Link bo pewnie się rozjedzie: ... index.htmlA tu macie rewards:
Prize ListEach Mog Bonanza marble with a winning number entitles you to a virtual item of your choosing from the list of prizes in the corresponding rank.
Rank 1 (All five digits)
Gil (*1)
Kraken Club Defending Ring
Ranperre Goldpiece 10,000 Byne Bill
Rimilala Stripeshell Mog Kupon W-R90 (*2)
Mog Kupon W-M90 (*2) Mog Kupon W-E90 (*2)
Ebisu Fishing Rod Mog Kupon I-RME (*2)
Rank 2 (Last four digits)
Gil (*1)
Black Belt Cat’s Eye
Opal Silk Saber Shoot
Shaper’s Shawl Gabbrath Horn
Rockfin Tooth Bztavian Stinger
Bztavian Wing Scarletite Ingot
Ormolu Ingot Mog Kupon A-DeII (*2)
Oatixur (*2) Kerehcatl
Upukirex Izhiikoh
Tsurumaru Illapa
Buramenk’ah Alza’daal Table
Rank 3 (Last three digits)
Gil (*1)
Galley Kitchen Speed Belt
Mog Kupon I-AF109 (*2) Mog Kupon W-EWS (*2)
Mog Kupon AW-WK (*2) Mog Kupon I-S5 (*2)
Frayed Sack of Abundance +1 (*3) Savory Shank
Sweet Tea Red Pondweed
Scroll of Arise Scroll of Meteor
Pluton Box Beitetsu Box
Boulder Box
Rank 4 (Last two digits)
Adamantoise Egg Wyrm Beard
Behemoth Tongue Odin Statue
Prouesse Ring Terminus Earring
Liminus Earring Mog Kupon I-S3 (*2)
Mog Kupon A-E+2 (*2) Mog Kupon A-De (*2)
Mog Kupon A-PK109 (*2) Macrocosmic Orb
Microcosmic Orb Chocobo Masque
Chocobo Suit Bomb Masque
Cardian Statue Goobbue Statue
Rolanberry Delightaru Atomos Statue
Rank 5 (Last digit) (*5)
Miratete’s Memoirs Cordial Invite
Martial Ball Invite Mercenary Camp Entry Slip
Training Grounds Key Pest Repellent
Shadow Lord Statue Alexander Statue
Ark Angel HM Statue Ark Angel EV Statue
Ark Angel TT Statue Ark Angel MR Statue
Ark Angel GK Statue Mog Kupon I-S1 (*2)
Mog Kupon I-Skill (*2) Rem’s Tale Chapter 1
Rem’s Tale Chapter 2 Rem’s Tale Chapter 3
Rem’s Tale Chapter 4 Rem’s Tale Chapter 5
Rank 6 (No matching digits)
Bonanza Ball
Ale porobili nazw tych kuponów

nie idzie się rozeznać tak łatwo