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Posty: 269
Dołączył(a): 22.11.2004
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 00:41 
Yes, there are several notable changes.

1. Traps are now on a 30 sec cooldown, but can be used in combat (you no longer need to feign/trap).

2. When feign death is resisted, you are still reduced to 0 threat for any targets that did not resist feign death (although if any creature resists the feign, you won't be taken completely out of combat, you'll still be on the creature group's target list).

3. Attack Power and Crit related changes:
a. Hunters now get 1 AP per Agility rather than 2. This change helps us provide more interesting stat distributions on hunter items. Previously, Hunters valued Agi significantly above any other stat, such that it was extremely difficult for us to create variety among Hunter items. For example, before this change, we could have spent 1 stat point on an item to give you either 2 AP or 1 Agi (which gave 2 AP along with a small bonus to crit and a small bonus to dodge... clearly the better choice). However, several changes have been made along with this change in order to offset the AP loss.

b. Hunters now get significantly more crit per point of Agility than before (about 33agi/crit at level 60).

c. Hunters now get more dodge per point of Agility than before (about 20agi/dodge at lvl 60).

d. Ranged weapons have had their damage values significantly increased (and consequently the weapon's dps)... this also helps make weapon upgrades feel more meaningful for Hunters than it did previously (along with the other changes, this change is retroactive).

e. Most Hunter equipment has been updated to have a better distribution between +Attack Power bonuses and Agility.

4. Aimed Shot related changes:
a. Aimed Shot now resets the Hunter's shot timer. This talent was always intended to be an "opening" shot, and not something that would be woven between shots. However, since Aimed Shot became such a core element for Hunter DPS, we didn't want to make this change until we were prepared to make several other changes to increase hunter DPS to offset it. Fortunately, this means that some of the odd side effects of the old Aimed Shot are no longer relevant, such as requiring hunters to use extremely slow weapons to maximize their DPS (weapons slow enough to be able to use Aimed Shot in between auto shots)

b. Arcane Shot now does substantially more damage than it did before, and scales with AP.

c. Steady Shot has been introduced as a core ability in the expansion, and provides much the same kind of gameplay as Aimed Shot did in the past (a shot you weave in between your normal shots), but to a much more managable degree (since it's a 1.5 sec shot, it doesn't require as slow of a weapon to take advantage of, and doesn't require to stand still for as long).

5. Other note: Wyvern Sting may now be used in combat.

z blue posta na us hunter forum

..::Char profile::..

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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 00:56 
No, to teraz huntery co 30s mają IWIN button przciwko rogulcom :)

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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 01:36 
I wiecej blue z hunter forums
- wyvern sting in combat, ale z 1.5sec cast
- objasnienie snake trap (atakuja poisonami rogue'a)
- skille petow posiedza tylko w database jeszcze troche ;]
Yes, a handfull of items that were not explicitly hunter-only but were clearly designed as "hunter items" with disproportionately high Agi values are having some of their stats shifted to AP (although they'll still be agi-heavy in general).

The Talent Calculator will be updated to remove the "out of combat" requirement. However, Wyvern Sting did gain a 1.5 second cast time instead.

Steady Shot does not have a cooldown. The AP scaling on Arcane Shot is 20% of AP.

1. Yes, snakes are mobs that can be targeted. There are 6 to 10 snakes that come out of the trap (oh $h1%, we've got Snakes on a Trap!) and attack random targets within 10 yards of the trap.

2. The snakes do physical damage and apply random poisons (ie: mind numbing, crippling, and a deadly poison).

3. They don't do a lot of damage individually, but in total the damage is meaningful.

4. The snakes will chase the same distance mobs normally chase.

5. The snakes move at normal mob speed (although their victims may be affected by crippling poison).
1. The pet abilities that have been "leaked" are pet abilities that have been in the database for at least 3 years now, but never went live because they were considerably overpowered. So, ignore those. More information on new pet types/abilities will come at a later time.

2. We moved Hawkeye in order to shift a meaningful talent from MM (which we felt had too many) to Survival (which we felt could use another).
Also, to answer another question that has come up, Arcane Shot and Aimed Shot no longer share the same cooldown.
"How will Steady Shot Work?"
Essentially it works similarly to the way Aimed Shot works in today's game. If you're in the middle of a Steady Shot when your shot timer comes up, it won't fire until your Steady Shot is finished. So, it's to your advantage to get your steady shots in nicely in-between your normal shots.

Also, since Arcane Shot does a bit more damage than Steady Shot (unless the target is dazed), you'll generally favor Arcane Shot over Steady Shot when it's available.
"Misdirection - Does it work by having the hunter targetting the intended player (tank for example) and then the cast shots simply being fired at the tanks target? Ie does the intended recepient of the hate/spell need to be targetting that specific mob?"

Misdirection doesn't change your target, it simply changes who the threat is going to.

So, imagine you're firing away, you click misdirection (and get the spell glove to target a party/raid member), click on the person you want the threat to go to, and for your next 3 shots all the threat generated by those shots is added to that party/raid member.

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent


Posty: 867
Dołączył(a): 1.04.2005
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 06:36 
Ok, to trapy in combat.... wyvern sting in combat, total immune na wszystko procz dmg i 30% dmg boost na 18 sek.....

Czy ich totalnie pojebalo? Aktualnie zmiany huntera sa o niebo lepsze od wszystkich klas razem wzietych....ciekawe ile z tego dotrwa do release...

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Posty: 99
Dołączył(a): 24.07.2006
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 07:20 
Cytuj ... 0000000000

MMs na PvE imo... I tak btw haxx na początek, bo talent + bonus strikersa = 1min cd na rapidzie :DD. ... 0310501300
Surv PvE :<

Posty: 32
Dołączył(a): 25.07.2005
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 07:52 
nie, ich nie poje**lo... jako hunterzy bardzo czesto cierpielismy- teraz oni beda cierpiec... :]


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Posty: 10236
Dołączył(a): 5.11.2004
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 08:24 
Nerfbat incoming, bo chyba ich mocno pojebie, jesli to wejdzie retaila.


Posty: 1406
Dołączył(a): 8.06.2005
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 08:24 
Jak sobie obejrzałem te talenty to :o
Jest tyle fajnych rzeczy że nie wiadomo co wybrać


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Posty: 636
Dołączył(a): 2.12.2005
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 08:25 
Jesli te zmiany dotrwaja do konca to <3 TBC. Nie ze bedzimy jakas uber klasa bo zasada papier<nozyce<kamien zawsze bedzie obowiazywac ale juz nie bedzie tak latwym innym klasa nas polknac a dzieki Misdirection hunter-pull nabiera nowego znaczenia czyli zyskujemy nowe zadanie w raidzie (P.S. niech mnie jakis rogalik zdenerwoje na raidzie to zawsze bedzie mial Misdirection :lol: )

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Posty: 636
Dołączył(a): 2.12.2005
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 08:33 
Kalgan, thanks for taking the time to discuss the hunter changes with us. I have a few questions:

1. Since Aimed Shot will now reset the auto-shot timer and also add the weapon's delay to the spell's cooldown, are there any plans to remove the weapon speed normalization from it?

2. Are there any plans to make Kill Command scale with attack power? It might be pretty nice for fresh 70's but abilities that deal a flat amount of damage with no way of increasing it become useless eventually (think of Mongoose Bite).

3. On a related note, will Mongoose Bite scale with weapon damage or attack power in the expansion?

4. Why do Arcane Shot and Steady shot scale with attack power rather than weapon damage? Wouldn't it make weapon upgrades more appealing if weapon damage was considered?

5. Will ranged weapon damage scale faster than before? What I mean by that is currently, the DPS difference between Rhok'delar and Ashjre'thul is 1.6. In the "leaked" screenshots I have seen, the DPS on both weapons was increased significantly. However, the difference between the new upgraded versions was still 1.7 DPS. In order for weapon upgrades to be more appealing, ranged weapon damage needs to grow faster (similarly to 2-handed weapon damage growth). Obviously I'm only looking at 2 weapons, and those are not official screenshots, so could you provide us with some additional insight? My beef was that ranged weapon damage increases at about the same rate as 1-handed weapons, but hunters don't have % multiplier attacks like rogues.

6. The new agility to AP/crit ratio seems interesting. However, don't you think the optimal distribution might still be something along the lines of: X agility + 2X attack power? For instance I was looking at the new hunter versions of current hunter items such as Dragonstalker's Helm. The new version has 18 agility + 36 attack power (I think) instead of 27 agility. This stat spread seems to be optimal as it provides a nice balance between attack power and crit, providing more crit than the old version, but the same attack power (and therefore it is "better" than the old stat distribution, which you said was optimal already in the current game). Am I wrong?

7. Can you tell us about how feign death is being changed in the expansion as far as its functionality?

8. Would you consider moving Hawk Eye to a level 1 survival talent?

9. Will +attack power buffs (blessing of might, battle shout) once again apply to ranged attack power?

That's a lot of questions and I hope you can get to at least a few of them!

1. Aimed Shot's cooldown should not be affected by the weapon's delay. This is bug that will be corrected.

2. Kill Command actually already scales (just not in an obvious way). First, as your crit % goes up, you'll be able to use it more often. Second, since it's an instant attack for your pet, its damage goes up as the pet scales with your gear improvements (the ability deals pet damage + the "an additonal" bonus listed in the tooltip).

3. Mongoose Bite does scale based on your melee attack power in the expansion.

4. Arcane and Steady shot scale with your attack power rather than your weapon damage so as not to overemphasize weapon speed (while we don't mind having slow or fast weapons have abilities/talents that favor one or the other slightly, we don't like being in a place where fast weapons are considered drastically inferior to slow weapons).

5. Noted, although I suppose everyone would like for their weapons to scale more quickly, wouldn't they. ;]

6. We actually gain several viable stat combinations that you haven't mentioned (ie: AP/Crit, Agil/Crit, in addition to +hit rating and +crit rating being more comparable to agility on a point-for-point basis than they were before).

7. This is described in more detail in one of the other threads I posted in. In summary, only the actual creatures that resist feign death will completely ignore its effects.

8. Yes, this has been under consideration for some time now and has not yet been ruled out. No promises though.

9. We hope to be more clear about what effects should and should not affect Ranged Attack Power. However, that doesn't mean that all melee attack power buffs will be extended to affect ranged attack power (otherwise there wouldn't be much point to having them as different stats).

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Posty: 5356
Dołączył(a): 6.10.2004
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 09:17 
(oh $h1%, we've got Snakes on a Trap!)

I'm tired of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking trap :lol:



Posty: 696
Dołączył(a): 18.06.2005
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 13:51 
Cytuj ... 0313500000

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Posty: 5356
Dołączył(a): 6.10.2004
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 20:36 
    Tseric wrote:

    # Rapid Killing - "Reduces the cooldown of your Rapid Fire ability by (1/2) min. In addition, after killing an opponent that yields experience or honor, your next Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot or Auto Shot causes 10/20% additional damage. Lasts 20 sec."
    # Resourcefulness - It's using the data from Survival Instincts and vice versa. Survival Instincts reduces damage by 2/4% (2 ranks) and Resourcefulness has 3 ranks for 20/40/60% mana reduction and 2/4/6 sec cooldown reduction.
    # Readiness - Requires 1 point in Master Tactician, should require 5.
    # Trueshot Aura (rank 4) not listed. 620 mana for 125 AP/RAP.
    # Wyvern Sting - No longer requires you be out of combat to use. Tooltip has been changed.
    # Improved Aspect of the Hawk is 12 seconds not 8 seconds.
    # Improved Stings - Now also reduces chance Stings will be dispelled by 6/12/18/24/30%.
    # Wyvern Sting - The cast time is 1.5, not Attack Speed.
    # Entrapment - Should be 3 ranks for 8/16/25% chance.
    # Improved Hunter's Mark - Removed old effect and replaced with "Causes 20/40/60/80/100% of your Hunter's Mark ability effect to apply to melee attack power as well."
    # Combat Experience - Reduced to 2/4% increase, from 3/6%.

Imp hunters mark - pve secks


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Posty: 1753
Dołączył(a): 13.04.2006
PostNapisane: 10 paź 2006, 21:05 
Randalf napisał(a):

omg 34 pkt w survival i nie ma wyvern sting? lol l2p

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Posty: 5356
Dołączył(a): 6.10.2004
PostNapisane: 11 paź 2006, 12:31 
Cytuj ... anges.html



Posty: 696
Dołączył(a): 18.06.2005
PostNapisane: 11 paź 2006, 12:53 
koci napisał(a):
Randalf napisał(a):

omg 34 pkt w survival i nie ma wyvern sting? lol l2p

na hoi mi, mam trapy

Posty: 19
Dołączył(a): 10.12.2005
PostNapisane: 11 paź 2006, 14:07 
Trudno się zdecydować ale myślę że ja będę korzystał z czegoś takiego w TBC ... 0000000000



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Posty: 327
Dołączył(a): 9.08.2003
PostNapisane: 12 paź 2006, 05:53 
Hmm dodalbym do tego silencing shota. Cooldown tylko 20 sek, a wydaje sie przydatny. Na pewno uniemozliwi castowanie czarow przez 3 sekundy, ciekawy jestem tylko czy uzycie go przerywa aktualnie castowany czar.


Posty: 1406
Dołączył(a): 8.06.2005
PostNapisane: 12 paź 2006, 08:25 
Ten build to chyba taki bardziej na rajdy 10/25
Do 5-man dungeons to ja bym dał faktycznie ten silencing shot i jeszcze clever traps.



Posty: 55
Dołączył(a): 5.12.2005
PostNapisane: 15 paź 2006, 09:28 
Witam mam jedno pytanie czym się różnią te 3 ataki a i co to znaczy (zaznaczyłem w ramkę) bo dokładnie niekapuje a i który atak spowalnia wroga ??? bo chodziłem po battlegrodach i goście na moim lvl mieli peta który mnie spowalniał i nie wiem z jaką umiejętnością mam szukać???


Będę bardzo wdzięczny za odpowiedz!

Nigdy nie sprzeczaj się z idiotą bo sprowadzi cie do swojego poziomu i pokona doświadczeniem :D

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