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Posty: 195
Dołączył(a): 28.07.2006
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 10:59 
Advancement after level 70 will be through Hero Classes rather than talents. Hero classes will function as subclasses and each existing class will have 3 of these hero classes to choose from. These hero classes will not be limited by talent choices. Players will be able to choose these new subclasses at trainers when ItM goes live.

Jak wprowadza hero classes to ja na bank robie game quit ! Chyba ze hero classes bedzie takim czyms jak np. holy priest zamienia sie w shadow itd. :] To bylo by napwno ulatwienie, a nie tylko jedyna sluszna droga :P. Inaczej warrior bedacy magiem sux.


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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 11:18 
Hero class to chyba mozna spekulowac ze te 10 punktow bedzie rozwijac wybrane drzewko talentow, wiec chyba nie warior mag :)

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

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Posty: 2206
Dołączył(a): 27.03.2006
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 11:27 
Ja rozumiem hero class jako np:
warr - berserker, warr - knight; warr - blademaster
czyli specjalizacje w ramach klasy a nie odjebane warrior-mage :]
jeśli drzewka się nie zmienią to dojdą tylko skille heroklasowe od trenerów.
mi się ten pomysł baardzo podoba :)

Walter Sobchak: Fuck it, Dude, let's go bowling.

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 11:34 
JA to rozumie cos jako np.
Blood Mage
Dla Warriora nie wiem. ;/
Demon Hunter
Itd. Znacie bohaterow z W3 cos z tym stylu.

Nie podoba mi sie tylkoze to bedzie Maelstorm ;/ A moze bitwy morskie ? :D

Anyway, jak sie potwierdzi plotka o Hero Classes to mam nadzieje, ze bedzie je mozna zmienia, jak mi sie np. znudzi jedna.


Posty: 654
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2006
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 11:53 
Mi Maelstorm baardzo odpowiada :D taki mhmm tropikalny klimat ? : P


Posty: 805
Dołączył(a): 28.01.2005
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 12:03 
cypis napisał(a):
Info z IGN, nie wiem czy wiarygodne

Oby nie, jak widze will include questing zones, to dla mnie skreca, wypierdalalmy starego wowa robimy nowego wowa, znaczy zmiana graficzki i jedziem. A jeszcze slysze ze warhammer nie porywa, kurde dalbym 3x wiekszy abonament za jakies wyjebne pvp.

powinni nazwać dodatek: Świniobicie Strikes Back

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 12:12 
With Blizzcon 2k7 upcoming Blizzard is working hard on getting content ready to show off. Two products that will be shown and hopefully available for play will be Starcraft 2 and the unannounced 2nd World of Warcraft expansion pack, which, of course, will be announced at Blizzcon.I can tell you that its planned for an early 2008 release, but is currently not on course for that date. The working title at the moment is "World of Warcraft: Into the Maelstorm" (ItM). It was hoped that hero classes would be demonstrated at Blizzcon via playable premade characters, however the hero classes may not be complete enough.

The level cap will be raised again to 80, however there will be no new talents. For now its been decided that players will stop gaining talent points at 70. The Maelstrom area on Azeroth will be opened up and is a rather large area. There will be various islands around the Maelstorm for questing and Undermine will have a new neutral city. It will be a large mutli-zone area that will have questing zones, raid dungeons, a large neutral city and a new arena.

Advancement after 70 will be through hero classes. They function as sub-classes. Each class has 3. They are chosen independent of talent choices, but certain hero classes may favor certain talent builds. At one point your hero class choice was limited by your talent choices, however this was deemed too restricting. Currently Priest and Druid hero classes are complete and Warrior and Mage are near completion. When the ItM goes live players will immediately be able to choose a hero class by talking to the appropriate trainer. Players will train higher ranks of pre-ItM skills at the trainer for their base class and will train new hero class skills at hero class trainers, which will be scattered about the world (including Outlands, which will also feature some lvl 80 content). Each lvl grants at least one new skill at the trainer, however roughly half of the new skills are passive benefits similar to talents. The emphasis was put into defensive bonuses and abilities to again lengthen pvp battles. Here are the Priest and Druid hero classes:


Hardened Battlefield Healer
Requires: Level 71
Increases your total mana and health by 5% and armor by 10%.

Mind Armor
Requires: Level 72
855 Mana
Instant cast
Reduces spell damage taken by 124, gives you a 30% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage when casting spells and restores 41 mana every 5 sec. Lasts 30 min.

Strength of Body
Requires: Level 73
Reduces physical damage taken by 6% and increases your chance to resist Stun effects by 5%.

Psychokinetic Push
Requires: Level 74
355 Mana 21 yd range
0.5 sec cast 30 sec cooldown
Pushes the target back 2 yards.

Psychokinetic Pull
Requires: Level 74
355 Mana 21 yd range
0.5 sec cast 30 sec cooldown
Pulls the target 2 yards towards the caster.

Strength of Mind
Requires: Level 75
Increases your spell damage done by 6% and increases your chance to resist Silence effects by 5%.

Vow of Silence
Requires: Level 76
320 Mana
Instant cast 1 min cooldown
Increases your armor by 1316, all resistances by 50 and your resilience by 65, but you can not cast spells for the duration. This spell is usable while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, feared or asleep. Lasts 8 sec.

Strength of Spirit
Requires: Level 77
Increases your healing done by 6% and increases your chance to resist Fear effects by 5%.

Requires: Level 78
6% of base Mana 21 yd range
Instant cast 1 min cooldown
Pacifies the target, preventing them from taking hostile action. Lasts 6 sec.

Empowered Spirit
Requires: Level 79
Your Mana Burn, Holy Fire and Smite spells gain an additional 10% of your bonus spell damage effects and your Renew spell gains an additional 15% of your bonus healing effects.

Power Word: Strength
Requires: Level 80
8% of base Mana
Instant cast 3 min cooldown
Reduces the cast time of your spells by 0.5, increases your critical strike chance with spells by 25% and reduces the mana cost of your spells by 50%. 3 charges. Lasts 20 sec.

High Priest

Priest Master Training
Requires: Level 71
Increases your maximum mana by 5% and allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.

Holy Armor
Requires: Level 72
855 Mana
Instant cast
Increases your armor by 750, healing done by 275 and causes attacks to restore 52 mana. This effect can only occur once every few seconds. Lasts 30 min.

Divine Guidance
Requires: Level 73
Increases the duration of your Power Infusion spell by 3 sec, reduces the cooldown of your Lightwell spell by 3 min, reduces the mana cost of your Lightwell spell by 10% and increases the healing done by your Vampiric Embrace spell by 5%.

Power Word: Wrath
Requires: Level 74
550 Mana 30 yd range
Instant cast 10 sec cooldown
Strikes an enemy with holy wrath, dealing 450 to 522 Holy damage. Deals an additional 212 to 240 Holy damage against targets with less than 20% health. If the target is killed by Power Word: Wrath, the caster regenerates 100% of the mana cost over 12 sec.

Spiritual Purity
Requires: Level 73
Increases your chance to resist Shadow spells and Disease and Poison effects by 5%.

Prayer of Solidarity
Requires: Level 76
460 Mana
Instant cast 15 sec cooldown
Protects friendly targets within 20 yds with a prayer, instantly healing them for 425 to 477 and causing attacks to heal them for 310. This effect can only occur once every few seconds. 4 charges. Lasts 15 sec.

Empowered Prayers
Requires: Level 77
Your Prayer of Mending, Prayer of Healing and Circle of Healing spells gain an additional 10% of your bonus healing effects. In addition, the cooldown of your Prayer of Mending spell is reduced by 1 sec.

Prayer of Rejuvenation
Requires: Level 78
505 Mana 40 yd range
1.5 sec cast
Heals a friendly target for 809 to 905 and another 546 over 18 sec. If Prayer of Rejuvenation is dispelled, the target instantly heals for 100% of the heal over time effect. Stacks up to 3 times.

Cleansing Heals
Requires: Level 79
Your direct heal spells gain a 20% chance to cleanse a friendly target, removing 1 poison effect, 1 disease effect, and 1 magic effect. If the healing spell critically hits the chance is increased by 30%.

Essence of Light
Requires: Level 79
16% of base Mana
Instant cast 3 min cooldown
You take the form of pure light, increasing your damage and healing done with Holy spells by 10% and reducing the mana cost of your Holy spells by 20%. Lasts 20 sec.

Shadow Priest

Advanced Shadow Training
Requires: Level 71
Reduces the cooldown of your Silence spell by 5 sec, increases the duration of your Vampiric Embrace spell by 1 min and reduces the cooldown of your Shadow Word: Death spell by 1 sec.

Shadow Armor
Requires: Level 72
855 Mana
Instant cast
Increases your armor by 750, spell damage by 150 and gives you a 30% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage when casting Shadow spells. Lasts 30 min.

Persistant Darkness
Requires: Level 73
Reduces the chance your Shadow spells will be dispelled by 10% and increases the duration of your Shadow Word: Pain spell by 3 sec.

Fear Ward
Requires: Level 74
4% of base Mana 30 yd range
Instant cast 30 sec cooldown
Wards the friendly target against Fear. The next Fear effect used against the target will fail, using up the ward. Lasts 30 sec.

Improved Shadow Weaving
Requires: Level 75
Increases the Shadow damage bonus of Shadow Weaving by 1% per stack.

Shadow Word: Confusion
Requires: Level 76
8% of base Mana 21 yd range
Instant cast 1 min cooldown
A word of darkness that confuses the target, causing them to wander around dazed, reducing their movement speed by 50%. Any directly damaging attack will revive the target. Lasts 4 sec.

Empowered Shadows
Requires: Level 77
Your Mind Blast, Mind Flay and Vampiric Touch spells gain an additional 10% of your bonus spell damage effects.kk

Shadow Mending
Requires: Level 78
510 Mana 30 yd range
2 sec cast 6 sec cooldown
Heals a friendly target for 1215 to 1355 plus a percentage of your Shadow spell damage. Heals for an additional 164 to 188 against targets under 20% health.

Improved Shadowform
Requires: Level 79
Increases your Shadow damage by 3% and reduces Physical damage done to you by 3% while in Shadowform.

Shadow Word: Decay
Requires: Level 80
510 Mana 30 yd range
1 sec cast 24 sec cooldown
A word of darkness that causes 84 Shadow damage and reduces the target's armor by 143 every 3 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. In addition, heals the caster for 50% of the damage caused. Lasts 24 sec.

Druid of the Talon

Swift Flight
Requires: Level 71
Increases your movement speed in Flight Form and Swift Flight Form by 20%, reduces the mana cost of Flight Form, Swift Flight Form and Faerie Dragon Form by 15% and reduces the chance you will be hit by ranged attacks and spells by 2%.

Faerie Dragon Form
Requires: Level 72
13% of base Mana
Instant cast
Transforms the Druid into a Faerie Dragon, increasing movement speed by 310% and allowing you to fly. Cannot use in combat. Can only use this form in Outland.

The act of Shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects.

Phase Shift
Requires: Level 73
When critically hit you have a 20% chance of Phase Shifting, reducing your chance to be hit by melee and ranged attacks and spells by 30% for 4 sec. This effect can not occur more than once every 20 sec.

Moon Armor
Requires: Level 74
855 Mana
Instant cast
Increases your armor by 750, increases your Arcane and Shadow resistance by 40 and increases the mana you gain from spells and effects by 20%. Lasts 30 min.

Strength of the Moon
Requires: Level 75
Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Dire Cat, Bear, Dire Bear and Moonkin Forms by 10% and increases your spell damage and healing by 10% of your Intellect.

Requires: Level 76
420 Mana
Instant cast
Summons an owl pet that greatly increases the stealth detection and increases the chance to hit with melee attacks, ranged attacks and spells by 1% of all party members within 30 yds. Lasts 2 min.

Requires: Level 77
Increases your damage done by 6% against targets affected by your Moonfire, Insect Swarm, Rake, Lacerate or Hurricane abilities.

Mark of the Talon
Requires: Level 78
680 Mana 30 yd range
Instant cast
Increases the friendly target's spell damage and healing by 42, Intellect and Spirit by 32 and spell penetration by 20 for 30 min. Players may only have one Mark on them per Druid at any one time.

Powerful Winds
Requires: Level 79
Increases the damage done by your Hurricane spell by 15% and the duration of your Cyclone spell by 1 sec. In addition, your Hurricane spell applies the Powerful Winds effect, reducing the movement speed of all nearby enemy targets by 50% for 1.5 sec.

Gust of Wind
Requires: Level 80
720 Mana
Instant cast 20 sec cooldown
Instantly releases a powerful gust of wind, knocking targets in a cone in front of the caster back 2 yds and dealing 475 to 510 Nature damage.

Druid of the Claw

Essence of the Beast
Requires: Level 71
Increases your chance to resist Polymorph and Charm effects by 90% and armor by 10% while in caster form.

Feral Block
Requires: Level 72
5 rage
Instant cast 10 sec cooldown
Requires Bear Form, Dire Bear Form
Reduces the damage taken by the next melee or ranged attack by 52 and the chance that it will critical hit by 90%. Lasts 10 sec.

Feral Vigor
Requires: Level 73
Generates 1 rage per 3 seconds in Bear and Dire Bear forms and increases your maximum energy in Cat and Dire Cat forms by 10.

Shift Mending
Requires: Level 75
When you shift out of a form you gain a full rank Rejuvenation for no mana cost.

Rabid Bite
Requires: Level 76
30 Energy 5 yd range
Instant 10 sec cooldown
Requires Cat Form, Dire Cat Form
Instantly maims an enemy target, dealing 75% of normal damage, causing the target to bleed for 150 damage every 2 sec and slowing their movement speed by 50%. Lasts 10 sec. Awards 1 combo point.

Wounded Prey
Requires: Level 77
Increases your damage done by 6% against targets affected by bleed effects.

Mark of the Claw
Requires: Level 78
680 Mana 30 yd range
Instant cast
Increases the friendly target's attack power by 84, Strength and Agility by 32 and causes the target's attacks to ignore 142 armor. Lasts 30 min. Players may only have one Mark on them per Druid at any one time.

Ferocity of the Claw
Requires: Level 79
Increases the damage done by your Claw, Rake and Lacerate abilities by 10% and increases the damage bonus of your Mangle, Maul and Shred abilities by 10%.

Dire Cat Form
Requires: Level 80
35% of base Mana
Instant cast
Shapeshift into a dire cat, increasing melee attack power by 15% plus 120% of your Agility and your chance to dodge by 3%. Also protects the caster from Polymorph effects and allows the use of various cat abilities.

The act of Shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects.


Improved Thorns
Requires: Level 71
When your Thorns spell is triggered the target has a 10% chance to gain 310 mana, 5 rage or 5 energy to the target. This effect can not occur more than once every 6 sec.

Arcane Protection
Requires: Level 72
810 Mana 30 yd range
Instant cast
Increases the target's resistance to Arcane spells by 70. Lasts 10 min.

Natural Defenses
Requires: Level 73
Your healing over time spells also cause the Natural Defenses effect, increasing the target's defense skill by 10 and resilience by 15. Stacks up to 3 times.

Perfected Shapeshift
Requires: Level 74
4% of base Mana
Instant cast 2 min cooldown
Increases the cast time of your next shapeshift form by 2.5 sec and mana cost by 20%, but once the shift is complete you gain the Perfected Shapeshift effect while in that form.

Bear, Dire Bear: Reduces damage taken by 6% and increases your chance to resist Fear effects by 5%.

Cat, Dire Cat: Increases physical damage done by 6% and increases your chance to resist Stun effects by 5%.

Moonkin: Increases damage done with spells by 6% and gives you a 20% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Balance spells.

Tree of Life: Increases healing done by 6% and increases your chance to resist Silence effects by 5%.

Travel, Aquatic, Flight, Swift Flight: Increases your movement speed by 20% and increases your chance to resist Movement Impairing effects by 5%.

Empowered Regrowth
Requires: Level 75
The instant heal portion of your Regrowth spell gains an additional 10% of your bonus healing effects. In addition, the healing over time portion of your Regrowth spell will now stack up to 5 times, but the addtional healing over time done is reduced by 10% for each stack.

Requires: Level 76
4% of base Mana 30 yd range
Instant cast 6 min cooldown
Reduces the target's mana regeneration by 100% and increases the mana cost of the target's abilities by 100%. Lasts 20 sec.

True Mana Balance
Requires: Level 77
Reduces the cooldown of your Innervate and Ennervate spells by 1 min. In addition, reduces the mana cost of your instant cast abilities by 6%.

Mark of the Grove
Requires: Level 78
680 Mana 30 yd range
Instant cast
Increases the friendly target's Stamina and Resilience by 40, reduces damage taken by 30 and increases healing received by 76. Lasts 30 min. Players may only have one Mark on them per Druid at any one time.

Connection to Nature
Requires: Level 79
Increases your critical strike chance with Nature spells by 3% and increases the damage done and healing done of your Nature spells by 3%.

Dreamless Sleep
Requires: Level 80
Instant cast 3 min cooldown
Puts the caster into a dreamless sleep, regenerating 520 health and mana every 3 sec. Any damage taken will break the effect. Lasts 12 sec. When you awake the spell finishes the cooldown on your other Druid abilities.



Posty: 2857
Dołączył(a): 31.12.2005
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 12:23 

Troche debilne pytanie ale bedzie sie dalo te hero klasy zmieniac? Logiczne wydaje sie ze tak bo glupio by bylo spieprzyc postac, no ale nie wiem.

Tak sie tez zastanawiam, jak tyle bedzie tych umiejetnosci, to chyba nie starczy keybindingsow? :p

martwy czarodziej produkuje dziwne cyferki

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 12:28 
Mnie juz nie starcza.. Za krotkie place mam zeby dal niz do H bindowac ;/
TRzeba bedzie shift+ ctrl+ robic :E

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Posty: 12370
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2002
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 12:33 
hahe podobno undermine i maelstrom mialy byc w TBC , blizz idzie w soe style :)

daliby housing buce

"Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward."

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Posty: 2206
Dołączył(a): 27.03.2006
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 12:35 
nie podoba mi się, że dodają nowe CC :<

Walter Sobchak: Fuck it, Dude, let's go bowling.

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Posty: 1753
Dołączył(a): 13.04.2006
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 13:50 
Czyli co, konczymy z wowem?

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 14:03 
koci napisał(a):
Czyli co, konczymy z wowem?

Ktory to juz raz...


Posty: 805
Dołączył(a): 28.01.2005
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 14:06 
Ale o ile zapowiedzi TBC wydawaly sie atrakcyjne, o tyle widzac takie info w tej chwili czuje lekkie Deja vu.

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 14:29 
Cashasty napisał(a):
Ja w to nie wierze ;)
Przy każdej czesci WoWa, zarówno podstawce jak i TBC bylo dużo szumu, od cholery screenów pare miesiecy przed jakakolwiek potwierdzona przez blizz informacja.
A odnosnie tego ItM cos cicho jest...
Zobaczymy, ja do tego podchodze z dystansem.

iniside napisał(a):

Gdzie na World of Raids ? Ja tego nie widze.

Teraz juz imo ludzia powiewa dodatek. Wiedza ze bedzie wiec to nic niezwyklego [;

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Posty: 5356
Dołączył(a): 6.10.2004
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 14:38 
Ja bym chcial pandarenow jako nowa rase. Szkoda, ze to nierealne ze wzgledu na chinczykow.


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Posty: 10140
Dołączył(a): 13.10.2005
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 14:42 
cypis napisał(a):
Ja bym chcial pandarenow jako nowa rase. Szkoda, ze to nierealne ze wzgledu na chinczykow.

Chińczykom sie zmieni tekstury na inne rasy niedźwiedzi. :E


Posty: 369
Dołączył(a): 9.01.2006
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 15:07 
Zanim pojawi ssie dodatek to muza ostrą komerchę zrobić przed tbc tez tak było typu pokaz mobów jeden po drugim i inne pierduły potem wieksza ilość puntów i talenty i ciut zmienili to i owo i nagle bum tbc takze dopuki nie ma "oficjalnych" przecieków tak jak to robią ze starcraftem ojejku jejku archon cośtam ble ble to możemy sobie spekulować .

Wish I Could RAPE the Day

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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 15:11 
Yarp napisał(a):
Zanim pojawi ssie dodatek to muza ostrą komerchę zrobić przed tbc tez tak było typu pokaz mobów jeden po drugim i inne pierduły potem wieksza ilość puntów i talenty i ciut zmienili to i owo i nagle bum tbc takze dopuki nie ma "oficjalnych" przecieków tak jak to robią ze starcraftem ojejku jejku archon cośtam ble ble to możemy sobie spekulować .

Co tez wlasnie czynimy. Spekulujemy.
IMO info z worldofraids wyglada na bardzo wiarygodne.

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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 31 lip 2007, 15:27 
iniside napisał(a):
Co tez wlasnie czynimy. Spekulujemy.
IMO info z worldofraids wyglada na bardzo wiarygodne.

Polowa spelli priesta pojawila sie w spekulacjach odnosnie TBC ;] (a kilka z nich ma obecnie swoje odpowiedniki w talentach)

Zreszta druid ma dostac nowego oomkina, jakiegos super kurczaka!

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent

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