Misja na Rank 3
Strona 1 z 1

Autor:  Huckster [ 7 gru 2003, 20:02 ]

To co panowie - jesteśmy gotowi, żeby zrobić misje nr 6? (czyli wejście na rank 3).

Trzeba będzie zabić smoka - myslę, że w grupie 6 x lvl 15-16 dalibyśmy radę :smile:


Autor:  swordsman [ 7 gru 2003, 20:48 ]

Huck do kogo te slowa piszesz ? :smile:
tylko 3 osoby mialy do dzis wicej jak 13lv... jeszcze moze kilka dni i nie ma sprawy :grin:

Autor:  Scorpio [ 7 gru 2003, 23:57 ]

A co z misja nr 5??? juz zrobiliscie ??

Autor:  swordsman [ 8 gru 2003, 01:46 ]

jajo mozna kupic :smile:
ale z naszymi levelami w grupce bysmy sami sobei zdobyli ^^

Autor:  Mac [ 8 gru 2003, 02:23 ]


<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Mac dnia 2003-12-08 02:24 ]</font>

Autor:  ksawery [ 8 gru 2003, 10:38 ]

A co z tym smokiem... nerwowy jakis? Wysoki lvl? Gdzie ma leze?

Czy ktos skonczyl juz 5 misje?

Autor:  swordsman [ 8 gru 2003, 10:43 ]

ksawery jesli dobrze licze to 5 miejsa jest ze zdobyciem jaj jaszczurki... wiec patrz post wyzej :smile:

Autor:  ksawery [ 8 gru 2003, 10:52 ]

Ok... mialem na mysli misje: The Emissary! ... k&fquest=7

Autor:  Huckster [ 8 gru 2003, 11:36 ]

No czyli smok:

While no one can give you the best or easiest tactic to defeat the 'Horrible Beast', there is one piece of advice which is extremely pertinent. Even though the 'Horrible Beast' fight is on a burning circle, and normally as long as one person opens the circle any member of the party can enter, this is not the case with this mission. This is a special mission, so only players with the exact same mission up to this point can enter the circle with you. No member of any other country, Windhurst or San d'Oria, can enter. Someone whos 'Horrible Beast' is in Fort Ghelsba can not assist a player who's beast is in Giddeus. Who can and can not enter the circle is extremely obvious when you go to enter the circle, some players will recieve the message "A Cursed Seal has been placed upon the Circle". If you try to enter the circle and friends and team members can not enter, you can select the burning circle from the other side to 'Flee the Battlefield', which is suggestable and often preferred to dying in this very difficult fight.

Autor:  ksawery [ 8 gru 2003, 11:42 ]

W takim razie boje sie ze musimy poczekac... ja mam lvl 14, Masakra 15 tak jak i ty... jedyna 16 to w tej chwili Browar.
I zadnego WHM w okolicy naszego lvlu (cos z tym trzeba zrobic btw).

Autor:  Huckster [ 8 gru 2003, 12:09 ]

Właściwie - tu jest odpowiedź:

you have to be at least lvl 20 to take this dragon, in a full party. No soloing possible, a party of lvl 25's is suggested if you don't wanna worry about death.
FOR the LAST TIME, you cannot solo this dragon, its a dragon, thats right, a dragon. Do you think you would be able to solo any dragon at lvl 18-25, I think not. Find a decent party, then kill the dragon, wait until your lvl 20+ to do so.

Autor:  Mac [ 8 gru 2003, 12:50 ]

I zadnego WHM w okolicy naszego lvlu (cos z tym trzeba zrobic btw).

Ja <--- WHM lvl 13,5 :wink:

Autor:  Mac [ 8 gru 2003, 12:53 ]

While no one can give you the best or easiest tactic to defeat the 'Horrible Beast', there is one piece of advice which is extremely pertinent. Even though the 'Horrible Beast' fight is on a burning circle, and normally as long as one person opens the circle any member of the party can enter, this is not the case with this mission. This is a special mission, so only players with the exact same mission up to this point can enter the circle with you. No member of any other country, Windhurst or San d'Oria, can enter. Someone whos 'Horrible Beast' is in Fort Ghelsba can not assist a player who's beast is in Giddeus. Who can and can not enter the circle is extremely obvious when you go to enter the circle, some players will recieve the message "A Cursed Seal has been placed upon the Circle". If you try to enter the circle and friends and team members can not enter, you can select the burning circle from the other side to 'Flee the Battlefield', which is suggestable and often preferred to dying in this very difficult fight.

Na podstawie powyzszego proponuje zaczekac z robieniem nawet czesci tej misji, bo potem sie okaze, ze polowa ludu ma misje w Fort Ghelsba, a druga polowa w Giddeus - i bedzie dupa :wink:

<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Mac dnia 2003-12-08 13:29 ]</font>

Autor:  Scorpio [ 8 gru 2003, 14:44 ]

A ja proponuje wstrzymac sie z tym dopuki nie bedziemy mieli w party Dragona z jego bostami przeciw smokom oraz 25 lvl teamu :smile:
Z opisu mieszanego temu jaki poszedl robic ten quest wynika ze przezyli 45 sec, do walki obnizy wszystkie lvl do 25 i nie wpusci nikogo kto nie ma questu do zrobienia na ring :smile:

Autor:  Gokulo [ 8 gru 2003, 18:44 ]

No czekam czekam bo ta misja już mnie świerzbi :grin:
Aktualnie RDM lv 13

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