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Posty: 5321
Dołączył(a): 19.11.2004
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 18:56 
Dwa talenty usunięte. Reszta prawie nie zmieniona. Zero nowosci właściwie :/.

Przeczytak ten artykul jeszcze raz....

I say starighten yuh crooked ways.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.


Posty: 886
Dołączył(a): 3.08.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:00 
Shadhun_ napisał(a):
Dwa talenty usunięte. Reszta prawie nie zmieniona. Zero nowosci właściwie :/.

Przeczytak ten artykul jeszcze raz....

napisz cos z sensem, a nie tylko flame'ujesz?


Posty: 349
Dołączył(a): 3.08.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:00 
Shadhun_ napisał(a):
Dwa talenty usunięte. Reszta prawie nie zmieniona. Zero nowosci właściwie :/.

Przeczytak ten artykul jeszcze raz....

Shadhun nie grasz magiem więc ładnie mówiąc stul dziób, bo nie pojmujesz jakiej herezji oni dokonali.


Posty: 2857
Dołączył(a): 31.12.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:01 
Shandun ty albo nie grales magiem. Albo grales, ale nie do 60.

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:02 
Shadhun_ napisał(a):
Dwa talenty usunięte. Reszta prawie nie zmieniona. Zero nowosci właściwie :/.

Przeczytak ten artykul jeszcze raz....

Tier 3

Magic Attunement
Increases the effect of your Amplify Magic and Dampen Magic spells by 25/50%.
Note: This talent previously only affected Dampen Magic.

Improved Arcane Explosion
Increases the critical strike chance of your Arcane Explosion spell by an additional 1/2/3/4/5%.
Note: AE is now an instant cast spell, so this talent has been altered to add +crit instead of casting time reduction.

Arcane Resilience
Increases your armor by an amount equal to 50% of your Intellect.
Note: Evocation, previously in this location and now a trainer spell, has been traded for one that also gives mages an armor boost.

Po co to komu ?
Arcane Subtlety
Reduces your target's resistance to all your spells by 4/7/10, and all of your spell criticals cause 17/34/50% less threat.
Note: Functionality has been significantly altered.

No to może być fajne, ale jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni..
Improved Mana Shield
Decreases the mana lost per point of damage taken when Mana Shield is active by 10/20%.

Improved Counterspell
Gives Counterspell a 50/100% chance to silence the target for 4 seconds.

Arcane Meditation
Allows 5/10/15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.
Note: Previously five increments of 3%, freeing up two talent points to spend elsewhere.

zmiany takie, że prawie żadne..
Your critical strikes from Fire damage spells cause the target to burn for an additional 8/16/24/32/40% of your spells damage over 4 seconds

Flame Throwing
Increases the range of your fire spells by 3/6 yards.

Improved Fire Blast
Reduces the cooldown of your Fire Blast spell by 0.5/1/1.5 seconds.
Note: Previously in five increments; two skill points freed up.

No mniej talentów. I co ?. I tak nikt nie używal tego talentu..
Burning Soul
Gives your fire spells a 35/70% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.
Note: Previously three increments -- 25/50/65%. One talent point freed up.

Fajnie. Ale po 60lvl i tak tego nikt nie używa. Bo i po co ?
Master of Elements
Your Fire and Frost spell criticals will refund 10/20/30% of their base mana cost.
Note: This is a new ability and, interestingly, affects more than one talent tree.

Taaa, to już lepiej by wyszło na buffnieciu Arcane Concentration, ale kto na to wpadnie..
Nt. Forst nie mówie, bo każdy kto gra magiem, wie że to pomyłka :]


Posty: 886
Dołączył(a): 3.08.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:03 
Kain, niebezimienny

napiszecie w koncu cos poparte argumentami? czy tylko "OMG NERF" bo tak pisza wszyscy?

juz ktos pisal ze mialbyc zmniejszony downtime. Imo jest i to bardzo. Co do DPS-a nie jestem pewien, pewnie dla Frosta nie urosl, ale dla Fire moze i to calkiem niezle podskoczyc.


Posty: 349
Dołączył(a): 3.08.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:05 
Zaczyna się jazda na forum : ... ow-mage-en


Posty: 5321
Dołączył(a): 19.11.2004
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:09 
Shadhun nie grasz magiem więc ładnie mówiąc stul dziób, bo nie pojmujesz jakiej herezji oni dokonali.

Mam takie samo prawo pisac tutaj jak ty. A pojecie czym gram/grałem masz tak samo zerowe jak o polityce.

napisz cos z sensem, a nie tylko flame'ujesz?

Well, wiekszosc moich mysli juz napisales ty ;).

I say starighten yuh crooked ways.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:11 
My się bardziej czepiamy tego, że nitkóre talenty są wprot poronione, i mogłoby być czymś ciekawszym zastąpione...
Z tych talentów arcane można by zrezygnować i zastąpić czymś naprawde ciekawszym:

Wand Specialization
Increases your damage with Wands by 5/10/15/20/25%.

Nie potrzebny... Kompletnie
Arcane Concentration
Gives you a 2/4/6/8/10% chance of entering a Clearcasting state after any damage.

Do buffniecia, co najmniej o 2/3%
Magic Attunement
Increases the effect of your Amplify Magic and Dampen Magic spells by 25/50%.
Note: This talent previously only affected Dampen Magic.

Naprawde mało kto, żeby nie powiedzieć prawie nikt nie daje w to talentów..
Improved Arcane Explosion
Increases the critical strike chance of your Arcane Explosion spell by an additional 1/2/3/4/5%.
Note: AE is now an instant cast spell, so this talent has been altered to add +crit instead of casting time reduction.

Ee to już mogli wogóle z tego zrezygnować. Marnowanie Talentów imho.
Arcane Resilience
Increases your armor by an amount equal to 50% of your Intellect.
Note: Evocation, previously in this location and now a trainer spell, has been traded for one that also gives mages an armor boost.

Magowi w tier 2 da to +200 armoru. Co mu to da. Odpow: NIC NIC NIC. TOTALNIE NIC.
Improved Counterspell
Gives Counterspell a 50/100% chance to silence the target for 4 seconds.
Silne powienien być w standradzie. Ew. Mogłby ten talent sluzyć do zmniejszania CD.
Arcane Instability
Increases your spell damage and critical strike chance by 1/2/3%.

Może zostać ale jegó formuła powinna zostać zmieniona. Na już wiele razy pisałem i napisze jeszcze raz
"11/22/33% of your base intelect is add to your spell damge". czyli że 33% int jakie posiada mag, jest dodawana dmg spelli.


Posty: 803
Dołączył(a): 27.09.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:21 
Magowie placza? To spojrz na poczatek tego topica i poczytaj plany... I zobacz ile z tego zostalo wprowadzone. Nie mowie tu o takich idiotyzmach jak petach itd... Mialo byc zwiekszenie DPS, zmniejszenie downtime itd...Jedynie AE i Evo u trainera. A reszta to dla mnie robota na 'odwal sie', zeby tylko cos zmienic. A to, ze magowie potrafili raz na 3 minuty robic ogromny dmg trinketami to juz jest pretekst zeby nerfowac? Przeciez taka mozliwosc mieli ci, ktorzy mieli trinkety wyfarmowane z MC. Poza tym byly 2 nerfy tego - Toep i ZHC, i ten buff priesta z AP. A co z ludzmi ktorzy tego nie mieli? Nie dostali praktycznie nic nowego, lekke buffniecie/nerfniecie niktorych talentow, czesc kompletnie useless.



Posty: 886
Dołączył(a): 3.08.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:23 
oczywiscie ze sa smiecie, ktora klasa nie ma w talentach takich gowien?

wandy - racja
concetration - czyli jakby bylo 13% to nys byl zadowolony? watpie.
Amplify &Dampen - juz nic nie mowiac ze prawie nikt tego nie uzywa -.-. moze czas zaczac?
AE - chcieli zwiekszyc DPS-a...
armor - racja
counterspell - racja

Instability - to by bylo lekkie przegiecie Imo

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:27 
Amplify &Dampen - juz nic nie mowiac ze prawie nikt tego nie uzywa -.-. moze czas zaczac?
AE - chcieli zwiekszyc DPS-a...
Używam ras na ruski rok, jak mi sie przypomni że taki coś istnieje. Bo użteczność tego doprawdy zerowa.. Ew. Czasami Apmlify zeby buffna MT, przed jakimś bosem. Ale to nie powód żeby dawać w to talenty..

concetration - czyli jakby bylo 13% to nys byl zadowolony? watpie.

nie 13% tylko


Posty: 2857
Dołączył(a): 31.12.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:29 
Jedyne co mnie boli to shatter. Jedyna rzecz. Wisi mi wszystko inne, wszystkie te bezuzyteczne talenty. Mnie chodzi o -40% crit.

Trzeba bedzie isc 21 arc/30 fire. Bo to combustion to jest dupa.

A nowe arcane subtelty - mniejsze aggro tylko kiedy critniesz! Tak, wlasnie tak. Tylko kiedy crit. Czyli kazdy frostbolt - o przepraszam fireball - wywoluje tyle samo aggro. Czyli tyle co przedtem bez subtelty. Z subtelty przed revampem kazdy mial zmniejszone aggro o ilestam , jakby nie patrzec no to jest gorsze.

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:30 
The Mage Class Concerns have now been summarised and they have been posted in all three European Mage forums. The Mage Class Concerns summary has also been posted here for you to read and we have, of course, also forwarded them to the developers as promised earlier in the Class Concerns thread.

In case you missed the Mage Class Concerns threads, you can find them here:
- ... en&t=48335
- ... en&t=55152


Main Concern:
Mages feel that they no longer live up to their original purpose of being the “primary ranged” damage dealers, as they feel that warriors, rogues, shaman and even hunters have greater DPS than the mages.

Mages feel that because of the above, they have now been reduced to water dispensers (and in some cases crowd controllers), so that other classes can now do the work they were supposed to do. Mages like to think of themselves as a “glass cannon”, an immensely powerful weapon that is very fragile. However, they feel they have been hit by “the nerf bat” so much that they now see themselves as just “glass”. All in all it can be said that mages feel they no longer fit the description of their class.

Mages feel that melee classes are the favoured classes in the game, mainly because of the very good itemisation for those classes. The very powerful melee armour heavily reduces the effectiveness of spells, due to the melee items' high resistance bonuses. Mages also feel that they have no similar powerful itemisation for caster classes.

Mages feel that their class is plagued by bugs that should have been ironed out a long time ago. Many of these bugs are causing an unnecessary life and death situation that could have been avoided. Mages believe that their class is more plagued by bugs than any other class in the game.

Low damage:
Other classes seem to be able to outperform mages when it comes to DPS. Mages feel that this is because of the powerful itemisation for melee classes, which gives heavy bonuses for additional damage. All in all it can be said that mages can no longer deal reliable and effective damage:
Make spell damage bonuses more Intellect and/or spirit dependent, as this will give the opportunity to increase spell damage through stat bonuses, and thus improve the itemization for caster classes.

Improve the damage bonuses on mage itemisation.

Mages +damage itemisation does not keep pace with the melee +resistance itemisation. It may be a good idea to increase +damage rate and/or decrease melee +resist rate.

Extra spell books to increase damage spells' ranks, and thus allow the increase of damage.

Make the level of the caster influence the calculation of damage, so that it is not all based on the level of the spell. This should increase damage of spell and prevent abuse of low level spells doing more damage than intended.

Increase the percentage of the change to get a critical strike pr +100 intelligence.

Make the +1% change of getting a critical strike count on +50 intelligence instead of +100 intelligence.

Mages are very frustrated that their spells are often so heavily resisted. Mages feel that this is mainly caused by the powerful itemisation for melee classes, which often also gives resistance bonuses towards spells, thus making them much less efficient.
Put a cap on resistance bonuses, so that especially fire and frost spells will become more efficient.

Improve mage(caster) itemization with more/better bonuses (Int/Stam/Spi/DMG/Crit chance) and/or bonuses so that enemy have a smaller change of resisting.

Add a resistbreaker into every talent tree.

Mages find that other caster classes can hold mana more efficiently and thus less often needs to step out of combat to regenerate mana.
Improve the damage/mana ratio.

Make a DoT spell that transfers health from the enemy and converts it into mana for the caster.

Make a spell similar to the Warlocks’ Drain Soul spell or the priest spirit tap spell, that can tap some of the dying enemy’s spirit energy and change it into mana for the mage.

Mages have no real way of reducing agro, and they often feel that their crowd control spells are not efficient enough.
Create a spell that can reduce agro for some time, similar to the priests fade spell.

Create “Illusion” as a crowd control spell (sort of holo-mage).

Mages have some spells they do not feel are very useful at all:
Dampen magic and amplify magic:
Make these spells percentage based instead of a set number to increase their efficiency.

Make dampen magic resist magic and give it a bonus to resist all magic.

Improved counterspell should last 6sec because of the ping/latency.

Detect magic:
Change this spell into a class based passive ability, and maybe change it into an ability to track people/NPCs/mobs with mana on the minimap.

A quick cast with less damage for PvP.

Frost spells:
Frost spells seems to be bugged, because they have no partial resists as seen with spells from other schools of magic. What was supposed to be partial resists is fully resisted, which means that a player with 100 frost resistance will resist 80% of all frost spells thrown at him.

The polymorph spell has become more and more useless over time, mainly because of the huge amount of itemization and spells that can resist it. Polymorph is too easy to get out of, for too many people. Priests/Paladins/Shamans dispelling it, pvp trinket, druids etc. A good idea would be to create talents, items or spells that will make this spell more useful again.

Remove or replace those immune bonuses on PvP trinkets, or at least make them partial immune.

In PvP give polymorph a guaranteed 15seconds.

Players would like to have more different polymorph forms.

Arcane subtlety and Arcane Focus:
Make them affect all mage spells, instead of just the current two spells, where one is hardly ever used.

Mages vs. Healing classes:
Mages have big problems with healer classes, as they have a hard time fighting them, and in some cases even out damage them when on the same team. Healers can do great damage, and they can heal themselves, and this make mages feel less important that other caster classes.
Mages feel that there should be a greater divide in the role of the caster classes, so that mages are the king of DPS, while priests are the king of healing, etc.

Mages do not believe that the melee vs. magic system works very well, and that melee classes have a too easy time getting close to the mage. Mages feel that this is mainly because of the high armor/hp value, which allows the melee class several tries to get close without big losses. However the mage has his escape spells, but these are often resisted. And if they are not resisted, there are often many ways to intercept the mage anyways. These cat and mouse games leave a mage with a low mana pool and long cooldowns and no way of defending himself or to escape.
Make escape spells more effective. For example longer range on blink, lesser resist on spells, lower mana cost on spells or a possibility to do some damage when escape is not an option.

Improved itemization for mages, which either improve mages damage ability, or reduces an enemy’s resists.

Create a class specific maybe even non magic ability to keep range. An ability that will be harder for melee classes to resist.

Mages should gain invisibility again but they should not use magic while invisible.

Make a target mark on the floor where the Mage is going to blink to, so that you can control it better.

Conjured water:
The conjured water that mages can deliver is highly popular amongst mana using classes, but mages feel that it is a hassle to conjure water, because it takes too much time to do.
Make a bigger stack per conjure, and maybe let the spell cost more mana in return. It is considered a good thing if water was conjured in stacks of 10 or even 20.

Bookquests to get ability of casting 20 water.

Make epic water that will allow more uses of one flask.

It is currently impossible to find itemization that gives both good +damage and +stats. This leaves mages in a dilemma. Should they choose gear where they can do damage, but run out of mana fast, or should they choose gear where their spells will often do no or little damage, but then have more mana to cast more spells.
Create itemization for mages that will both allow for +damage and +stats. Melee classes has itemization that gives plusses for both damage and stats, and even plus resistance, and mages feel that it is unfair that nothing similar can be found for casters/mages.

Make spell damage bonuses more based on Intellect so that the mage will not be in this dilemma, because the itemization will both improve stats and damage.

Wand specialization:
Make the talent more useful. Very few mages are using this skill, since they rarely use wands as the game is currently structured.

Make more interesting wands to make the talent become interesting.

Replace the talent with a spell or a curse (could be a DoT also) that lowers the targets resistances towards spells. The more points invested in the talent will further lower the targets ability to resist spells.

Improved Scorch:
Mages feel that even though it gives a nice damage boost, it is too big a hassle to use, because they loose time to deal damage while stacking this spell on the enemy. It could possibly be changed into something more similar like the shadow weaving spell.

Change the stacking bonus into talent point bonus instead, the more talent points you use in the spell, the more it improves the extra fire damage of the scorch spell. This will allow the caster to throw the spell only once and then focus on dealing damage.

Arcane explosion:
This is a highly needed spell for high end instances, but because of this mages feel they are forced to use 15 points in arcane tree, and thus waste points in less useful talents. An idea could be to make that talent cost fewer points, or increase the usefulness of the other arcane talents.

Mages feel that this talent is fairly useless, since they do not feel that it is worth the use of 31 talent points. An idea could be to make that talent more attractive, by either lowering the cost, or increase its usefulness.

Fire talent tree:
Mages feel that the entire fire tree is useless when it comes to high-end levels and PvP. This is mainly due to the large resist-rates to fire, both on melee itemization but also in large endgame instances. Mage would like to see their fire tree become useful again in end-game, by for an example reduce the resist rates in some fashion.

Dispelled talents
All mage talents, even the 31 point ones, can be dispelled. Mages feel this is unfair, since the warrior’s equivalent cannot be dispelled.
Make ignite un-dispel able or simply add percentage of damage when delivering a critical hit, and also remove the DoT effect of the spell.

Make ice barrier just as effective as the priest shield, or make it un-dispel able.

Mages feel that many of their spells are heavily bugged, and requests those fixed ASAP.

Arcane missile channels, costs mana but for some reason now and then fires no missile.

Mobs teleporting to the caster after a root spell has expired. This especially happens after the use of frost nova.

Cold snap sometimes do not clear frost cooldown.

Blink doesn’t work as intended, as it sometimes cannot work when stunned by rogues. Also blink has some problems to work in areas where terrain is changing. For an example does blink not work when trying to use it to blink out of the tunnels in Warsong Gulch. It has been reported that even the change from sand to grass on a terrain can stop the blink spell from working properly. Blink has also been known to only transport the caster only 1cm forward or even backwards.

Curse of elements does not give bonus damage to Frost spells.

Other concerns:
Mages feel that there is a very low amount of good drops/loot for cloth items.
Improve the drop rate and/or the number of cloth items.

The Molten core (arcanist) set is only for mages with frost specialization

Revamp the graphic of azuresong sword, staff of domination (make it look more epic).

Epic quest:
Mages feel that it is unfair that other classes have an epic quest and they do not. They especially request an epic quest that rewards epic items that can decrease the resistrates of other players in PvP.
Create a quest that rewards something useful for mages.

Mages feel that it would be fair to also give them a possibility to dispel or purge like the priest or the shaman.
Create a talent or a spell to allow the mage to dispel an enemy spell

Create a talent that will allow to absorb an amount of enemy dispel attempts.

Other suggestions:
Give the Mages a pet like in WC3 a water elemental or for each tree a special one.

A little dot to prevent rogues from vanishing.

Mages should get the ability to merge their energy with other mages together to make a higher dps.

Make mana shield absorb more damage.

Manastone should be tradeable.

Make more cool looking robes and items. Many mages think that there are too many robes making them look more like clowns than mages.

Flasks such as Greater Fire Protection is by many considered a laugh in the face to a firemage. When there are flasks that can give greater resistance to different magical damages, there should be a similar flasks giving 1800 immune to physical damage.

Zarys tego co miało być. Porównajcie sobie z tym co jest. GG :]
Make spell damage bonuses more Intellect and/or spirit dependent, as this will give the opportunity to increase spell damage through stat bonuses, and thus improve the itemization for caster classes.

A gdzie to !?

Ostatnio edytowano 4 maja 2006, 19:32 przez iniside, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 803
Dołączył(a): 27.09.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:30 
Ciekawe jak pojde na fire jak wlasnie jestesmy przed ragnarosem....



Posty: 299
Dołączył(a): 30.01.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:35 
ten revamp to jest spozniony dowcip prima aprilisowy.



Posty: 886
Dołączył(a): 3.08.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:37 

jak mozna opierac wszystko na jednym talencie?

na pewno zmasakrowali drzewko frost, ale badz co badz to jest JEDEN talent...

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Posty: 2134
Dołączył(a): 24.04.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:37 
Text gościa jednego gościa, w temacie "What class will you reroll?" :

why reroll ?

we get more armor in next patch !!


1. Petition: Blizz fire your talent developers
They dont know anything about mage class, or it is bunch of kindergarden children played with talent cards for mage?

2. Give up us the people who did the priest review.

Priest review, 200% overall buff to the entire class.

Mage review, 50% overall nerf to the entire class.

3. Give us the man who designed the shaman class



Ostatnio edytowano 4 maja 2006, 19:58 przez WithnesS, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 148
Dołączył(a): 11.09.2005
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 19:53 
hahaha,zamkneli cale forum magow w us,niezle musialo byc zaflamowane


Posty: 1623
Dołączył(a): 2.01.2006
PostNapisane: 4 maja 2006, 20:32 
Tak sobie czekalem na ten revamp zeby zobaczyc te nowe talenty, wszedlem na stronke z nimi, przypatrzylem sie jednemu drzewku, drugiemu, trzeciemu i zdalem sobie sprawe ze to nie ma sensu bo nie mam zielonego pojecia o wczesniejsych talentach maga:P

Czyli reasumujac lekki nerf czy lekki buff ? Jak dla mnie ze wszystkich dotychczasowych revampow najbardziej skorzystal priest, przynamniej jezeli chodzi o pvp jest to dla mnie najgorsza klasa do zabicia. Locka z SL moge scierpiec czy inne klasy ale priest to im najbardziej wyszedl :wink: Jak widze priesta z 8k many to 3x sie zastanawiam czy w ogole probowac, same doty mnie zjedza szybciej niz ja go zabije, przewaznie priesta teraz atakuje 3-5 os, a pada dopiero kiedy jest OOM wiec to troche trwa...

"Zapytać - może oznaczać moment wstydu, ale nie zapytać i pozostać ignorantem, to wstyd na całe życie..."

Ostatnio edytowano 4 maja 2006, 20:34 przez h34t, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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