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Autor:  Pieszczoch [ 4 paź 2004, 15:28 ]
Tytuł:  CoP na

Wyczerpane? Juz przed premiera zlozona az tyle zamowien ze jedyna opcja jest jak narazie pod Finalkiem to dodanie tego do listy zyczen.
Czyz mialaby nadchodzic mala horda from Poland?
Egh ja ide poszukac na innych mmo forach czy jacys polacy sie nie werbuja na FF, jeszcze brakuje zeby poszli na jakiegos Quetzalcoatl (potrafi ktos to wymowic? :P).

Autor:  Huckster [ 4 paź 2004, 15:35 ]

My name is James Bryan, and I am a professor at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia. Because of my studies of Mesoamerican history and of the Nahuatl language, and as Supreme Co-Historian of the See of North America, I have been asked to prepare a cassette tape to assist you in the pronunciation of difficult Nahuatl names adopted by the Order of Quetzalcoatl.

Let me say at the outset that we cannot replicate the exact sounds of the language spoken by the Nahua Indian tribes because in 1522 when the Spanish friars attempted to reduce Nahuatl to writing, there were no characters in the Spanish alphabet that could reproduce the guttural and clucking sounds they heard. What resulted from their efforts was a phonetic approximation of the words.

Nevertheless, understanding the limitations of our knowledge of true Nahuatl as it was spoken in pre-Columbian central Mexico, we can provide the Spanish language approximation of Nahuatl. Please bear in mind in seeing Nahuatl words in print that Nahuatl is not Spanish. They are two separate languages. Remember, too, that the Spanish invaders destroyed the civilization of the native peoples, demolished their holy places, suppressed the native languages, and imposed European religion on the native population. Necessary Words

Let us begin by pronouncing the name of our Order. It is spelled


It derives from two Nahuatl words: quetzalli, a large brilliant tail feather which inspired the name given the quetzal, an exotic tropical bird some Indians believed was sacred, and coatl, the word for serpent, or snake.

The proper pronunciation is Quetzal-coatl'.

Make sure you don't pronounce the Q-U-E at the beginning of the word as though it were English, as in the English word question. The que in the first syllable is pronounced like the Spanish word que [pronounced, kay], as in Que pasa? Que tal? que homre! Que bueno! It has the same sound and spelling as in the last syllable of the Mexican word pulque [pronounced PULL-kay].

Do not pronounce it KWET ZAL COATL, or KWET ZAL KWATL. It's Quetzalcoatl. The word consists of four separate syllables, and each must be pronounced distinctly.

Therefore, say Ket zal co ATL.

Repeat the name of our Order after me while looking at the word in print: Quet-zal-co-ATL . . . Quet-zal-co-ATL . . . Quet-zal-co-ATL

Autor:  Pieszczoch [ 4 paź 2004, 15:55 ]

Logopeda sie znalazl :P

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