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Autor Wiadomość

Posty: 399
Dołączył(a): 15.09.2004
PostNapisane: 23 paź 2005, 04:24 
A teraz cos ekstra material video; ... einfo.html
i scan artykulu w The Games Machine ... thebur.jpg ... ge=2&pp=20
nowe screeny ... #post55572

_________________ ... on&n=Monos

Ostatnio edytowano 23 paź 2005, 20:41 przez solki1985, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 867
Dołączył(a): 1.04.2005
PostNapisane: 23 paź 2005, 16:58 
Filmik fake, zmienione texturki tylko...


Posty: 99
Dołączył(a): 6.10.2004
PostNapisane: 24 paź 2005, 18:44 
Zwykły Demon Hunter (zobacz wow model view).
Trzeba czekać na BlizzCon... =) Czego to ludzie nie wymyślą, by wywołać sensacje takimi fake informacjami. Nie ma co się za wczasu podniecać.


Posty: 314
Dołączył(a): 9.10.2004
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 10:28 
po tych screenach z gazet jakos sie skrzywilem....te elfy wygladaja tak slooooodko. :o


Posty: 805
Dołączył(a): 28.01.2005
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 10:33 
Od 19 transmisja:

Posty: 41
Dołączył(a): 26.07.2005
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 11:14 
przed dodatkiem niech lepiej naprawia swoja strone. Juz 3 dzien probuje zaplacic a tu zonk. Caly czas wyskakuje mi error 404 ;( DoooooL :(:(

.......::::: ThE dUsT::::::::......
Abraxus Undead Rogue @Burning Legion@ teraz
Unbelievable Undead Priest @Burning Legion@ kiedyś


Posty: 886
Dołączył(a): 3.08.2005
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 12:03 
to maja byc, tak okrutnie traktowane przez wszytskich blood elfy? przeciez to jakies kruche blonduneczki! BE war nie utrzyma zadnego moba bo ten ucieknie ze smiechu! :wink: chociaz jakby sie zaczal "tarzac" ze smiechu...

Britney owns :lol: to sa przefarbowane NE :wink:

Posty: 18
Dołączył(a): 16.10.2005
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 14:23 

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 10853
Dołączył(a): 12.02.2004
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 14:29 
dzisiaj ???


Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 4474
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 14:31 
tak, dzisiaj

ǝuʍɐqɐz ʇsǝظ ıɯɐbou ʎɹob op ǝıuɐsıd
¡ lɐʇod lɐʇod


Posty: 908
Dołączył(a): 11.10.2004
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 15:07 
Bardoz dobrze zrobil blizz ze udostepnil audycje video dla ludzi

bardzo dobrze, chyba 1 raz nie ogladne faktow :D


Posty: 399
Dołączył(a): 15.09.2004
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 15:13 
oto nowe info informacje odnosnie dodatku.
A teraz cos ekstra material video; ... einfo.html
===============================================; ... einfo.html
i skan artykulu w The Games Machine ... thebur.jpg ... ge=2&pp=20
nowe screeny ... #post55572

UPDATE 21.10.2005

TŁUMACZENIE ARTYKULU ODNOSNIE THE BURNING CRUSADE Z listopadowego wydania THE GAMES MACHINE ( zostało przetlumaczone przez wlocha wiec sa bledy w tlumaczeniu )
Tlumaczenie polskie

Po roku od wypuszczenia gry na rynek wielu graczy zaczyna poszukiwać informacji na temat pierwszego, nieuchronnie nadciągającego dodatku. Aby odpowiedzieć na część tych pytań Blizzard przygotował zlot dla swoich fanów. Zdarzenie to będzie mieć miejsce 28 i 29 października. To na BlizzConie firma ma ojawnić szczegóły dotyczące przyszłości World of Warcraft. Do tego czasu będą to informacje już znane czytelnikom TGM. [- to znaczy byłyby, gdyby takowy artykuł się ukazał. - przyp. red.]

Zaproszeni przez Vivendi by odwiedzić siedzibę Blizzarda, mieliśmy szansę poznać pierwsze szczegóły dotyczące "Płonącej Krucjaty" - pierwszego dodatku do World of Warcraft, który ma zrewolucjonizować niektóre aspekty tej bestsellerowej gry.
Na początek trochę historii: Od czasu gdy Sargeras, (zdeprawowany tytan reprezentujący najgorsze zło w uniwersum Wacrafta) który zawsze planował zniszczenie całego wszechświata rozpoczął swe dzieło nie napotkał oporu, którego nie byłby w stanie przezwyciężyć. Jego wojska napotkały na taki opór tylko na świecie Azeroth. Obecne plany Sargerasa nie dotyczą jednak tego świata, lecz skupiają się na Outlands, krainie będącej pozostałością planety Draenor - rodzinnego świata orków. Szczątki Draenoru unoszą się w pustce dając dostęp do Twisting Nether, jakby równoległego wymiaru pozwalającego na dosięgnięcie dowolnego planu egzystencji we wszechświecie. Nie trzeba chyba dodawać, że taki "łącznik" między światami który bardzo ułatwiłby inwazję na nie jest bardzo apetycznym kąskiem dla demonicznych sił Sargerasa. To tutaj zostaną zawezwane siły z Azeroth - jedyne które zdołały wydać walkę tytanowi i jego poplecznikom - Archimondowi i Kill'Jaedenowi.

Całość dodatku będzie się koncentrować na Outland, Medivhu i Mrocznym Portalu oraz poszerzać najważniejszą linię fabularną World of Warcraft. Oprócz outlands zostaną wprowadzone dwa nowe dungeony w starym świecie. Będą one ściśle powiązane z postaciami i wydarzeniami jakie będą mieć miejsce w dodatku. Pierwszy z nich zostanie zaprezentowany na Blizzconie (bedzie można tam zagrać). Najprawdopodobniej będzie to 5-osobowa instancja (ale to jeszcze nie jest postanowione) umieszczona w Kharazan, wieży Medivha znajdującej się w Deadwind Pass (pomiędzy Duskwood a Swamp of Sorrows). Z opisów i krótkiej prezentacji jaką nam zaserwowano wiemy, że szybko ewoluuje ona z "klasycznej instancji dla undeadów" do czegoś dziwniejszego i bedzie miejscem w któym można spotkać liczne rezultaty eksperymentów magicznych preprowadzanych przez Medivha.

O wiele bardziej niezwykłe będą Caverns of Time - instancja raidowa w Tanaris. Umożliwi ona graczom podróże w czasie i uczestnictwo w najważniejszych wydarzeniach z historii Azeroth - od otwarcia Mrocznego Portalu przez Medivha aż po rebelię Thralla i epicką bitwę pod Mount Hyjal (co wydarzyło się w Warcrafcie III) gdy połączone w bitwie siły ludzi, orków i elfów pokonały Archimonde'a. Wszystko to stanie się możliwe dzięki temu, że Caverns of Time są miejscem gdzie rezydują brązowe smoki które pod przewodnictwem Nozdormu kontrolują przepływ czasu. Technicznie jest to instancja którą w przyszłości można łatwo rozbudowywać umozliwiając graczom przeżycie innych ważnych fragmntów historii Azeroth.

To były wieści, których można się było spodziewać - niespodzianki zaczynają się od tego, że maksymalny poziom postaci zoastanie zwiększony do 70 (tu miał być mały komentarz redakcji czasopisma na temat wykonanych na poziomie 60 questów i straconego doświadczenia za nie).
Chociaż Hero Classes nie będą ogłoszone (zgodnie ze słowami Roba Pardo, wiceprezesa działu Game Design [projektów] - "jeśli źle zrobimy Hero Classes możemy całkowicie zrujnować grę"), Blizzard nie zaprzeczył że mogą się one znaleźć w dodatku - ale Blizzard niczego nie obiecuje. Innye gry jak np. Everquest z ich Alternate Advancement Point [sugestie dobrego tłumaczenia ze strony graczy EQ mile widziane w odpowiednim wątku na forum Wink - przyp. Jcdx] i Dark Age of Camelot z ich Master Level (poziomami mistrzowskimi) dobrze ukazują, że ewolucja postaci może być całkiem skomplikowana [bardziej dla developerów niż graczy - przyp. red.]
Kolejną dobrą wiadomością jest to, że obie frakcje dostaną po nowej rasie (bez nowych klas). Ponieważ jedną z przyczyn dla których więcej ludzi wybiera Alliance jest wygląd postaci (rasy Hordy są "brzydkie") do orków, taurenów, trolli i nieumarłych dołączą Blood Elves (Krwawe Elfy) - rasa odrobinę mniejsza niż ich kuzyni, a także poświęcona i uzależniona od mrocznej formy magii. Krwawe Elfy będą rzecz jasna mogły zostać magami, warlockami i wojownikami, ale nie jest pewnie czy do tych klas dołączą łowca i łotrzyk. Ich umiejętnością rasową będzie Mana Tap pozwalający na powolne wysysanie many wrogom. W miarę uzytkowania będzie ona ładować drugą umiejętność - "Arcane Torrent" (chociaż Kaplan, zwierzchnik działu developmentu nazywa ją "Arcane Torment"), która ma działać jak "cichy" czar o obszarowym działaniu. To nas lekko zaskoczyło, ponieważ coś takiego wygląda na niezbyt zbalansowane przeciwko wojownikowi - ale jest jeszcze za wczesnie by o tym mówić, ponieważ premiera nastąpi dopiero w przyszłym roku i do tego czasu na pewno sporo się jeszcze zmieni. Bardzo interesujący jest styl który ma zostać nadany tej rasie - ze słonecznym i utrzymanym w jasnych barwach obszarem startowym, który ma być równiez lekko przerażający - z wieloma oznakami magii uzywanej do różnorakich rzeczy (deformacja roślin, pałace unoszące się w powietrzu) i dziwnymi kryształami zawierającymi uwięzione demony służące Krwawym Elfom za źródło energii.
"Ojczyzną" Krwawych Elfów są pozostałości Quel'Thalas - obszar znajdujący się na północ od Eastern Plaguelands za dolina obecnie odciętą przez stertę pni. Ma on się składać z trzech stref: Lasów Eversong z miastem stołecznym Silvermoon, Ghostland oraz Zul'Aman - obszaru zamieszkanego przez trolle, który może zawierać lub cały stać się nowym dungeonem tematycznym takim jak Zul'Farrak lub Zul'Gurub [widać, że Blizz strasznie polubił trolle Smile - przyp. red.]
Nowa rasa dla Sojuszu nie została jeszcze ogłoszona - stanie się to prawdopodobnie krótko po Blizzconie, ale zawsze można snuć przypuszczenia: zakładamy, że "piękna rasa" przypadnie Hordzie. Patrząc na obecne informacje jako druga z nowych ras na myśl przychodzą nam Pandareni wprowadzeni początkowo jako primaaprilisowy dowcip, a potem naprawdę pojawiający się w Warcrafcie III (to może być coś więcej niz przypuszczenie, ale lepiej na tym poprzestać...)

Jest jeszcze więcej wieści: pojawi się nowa profesja - Jewelcrafting (jubilerstwo). Nie wiemy czy pozwoli ona na tworzenie pierścieni, amuletów i trinketów, ale na pewno ma pozwalać na tworzenie klejnotów, ktore będzie można osadzać w przystosowanych do tego przedmiotach (zbroje i broń - podobnie jak w Diablo 2). Aby takie coś stało się możliwe, kowale, krawcy i leatherworkerzy będą mogli tworzyć przedmioty z gniazdami na klejnoty.

W tym miejscu Toso (redaktor TGM) narzeka na to, że w dalszym ciągu nie można robić staffów - ale jest wciąż szansa, że jewelcrafting nie będzie jedyną nową profesją pojawiającą się w dodatku, a poza tym wiele rzeczy wciąż może się zmienić do czasu jego premiery.

Outlands z kolei ma być podzielone na wiele regionów - od zniszczonego, skalistego Hellfire Peninsula po lasy Zenga Marsh, jedną z niewielu stref Draenoru nie dotkniętych zniszczeniami. Najbardziej interesującą wiadomością dla maniaków linii fabularnej jest fakt, że w jednym z tych regionów - Shadowmoon Valley - znajduje się Czarna Świątynia w której rezyduje Illidan, prawdziwy władca całej tej domeny.

Mając na uwadze, że jedynie Arthas był dość potężny by powstrzymać eks łowcę demonów (historia z Warcrafta III i dodatku) gracze nawet na 70 poziomie będą mieć nie lada orzech do zgryzienia. Mogą za to liczyć na wiele przydatnych rzeczy, w tym wymarzonego latającego mounta - w odpowiedzi na tysiące próśb graczy Blizzard zdecydował, że po osiągnięciu 70 poziomu mogą oni po ukończeniu długiego i trudnego questu stać się posiadaczami takiego środka transportu. Miałby on być uzyteczny jedynie w Outlands.

Nie ma natomiast żadnych informacji na temat engine'u gry, wygląda też na to, że Krwawe Elfy będą miały 20% więcej polygonów w porównaniu do dotychczasowych modeli postaci. Grafika w nadchodzącym miesiącu ma otrzymać nową stylizację w postaci efektów atmosferycznych [czyżby wreszcie zmienna pogoda? - przyp. red.]. Reszta powinna pozostać taka sama. Jest też możliwe, że Blizzard będzie eksperymentować z różnymi efektami (jak Specular Environment Mapping) by poprawić ogólny wygląd gry. [oby tylko nie zwiększyło to lagów... -przyp. red] Bardziej mają się skupić na zawartości, bo engine graficzny zawsze można poprawić. Z technicznego punktu widzenia można od dodatku oczekiwać możliwości rozgrywania Battlegroundów "z serwera", czyli uczestnictwa w nich graczy z różnych realmów, co teoretycznie położyłoby kres kilometrowym kolejkom.

Oczekujemy na inne unowocześnienia któe mają nadejść w nadchodzących miesiącach, a zwłaszcza na ogłoszenie jaka rasa dołączy do Alliance (my już swoją sugestię przedstawiliśmy).

Wersja angielska

After one year of the exit on US market, many World of Warcraft players ask informations on the first, inevitable, expansion. For answer to these questions, the Californian software house is preparing an event for his fan the 28th and 29th of October "Blizzcon", where Blizzard will reveal the details on the World of Warcraft's future. For this date, the TGM readers, already know...

Kindly invited by Vivendi to visit Blizzard offices, we have the chance to have a preview about the details of "The Burning Crusade" the first World of Warcraft expansion that will create a revolution on some aspect of this bestseller game.

First of all the Background: Sargeras, the corrupted titan that represent the worst in the WoW universe, it's always intented to destroy all the universe, has begin his work, his troups have never encountered any obstacle and have not stopped excepted for the resistance on Azeroth (that is both the region, the continent, the planet). But his actual plan for now is ignoring this place, for concentrating on the Outland. This is the name given at the point where are found the rest of the planet Draenor, the original planet of the orcs, rests that flown on the emptiness and grant the access to the Twisting Nether, a sort of parallel dimension that allow to reach every planes of esistance in the universe. It's unuseful to say that a resource like this, a "node" like for invading all the worlds it's extremely appetible for Sargera's demoniac forces, and here we'll be called the Azeroth forces, the only one that has shown the ability to combat the titan and his followers, Archimonde and Kil'Jaeden.

All the expansion will be centrated on the Outland, Medivh and the Dark Portal, to make procede on the most important story of the world of warcraft. At least other than Outlands two new dungeons will be introduced on Azeroth(the planet), scrictly tied to characthers and events encountered in the expansion. The first will be presented in details at Blizzcon (it will be possible to play with it) and it will probably be a 5 character instance - but it's still on decision - situated in Kharazan, the Medivh's tower that's found in the Deadwind Pass (between Duskwood and the Swamp of Sorrows). From the descriptions received and the short tour that we have osserved we know that it will quikly evolve from the "classic undead istance" to something stranger, where the numerous results of Medivh's magic experiments can be encountered.

Much more unusual will be the Caverns of Time, raid instance in Tanaris that will allow to travel in the time and participate to the most important events of the story of Azeroth, from the opening of the Dark Portal by Medivh, the liberation from slavery of Thrall and the mythologic battle of Mount Hyal (seen in Warcraft III) when the forces of humans, orcs and elves battle united to defeat Archimonde. All this is possible because the Caverns of Time is the place where bronze dragons, headed by Nordozmu, control the streaming of the time.

Tecnically the dungeon can in the future be expanded to allow the visit of other importans moment of WoW story.

These are the news that can be expected: the surprise begin with the max level that will be increased to lvl 70. (Here is a little comment redactional about the exp lost at lvl 60 for quest done and experience not earned).

Altough Hero Class are not be announced (in the words of Rob Pardo, Vice President of Game Design: "If we make any mistake with the hero classes, we can definitely ruin the game"), Blizzard has not denied that they could be included in the expansion but they have not made any promises. Other games like Everquest with Alternate Advancement Point and Daoc with Master Level has shown how this players evolution can be very complicated.

The second great news is that both of the factions will have a new race (no new class). Because one of the reason alliance have more player than horde seem to be tied to an easthetical reason (horde races are "ugly"): orcs, trolls, taurens and forsakens will be joined by the Blood Elves.

They are bit smaller than their cousins, are dedicated to magic in the darker forms and dependent on it. The blood elves could sure be mages, warlock and warriors, but it's not certain that will be able to be rogues or hunters. At the moment they have a racial trait called Mana tap that slowly leak mana from an enemy, and can be applied several times like sunder armor. This will charge a second ability called "Arcane Torrent" (but the head of development Kaplan continued to call it "Arcane Torment) that works like a "silence" spell with an area of effect. This has left us a little surprised because it seems a bit unbalanced against a warrior. But is to early to speak about it, because the launch will be next year and is still far away. Many things will be surely changed.

Very interesting is the characterization given to this race. With a starting area very light and sunny, but also frightful with many signs of magic used for frivolous scopes (deforming plants, palace floating in the air) and strange crystals containing demons imprisoned to take advantage of their energies. The actual "home" of Blood Elves is what remains of Quel'Thalas. It is found north of the Eastern Plaguelands, through a valley currently sealed from a stack of logs. It will be composed of 3 zones: Eversong Woods with the capital city Silvermoon, Ghostland and Zul'Aman, a region inhabited by trolls that could host or become a new thematic dungeon like Zul'Farrak and Zul'Gurub. The new race of the alliance has not be announced and will probably announced a short time after BlizzCon. But we can make always hypothesise: thinking the "beautiful race" is going to the horde, and this leads us to think about pandarean, introduced originally like an "april fools" joke and then incorporated truly in Warcraft III (this can be more than guess, but it is better stop here..).

There are more news: there will be a news profession using Jewelcrafting, we don't know if with this "work" it will possible to forge ring, amulets or trinket, but for sure it will be possible to craft gems to inseter in "socket" found in the armor and weapons, like in Diablo2. To support this blacksmither, tailor and leatherworker can craft item with socket for host gems for jewelcrafting.

Here Tosoc, a TGM redactor, still complain about the fact that it is still impossibe to craft staffs. However, it is still possible that jewelcrafting is not the only profession added in the expansion and things can still change before the launch of the expansion.

Continuing with the news about Outlands, it will be divided in many regions. From rock and devasted Hellfire Peninsula to the forest of Zenga Marsh, one of the few zones of Draenor that survived destruction. The most interesting news for the "lore maniac" is that in one of this regions, the Shadowmoon Valley, you can find the Black Temple where Illidan resides. True "boss" of the entire Outland zone.

Thinking about the fact that only Arthas was able to stop the ex demon hunter (seen in Warcraft III and expansion), even lvl 70 players will have something hard to face. Players can count on many new resources, included the desired flying mounts: responding to the thousand of player requests, Blizzard has decided that once a player reach lvl can put their hands on a flying mount that can be only used only in the Outland, using the "floating island" founded in the region. The mout will be gained at the end of a long and hard quest.

There are no news about the game engine. But it seems blood elves model will have about 20% more of polygons compared to the "old" race models. The graphic should, in the following month, do a little restyle with the introduction of the weather effects but the rest should remain the same. They are also experimenting with various tricks (like Specular Environment Mapping) to improve looks in general. They are concentrating more on the content as the graphic engine can always be changed later on. From the tecnichal point of view, it can be expected that the expansion will bring the possibility to play BattleGrounds "from server", which means players from all realms can participate. This is a thing that theorically will bring an end of the queues.

Wait for more information in the next months, especially considering the discovery of the new race joining the alliance (we have told you our idea).


The Burning Crusade
The name is a registrated trademark of Blizzard listed as "computer software", thus confirming their plan to use it. This was also printed clearly on the magazine cover which was quickly removed from the TGM website.

Source #1: TGM Magazine

The Italian game magazine had an expansion preview and this is what was written:

New territory: Outland.

New instance: Karazhan, a 5-man instance in Deadwind Pass.

Level cap raised to lvl 70, just as written on the cover.

New profession: Jewelcrafting, gives ability to craft gems, to be used on armor and weapons, similar to enchanting.

Two new races:

Blood Elves for the Horde (yes, I'm sorry, the screens are true). Alliance race still unknown.

Atmospheric effects:

Rain and snow added to the world.

The Expansion Set is scheduled to be released due May 2006.

Thanks to silkfire on the forums for the information. TGM removed their cover image and all information from what we could tell a day or two after it had been published on their online website.

I have more info!!! It's quite trustable.

Blood Elves will have a new starting zone north of Eastern Plaguelands and a new dungeon will be included.

The racial trait of the Blood Elves will be a "Mana Tap" to slowly leech the mana of the target (it will be applicable more than once like the Sunder Armor) and that will then directly load the second trait: "Arcane Torment (or Torrent)" which will work like an area silence.

Battlegrounds shared between servers.

No hero classes.

Alliance arce will NOT be showcased at BlizzCon.

Outland will come, Illidan as well.

Even more news

The Blood Elves will be Mages, Warlocks and Warriors but it's undecided if either hunters or rogues.

Their starting zone will be Quel'Thalas (what is left), north of the Eastern Plaguelands and with a three-zones valley inbetween (Eversong Woods with the capital Silvermoon, Ghostland and a troll themed zone called Zul'Aman).

About the live content, the opening of Silithus will be introduced by a live event that will require the collaboration of everyone and that will only happen once for each server. Behind the gates there will be a open zone tailored for 20 players (defined by Blizzard "casual hardcore" with a temple at the center with an instance that will be the biggest to date (two-three times Molten Core). The players will also get access to special mounts (insects) that will be only usable in the dungeon.

The Outlands will be divided into differently themed regions (like the rock valleys of the Hellfire Peninsula and the luxuriant forests of Zanga Marsh, part of what is left of Dreanor). While within Shadowmoon Valley there will be the Black Temple with the Illidian as boss.

The flying mount will be for level 70 players and after an epic quest chain. But only usable in the Outlands (floating isles).

No new engine changes or features. The Blood Elves models seem to use 20% more polygons. Blizzard is also experimenting with Specular Environmental Mapping.

The atmospherical effects should arrive soon as a live patch.

Also, by the time the expansion is out, the Battlegrounds should be finally linked between the servers to kill the queues.

Level Cap
The level cap will be raised to level 70. This was first seen on a magazine cover from TGM, which was only available for viewing for about 48 hours before the site removed the headline and replaced it with the new Brother in Arms headline.

New Races
So far all speculation points to the Blood Elves as the new Horde race. The new Alliance race does not have any factual basis so far, the only clear guesses we can make are the Panderan, which would be very unlikely in our standing opinion.

Over at 1UP there was a post on someones blog describing how he has played the expansion, and has seen "everything". The new Alliance race was not disclosed but he was able to play as the new Horde race and there was a lot of new content in the expansion. As well as there being an upcoming painting of the new Horde race. Maybe this will be shown off at Blizzcon.

So, as soon as Blizzard gives me the okay, I will replace my desktop picture with our December cover, which pictures an awesome painting from one of the Blizzard artist's of the new Horde race. I hate being a tease (well, okay, it's a little fun), but I just can't tell ya yet. But soon!

This goes into a little bit of detail, but there is "open space" in the games data files, which store the class/race information. Leaving open two slots for new races, one for Alliance and one for Horde. This could once again, point to preparation for new races in the Expansion.

Sent in by one of our users, Swift, it seems there is a bit more speculation that the Alliance race could very well be Panderan.

There are 3 children in Stormwind that i ran into the other day, having a conversation about the Panderan. I did not catch it all (ran off too fast) but it at least started with 1 boy saying there was rumor that one had been sighted, then another of the boys replies that they are just a myth/rumor.

It may be nothing, but it also may be a subtle hint regarding the new alliance race. Once the servers come back up, i will try and find the boys again and screenshot the entire conversation.

Ok. These 3 kids were found on a pier inbetween the dwarvern district and garden district in Stormwind city, doing a spot of fishing. As you can see from the screenshot, Justin seems to be full of tall stories, Bradon doesnt seem to be able to believe them, and Roman is entirely uninterested in them.

The last 'tall' story has Justin claiming that people have seen Panderons.

This might just be something Blizzard threw in as a sort of joke (just like one of the previous comments from justin of "There is no spoon"), or it may be something more. Guess we wont really know until Blizzard make an announcement

This seems to be legitment, at least for Blood Elves as we have been required to pull all related images which were submitted to the site.

Blizzcon Releases
Blizzard announced on the official forums recently that a new starting area will be showcased at Blizzcon, which may also mean that they'll give much more information as well as possibly a demo of what's to come in the expansion.

The new starting area may not specifically be the new races starting area, but speculation points to the Blood Elves starting location. We may not know anything else until Blizzcon arrives.

Dark Portal
It is rumored that the dark portal will open in the expansion. Thus giving way to the new races starting locations, as well as new zones and instances. This would most likely be done from a World Event right before the release of the expansion in which players would participate in events in-game to help open the Dark

Info z Gamestar Magazine DE

Expansion Information's from the German "Gamestar" Magazine This are only the Features that are yet revealed, there is probably much more amazing which is still a secret. But for now we have Official Informations about - New Horde Race - Bloodelves - New Alliance Race - Unknown - But the Gamestar writers guess that it will be the Pandaren The Game Designers take the Bloodelves as a Chance to give even the Horde a "cute Race", since so many Players choose Alliance because every Horde Race was kinda ugly! - Definitly NO new Classes - no Spellcaster like Rumors have told - Definitly a Level 70 Cap Increasement ! - New Skills and Increased Skill Levels - Ever got hit by a Eviscerate Rank 10 ? - New Talent's - since you have 9 More Talentpoints ( 61 - 70 ) - Yet they TRY to get the Hero Classes into the Addon, but its not sure if they'll make it ! - The Dark Portal is Accessable and Leads you to the Outlands - The Player's Mission is to defend strategical Important Positions against the Burning Legion - The Temple of Illidan - An Instance in which you will stand against Illidan himself. A level 70 40-man Raid Instance. - With Level 70 you will be able to get a Netherdragon as Mount which will help you to reach higher Areas of Draenor, yes, it can fly and you can controll it ! But its only usable in the Outlands. - Tempest Keep - probably their new Hardcore Instance - only accessable with a Netherdragon. No more Information's revealed - Zul'Aman - a level 20 Instance located near the Bloodelves Start Area - Tower of Medivh - planned to be a 20-man Raid Instance. No Level Requirement revealed - Caverns of Time - The writers of the magazine were most impressed by the Caverns of Time The Instance will lead you through the most important Events of the Past like You must help Thrall to escape Castle Durnholde You have to support Medivh opening the Dark Portal, kinda Ironic but else even worse Things would happen. You have to fight Archimonde and his Army on Mount Hyjal ! and even a new Battleground which will take action in the History of Warcraft 2 shall be accessable. - There are planned to be a bunch of new items, and even Special items with Sockets like you know from Diablo 2 in which you can put Diamonds or Runes that will work like Enchants. - A new Tradeskill with that you can Create the Diamonds for the Socketed Weapons - As they asked about "Housing" Blizzard said that they even try to bring this Feature before the Release of the Addon

oraz screeny ... iew9gs.jpg ... ew22dc.jpg


Expansion Information's from the German "Gamestar" Magazine

This are only the Features that are yet revealed, there is probably much more amazing which is still a secret.

But for now we have Official Informations about

- New Horde Race - Bloodelves

- New Alliance Race - Unknown - But the Gamestar writers guess that it will be the Pandaren

The Game Designers take the Bloodelves as a Chance to give even the Horde a "cute Race", since so many
Players choose Alliance because every Horde Race was kinda ugly!

- Definitly NO new Classes - no Spellcaster like Rumors have told

- Definitly a Level 70 Cap Increasement !

- New Skills and Increased Skill Levels - Ever got hit by a Eviscerate Rank 10 ?

- New Talent's - since you have 9 More Talentpoints ( 61 - 70 )

- Yet they TRY to get the Hero Classes into the Addon, but its not sure if they'll make it !

- The Dark Portal is Accessable and Leads you to the Outlands

- The Player's Mission is to defend strategical Important Positions against the Burning Legion

- The Temple of Illidan - An Instance in which you will stand against Illidan himself. A level 70 40-man Raid Instance.

- With Level 70 you will be able to get a Netherdragon as Mount which will help you to reach higher Areas of Draenor, yes, it can fly and you can controll it ! But its only usable in the Outlands.

- Tempest Keep - probably their new Hardcore Instance - only accessable with a Netherdragon. No more Information's revealed

- Zul'Aman - a level 20 Instance located near the Bloodelves Start Area

- Tower of Medivh - planned to be a 20-man Raid Instance. No Level Requirement revealed

- Caverns of Time - The writers of the magazine were most impressed by the Caverns of Time

The Instance will lead you through the most important Events of the Past like

You must help Thrall to escape Castle Durnholde

You have to support Medivh opening the Dark Portal, kinda Ironic but else even worse Things would happen.

You have to fight Archimonde and his Army on Mount Hyjal !

and even a new Battleground which will take action in the History of Warcraft 2 shall be accessable.

- There are planned to be a bunch of new items, and even Special items with Sockets like you know from Diablo 2 in which you
can put Diamonds or Runes that will work like Enchants.

- A new Tradeskill with that you can Create the Diamonds for the Socketed Weapons

- As they asked about "Housing" Blizzard said that they even try to bring this Feature before the Release of the Addon

That's it - for now

Now we probably have to wait for the Progress of the Blizzcon to know more about the damn Expansion.


It's not a fake!!! Gamestar visited Blizzard last Week in Irvine and had a first look to Burning Crusade and a meeting with Rob Pardo, Justin Tharvirad and Chris Metzen. This Issue of the Gamestar Magazin will be release at Sat. 29.10 at the same time with BlizzCon, but some subscribers have received this issue before Saturday Surprised)

Gouki has translated the important news correctly, so I will translate the unimportant, but interesting, parts. ^^

- Blizzard will support WoW for the next 5 years. They have ideas for 5-6 AddOns, and so they will release approx. one AddOn a year. They don't plan / believe to work at WoW2 if WoW runs good in the future - in addition it's possible to release a complete different MMOG beside WoW.

- Blizzard concentrates to tell the History of Warcraft and make it playable in WoW (for example inside the Caverns of Time). They don't plan to continue the Story with Movies. There are some Books and the new Manga-Comics, but there are no other plans.

- There will be no chance for players to create and design clothes, items, ... because Blizzard gets heavy problems to upload this items to the servers and other players have to download this Content. In addition its not possible for Blizzard to watch and protect other copyrights (for example pictures, logos and brands)

- They are testing specular and environment mapping to improve the optic. But WoW schould run on low-end PCs, so the won`t create an optic blockbluster ^^ like FarCry. There are no bump-mapping plans. The polygon-rate will increase about 20% in the new areas.

- Blizzard thinks, that some Horde Races are not so pretty and beautifull, so the most Players prefer Night-Elves and Alliance Races. That means an imbalance of Alliance and Horde. So the created the nice Blood-Elves to make the Horde more interesting. Gamestar feares, that the new Alliance Race will not be so great and nice, because Blizzard will win more Players for the Horde. Gamestar believes, that the Pandaren are the new Alliance Race, but they think, that the most Players won't like them.

- Blizzard will strengthen the Conflict between Horde and Alliance with the AddOn an future Content. So the Cavern of Time Area is a great possibility to kindle the Wars from the Past.

- There are no plans to improve the Character Design Possibilities for Players (Face Expressions, Bodytypes, Hair and other individual Styles), because clothes and equipment are good enough to create an individual Character.

- Blizzard tries implement Weather-Effects and "Housing" through Patches before release of the AddOn. Weather-Effects will not change the Gameplay.

- Gamestar announce Burning Crusade somewhere in 2006, without specify an exacly Date. Blizzard estimates the development stage at 30% ... 031253.jpg ... ge=1&pp=20
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Zapowiada sie iscie ByQowo. Screeny tak na pierwszy rzut oka wydaja sie prawdziwe.

_________________ ... on&n=Monos


Posty: 99
Dołączył(a): 6.10.2004
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 16:32 
Ciekawie będzie z tym dodatkiem. I jeżeli to nie fake z Caverns of Time, to zapowiada się świetnie =)
Chłopaki z Blizza snują dalekie plany... 5 addonów? Wytrwania życzyć tylko.

BTW. Ktoś reroll na Krwawego Elfa?

Scarlet Prophet: ...Scourge?


Posty: 399
Dołączył(a): 15.09.2004
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 16:40 
A wiec moje zrodla mowily prawde juz jest :

_________________ ... on&n=Monos


Posty: 2293
Dołączył(a): 25.12.2004
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 16:46 
Fuck lol, az nie moge uwierzyc, kurde to nowa gra jest przeciez :O


Posty: 171
Dołączył(a): 3.11.2004
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 16:46 
Nie wiem czemu ale coś czuje że po wydaniu dodatku aż sie zaroi od krwawych elfów :D.


Posty: 99
Dołączył(a): 6.10.2004
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 17:02 
Zajebiście =) Teraz tylko czekać na czasy znane nam z pre-orderów WoWa:) Też to miało w sobie swój specyficzny klimat. A, i jeszcze ten hymn WoWa przy zapchanych betach;) Achh...
Pozostaje czekać do ~maja

Scarlet Prophet: ...Scourge?


Posty: 171
Dołączył(a): 3.11.2004
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 17:04 
Em transmisja z dodatku do WoWa ma być o godz 19:00 ? .Nie ważna z którego linku będzie sie oglądać transmisje ?.

Transmisja ma być na tej stronie -> ??

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 12370
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2002
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 17:28 
SOE ,...tak sie robi exp packi

mnie rozjechal ten flying mount (zomg!) , pewnie z 5k gold bedzie kosztowal , zbierajcie cash juz teraz

ale to ze podniesli level cap jest weak :/ , ragnaros/onyxia 15 man anyone?

"Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward."


Posty: 171
Dołączył(a): 3.11.2004
PostNapisane: 28 paź 2005, 17:30 
Może ktoś poda stronki z których będzie można oglądać transmisje ?

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