawe czy teraz duży ruch będzie w levelowaniu postaci 37-48 coby już mieć suby wycapowane ....

Autor:  Scorpio [ 1 mar 2010, 11:04 ]

Houm ... ciekawe, szkoda że mój sprzecior jest mocno zdewaluowany jak i skill bo moze bym i koncio odświerzył :)

Autor:  mrynar [ 1 mar 2010, 12:20 ]

Napewno ozywi to gre.

SE zawsze mowilo ze bedzie dodawac content do FFXI tak dlugo jak beda gracze.

Ciekawe czy przesuna premiere XVI na 2011.

Powiem szczerze, ze levelowanie monka jest dla mnie dosc kuszace... upgrade relica tez.

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