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Posty: 4849
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2004
PostNapisane: 17 maja 2004, 01:53 
Ok niektorzy juz wiedza ze ja mialem taki problem (i moze dalej mam) i po uzyciu magiczne goglowki dowiedzialem sie ze po tym nowym p[atrzu z PvP wiele osob ma te zjawisko ale nie tylko przez klawiature czy sound card ale pare innych i znalazlem jak narazie dlamnie rozwiazanie na innym forum i umieszczam to dla innych ktorzy tez moze maja ten problem:

>If you are experiencing crashing at any point you will want to go over
>the things known to crash the game listed below.
>1. If you use a game pad, and have Force Feedback on, you need to turn Force Feedback off.
>2. If you are using a router, Internet Connection Sharing or a Proxy servers:
>Internet Connection Sharing will not work correctly, Proxies will not
>work correctly, and routers need to forward the port range 50000-65535 - TCP and UDP.
>3. If you have any programs running in the background during game play:
>You need to use "msconfig" at the
>windows RUN program window, go to the startup tab and uncheck
>everything except SYSTRAY, and SCANREG only in windows 98, and ME. For Windows XP and Windows 2000 you can uncheck the entire list.
>NOTE: Your ISP may require software to run in the background. If you
>uncheck the whole list and then cant connect to the Internet then call
>you’re ISP and find out what that software is called so you can leave it checked on.
>4. If you use a localized version of Windows, i.e. Korean Windows or use a Language Pack:
>If you use language pack you need to set it back to English or
>uninstall it A localized version of Windows will not work correctly.
>5. Make sure that your drivers for your video card, sound card, and motherboard drivers are up to date.
>The game requires that your video card be an AGP card, PCI will not
>work. Also if you have an AGP card and the AGP Texture Acceleration option on the Display tab of DXDIAG is not enabled, you will need to reinstall the driver.
>6. If you have a on-board sound card, i.e. built onto the motherboard,
>these cards can tend to be of low quality and most are not DirectX 8.1
>compatible. Even if you don’t use sound in-game, if the card is not disabled, then it is working with other devices and may cause the game to not work correctly.
>7. If you have done any kind of over-clocking to your system: CPU or
>your video cards GPU - we understand this is done a lot with serious game players, but it very well could cause crashing or freezing.
>8. If the entire PC is crashing or freezing, it could also be the
>result of a heat or voltage issue. Please ensure that you have proper
>cooling within your system and that you have enough voltage in your Power Supply to support your system.
>9. If you have the Enable Hardware Mouse Cursor option turned on in the
>FINAL FANTASY XI Config tool, you will want to turn it off.
>10. Sometimes if the sound hardware acceleration is at full
>acceleration, this will cause a crash, and you will want to turn it down on the sound tab using DXDIAG at the Windows Run command dialog box.
>NOTE: It is never a bad idea to have all the current Windows service
>packs, and updates installed on your system provided by Microsoft at

Happy playing!!

Ofkors credit dla ZeoCammie a moim rozwiazaniem jak narazie bylo wylonczenie mouse hardware support mysle ze sie to przyda komus.

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