incomming update!
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Autor:  swordsman [ 29 sie 2004, 07:46 ]
Tytuł:  incomming update!

z ciekawszych wg mnie :)

Skillchain elements and magic burst effects will be added to avatar blood pact abilities. Also, the accuracy and damage of low-level blood pact abilities will be increased

The skillchain element for the dagger weapon skill Evisceration will be changed. :P

The recast time for the paladin job ability Cover will be decreased from 5 minutes to 3 minutes (moze ririko nie bedzie tyle ginac :P )

The level required for paladins to learn Raise will be reduced from 75 to 50 (no to xav szykuje sie na telle :P)

The effect of the ninjutsu Utsusemi will be completely removed by area attacks. (przykro mi rha :( kurde mnie tez to dotyczy ! /cry)

- A new activity called "clamming" will becoming available on the beaches of a certain area 8)

Several key items have been added to the list of items available by trading guild points. These key items will make it possible to perform special type of synthesis

and others :)

das link

Autor:  swordsman [ 29 sie 2004, 07:50 ]

a tutaj jeszcze troche rumorsow... i wonder...

A new area was added. In addition, new enemies were also added. It is a little different then you're normal area...

Promathia Missions have been added. They are available after complete specific requirements.

A new ferry will now take players from the town of Mhaura to the town of Norg (SWEET)

The player can now purchase their very own Chocobo. Also, new equipment designed specificly for the Chocobo is now available.

You can only call your chocobo in an area under the control of your nation, or in an area with with a chocobo stable (like the crags)

Although you're chocobo will be taken care of with Mog, it will run away if you don't feed it. So feed your chocobo periodicly.

Also, the Chocobo can be equiped with items to give it a more unique look.

<Item related>

Item Synthesis caps have been moved from 100 to 110. Along with this was a new rang, Exslusive Craftsman. As per usualy, you must finish the Guild Test to obtain this rank.

Every server and guild will have a specific ammount of those who can become an Exclusive Crafstmen. Once you become one, you will be given synthesis requests from the NPC's in each nation.

Although an income can be obtained by managing an offer, a contract may be canceled if the reputation from the important person of each country is bad.

Although you can obtain alot of income doing these requests, you may cancel the offer if the reputation from the person is bad. (Maybe effects fame if you help an arse in your nation?)

New Items were added.

Aincent Weapons were added.

You now gain points from Chocobo Stables in all areas. If you gain a chocolate point something special may happen...

<Battle related>

You can now raise your weapon/magic skills using Merit Points.

Arms system skill (musical instrument ŠÜ‚Ţ, a spirit of a departed person, darkness, sacredness, a summons, and spying can be raised to 30 in all.

Weapon and Summoning Magic can now be raised by 30 points above the level 75 cap. (I didn't understand the rest)

Healing, Recovery, Enhancing, and Enfeebling can now be raised 20 above the level 75 cap.

<Job Related>


- Ability Defensive Position was added. Defense is increased, evasion is decreased.

- The job characteristic "a weapon cover" was newly added.
This ability allows you to change your weapons without loosing TP.

- The Ability "training jar hunt" and "SUNAIPU" were newly added.
Training Jar Hunt- If the attack destroys the enemy, the item drop will increase by 1.5 times.

Sunaipu- If the enemy is destroyed by it, the EXP value will be multiplied by 1.5 (Theives just got the best addition EVER)

-The results of Training Jar Hunt will be shown in the Chat Log.

ˇ a white evil spirit -- a Taoist and Ť•–‚ -- a Taoist
- The job characteristic "FESHIMIRU" was newly added.
The hostility heart is downed gradually.
In connection with it, the accumulation condition of the hostility heart is changed a little with the level difference with an enemy.
ˇ Žë people
- Ability "‰e”›‚č" was newly added.
‰e”›‚č ... All motions of fixed time and an object are stopped.

The above part lost me.

- Ability "utterance" and "purification" were recently added.

Utterance ... The effect of the poetry recited next rises.
Purification ... The poetry recited next becomes that a register strike is hard to be carried out.

Utterance-Makes the next song used more effective.
Purification- Makes the party member more difficult to hit (Raises evasion or something like blink I would assume)

Brute usage

I don't know what it does, but it's influenced by the monsters attribute and day of the week.

- The job trait "a suitable distance" was recently added.
The further away the enemy is, the higher the samurai's evasion is. (Yay, I can run away from monstesr with ease now!)
Ability "Stun Hit" was newly added.
-If it connects, it binds the enemy to wherever he is.

- Ability "the secret to bear" and "smoke screen" were recently added.
-Secret Bear: Hit and evasive rates are raised, while offensive and defensive power are dropped.
-Smoke Screen: Raises evasion.

- Easy [ slight ability "the Grand Slam" and easy / "easy / slight /" ] were recently added.
-Grand Slam: Rasies your critical hit rate for a fixed time.
-Easy Slight ability: The Dragoon can heal his wyvern when not in battle without resting.
-The Job Trait: Proud loneliness, was recently added.
When the wyvern dies, the Dragoons Offensive strenght and hit rate are GREATLY increased for a fixed time.

-Job Trat: Knowledge of Summons, and Temper of the Summoner was recently added.
-Knoweldge of Summons: MP drain is lowered.
-Temper of the Summoner: All parameters of the Avatar is risen, but MP drain is increased.

New white magic was added.
Tele-Ponaji, Tele-Potowa, Tele-Pouru, and Tele-Poroa were added. In connection, their respecting telepoints were also added.

New ancient magic was added.
Black Magic "Explosion, Quake?, and Meteo was added.
White Magic Esuna and Haste +? has been added.

Five new Avatars have been added, and in connection with them, new Avatar Battles and cloisters were added as well.
New Avatars:
-Kettoshi (Nuetral Element)
-Ashura (Fire)
-Typhoon (Probably Pandamonium) (Wind)
-Faraku (Darkness)
-Eden (oh boy) (Light)

I think the next part is talking about new Dynamis areas, and the EXP penalty while in Dynamis is being removed. Don't qoute me on that though.

ˇ The new note rear SMON disease star was added to every place.
ˇ OKUPU SMON disease stars (henceforth, OM), such as KATOBUREPASU which occupies the inside of specific area, were newly added.
All the players that are in the area where OM appeared can serve as a candidate for a battle, and anyone can add an attack.
The player moved to OM does not have penalties, such as experience value ROSUTO.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 29 sie 2004, 07:54 ]

O fajnie S-E bierze sie wreszcie za ulepszanie Summonerow.
Skrocenie Cover recast to tez bardzo dobra wiadomosc.
Co to kurde zadnych dodatkow to Red Maga ? Fajnie Haste+ i Esuna ^^;; W summony trudno uwierzyc narazie.
A weapon cover dla wara to byloby super uber.
A te info o chocobo to poprostu @_@

Autor:  Targaryen [ 29 sie 2004, 09:26 ]

Przykra sprawa z tym AOE ale jestem pewien, że nowe umiejętności cos na to zaradzą.

Dodatki dla THF rządzą, custom chocobo to zbyt piękne aby było prawdziwe, nowe summony i teleporty to super sprawa, trzeba się będzie szybko wybrać na nowe questy aby ustalić właściwe ceny na AH :D

KATOBUREPASU to nic innego jak Catoblepas, jeden z najsilniejszych smoków z jakimi sie w finalach walczyło. Jestem ciekaw co jeszcze w najbliższych dniach wypłynie. Mam nadzieję, że spelle -San dla ninja to nie dowcip :D

Już widzę, że nasz bard będzie się musiał nauczyc Purification. Jeszcze więcej evade nie zaszkodzi :D

Autor:  Strangerr [ 29 sie 2004, 11:32 ]

Wlasne Chocobo ..ehh az sie lezka w oku ze szczescia pojawila.... czy nie kadzdy mazyl o wlasnym malym kuraku , ktorego bedziemy piescic i glaskac i karmic on bedzie nam uciekal , gryzl nas i bedzie robil wiele innych kochanych rzeczy ktore beda doprowadzaly nas do szalenstwa :)
Juz nie moge sie doczekac tego update :)

Autor:  Idril [ 29 sie 2004, 13:20 ]

Ee.. A czemu nie dodają nowych wszechmocy dla WHMa? ;p

Autor:  mrynar [ 29 sie 2004, 13:53 ]

Wy po nowym dodatku będziecie głównie jeździć na taksówkach. :)

Autor:  Coval [ 29 sie 2004, 15:25 ]

Prawie nic nie dali dla BLMa. Nowa ancient magic... pfff - jak na razie to nie jest zbyt uzyteczne. WHM dostaje nowe teleporty, czyli wiecej roboty :D. Jednak nic nie przebije tego boosta dla THF. Kazde PT teraz bedzie chcialo miec THF.

Autor:  Idril [ 29 sie 2004, 16:54 ]

Ty masz THFa na 50, możesz się przestawić ;)

A ja znowu muszę umierać w poszukiwaniu ??? albo kupować scrolle ;p

Autor:  swordsman [ 30 sie 2004, 00:06 ]

pamietajcie ze ten drugi post to rumorsy... ale po J mozna sie wszystkeigo spodziewac :)

Autor:  Huckster [ 30 sie 2004, 15:57 ]

No - te rumorsy to wg mnie sciema.

Autor:  Binio [ 7 wrz 2004, 21:20 ]

To co podał sai w pierwszym poscie tutaj wchodzi w życie 13 września. Ani słowa na temat tych "rumorsów". Pyromathia teoretycznie tez juz bedzie od 13 ale nie da sie tam dostac przed 16 - i tu myślę ze jednak wszystkie wersje JAP/NA/EUR wystartują w tym samym czasie.
Oczywiście nie muszę wspominac że podbonie jak z Zilart - Kazham i okolice, tak tutaj bez instalacji dodatku nie wpuszcza nas do miejsc zwiazanych z Pyromathia :(

Autor:  mrynar [ 7 wrz 2004, 21:32 ]

W USA Promathia ma się ukazać dopiero 21 września, co ozancza paczki z grami zaczną do nas przychodzić pewnie dopiero na początku października.

Zastanawiam się czy 16.09 nie pojechać do Niemiec, kupić grę, wykorzystać tylko cd-key z Promathi, a jak przyjdzie paczka ze Stanów to sprzedać całość.

Autor:  Binio [ 7 wrz 2004, 23:08 ]

Hmmm nie wie ktoś czy w Gorlitz jest jakiś sklep z gierkami??? :P

Bo do Berlina to troszku daleko i nie po drodze a do Zgorzelca wyprawe mogę sobie zorganizować a tam to tylko kilka kroków i już nasi sąsiedzi ;)

Autor:  swordsman [ 8 wrz 2004, 00:04 ]

kombinujcie panowie kombinujcie :]

Autor:  Bodziu [ 8 wrz 2004, 07:26 ]

Op. ja tam bede z gostkiem gadal aby mi przeslal kody na ICQ, a na pzaczke to bede mogl poczekac :)) Plytki to do kogos sie usmiechne :) moze mi wysle :)

Autor:  swordsman [ 8 wrz 2004, 08:01 ]

bod chodzi o to ze czekac to mozesz i dwa tygodnei z tymi kodami...
jesli by ktos kupil w euro calosc w dniu premiery ... plytki bysmy mieli w ciagu kilku dni :]

Autor:  mrynar [ 8 wrz 2004, 08:46 ]

Paker --> w Gorlitz byłem wiele razy. Miasto duże dość. W jednym z domów towarowych albo centrów handlowych FF XI powinno być.

Z tego co pamiętam jest tam Karstadt. U nich gra ma kosztować 47 EURO, nie wiem czy to standard cenowy, czy mogą być różne ceny w róznych sklepach.

EDIT: Pochodziłem po różnych niemieckich sklepach on-line z grami i ceny wachają się od 46 do 50 EURO.
Dla zainteresowanych adresy:

Autor:  mrynar [ 8 wrz 2004, 09:21 ]

Gdyby całą operację udało się przeprowadzić super sprawnie (potrzeba do tego 1 egz. gry i szybki FTP) to w nowych krainach byśmy byli tylko my i Japończycy (Ameryka ma premierę dopiero 21.09, a Europa będzie miała za cienkie lvle żeby gdzieś wejść). :)

Tak pomyślałem, że powinno się rozrzedzić też campowanie starych NMów, bo zawodowi camperzy (typu Saitou :) ) skoczą pewnie szukać nowych.

Autor:  Scorpio [ 8 wrz 2004, 11:16 ]

Ale ja już zamówiłem ze stanów ... i do czego mi wersja full EU :( omg dlaczego tego nie można kupic normalnie w Japoni albo poprzez zakup update bezpośrednio w SE :(

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