Jak pobić AVATARY - lvl20
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Autor:  Huckster [ 21 maja 2004, 12:49 ]

robic ctrl-c/v tu tez - bo może zniknąć.

Here is how i did it. - you can download this MS Word document link to print it at home if you really like it.

http://vanadielheroes.informationsystem ... VATARS.doc

here is a rough map too

http://vanadielheroes.informationsystem ... efield.JPG

Requirements and things I have heard of people using.
- Level 20
- Hermit Wand (Club) 25% spell interruption increase
- Max Summoning Skill (must have ) for level 20 that is skill of 63
- A friend or random person to cast Protect II and Shell II or better on you
- Rolanberry Pie MP: 50 | AGI: -1 | INT: +2
- Pineapple juices 1MP/3secs 240 secs
- Yagudo drink 2MP/3secs 180 secs
- Hi-ether 50 MP
- Ethers 25 MP
- Hi-potion 100 HP
I personally only used 3 Yagudo Drinks (~ 1500gil each) and 3 potions (~400gil each)

Macros (Helps a lot with targeting and resource control)
1. Battle Target (this will make your target whatever your attacking – red name)
/target <bt> (note: Pets will auto attack Battle Targets)
2. Carbuncle (casts Carbuncle)
/ma &#8220;Carbuncle&#8221; <me>
3. Assault (makes pet attack target)
/pet &#8220;Assault&#8221; <t>
4. Astral Flow (Summoner&#8217;s 2hour ability &#8211; 3 min duration &#8211; activates Mega Abilities)
/ja &#8220;Astral Flow&#8221; <me>
5. Searing Light (Carbuncle&#8217;s Mega Ability AOE Light Damage)
/pet &#8220;Searing Light&#8221; <t>
6. Yagudo Drink (sample of an item macro &#8211; can use almost any item this way)
/item &#8220;Yagudo Drink&#8221; <me>
-Make sure you go on a day that is not the strong day of the Prime Avatar and not on Darksday since that will weaken Carbuncle. I prefer Lightsday since it seems to make Carbuncle stronger.
-Talk to the NPC for the Mini Element Trial Quest. &#8211; Trade the Mini Tuning Fork to the NPC and he will give it back and warp you to the ProtoCrystal. Trade MiniTuning Fork to the ProtoCrystal. If the NPC don&#8217;t give you the quest you probably don&#8217;t have enough fame.
-Go up 2/3 way up the path to where the Prime Avatar is located.
-Hit Macro for Yagudo Drink and cast Carbuncle
-Move up to target the Prime Avatar but don&#8217;t get too close. You should barely see the Prime Avatar. Now creep up to the Prime Avatar just close enough to send Carbuncle but not get agro.

1. Hit the Carbuncle Macro then Assault Macro to send Carbuncle up to the Avatar.
2. Run back at least 2/3 of the way back down the path. Turn around and Face in the direction of the Prime Avatar. Make sure you don&#8217;t go out of range &#8211; you should still see Carbuncle&#8217;s Hit Point bar and possibly Prime Avatar as target. If you go too far the Prime Avatar will lose agro and regenerate hit points and if you are too close you will not be to send Carbuncle to the Prime Avatar without getting hit.
3. Carbuncle will die soon - so be ready to get Carbuncle out again. Check MP and HP and use items to get HP back (potions) or get MP back (ethers) if you are getting low. Don&#8217;t worry too much about keeping MP full just make sure you don&#8217;t run out of MP.
4. Is Prime Avatar is more than 1/3 down on his HP? Go to step 5 &#8211; if not, go back to step 1. Make sure your HP is FULL.
5. Hit the Yagudo Drink right before Carbuncle dies. VERY IMPORTANT
6. Hit the Carbuncle Macro and follow Carbuncle up to the Avatar and stand right next to Carbuncle. Make sure the Avatar is targeted using Battle Target Macro.
7. Now hit the Astral Flow Macro and then use the Searing Light Macro Make sure you are right next to Carbuncle or Searing light will only do half damage or no damage. Astral Flow causes hate so you will get hit, but not for too long.

CONFIRMED - You must have 40 MP or more or Searing Light will do 0 Damage.

8. GOOD NEWS! You had Yagudo Drink active so you will not lose Carbuncle since you are regen-ing your MP and Astral flow makes Carbuncle use no mana. Pause briefly (one quick second) to let Carbuncle get some hate then RUN down 2/3 of the path again. You need to be full HP and Fresh Carbuncle cause the Prime Avatar may use his 2hour &#8211; which could do up to 150+ hp damage AOE. If the Prime Avatar starts his 2hour ( Ifrit readies Inferno) RUN - you will need distance to get Carbuncle back up. While waiting for Carbuncle to die once more use potions to heal if you need to.
9. Hit the Carbuncle Macro and send Carbuncle up to the Avatar and follow Carbuncle up to the Prime Avatar again so you get full hit on Searing Light. Make sure you got 40 mp or more. If you can&#8217;t use Searing Light again due to 1 minute recast on it run down the path again and wait for Carbuncle to die and get a fresh Carbuncle. By this time Searing Light should be enabled again.

10. Astral Flow will still be active so hit the Searing Light Macro again. Remember your Yagudo Drink is still up and Carbuncle is not using any mana so don&#8217;t worry about mana now just get the second Searing Light to work. The second Searing Light should kill the Avatar.

CONGRATULATIONS you should now be able to cast that Avatar with your Summoner.
You will also get a scroll of instant warp to use to get home.

I used Black Mage as my SubJob for the MP gain so if you find that you are running low on MP during the battles since your using a different SubJob then use 3 yagudo drinks instead of 2.

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