Exp chain time limit
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Autor:  swordsman [ 7 wrz 2004, 18:24 ]
Tytuł:  Exp chain time limit

The following table shows the time limit to complete each XP chain based on the monster's level and chain #.

C = Chain # (1-5)
L = Enemy Level
Chain Time Limit = (L+10) * (6-C) [seconds]

For example:
If the mob is level 40, and you are going for chain #3.

Then the time limit for chain #3 will be:
(40+10)*(6-3) = 150 seconds

NOTE: It has nothing to do with player level, it's totally dependent on the monster's level.

Autor:  Strangerr [ 7 wrz 2004, 19:52 ]

oo to nie dosc ze FF jest calkiem niezlym mmorpg to jeszcze uczy matematyki ..:) Ciekawe czy beda jakies inne wzory .. heh za jakis czas ludzie beda mieli tabelki z wzorami jak w szkole ;] .. .. Hmm to ja se juz kupie dobry kalkulator :P

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