Update ???
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Autor:  Bodziu [ 28 cze 2004, 14:05 ]

Czy moze mi ktos cos wyjasnic bo nie za bardzo to kumam :sad:(
Update jest w Japoni od 10 do 18 wiec u nas bedzie od 3 do 11 ???

[Affected Period]
From Jun. 28, 2004 10:00 to Jun. 28, 2004 18:00 (PDT)
*The projected update completion time may be subject to change.

A znow na Allakhazam pisze tak:

I'm sure most of you have already seen this, but just in case, from 1pm to 9pm EST there is going to be a huge patch

czyli od 19 do 2 !

Kurde to jak to w koncu jest ??

Autor:  Bodziu [ 28 cze 2004, 14:17 ]

OK doszedlem sam o co chodzi :smile:)
Jednak te strefy czasowe to makabra :sad:

10:00-18:00 wedlug PDT (Pacific timezone)
czyli dodajemy +9 godzin :smile:)

Autor:  Huckster [ 28 cze 2004, 14:54 ]

no - i update bedzie miał 40 MB

File Size for Jun. 28 Update

An update for FINAL FANTASY XI is currently scheduled for Jun. 28, 2004. Approximate file sizes and installation times for this update are shown below.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

"PlayStation 2" Version
Downloadable file size: 22MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 4 minutes
Download / Unzip: 51 minutes
Installation: 3 minutes Total: About 58 minutes
>>DSL (8Mbps) users *Average download speed 2Mbps
Volume check: 4 minutes
Download / Unzip: 19 minutes
Installation: 3 minutes Total: About 26 minutes

Windows Version
Downloadable file size: 40MB
>>Analog modem (56Kbps) users
Volume check: 4 minutes
Download / Unzip: 3 hours
Installation: 2 minutes Total: About 3 hours, 6 minutes
>>DSL (8Mbps) users *Average download speed 2Mbps
Volume check: 4 minutes
Download / Unzip: 30 minutes
Installation: 2 minutes Total: About 36 minutes

*Please note that the above times are for reference only. Download times depend on individual users' network environment and may vary from those shown above. Also, this update will require more time if previous version updates were not completed.

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