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Autor:  Gokulo [ 7 paź 2004, 13:39 ]
Tytuł:  Corse

Takie male info zakoszone z Russta journal:

This has to be the most fun unsuccesful hunt I've ever done in the game even though on the flip side it's also one of the gayest. An NM that can only pop between 20:00 and 4:00, has only three chances within that and the only way to get repops inside the limit is to kill the placeholders FAST. We actually all died here as well as seeing three other people dying, Iwasaki, Symibosis and Kanata, who are all from top JP HNM LS' there, it was incredible really. Kanata is who raised and helped us out a great deal, even spoke to us in English which made me feel soooo bad after I laughed my head off when he failed charm on a Scorpion and died to that and a Corse in five seconds. Actually, with the exception of Piyotan, everybody I've ever met or had run ins with from Gorifters seem really nice people. So yeah, Corse's are nasty bastards and makes me wonder if mine and Calins' Bard and Thief combo can duo him due to shitty damage from daggers, no strong Silence and no form of Stun. Aside from having Curse, a Silencega type move and INT up (bad for something that casts magic) he also does Charm. As Crazyasian found out in Dynamis, being charmed around me is never good and Calin was no exception. We all got charmed at least once but the time it happened to me I had 300TP and One Handed Sword equipped... you've never seen someone get put to sleep so fast >.>

Autor:  Huckster [ 7 paź 2004, 13:57 ]

To są pierdoły - ja tam byłem, widziałem jak walczą z Corse, gadałem też z kolesiem, który tam miał party (jedno). Zabili Citipati już 3 razy - wypadły tylko Druid's Slops.

I nie mówił by było ciężko (kolesie lv70-72)

A przypominam, ze Citipati wyrzuca jeszcze Harpe (Sai widząc to ma mokre Culotty).

Citipati pojawia się jako POP z Corsami - między 20 a 4 rano.

A miły nie jest - Blizzaga II, Water IV, Poisona II, Frost, Drown, Ice Spike, Aspir, Stone III

W każdym razie - warto go pocampować

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