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Posty: 266
Dołączył(a): 12.10.2004
PostNapisane: 6 paź 2005, 13:04 
... then this would be Razorgore's chat log

Welcome to the world of Azeroth! Just a reminder that any NPCs using area of effect abilities that check for line of sight will be fixed. This is a bug and it is not working as intended. Have a great game day in the world of Azeroth!
Message of the Day: Reminder that we have 4 raids tonight. Nefarian and Chrommagus will be needed only for raid #3. All other dragonkin and humanoids will need to be there for ALL 4 RAIDS. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Joined Channel [1. Blackrock Mountain General]
Joined Channel [2. Trade]

[Guild] [Razorgore the Untamed]: Hey all
[Onyxia] has come online.
To [Onyxia]: Hey baby
[1. General] [Blackrock Raider1]: so what`s with all the people taking the chains to get to UBRS?
[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: what`s up razor?
Onyxia; Level ?? Dragonkin Boss <Dustwallow Death> - Onyxia`s Lair
1 player total

[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: ah sh!t, someone is doing the rend event again. gotta send in my ghost form
[1. General] [Blackrock Raider2]: what? Do you want to die more if they have to fight through us?
To [Onyxia]: Still in the lair, eh? Not out farming?
[2. Trade] [Arena Spectator]: WTS [Krol Blade]
[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: seriously, how many times a day do i have to do this?
[Onyxia] whispers: hey : )
[Onyxia] whispers: Yeah, raid tonight

[Guild] [Grethok the Controller]: shut up Vael
[Guild] [Grethok the Controller]: at least your ghost doesn`t die there

[Onyxia] whispers: this same alliance guild is trying again for the 3rd night in a row
[Onyxia] whispers: bad enough a different guild got my head last night.

[Guild] [Nefarian]: both of you shut up
[1. General] [Blackrock Raider1]: I liked the loot when they died instead of me : (
[Guild] [Razorgore the Untamed]: What time is the raid?
[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: well at least nefarian doesn`t kill your ghost form
[Guild] [Grethok the Controller]: at least you don`t die 2 seconds into your event

[Onyxia] whispers: and [Vis'kag the Bloodletter] dropped and the hunter won it
[Guild] [Razorgore the Untamed]: I get mind controlled. Now what time is the raid?
[Guild] [Blackwing Legionnaire1]: must... chase... shamans...
[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: no instead they get unlimited mana and energy.

[1. General] [Blackrock Raider3]: it`s been months since a player died on us. They all have MC gear
[Onyxia] whispers: I almost died laughing
[1. General] [Blackrock Raider1]: they dropped nice cash though. And I got a blue out of it : )
[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: at least as soon as you die you`re done
To [Onyxia]: Are you serious?
[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: you don`t have to wait around for forever
[Guild] [Grethok the Controller]: what!?!

[2. Trade] [Arena Spectator]: WTS [Krol Blade] 1000g
[Guild] [Grethok the Controller]: ever thought that i might like not dying?
To [Onyxia]: The hunter got it? I bet he even said `THAT IS SO A HUNTER WEAPON!`
[Guild] [Grethok the Controller]: but noooooo
[Guild] [Grethok the Controller]: you have to wait until after razor is dead before they even get to you

[2. Trade] [Firebrand Darkweaver]: where did you get that
[Onyxia] whispers: he did say something close to that : )
[1. General] [Lothos Riftwaker]: it`s fun watching them lag into the lava and die
[Onyxia] whispers: I did make close to 300g in all of those attempts over the last 3 days. took forever to loot all the corpses though.
To [Onyxia]: Some priest used mind flay on me the other night.
To [Onyxia]: Was in shadowform too. I can`t even believe that they made it into BWL.

[Guild] [Grethok the Controller]: I just die like a fucking trash mob
[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: don`t blame me that you picked a humanoid to level

To [Onyxia]: I was just surprised that they managed to control me long enough to break all the eggs.
[2. Trade] [Firebrand Darkweaver]: I don`t even have one
[Guild] [Razorgore the Untamed]: Can I get some raid times please?
To [Onyxia]: HE DIDN`T EVEN HEAL!!
[Guild] [Ebonroc]: 6:00 7:30 8:30 and an Australian guild is trying us today at 3am server time
[Guild] [Grethok the Controller]: do you realize how bad my repair costs are?

[Onyxia] whispers: lol. was it caroldanvers? Cause he/she didn`t even try to heal on a raid against me.
[Onyxia] whispers: but shadowform? that`s going too far.

[1. General] [Blackrock Raider3]: you`re at a damn good spot for that. I can`t even see lava from my post
[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: don`t talk to me about costs
[Guild] [Razorgore the Untamed]: 3am! But, I`m out with Ony tonight
[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: I wear scale

[1. General] [Scarshield Quartermaster]: sh!t another group getting keyed for BWL.
[1. General] [Scarshield Quartermaster]: dammit that stings.

[Guild] [Nefarian]: I guess Razorgore, that Onyxia is going to have to wait
[2. Trade] [Arena Spectator]: u buy? 1000g keke?
[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: You wear cloth
To [Onyxia]: Gah, there`s a 3am raid.
[Guild] [Grethok the Controller]: well after 1.8 yours will be the same as mine
[1. General] [Quarry Slave]: can I stop working now?
[Guild] [Grethok the Controller]: so I`ll still pay more cause I die more often
[Onyxia] whispers: but you`re supposed to take me out tonight!
[Guild] [Razorgore the Untamed]: ...
[Guild] [Blackwing Mage1]: grethok and vael could you please cool it?

To [Onyxia]: I know, but what do you want me to do?
[Onyxia] whispers: just start evading and tell nef that you`re glitching

[Guild] [Blackwing Mage2]: take it to another channel or something
[Guild] [Flamegor]: can we kill guild members yet?

[1. General] [Blackhand Elite]: <Blackhand Legion> now recruiting. We`re a friendly, group-orientated guild, focusing on defending high-end instances. This is not your Deadmines guild. lvl 55+ only.
[Onyxia] whispers: what can he do about it?
[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: grethok, who do you think you are?
[Guild] [Vaelastrasz the Corrupt]: cause I certainly don`t see either a ?? or Boss next to your name

To [Onyxia]: LOL
[Guild] [Grethok the Controller]: come duel me outside of Blackrock Mountain b!tch
To [Onyxia]: Like Blood Reign, eh?
[2. Trade] [Firebrand Darkweaver]: d@mn farmers
Nefarian has demoted Vaelastrasz the Corrupt to Silenced
Nefarian has demoted Grethok the Controller to Silenced

Deckard <Drunks>, Orc Warrior, The Venture Co.


Posty: 83
Dołączył(a): 22.04.2005
PostNapisane: 6 paź 2005, 16:01 
moze byc :)


Posty: 886
Dołączył(a): 3.08.2005
PostNapisane: 6 paź 2005, 16:41 
ta moze nawet 4


Posty: 131
Dołączył(a): 18.06.2005
PostNapisane: 6 paź 2005, 19:13 
Hehe dobre dobre można sie pośmiac po czytaniu 100 tysięcy flame postów i innego badziewia :D .Oceniam na 8/10



Posty: 836
Dołączył(a): 10.04.2005
PostNapisane: 6 paź 2005, 19:18 
Moze nie jest wyjatkowo smieszne, ale pomysl jest swietny

#wow-pl - czyli smrod, robactwo i drobna administracja

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