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Posty: 666
Dołączył(a): 23.07.2006
PostNapisane: 14 sty 2007, 21:13 
ja bym kicka uzyl po ambushu zeby nie zblinkowal i potem tea albo co ;)

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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 14 sty 2007, 21:15 
Jak ma refleks to blinknie kiedy ty będziesz na global cd :)


Posty: 342
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2005
PostNapisane: 14 sty 2007, 21:23 
A w PvM to co robic? :P



Posty: 653
Dołączył(a): 22.12.2005
PostNapisane: 14 sty 2007, 21:41 
Cytuj ... 0000000000

Co sadzicie o tym?? mam juz zrealizowane okolo 60% z tego buildu i jak narazie bardzo mi sie podoba bo combo pointy nabijaja sie bardzo szybko, dajmy tam ambush+backstab crits= 4 combo pointy, potem cs i znowu backstab, mial juz ktos cos podobnego i wie jak to sie na 60 lvlu sprawuje?


Posty: 666
Dołączył(a): 23.07.2006
PostNapisane: 14 sty 2007, 21:46 
stunlock, zeby nie obrywac za duzo, chyba ze bijesz caster moby.


Posty: 342
Dołączył(a): 26.04.2005
PostNapisane: 14 sty 2007, 22:02 
Ja bym nie dawal w Ruthlessness ale np 2 w Murderer i 1 w improved kidney shot.



Posty: 653
Dołączył(a): 22.12.2005
PostNapisane: 14 sty 2007, 22:06 
Kazen napisał(a):
Ja bym nie dawal w Ruthlessness ale np 2 w Murderer i 1 w improved kidney shot.

Wg mnie bardzo przydatne, look cs+backstab- Kidney Shot( jak zadziala to mamy po kidney shocie 1 combo za free) i tak dalej.. rozumiesz. W walce z np warkami czesto zbijamy cp i takie free +1 cp po zbiciu wg mnie jest przydatne :)


Posty: 666
Dołączył(a): 23.07.2006
PostNapisane: 14 sty 2007, 22:08 
jak testowalem 5/1/45 to myslalem ze sie pokroje bez 25 ene po finishing move i tego 1 cp : / naprawde warto. aktualnie jestem 18/33/0 do levelowania i jest genialnie w duelach i tyr's ; )


Posty: 235
Dołączył(a): 30.01.2006
PostNapisane: 14 sty 2007, 22:15 
Karoid napisał(a):

Co sadzicie o tym?? mam juz zrealizowane okolo 60% z tego buildu i jak narazie bardzo mi sie podoba bo combo pointy nabijaja sie bardzo szybko, dajmy tam ambush+backstab crits= 4 combo pointy, potem cs i znowu backstab, mial juz ktos cos podobnego i wie jak to sie na 60 lvlu sprawuje?

Imo przekombinowane. Po co bierzesz Sealfate a zapominasz o Mutilate ?
Zamiast tego bierzesz Duald Wield speca ? Precision ? Po co ?
Chcesz uzywac ambusha i BSa, a zapominasz o Opportunity ?
Juz lepiej nie wziac Lethality, ktore imo jest mocno przeceniane, a wziac wlasnie Opportunity.
Do czego ma to byc build wg Ciebie ?

Dla mnie w tej chwili istnieja 3, moze 4 buildy, ktorymi warto sie zainteresowac.

1) Mutilate

Bardzo dobry w rajd PvE, bardzo dobry w PvP, dobry w grindowaniu

2) Dagger Subtlety

Slaby w rajd PvE, slaby/sredni w grindowaniu, bardzo dobry (najlepszy ?) w PvP

3) Dagger Subtlety + hemo

Ten sam build co powyzej, ale do grindu zamieniamy dagger na wolny miecz/maczuge i walimy spam hemo

Slaby/sredni w rajd PvE, sredni/dobry w grindowaniu, bardzo dobry w PvP

4) Combat sword/fist

Dobry w rajd PvE, bardzo dobry w grindowaniu, slaby w PvP

Tak bym to ocenil na chwile obecna po zabawie praktycznie kazdym mozliwym nowym buildem.

Mutilate - najlepszy generator CP pod sloncem, Subtlety - genialny ShadowSteep, spora przezywalnosc, dodatkowo mozliwosc uzywania hemo czynia drzewko Subtlety i _jeden_ zestaw talentow odpowiednim zarowno dla daggerka jak i miecza/macki.
Czyzby wreszcie jedno drzewko talentow dla sword i dagger rogue ?
A combat ? Mimo wszystko ciagle najlepszy build do grindu.


Posty: 666
Dołączył(a): 23.07.2006
PostNapisane: 14 sty 2007, 22:34 
dagger hemo, haha, genialne :o

Mutilate - nie jest dobre w raidach, pvp specc na ogol, z wiecej niz 26% crit wymiata

Hemo(swords/maces) - wymiata w pvp, niezle w raidach(z dobrymi bronmi), takie sobie w solo pve

Sub(glebokie, do Cl of S a aktualnie shadowstep) jest calkiem niezle do pvp, ale brakuje wielu rzeczy z assa~, dla mnie zbyt przekombinowane

Combat - genialne w duelach, takie sobie na bg, swietny do grindu i ekstremalnie dobre w raidach

(testowalem wszsytkie wymienione z roznymi bronmi i ustawieniami)


Posty: 235
Dołączył(a): 30.01.2006
PostNapisane: 14 sty 2007, 23:25 
Sentry napisał(a):
dagger hemo, haha, genialne :o

Do hemo equipujesz miecz/macke zamiast daggera.
Dlaczego nie wziac hemo (1 talent), skoro i tak idziesz w drzewo Subtlety ?

Mutilate - nie jest dobre w raidach, pvp specc na ogol, z wiecej niz 26% crit wymiata

Jest porownywalne a moze nawet lepsze niz combat dagger spec w rajdzie, wiec jesli uwazasz ze Muti jest slabe w rajdach to jestem ciekaw na jakiej podstawie tak sadzisz.
Probowales ?

Sub(glebokie, do Cl of S a aktualnie shadowstep) jest calkiem niezle do pvp, ale brakuje wielu rzeczy z assa~, dla mnie zbyt przekombinowane

Czego az tak bardzo brakuje ? Inny styl walki, ale do wszystkiego mozna sie przyzwyczaic.

Combat - genialne w duelach, takie sobie na bg, swietny do grindu i ekstremalnie dobre w raidach

Combat genialne w duelach ? vs kto sie spytam ?:)
Moze jak odpalisz AR to zabijesz 1 na 1 co najwyzej warka, jak zaczniesz z Cheapshoota, pozatym build strasznie slaby do PvP.
Ekstremalne dobre w rajdach ? No ok, combat dagger.
Ale Mutilate jest bardzo zblizone, nie bawilem sie combat dagger po 2.0,
ale sadze ze Muti duzo nie odstaje.

Dla mnie combat drzewko jest super do grindu, mysle ze lvlowania (nie gralem w bete ale mam zamiar lvlowac na combat), pozatym to to drzewko jest martwe, jedynie dla fanow combat dagger na rajdach, albo grind maniakow :)

Ale skoro Muti w rajdach robi podobny dmg jak combat dagger (tutaj sie moze myle, nie testowalem po 2.0 combat dagger), a dodatkowo oferuje lepsza funkcjonalosc w PvP i grindzie, to nie sadze zeby bylo duzo fanow combat daggers na chwile obecna. Ale czas pokaze..


Posty: 666
Dołączył(a): 23.07.2006
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2007, 15:02 
No coz... jako r11~ rogue z 26% crit i 2x r14 dagger mutilate w raidzie bylem 4 w dps, z hemo(r14 sword) bylem 2, z combat(combat daggers i swords) bylem 1 : )(ZG/aq20/MC testowane)

a co do sub, tak, faktycznie mozna sie przyzwyczaic, tym bardziej ze jest to build typowo na bg - malutki cooldown i niezle surv ;)

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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2007, 15:11 
Do hemo equipujesz miecz/macke zamiast daggera.

Niekoniecznie. Najlepszy jest sprzęt ze speedem 2,5+
Np. taki hwl quickblade mimo że sword, używanie go w mh wraz z hemo jest pomyłką.


Posty: 187
Dołączył(a): 22.04.2005
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2007, 15:11 
Sentry napisał(a):
No coz... jako r11~ rogue z 26% crit i 2x r14 dagger mutilate w raidzie bylem 4 w dps, z hemo(r14 sword) bylem 2, z combat(combat daggers i swords) bylem 1 : )(ZG/aq20/MC testowane)

a co do sub, tak, faktycznie mozna sie przyzwyczaic, tym bardziej ze jest to build typowo na bg - malutki cooldown i niezle surv ;)

Podoba mi się, że r11 a bronie za r14 :P a poważnie, to, jakie miejsce miałeś w raidzie nie zależało bezpośrednio od twojego builda tylko od rodzaju bossa. Kiedy ludzie w końcu to zrozumieją.


Posty: 1009
Dołączył(a): 23.02.2005
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2007, 15:31 
Sentry napisał(a):
Combat - genialne w duelach, takie sobie na bg, swietny do grindu i ekstremalnie dobre w raidach

(testowalem wszsytkie wymienione z roznymi bronmi i ustawieniami)


osobiscie gram na fistach, pvp gralem duuzo, zabicie priesta, locka, warka, rogala, huntera, shamana bez earth guardiana czy huntera nie stanowi dla mnie wiekszego problemu, pod warunkiem ze zaczynam

jedyna klasa z jaka mam problem to magowie :P, ale teraz po patchu to i z nimi nie ma takiego duzego problemu (zrobilem mala zmiane w buildzie ;) )

ten build jest po prostu inny i nie oglada sie w nim za czesto napisow rzedu 2-3k (tylko z evi ;P), ale ogolne obrazenia, szczegolnie przeciwko heave armored, wcale nie sa nizsze niz buildow shadowstep czy mutilate

Keron -> ... ll&n=kERON


Posty: 666
Dołączył(a): 23.07.2006
PostNapisane: 15 sty 2007, 20:30 
mader napisał(a):
Podoba mi się, że r11 a bronie za r14 :P a poważnie, to, jakie miejsce miałeś w raidzie nie zależało bezpośrednio od twojego builda tylko od rodzaju bossa. Kiedy ludzie w końcu to zrozumieją.

po calym raidzie.

@up napisy rzedu 900 widzi sie za to czesto z sinistrow ;)


Posty: 1623
Dołączył(a): 2.01.2006
PostNapisane: 18 sty 2007, 16:02 
Poradnik dla rogue 60-70lvl, na pewno się komuś przyda.


The rules have changed a bit in The Burning Crusade, but rogues stick with the AEP system:

1 agility = 2 strength = 2 attack power = 1 stamina = 1 AEP

You will gain an insane amount of hitpoints as you increase in level. This is far more than we got before. This will devalue stamina in the AEP system but frankly for grinding, more stam=less eating or bandaging, so let’s stick with the original formula for grinding. The AEP system also varies now by build but let’s not get that granular for the grind.

Many will ask how important crit and hit are. You should definitely maintain a decent amount of hit. Crit isn’t key for leveling but it always helps. One percent to crit is worth about 20 attack power.

Don’t buy any pre-expansion gear. The worst greens in Outland are better than Shadowcraft and Darkmantle. These greens won’t fall out of the sky, so don’t think that you will be upgrading everything overnight, but you will be picking up new pieces. Use the AEP system formula I listed above.

For example:

Darkmantle Boots: 24 agility and 10 stamina = 34 AEP

Level 60 Green Boots of the Monkey (Outland): 18 agility and 18 stamina = 36 AEP

The green boots are better. It’s only 2 AEP though. If you have a 7 agility enchant on your Darkmantle then they will still be better. I absolutely don’t recommend enchanting every new piece you get. In beta, not everything was itemized yet and I had replaced 9 pieces of gear before level 70 including the second best boots, 3rd best cloak, and the best rings in the game (all pre expansion). A lot of your gear will come from quests. Most of the blue quest rewards are up to par with the AQ40 set and even tier 3.

Most green swords, fists and maces are better than Krol and Sacred Charge after about level 63. I think they start at close to 146 max damage and quickly get to 160 before level 64. The first instance you go in can drop a blue sword that is better than Brutality Blade.


Many of you are going to feel like stealth got nerfed. Even with MoD, I found myself getting busted out of stealth a LOT. Now before you go screaming about this on the boards, keep in mind that before BC it was rare for you to ever sneak up on and solo mobs that were 60-62. Without MoD, if you walk up to the front of a mob, spamming cheap shot on the way in, you will agro them 100% of the time. But only about one in 50 will nail you before you get your CS off. Don’t feel like you need to make big circles around mobs or feel like you need to put MoD in all of your builds. It’s no big deal, just keep it in mind.

Vanish served me well in alpha and beta. Has it been fixed? I don’t know, I honestly never thought it was broken. But I’m also very good about gouging, then running, then vanishing rather than just standing there while 5 mobs beat on me and upset because vanish isn’t an invulnerability button.


DO NOT level in Azeroth. A level 58 mob in Winterspring or Eastern Plaguelands will give you about 300 XP per kill while a level 58 mob in Outland will give you 500 XP per kill.

Green is good. Whether it be questing, grinding or instance runs, the best XP per hour I was able to muster in BC came from killing mobs that were 3-5 levels below me. This is the best advice that I can give you. I saw this a lot in BC beta. Everyone wanted to do stuff 3 levels above them. This is a tragic mistake. Can I handle mobs 3 levels above me? Heck yes. I can handle mobs 7 levels above me. But the rate in which you kill them is not worth the minimal XP bonus you get. You’ll have to heal yourself more often, you will die more often and you will level incredibly slowly. From 69-70 I solo grinded on mobs 5-6 levels below me and I was one or two hitting them. It was 100K XP per hour unrested.

You want to know my personal strategy? I’m going to be sitting at my trainer in Org ready to train anything that I need to. I will immediately head to Outland. Once I get to outland there is a flight path right by the dark portal. In beta you already have the flight path to your first town so there is no need to run through all of the giant elite demons who will all one hit you.

Once I get to my first town (Thrallmar for horde, Honor Hold for Alliance) I will head straight to Hellfire Citadel with 4 of my guildmates who are ready to lay waste to stuff for the next 12 hours straight. I will run the first two instances (ramparts and blood furnace) until I hit level 63. When I hit 63, I will head to Terokaar Forrest. There are enough quests there at 63 to get me to 64. If I see so much as 3 horde in town, I will turn around and go back into HFC for more instance grinding. If that happens I will hit 65 in those instances and skip to Nagrand. My goal is to stay way ahead of the curve. Ganking and kill stealing won’t be an issue for me.

Easy for me to say, right? I got to enjoy every single quest and really got to enjoy the immersion. I have a guild of 350 that I can level with. I realize that this doesn’t make sense for many of you. I just wanted to share what my strategy is. I hate the idea of skipping some of these zones. There are quest rewards that I really want, but there is a major problem in front of us. 10,000 other people will be in those zones too. If any of you have ever been there for launch day of any server, you know what I mean. The level 1-5 noob zones are crowded. It’s not so bad, once you break out of the first zone, things fan out fast. Once you hit level 20, there are very few people in your area because there are a ton of different places that a level 20 can quest or grind.

Now imagine the 1-5 zone but everywhere from 60-70. I kid you not. If you are on a low population PvE server, you will still find yourself competing with hundreds of people in the same spot. It was like this in late beta and the population there was nowhere near what it is on my medium population retail server. The only zones that are equal in level are Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley. Every other zone will be stacked with people your level.

This is not a guide to roleplaying. I wrote this guide for those who want to level efficiently. Level as quickly or slowly as you like. But I warn you, the questing experience isn’t so fun when you have hundreds of people camping spawns. It’s up to you.

I realize that my personal leveling strategy will keep me from killing mobs 3-5 levels below me, but I will do what I must to stay ahead of the curve. Hopefully by the time I get to 67, I will be far enough ahead where I can kill stuff 3-5 levels below me. What I won’t do is try to go into zones where mobs are 2+ levels above me.


The fastest XP per hour possible can be earned by running instances. I don’t care how good your gear is or how aggressive you are, a good group in an instance will earn nearly twice as much XP per hour than solo grinding. Key words here are “good group”. If you are going to join pugs that don’t know how to assist, go afk a lot, wipe a lot and put little effort in, you will do horribly. I tested this thoroughly. With a well-geared but incredibly ragtag group (druid tank, shadow priest, no shaman or paladin and no mage) I consistently earned twice the XP per hour that I was able to earn solo grinding and I’m extremely efficient at grinding.

The smartest thing you can do to get good XP per hour in instances is keep them as low as possible. If the mobs are mostly green then you should be able to crush that place in record time. I plan to do the first instance until I’m level 63.

The nice thing about grinding in instances is that you will never run out of them. There are so many, they completely overlap. You’ll never run out of content.

I do warn you though, if you do not have a good, driven group, you will waste an insane amount of time. I do not recommend running instances for many who read this guide.

A lot of my guildmates have asked to form static groups. In other words, they want to have 4 of them and I in the same 5 man group for instances while we level to 70. That won’t make the most sense for me as I work from home and can’t commit to set blocks of time. This might make sense for those of you in small guilds or those of you who choose to run unguilded but have a few friends running around.

If you really want to do well in instances from an XP per hour standpoint, chain pull as much as possible. Get everyone in the mindset that they need to sit and drink and eat the moment they get out of combat because another pull is on its way. Don’t be reckless, just try to be as aggressive as possible.


There are endless quests. I’ve never been a big fan of questing to level, as they can be a time suck if you don’t complete them quickly. It’s no different in BC. But there are so many, you can just run around killing everything in the zone and complete a ton of them in the process of your grind. Many quest rewards are excellent.

For those of you who wish to immerse yourself into the lore of the game, feel free to use quests to guide you to 70. You’ll still have to grind, but not nearly as much as you did from 1-60. But again, I warn you, it will be crowded at launch.

I will say though that questing in BC is easier than in pre-BC. The quest descriptions are better and the objectives are easier to find in general. Questing will be a really good way to level after the rush dies down from the initial release.

Like I’ve said in the past before BC, if a quest objective isn’t clear and you can’t look it up, dump it and move on. Searching for quest objectives often turns into 10K XP per hour.


This is how I like to level. Quests and instances are cool but I like to go into autopilot for 12 hours and just wreak havoc on everything in my path.

One good thing about grinding in BC is that Blizzard implemented code that increases the spawn rate of mobs based on the number of people in the area. This doesn’t scale enough to justify grinding in the same spot as 20 other people, but it helps if you have no other options.

I warn you, if you come into BC with full Shadowcraft, you will get pounded hard in BC against mobs your level. If that’s the case, I recommend grinding with a group and doing quests in the process. Either that or keep the mobs levels low. Don’t try to kill level 67’s when you’re 65. You can do it but you won’t do it quickly.

For rogues, the trick is to find a good mob to grind. I love humanoids casters. They’re soft and never get a spell off against me because I interrupt them. I take 2 dps and dish out 800. Some mobs hit insanely hard. So try and steer clear of mobs that force you to eat or bandage every 3-4 kills. I shoot for 10 kills per heal. There’s two ways to do this. One is by stunlocking them to death. This is a bad idea. You’ll end up doing 300 DPS instead of 900 DPS. The second is to pick good mobs. Don’t be too picky but don’t be stubborn about mastering tough mobs.

Buff yourself as much as you can when questing or grinding. Instant poison on both hands (unless you’re specced mutilate) and if you can afford it, an endless supply of potions that boost your AP and crit. Don’t waste an hour looking for a druid to buff you, but use every advantage that you can. Don’t ever leave town without at least 40 instant poison.

Use your cooldowns!!! Evasion, blade flurry, adrenaline rush, cold blood, etc. Use them constantly. I don’t care if the opposite faction might jump you at any time, focus on the timers. It’s not painful when it becomes second nature to you. If you use your timers whenever they’re up you can grind more than twice as fast.


The number one question that I get from people has always been and will now even moreso be, “What is the best build…”

It’s a viable question. My biggest advice is for you to pick a good build and stick with it. Don’t try to be an innovator. Let someone else blaze the trail for you. I have spoken to THOUSANDS of rogues (I’m not joking) who have taken a standard tested build and made gigantic changes to them. A sprinkle of this and a sprinkle of that to cater to your gameplay, fine, but don’t put together some wild build and then ask someone later if it’s any good. I’m not saying this because I’m irritated with any factor of this because I simply am not. I’m just trying to save you folks some time and gold. Others have blazed the trail for you. Enjoy the game and benefit from that knowledge.

You’re going to want to test all of the new skills and talents. Try to refrain from doing so. You’re going to get pounded out there and will want to respec to minimize this. Just try to be better at the build you have unless it’s horribly flawed. If you don’t know whether or not your build is horribly flawed, then it probably is.

Before I get into builds, let’s cover talents that are good and bad for leveling.

First off, I don’t like most of the survivability talents. Reduced chance of being stunned, feared, extra HP, chance to resist spells, all have their applications. Grinding isn’t one of them. I might have some of this stuff in my builds but only because there are no better options. I don’t like MoD except for daggers where I kind of have to get it for improved ambush. But even then Camouflage has served me much better in my grind. Improved ambush is an excellent talent to max out. Open with big crits and end it fast. Also, if you are a dagger rogue, remorseless attacks is your best friend. While I don’t really need it to get a lot of ambush crits, it guarantees it and keeps me driven to move from mob to mob.

Also note that these builds might change at the last minute before BC comes out as they are constantly changing things.

Combat Swords

At 60: ... 2100050150

I actually did a Mace version of this because my maces are a lot better than my swords. Claws are fine too; just stay away from combat daggers. It’s great for raids but rough for grinding. Save daggers for SF/Mutilate.

I warn you, you will take a lot of damage with this build. You will open with CS, get 2 SS’s in, will have 4 combo points, the mob will no longer be stunned and you will take a pretty heavy beating for 6 seconds while you wait for enough energy to gouge or continue on doing damage.

Use this build aggressively. Every two minutes you should be fighting two mobs at once with blade flurry. Every 5 minutes you should be fighting 3 mobs at once using blade flurry and adrenaline rush at the same time. Just be careful when pulling multiples, BF and AR are amazing but they don’t make you Superman. The combo should be CS, evasion, AR, BF, SS, SnD, spam SS.

This build feels slow and clunky when you’re not using BF or AR. Those of you who used a heavy subtlety build to grind to 60 will especially feel this way. CS seems to last a split second because of its energy cost. You find yourself waiting and waiting while you just do white damage and wait that seemingly loooooong 4 seconds to do another SS. My advice is to muscle up and just pump it out. You’re going to take damage. Just bandage once every 5-6 fights if you have to and trust the fact that this is probably the best DPS leveling build.


At 60: ... 0000000000

To 70: ... 0000000000

This build isn’t for everyone but for me it was the hands down best solo grinding build possible. Mutilate is fantastic for grinding if you are comfortable with daggers. I don’t know if I’m killing faster than I did with a combat build but I certainly had more fun with it. It’s very efficient. I take very little damage and the mobs drop fast. Here’s a common combo: Ambush, wait, gouge, wait, KS, mutilate, mutilate, evisc. I know that’s a lot of waiting, but those pauses are also followed up with some monster hits. With improved ambush and remorseless attacks you are pretty much guaranteed a crit opener. When you ambush and gouge you will almost always have 3 combo points. If you put smart pauses in after ambush and after gouge, you will have a full energy bar when dropping that KS.

Note with these mutilate builds that I made some changes to what you probably had in your pre-BC mutilate build. First off, I have instant poisons maxed out. This isn’t absolutely necessary but getting your target poisoned early is important for efficiency.

Yes, I have improved SS in this build. It’s not a must, but it’s nice to have when both your gouge and kidney shot miss/dodge/parry/block. It doesn’t happen often, so there’s no crime in spending your points elsewhere.

Some people like to grind with mutilate by opening with cheap shot. This is perfectly fine. I’m a bigger fan of the big ambush crits. Both are pretty equally effective.

Avoid using fast daggers. Core Hound Tooth is a bad mutilate weapon. It’s better than nothing, but try to use slow daggers with high max damage. Other than that, don’t worry about what gear is best for mutlate.

Most important: ALWAYS have crippling poison on your MH. Mutilate does fantastic damage against poisoned mobs. Against non-poisoned mobs, it’s terrible.


At 60: ... 0000000000

To 70: ... 0000000000

I don’t like this build. I even less like posting it in my guide. I tested it thoroughly and I know some of you will go with a hemo build no matter what anyone says, so this is what I consider a good hemo grinding build.

The reason I don’t like hemo is that it doesn’t do very good damage. I have a ton of AP and I used Misplaced Servo Arm to test it. Against ogres my level I had to do 3 full combos to finish them in some cases. I felt like I was hitting every mob I fought with a pillow and Servo is a better hemo weapon than anything I saw before 70.

The plus side is control. You can do almost two full combos before you get hit once: CS, hemo, gouge, wait, KS, hemo, hemo, hemo hemo, gouge, evisc. Unfortunately, that won’t finish most mobs your level and you’re still going to take a lot of damage.

If you decide to go this route, load up on the attack power. A lot of gear that you will get from quests will give you a ton, so that will help if you didn’t come in with good gear.

Build that I Didn’t Include

I stayed away from a Shadowstep build. I used this to grind extremely low level mobs from 69 to 70 and did really well with it, but against mobs my level I got crushed. I also stayed away from hybrid builds where you switch from swords to daggers as appropriate. Why torture yourself with weapon swap delays? I also tested and did not like combat Hemo and Seal Fate swords. SF swords seemed interesting but your crit is going to drop as you level, so it just didn’t proc that extra point enough. Combat hemo wasn’t as good as I had expected. Adrenaline Rush is so good for leveling and you don’t get lethality maxed until level 68. Plus you don’t get Deadliness or Sinister Calling.


Hellfire Peninsula

This is the first area that you will come to upon entering the Dark Portal. There are about a million quests here. There are quests in 3 different towns and in about 5 other locations where you can find groups of quest NPCs. I don’t like this zone. Have you ever quested in Eastern Plaguelands and been frustrated with the big cracks in the ground in how you have to navigate around them? You’ll hate that about this place. I don’t like most of the mobs. They put nasty dots on you, have a ton of armor, burrow underground and do just about everything that rogues hate.

What I do like is Hellfire Citadel. This has two instances in it that you can run immediately (Ramparts and Blood Furnace). Make sure you get the quests in town that are related to these instances as the quest rewards are really good. Both of these instances are easy to do. Most of the bosses are a simple tank and spank and only a couple of the pulls are tricky.


This is the next zone that you will get to east of Hellfire. There is a neutral town full of quests and a couple of faction-specific towns also full of quests. Most of the mobs here are non-humanoids but no elementals. There are some fantastic mobs to grind on and 90% of them are quest related. Some of the quests are tough to figure out but you can plow through a few levels here if it’s not too crowded.

In the middle of the big lake is a structure you can swim to and in the middle is a tube for you to swim down. There are more instances in here with quest givers outside. I don’t consider these instances ideal for instance grinding but they can be done for some good XP. Lot’s of heavily armored mobs though.

Terokaar Forrest

I love this zone. It’s south of Zangrmarsh. You can get quests here as early as 63 but if you don’t have good gear, you might find it a little tough. There are about a dozen quests that you can get here at 63 and almost all of them are mindlessly straight-forward. There are another 10 or so from completing quests and there might be a few at 64. The first thing that you will want to do here is go to Shattarath City. It’s the only major city in Outland and is what is called a sanctuary. You don’t even have the option to attack other players here. You should find another 10 or so quests here.

South of Terokaar is an area called the Bone Wastes. In the middle is Auchindoon. More instances. Some of them are really good for grinding but the difficulty level definitely goes up here, so bring good players. This is really the last zone that you will be doing instances in until you hit 70 unless you want to go all the way down to Tanaris for Caverns of Time at about level 67+. But the instances in Auchindoon range from 64 to 70.


This is my favorite zone. It’s west of Terokaar and south of Zangramarsh. There are endless mobs that are good to grind on and a massive number of quests, many of which give good items. Don’t forget to find Nessingwary. He has a new camp here. You should start working this zone at level 64. Some quests aren’t available until 65. You could easily get to 70 in this zone, 67 from quests alone.

There are no instances in this zone.

Blade’s Edge Mountains

Lots of Ogres but not a ton of quests that I like. Not bad as a quick stop on the way to Netherstorm though.

There are no instances in this zone.


This is an awesome zone. There are a ton of great quests and some good mobs to grind on. Some of the quest rewards are fantastic. Don’t miss out on them.

There are instances here but you have to be 70 and have a flying mount.

Shadowmoon Valley

This is about the same level as Netherstorm. It’s smaller and probably has just as many quests. I went in there with an empty quest log and still couldn’t get all of the quests. The mobs are pretty tough. There are some that are good for grinding but not as many as Netherstorm which, despite what the map says, is much bigger.

The only instance here is a raid instance.


Why both of these in the same section? Almost all of the world loot table in beta that is rare or epic comes in the form of a pattern. Blacksmith, weaponsmith, tailor, enchanting, etc. No Krol Blade types of loot, just patterns. All professions are extremely viable now. That includes leatherworking. All professions can be extremely profitable. All patterns found in the world are BOE and can be sold on the AH.


Time to gear up. At this time, the level 70 PvP rewards are mediocre at best. Many quest items and a ton of instance drops are better. This is with the exception of arena rewards, but be ready for some serious competition in there. Believe me it is nothing like the easy loot that you can get from running AV, WSG and AB at 60 for the rank 14 epics.

The best way to get gear is to run instances. There is blue gear in BC that rivals tier 4 but that gap will again widen as tier 5 and 6 become available.

Head back to Tanaris and run Caverns of Time. There are some fantastic rewards there. Also run Auchindoon. The last boss in Shadow Labyrinth drops amazing stuff for all classes including a 174 max damage dagger.

You’ll find instances in general to be a lot shorter with a couple of exceptions. Most of the pre-70 instances can be done in less than 20 minutes with a good group. Tempest Keep seems long but so did Scholomance when we were in green gear.

If you raid, work on getting your factions to revered so you can get keys to the heroic modes of all instances. They’re extremely hard. It’s like doing Onyxia with a 5 man team at 60. These are moreso something to do on your free time when you’re not doing 10 and 25 man raid instances than they are for gearing up. Trust me, it won’t be a walkover for anyone.

I DO NOT recommend doing old raid instances. You will not crush through Nax at level 70 as easily as you’d think and the rewards are garbage in comparison to what you can get in 5-man instances on normal. Nax bosses, with very few exceptions require that everyone play a key strategic role. You’re not going to group up the Four Horsemen and AOE them at 70. Yes, Patchwerk will drop faster because of the extra DPS but believe me, if you don’t have serious people working hard to heal and be in position, you will not take him down at 70.

I’m not going to list all of the factions and their rewards, but you will probably want to grind a lot of them as the quest rewards are pretty good. Don’t focus on them during your grind but keep in mind what factions you want to grind and try to do their quests.


This doesn’t apply to rogues as the idea of being a healer or a tank is ridiculous. Yes, we can offtank for short periods of time in blue instances if people assist you. What I’m talking about is druids, shaman, paladins and priests taking on alternative roles.

Be weary of this. You will find some people who are good at these roles but not many. I know some druids that are fantastic tanks for 5 man instances. I’ve seen priests put up some decent numbers but it’s pretty rare. I’ve yet to see a shaman put up fantastic numbers. The lack of DPS will hurt you some, but the big pitfall is when you have you plus 4 healers in your group and none of them are specced for healing nor wish to play a healing role.

I’m not going to tell anyone how to spec or play this game. You’re paying your $15/month not me. But if you find yourself in a situation of not having some solid crowd control, tanking and healing, I highly recommend that you politely leave your group and find something else to do. Pick flowers, grind some faction, but these groups will suck you down.

The truth is that no one will be specced ideally in the grind to 70. A priest would be a fool to spec holy in his grind to 70. But someone does have to heal and that means getting out of shadowform and healing. A warrior would be a fool to spec protection to 70, but it’s easy to put on tanking gear and do a decent job of tanking. Just look out for warriors who want to tank in berserker. After the grind to 70 you will find a lot of people want to stay the same spec that they were before. All I am saying is that you should know what you’re getting into before joining a group. But be polite. That DPS shaman isn’t a jerk for not wanting to heal even though he does half your damage as a rogue. That’s his choice.

For those of you who play hybrid classes, my best advice is to make your mark at 70. If you’re serious about it, bust your tail getting exceptional gear and make your case when you’re sure you can be a serious competitor on the damage meters.


I wanted to close with this section because I want it to be fresh in your minds when you’re done reading this guide and I have a lot more to add.

Hopefully you put together a decent bankroll going into BC. There aren’t a lot of money sinks unless you grind professions in the AH.

Empty your bank. You will no longer need your resist gear. Get rid of everything that you don’t absolutely need. Most people are terrible about this (myself included). I still have that stupid neck that turns me into a draknoid. You will need the bank space. Crafting mats will be very valuable. Drop this stuff off into your bank until the market settles and you can determine what it is worth. You will loot a lot of items that you can’t decide on. I had a hard time determining which of the 4 blue shoulders I had was best. If you made a lot of potions, you will need space to put them. Even with the extra bag slot you will run out of room. Trust me.

I’m not listing any addons right now because none of them will work at launch. Keep it simple. You don’t need much to level. You won’t need raiding addons or PvP addons to get to 70, so don’t make your lives difficult by loading up with a bunch of garbage that you don’t need. In alpha I was forced to level with no addons at all. I got used to it very quickly and my performance was excellent because of it. I will install Fubar and Perl and that’s it until I start raiding and PvPing. Scrolling combat text and a lot of other addons are going to do nothing but lag you out.

You will make a lot of money looting corpses in your grind but it won’t be anywhere near what you will need for an epic flying mount, which trust me, you want. It’s not like pre-BC where your rides are relatively short. You will find yourself flying on your mount instead of taking flightpaths. No, there aren’t many places that you can’t go to without a mount but the flying mount is faster in many cases. The wyverns and griffons fly faster than epic flying mounts but they take crazy paths, so you will save yourself a lot of time just flying to your destination yourself. Plus it’s too cool to fly in WoW.

Again, I remind you to stock up on potions. Any consumables you have will make your grind easier.

Go into BC with a plan. Do you want to stop and smell the roses by immersing yourself in the lore? Do quests, but keep in mind that you will be fighting for spawns a lot. Are you going to level with a friend or two? If so, make sure that the time that you plan to put into leveling is compatible with theirs, otherwise, consider an alternative.

Is The Burning Crusade going to be a train wreck lag fest on January 16th? Of course it is. Know this going in. I know a lot of people who are taking vacation that week. That’s not a bad idea, but keep in mind that server stability might be an issue that week. I’m not saying that you should pass on that week but all MMOs have problems upon releasing expansions, so you should probably get mentally prepared for it.

In closing, get ready for an amazing expansion. I don’t care how much you’ve read or what your friends in beta have told you, there is more content in this expansion than you or I will ever do. I know that’s a bold statement but trust me, there are instances that I will barely get to appreciate and bosses on heroic mode that I will never kill. The Burning Crusade is more like WoW 2 than an expansion by any other MMOs standards.

"Zapytać - może oznaczać moment wstydu, ale nie zapytać i pozostać ignorantem, to wstyd na całe życie..."


Posty: 4673
Dołączył(a): 24.11.2001
PostNapisane: 18 sty 2007, 17:01 
Musisz podać źródło, bo będę musiał wykasować.

Byłoby szkoda bo poradnik wygląda ok.

Posty: 30
Dołączył(a): 30.12.2006
PostNapisane: 19 sty 2007, 09:40 
Dwutlenek napisał(a):
Musisz podać źródło, bo będę musiał wykasować.

Byłoby szkoda bo poradnik wygląda ok.

źródło: ... 1342&sid=1 :)


Posty: 232
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2004
PostNapisane: 24 sty 2007, 12:03 
Hehe i jak sie Wam walczy na 70? Troce duzo hp'ow ludzie maja, nawet b.duzo. Moze z nowymi bronmi i sprzetem by sei to tak nie odczuwalo.

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