THE Fishing Guide - polecam
Strona 1 z 1

Autor:  Huckster [ 13 maja 2004, 12:33 ]

Ten fishing guide jest naprawdę super - koleś wie co mówi.

Level 0 - 6
Target Fish:Crayfish(6)
Location: East Sarubartha(moat just south of the lake)
Rod/Bait: Any/Little Worm
Target Fish: Crayfish(6) Moat Carp(11) Gold Carp(56)
Location: Windurst Woods/Waters/Walls
Rod/Bait: Any/Little Worm

Level 6-11
Target Fish: Moat Carp(11) Gold Carp(56)
Location: Windurst Woods/Waters/Walls
Rod/Bait: Any/Insect Ball

Level 11-20
Target Fish: Cheval Salmon(21) Shining Trout(39)
Location: East Ronfaure
Rod/Bait: Composite Rod/ Fly Lure

Level 20-31
Target Fish: Giant Catfish(31) Dark Bass(33) Red Terrapin(52)
Location: La Theine Plateau (most south-eastern pond)
Rod/Bait: Mithran Rod/Frog Lure

Level 31-45
Target Fish: Ogre Eel(35) Gold Lobster(46) Zalmug Bass(4 Bastore Bream(85)
Location: South Gustaberg
Rod/Bait: Composite Rod/Sinking Minnow Lure

Level 45-55
Target Fish: Bluetails(55) Bastore Bream(85)
Location: East/West Sarubartha
Rod/Bait: Composite Rod/Minnow Lure

Level 55-60
Target Fish: Gugru Tuna(41) Bharfel Marlin(61) Silver Shark(74)
Location: Selbina-Mhaura Ferry
(warning: rods will break)

Strategy 1: Catch Fish (Recommended)
Rod/Bait: Composite Rod/Sliced Bluetail
Buy about 20-30 Composite Rods to use. Sell broken rods to auction house or bazaar infront of alchemy guild.

Strategy 2: Don't Catch Fish
Rod/Bait: Willow Rod/Sliced Bluetail
Buy 20-30 Willow Rods and just sell broken rods to NPC.

Level 60-70
Target Fish: Ogre Eel(35) Gold Lobster(46) Zalmug Bass(4 Bladefish(71) Bastore Bream(85)
Location: South Gustaberg
Rod/Bait: Composite Rod/Sliced Sardine
Target Fish: Ogre Eel(35) Gold Lobster(46) Bluetail(55) Bladefish(71) Bastore Bream(85)
Location: East/West Sarubartha
Rod/Bait: Composite Rod/Sliced Sardine

Level 70-80
Target Fish: Gavial Fish(81)
Location: North Gustaberg Cascade
Rod/Bait: Composite Rod/Meat Ball

Level 80-90
Target Fish: Giant Squid(90) Black Sole(96)
Location: Qufim Island (North-West or North-East)
Rod/Bait: Composite Rod/Sliced Cod

Level 90-96
Target Fish: Black Sole(96)
Location: Port Jueno
Rod/Bait: Composite Rod/Sinking Minnow

Level 96-100
Target Fish: Silver Shark(74) Titantius(100) Ryugu Titan(100)
Location: Selbina-Mhaura Ferry
(warning: rods will break)

Strategy 1: Catch Fish (Recommended)
Rod/Bait: Composite Rod/Meat Ball
Buy about 20-30 Composite Rods to use. Sell broken rods to auction house or bazaar infront of alchemy guild.

Strategy 2: Don't Catch Fish
Rod/Bait: Willow Rod/Meat Ball
Buy 20-30 Willow Rods and just sell broken rods to NPC.

Autor:  Mark24 [ 18 maja 2004, 08:47 ]

NO ja wczoraj znalazłem jednak dobre miejsce na fishing na moim levelu.
Bierzemy Composite rod + Rogue rig (robber rig) udajemy sie do Buburimu Peninsula w okolice latarni i zarzucamy wędzisko.
Skillujemy na Shall Shell (cap 53 - 61 w zależności od źródła).
Wczoraj przy słabym księżycu itd. w kilka godzin machnąłem ponad 1lvl (mam już prawie 45).
Shall Shelle się stackują, jedna sztuka u NPC-a idzie za ~650g.

Autor:  Huckster [ 18 maja 2004, 09:04 ]

Martinez - gdybyś na tym levelu łowił na sliced sardine w East/West Saruta to miałbyś:
- Gold Lobster (400 gil)
- Bluetail (675 gil)
- Bastore Bream (1350 gil)
- Bladefish (900 gil)
- Ogre Eel (70 gil)

4 z 5 ryb dadzą Ci skill upa.

Shall Shell ma capa 53.

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No ale zrobisz jak chcesz...
Hucksterthief: THF42 / NIN23 / WAR11 / BST9 / RNG7
Fishing (57) / Cooking (42)

<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Huckster dnia 2004-05-18 10:07 ]</font>

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