kac napisał(a):
jeśli jesteś prot to spamujesz shield block, a i tak pewnie na niektórych bossach jakieś crushingi się będą zdarzać. powinieneś mieć 25% "base" block tak aby po użyciu "shield block" mieć 100%.
to nie jest prawda - tzn to tak mniej wiecej dziala ale nie z powodu ratingu blocka 25%,
z tego co wiem attack tabela wyglada tak że te 20% to jest dodge miss parry, dzalanie defense w sumie i 5% które masz z talentów. trzymanie block ratingu na 25% to gimpowanie się.
ogólnie poniższy przykład dokładnie to wyjasnia
Example 1
Suppose a mob of equal level is attacking your warrior character in melee. Your Defense skill is maxed out for your level, but has no other bonuses. In the general tab of your spell book, you see that your listed Dodge chance is 4.5%, your listed Parry chance is 6.2%, and your listed Block chance (you have your shield equipped) is 5.1%. For the mob attacking you, its attack table will look like this:
Result Chance "Die Roll"
Miss 5.00% 0.01 - 5.00
Dodge 4.50% 5.01 - 9.50
Parry 6.20% 9.51 - 15.70
Glancing Blow 0% —
Block 5.10% 15.71 - 20.80
Critical 5.00% 20.81 - 25.80
Crushing Blow 0% —
ordinary hit 74.20% 25.81 - 100.00
Now say that you elect to activate this warrior's Shield Block skill. Shield Block increases the warrior's Block chance by an additional 75%. For the next attack against your warrior, the mob's attack table now looks like this:
Result Chance "Die Roll"
Miss 5.00% 0.01 - 5.00
Dodge 4.50% 5.01 - 9.50
Parry 6.20% 9.51 - 15.70
Glancing Blow 0% —
Block 80.10% 15.71 - 95.80
Critical 4.20% 95.81 - 100.00
Crushing Blow 0% —
ordinary hit 0% —
dzieki za uwagi o charged fist - poćwicze mózg