November Version update
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Autor:  100licad [ 26 paź 2013, 11:32 ]
Tytuł:  November Version update


Below is a message from Producer Akihiko Matsui regarding the November version update.

Matsui here.

I’d like to inform you all about the content for the early November version update. For this update we will be adding new Adoulin missions and areas, new Naakuals, Monstrosity PvP, new special abilities, relic/mythic/empyrean weapon upgrades, and much more. I’ve made a table below outlining all of the things that will be implemented, so please take a look.

Following the November version update, we will also be having a version update in December. Once we’ve finalized the content for this update, I will be sure to let you all know what’s to come.

Also, this will be somewhat of a change in our version update plan, but after the December version update we’ve decided to hold updates in much shorter intervals than we’ve had up until now. Originally we were having version updates every three months, but it was taking too long to address all of the feedback we were receiving. With that said, we will be increasing the frequency of version updates so that we can quickly address your feedback. We plan to hold version updates in one month intervals.

We’ve been making you all wait quite some time for the implementation of the new special abilities, but including geomancer and rune fencer’s abilities we will be implementing them for all 22 jobs in the November version update. I’d like to make a comment on this separately as we’ve been receiving a lot of feedback about this. Currently the development team is making their final checks, so please hang in there just a little while longer.

Next, the higher tier versions of seal battlefields will be implemented in November as scheduled; however, unfortunately we will be pushing the higher tier mission battlefields back to December. The reason for this is that there will be a massive amount of items that are implemented in the November version update, and we had to give consideration for the work and checks for all of them.

I realize that everyone was really looking forward to this content, and I’m deeply sorry about this, but please give us a bit more time so that we can make this content something really great.

In the event major issues arise from checks and such, there is a possibility that we push the timing of the November version update back, and we appreciate your understanding.

Thank you for your continued support and please look forward to the version update!

Missions and Quests
Implementation Update Overview Task Notes
November Seekers of Adoulin missions Addition of chapter 3
Ease mission offering requirements -
November Seekers of Adoulin quests Addition of quests given in Adoulin
Addition of quests given in new areas -
November Survival skill quest Addition of new survival skill quest
Addition of new survival skill -
November Coalition assignments Addition of coalition assignments for new areas -
November Mog Garden quests Addition of Mog Garden quests -
November Seasonal event - -
November Repeat Login Campaign Addition of a system to indicate the number of rewards you wish to exchange -
November Adjustment to gobbiebag expansion quest Ease the requirements for the quest offering -
November Adjustment to quest for obtaining magical maps Revamp rewards
Make it so NPCs sell magical maps -

Areas and Monsters
Implementation Update Overview Task Notes
November Addition of new areas Addition of new areas
Distribution of monsters and NPCs in new areas
Addition of new ergon loci in new areas
Gathering and fishing in new areas -
November Addition of Naakuals Addition of new monsters for wildskeeper reives -
November Creation of new monsters Addition of new monsters in new areas -
November Adjustments to certain notorious monsters Shortening of spawn interval
Increase in drop rates for items -

Content and Systems
Implementation Update Overview Task Notes
November High-tier versions of battlefields that use seals Addition of battles with difficulty levels for level 99
Addition of rewards -
November Treasure Casket adjustments Increase appearance rate of brown Treasure Caskets
Change the number of tries to open Treasure Caskets to 5-6 times for all areas
Add body equipment rewards for successful unlocking -
November Adjustments to Celennia Memorial Library Addition of achievements -
November Addition of reive features Addition of a system that displayed content levels -
November Addition of skirmish features/adjustments Addition of system that displays content levels
Change the time granted after the use of Fenestral Keys to 6 minutes -
November Addition of delve features Addition of system that displays content levels -
November Addition of outpost features Addition of a system for warping between outposts -


Implementation Update Overview Task Notes
November Addition of wildskeeper reives Addition of wildskeeper reives to new areas
Addition of new equipment -
November Wildskeeper reives adjustments Content level adjustments
Ease requirements for participation
Add/change reward items
Adjustments to the weakening of Naakuals through colonization rate -
November Addition of colonization/lair reives Addition of colonization/lair reives in new areas -

Implementation Update Overview Task Notes
November PvP system Addition of monipulators vs. adventurers system
Addition of rewards for monipulators vs. adventurers
Adjustments to battle balance -
November Unlocking of new sub-species - -
November Adjustments to instincts - -
November Monster skill adjustments - -
November Elemental resistance adjustments - -
November Status adjustments Adjustments so that certain monsters receive status effects from moon phases -

Mog Gardens
Implementation Update Overview Task Notes
November Addition of features Addition of a "Porter Moogle"
Addition of system where you can invite party members to your Mog Garden -
November Addition of seeds - -
November UI adjustments Change so that when speaking to the entrance NPC the cursor defaults to “Go to Mog Gardens.” -

Battle System
Implementation Update Overview Task Notes
November Addition of new special abilities Addition of new special abilities for all 22 jobs -
November Unlocking of weapon skills from empyrean weapons and Walk of Echoes weapons Set unlocking requirements -
November Blue mage adjustments Addition of new blue magic spells -
November Adjustments to the black magic spell “Tractor” Change the way “Tractor” functions so while in reives it does not cause an area change -

Implementation Update Overview Task Notes
November AF revamps Set stats
Add methods for revamping -
November Relic, mythic, and empyrean weapons revamps Set stats
Add methods for revamping -
November Ease requirements for creating Walk of Echoes weapons - -
November Addition of Bayld items Addition of equipment with item levels between 106-113 -
November Addition of items that can be stored with Porter Moogles - -
November Addition of new seals - Addition of items required to participate in high-level seal battlefields
November Seal drop adjustments Make adjustments so that obtain seals becomes easier depending on the number of party members -

Implementation Update Overview Task Notes
November Adjustments to item help text Addition of “magic accuracy skill +” -

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