Myślałem że mówimy o mechanice gry, a nie o "bugach" i gdybaniu. PVE to nie pvp, gdzie na przykład nie ma crushing blowa, a crit zależy od talentów, gearu,buffów, etc obu graczy. W pve mob ma 5% szansy na crita przeciw graczowi na swoim lvl-u i dlatego te +125 def obniża tą szansę do zera. Dodatkowo przy wyższym lvl-u bosa dochodzi weapon skill i wtedy potrzeba dodatkowo 15 punktów (dla 73lvl), stąd 350+125+15=490. Ponad 20 miesięcy gram w swojej gildii jako MT i praktyka potwierdza to, w moim przypadku.
Topik na forum blizza będący "reference guide" , z postami "blue" ... 1044&sid=1
i fragment z kilkudziesięciu stron dotyczący sedna sprawy
1 Defense Skill
Dodge __________________ 0.04%
Parry __________________ 0.04%
Block __________________ 0.04%
Chance to be Missed ____ 0.04%
Chance to be Crit ______ -0.04%
Defense does not calculate added Defensive bonuses against same-level mobs until it reaches the baseline of your character. The baseline Defense can be found by multiplying 5 * Character Level; in the case of a level 70 Warrior, this is 350 Defense.
For Defense to effectively remove Critical Strikes from the combat table on higher-level creatures, you need to reach the 5% reduction according to the baseline of that creature. Creatures have a 5% chance to Critical Strike, so you would need to reach the Defense required for a level 73 player to reduce Critical Strikes by 5%. Since 125 Defense is equal to 5% Critical Strike reduction, you would add to the level 73 baseline of 365 -- your goal, then, is 490 Defense. Most "Skull" Elites are effectively level 73 creatures.
Crushing Blows (150% Damage normal attacks) are calculated with Defense in relation to the level of mob you are fighting. Crushing Blows can only occur from creatures 3 levels higher than you or greater; the chance to receive a Crushing Blow cannot be reduced below 15%. Defense beyond your baseline does not affect Crushing Blows.