This is World of Warcraft -Alpha - U cant play the game. The only thing u can do is run around in the world all alone with no monsters and no NPC. Ok?
Borring for non-WoW fans after 5 min. SO still want the 2GB file?
1. Download the 1.88GB (and leave download window open after )
2. Extract the first rar file called WoW Alpha.ace
3. Extract the new rar file called WoW Alpha.rar
Ok u now have WoW-Alpha on ur comp. Now u want the crack so u can walk around in the world.
Find it here or go to and get it.
4. Download the WoW Sandbox Crack.
5. Extract the file
6. Copy the files into ur "WoW Friends & Family"
7. Run the wowbox.exe
And thats is.. simple as it can get..
Q: I have downloaded the 1.88GB file but is cant extract.
A: Get winrar at If it still dosent work..Download the file again.
Q: I have the WoW alpha and i tryed the WoW Twilight Crack. Now i cant get the WoW alpha Sandbox crack to work.
A: Delete the "WoW Friends & Family" and extract the Wow alpha.rar again. The 2 Cracks dont work together.
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