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Posty: 12796
Dołączył(a): 17.08.2005
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 01:04 
To jedziemy z kolejnym patchem :)

------->EDIT: 07.X.2007

2.3 Unofficial Patch Notes

Blizzard Posters have been very active on 2.3 changes, therefore a list has been compiled into patch notes which contains all blue posts related to 2.3, we added several additions to this list made by the wow community (we will keep adding new). Let us know in comments if something is missing (all new additions will be mentioned in the latest news updates).

•The 33% spell damage bonus on +healing affects enchants, gems, and all the other items, however it doesn't include temporary buffs, some BC leveling greens with "of the..." stats, and some Zul'Gurub items. (UPDATED)
•The next flying mount (Cenarion Expedition) will be a Swift Hippogryph, which one will have the same speed as the Swift Gryphon and Wind Rider (280%). (UPDATED)
•Escape Artist has now a 1 min 45sec cooldown.
•All Disarm immunity effects in the game were changed to 50% disarm duration reduction (non stacking).
•Auction's duration have been changed to 12, 24 or 48 hours. Also deposit prices for all duration will be the same. (src)
•Auction House will now sort server side. If multiple pages exist you will be able to sort across all pages. (src)
•You will now be able to ctrl-click a recipe to preview the item the recipe will create in the dressing room. (src)
•Ogri'la Faction Vendor: This vendor now sells potions useable anywhere for a large number of Apexis Shards. 50 shards, as good as super mana/heal pots. (src)
•New Flying Mount added. Requires 2,000g and Exalted with Cenarion Expedition. 280% Speed. (src)
•Healing Reduction effects now affect all Drain spells and abilities (i.e. Mortal Strike vs Drain Life)
•Level 20-60 Quest EXP has been increased, while EXP to Level has been decreased. (src)
•Guild Banks added to the game. (src)
•New Arena Relics have been added for more talent specs, and existing Relics have been renamed to create a more consistent naming convention. (src)
•1/3rd of +Healing will count as +Dmg (src)

Raids & Dungeons
• New daily quests are available in the Lower City for 5 man heroic and non-heroic dungeons (Once at a time, a bit like battlegroundw weekends, each day you will get quests for a different dungeons). The following non-heroic dungeons are concerned : Shattered Halls, Steamvault, Shadow Labyrinth, Black Morass, Botanica, Mechanar, and Arcatraz. All dungeons will get quests in Heroic mode. If you're getting the non-heroic and the heroic quest on the same day for the same dungeon, you can complete both by running it in heroic mode once. Non heroic quests will reward you with a Ethereum Prison Key (various reputation), gold, and reputation with the Consortium. Heroic quests will give you 2 Badges of Justice, gold, and reputation with the Consortium.
•Mobs inside Sethekk Halls will now continue to award Lower City reputation all the way into Exalted. Previously they stopped giving reputation in non-heroic mode just before players hit revered.
•The number of creatures that must be killed in the Karazhan Servants Quarters area before a miniboss spawns has been reduced.
•New Daily quests for heroic and select non-heroic instances.
•New 10-Man Raid - Zul'Aman, Zul'Aman is complete and now only needs time on the PTR. (src)
•Heroic Badges drop from Zul'aman and Karazhan bosses
•New Title - Champion of the Naaru: Awarded to those who complete the Tempest Keep attunement quest at level 70. (src)

•For more infos, check Zul'Aman Preview
•Zul'Aman will be a 10-person raid zone
•Zul'Aman will be on a quicker reset than 7 days (some might call this "casual")
•Zul'Aman will be MORE difficult than Karazhan and drop better loot (some might call this hardcore)
•Zul'Aman will feature 6 bosses and it's our goal that you can kill them all in one night -- perhaps 2-3 hour clear times (some might call this casual)
•Heroic Badges drop from Zul'aman bosses
•Zul'Aman will not have a key requirement. Nor will it have an attunement quest\ (some might call this casual)
•Zul'Aman will have a VERY challenging timed quest for those who choose to participate in it. This *will be* hardcore and will be very rewarding. Players do not have to engage in the timed run (very similar to the Baron run in Stratholme)
•We're tuning the first boss in Zul'Aman to require less raid coordination than some other raid bosses. He will still hit very hard so you'll need to be geared properly but it won't take 15 minutes to explain the fight. It will be a simple yet challenging fight. The other boss fights get more complex and challenging from there. If players want a basis of comparison, imagine the tuning of ZA started around Nightbane/Prince difficulty and ramped up from there.

•New healing wand for Season 3 Arena.
•New Melee PvP Cloak added to the game: 34 Stam, 20 Crit, 20 Resil, 46 AP, 112 Armor Penetration.
•New Caster PvP Cloak added to the game: 34 Stam, 15 Int, 16 Spell Crit, 23 Resil, +27 Spell Damage/Heal.
•New Healer PvP Cloak added to the game: 34 stam, 15 int, 6 mana/5sec, 23 resil, +51 healing / +17 spell dmg.
•Vengeful Gladiator's Waraxe added to the game: 62 Stam, 46 Crit, 33 Resil, 15 Hit, 92 AP, 98 Armor Penetration. Waraxe Cost: 1000 arena points (no rating requirement).
•Players can now cast spells for free (no mana cost) before a Battleground starts. (src)
•For 5 seconds after being ressurected by a Spirit Healer in a BG, players spells will be cast for free. (src)
•Upon terminating Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm - an additional honor bonus will be granted. (src)
•New daily quests targeting a random battleground each day. (src)
•Battlegrounds now have a buff period upon entering, and upon being resurrected at the Spirit Healer (similar to Arenas)
•New Battleground rewards: Boots, Belt, and Bracers
•Arena Weapons/Armor Ratings Requirements. (src)

Alterac Valley
•Each team will have a starting reinforcement count. Reinforcements can be lost in significant amounts if a tower is destroyed or if Captain Galvangar or Belinda Stonehearth is killed. For each team member death, an additional reinforcement will be lost. On the death of General Drek’Thar or Vanndar Stormpike, all reinforcements are lost and the team is defeated. At any point in time, if a team is reduced to zero reinforcements, the opposing team will win the battle. Defending your own teammates, towers, and key NPCs will be an important aspect of maintaining team resources and achieving victory in Alterac Valley. (UPDATED)
•Warlords and their general will be more closely linked in the next patch. Pulling one is a guarantee the other will come as well. Each team begins with four Warmasters. Destroying a tower will eliminate the associated Warmaster. Unlike the current game play, however, destroying the enemy tower will not add a Warmaster to your own side. (UPDATED)
•We will be changing the pace of the battle slightly with a reduction in the time needed to control a tower or graveyard. Where it currently takes five minutes to gain control, the time will be reduced to four minutes. The honor for capturing a tower will also be increased. (UPDATED)
•Currently, players can sometimes be sent to their starting tunnels far from the battlefront. This can often be an inconvenient location to respawn and more out of the way from the action than we would like, to correct this, players will instead respawn at a team-controlled graveyard. Should the team not have a graveyard under their control, they will respawn in the starting tunnel. (UPDATED)
•Players will only be awarded bonus honor during the battle for destroying enemy towers and slaying the enemy Captain. Once the battle is concluded, bonus honor will be awarded for intact towers, a surviving Captain, and for victory in battle. The bonus honor awarded should be similar to previous totals, but will reward players for taking more active roles in Alterac Valley toward defending or attacking key locations and NPCs. (UPDATED)
•We have reduced the number of elite NPCs in Stormpike and Frostwolf holds as well as sent all Commanders and Lieutenants out of Alterac Valley. (UPDATED)

Arena Season 3
•Season 3 weapons will have new art (existing raid weapon models), they will be different colored raid weapons. (UPDATED)
•The same titles of Challenger, Rival, and Gladiator will be given to players when season 2 completes. The players with titles from season 1 will have them removed and the titles will be redistributed to the people who win them at the completion of season 2. (UPDATED)
•The Armored Netherdrake reward for Season 2 will have a different color than the one from Season 1. (UPDATED)
•All items in the gladiator season 1, 2, and 3 sets will be part of the same set, so you can use those items interchangably and keep the set bonuses.
•Many of the Arena Sets bonuses have been updated.
•1850 Team and Personal rating needed to buy weapons.
•2000 Team and Personal rating needed to buy shoulders.

•A Feral-focused set will be available in season 3. This set have no plus to healing on it and will be focused on Feral statistics. (UPDATED)
•Items that grant attack power in Cat, Bear, Dire Bear, and Moonkin forms will get a boost in the amount of attack power they give. (UPDATED)
•/cancelform will be recognized instantly. It should work the same way as /dismount works currently.
•Tranquility now receives added benefits from +Damage and +Healing. (src)
•Cure Poison and Abolish Poison may now be cast in Tree of Life form. (src)
•Remove Curse may now be cast in Moonkin form. (src)
•Rebirth cooldown reduced to 20 minutes (src)
•Intensity increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration (src)


•Trueshot Aura (Marksmanship) no longer costs mana to cast and will last until cancelled.
•Serpent Sting, Immolation Trap and Explosive Trap now all gain additional damage based on 10% of your ranged attack power.
•Wyvern Sting (Survival) is now instant cast and has a maximum duration of 10 seconds in PvP.
•New 20 and 24 slot ammo pouches and quivers will be added to the Game. (src)
•Arcane Shot (Rank 6+) will now dispel 1 Magic effect in addition to damage. (src)

•New spell: Ritual of Refreshment, Soulwell like spell for mages that allows players to grab what they want, it gives Manabiscuits, which restore 7500 health and 7200 mana over 30 seconds. (UPDATED)
•Fire Ward and Frost Ward now gainadditional benefit from spell damage bonuses. Base absorb values ofranks 5 and 6 have been reduced.
•Detect Magic removed. All players may now see their target's beneficial effects at all times.
•10% coefficient tax removed from Improved Fireball and Improved Frostbolt. (src)
•New Spell - Ritual of Refreshment: Allows players to pick up food/water. (src)
•Evocation now restores 15% of your total mana each 2 seconds. (src)
•Arcane Meditation increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration. (src)
•Ice Barrier will receive additional benefit from +Dmg. (src)
•Ice Barrier gains additional benefit from spell damage bonuses. However, the base absorb values of ranks 5 and 6 have been reduced. (src)


•Vindication (Retribution) frequency and duration increased and now reduces all attributes by 5/10/15%, not just Strength and Agility.
•Pursuit of Justice (Retribution) is now 3 ranks and increases movement speed by 5/10/15% and also reduces the chance you'll be hit by spells by 1/2/3%.
•Exorcism's mana cost has been lowered. (src)
•Holy Wrath's mana cost has been lowered. (src)
•Hammer of Wrath's mana cost has been lowered. (src)
•Vengeance has been increased to 30 seconds. (src)
•Improved Seal of the Crusader effect added to base abilitiy. (src)
•Improved Seal of the Crusader now gives the effects of Sanctified Crusader. (src)
•New Talent - Sanctified Seals: Increases your chance to critically hit with all spells and melee by 1/2/3%, and reduces the chance your Seals can be dispelled by 33/66/100%. (src)
•Crusader Strike cooldown is being reduced to 6 seconds. (src)

•Power Word: Fortitude, Divine Spirit, Prayer of Fortitude and Prayer of Spirit will have their mana costs reduced.
•Elune's Grace (Night Elf Priest Racial)effect changed to reduce chance to be hit by melee and ranged attacksby 20% for 15 seconds. There is now only 1 rank of the spell.
•New Dwarf/Draenei ability - Chastise: Causes Holy damage and incapacitates target for 2 seconds. (src)
•Fear Ward will now be available to all Priests at level 20. (src)
•Fear Ward duration reduced to 3 minutes, and cooldown increased to 3 minutes. (src)
•Power Word: Shield will gain additional benefit from spell damage and healing bonuses. Base absorb values for ranks 10, 11 and 12 have been reduced to compensate for this change. (src)
•Pain Suppresion may target Friendly targets. (src)
•Pain Suppresion reduces Friendly target's threat by 5%. (src)
•Pain Suppresion reduces Friendly target's damage taken by 40%. (src)
•Pain Suppresion cooldown reduced to 2 minutes. (src)
•Meditation increased to 10/20/30% mana regeneration. (src)
•Prayer of Healing gains additional benefit from +Dmg and +Healing. (src)
•Circle of Healing gains additional benefit from +Dmg and +Healing. (src)
•Circle of Healing's base healing has been reduced. (src)
•Holy Nova (Healing only) gains additional benefit from +Dmg and +Healing. (src)

•Poisons will enchant your weapons for 1 hour instead of 30 minutes.
•Fleet Footed increased to 15% speed increase
•Deadly Throw travel speed is being significantly increased. (src)
•Deadly Throw snare duration is being slightly increased by 1 second. (src)
•Deadly Throw no longer triggers Ruthlessness. (src)
•Ruthlessness now only affects melee Finishing Moves.
•Blind will no longer require a reagent. It will also be changed to a ranged physical attack, will share the same diminish category as Cyclone, and diminish in PvE as well as PvP. It will no longer be considered a poison. (src)
•Shadowstep may now be used while not in stealth. (src)
•Shadowstep reduces threat caused by your next Ambush, Garrote, or Backstab by 50%. (src)
•Shadowstep cooldown increased to 40 seconds. (src)
•Dirty Deeds increases the damage of special attacks by 10%/20% against targets that are below 35% health in addition to its current effect. (src)
•Hemorrhage has an incoming buff. (src)

•Tidefury Raiment: The additional mana granted to Water Shield by this set has been increased. (src)
•Totem of the Thunderhead: The additional mana granted to Water Shield by this totem has been increased. (src)
•Shamanistic Focus (New Enhancement Talent): After landing a melee critical strike, you enter a Focused state. The Focused state reduces the mana cost of your next Shock spell by 60%. It will replace the "Two Handed Axes and Maces" talent. (src)
•Lightning Overload now has a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to proc. (src)
•Lightning Overload damage has been decreased by 50%. (src)
•Lightning Overload now causes 0 threat. (src)
•Mana Spring Totem now restores mana at a rate of 20 mana every 2 seconds. (src)
•Water Shield now costs 0 mana to cast, and the mana per globe has been substantially increased. (src)
•Water Shield's duration has been reduced to 1 minute, and grants mana for each globe left upon ending. (src)
•Elemental Focus will now reduce the mana cost of your next two damage spells by 40%. (src)
•Lightning Bolt casting time reduced to 2.5 seconds, and mana cost decreased. (src)
•Chain Lightning casting time reduced to 2 seconds, and mana cost decreased. (src)
•Lightning Mastery reduced to .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 seconds. (src)
•May equip 2-Handed Axes and 2-Handed Maces without spending talent points. (src)
•Frost Shock no longer has Diminishing Returns. (src)
•Shamanistic Rage will reduce damage taken by 30% in addition to it's current effects. (src)
•Spirit Weapons will reduce melee threat by 30%. (src)
•Mental Quickness adds 10/20/30% to spell damage and healing bonuses based on your total Attack Power in addition to it's current effects. (src)

•Banish can no longer be cast on targets tapped by other players or groups.
•Ritual of Souls has had it's casting time significantly reduced. (src)
•Healing Reduction effects now affect all Drain spells and abilities (i.e. Mortal Strike vs Drain Life). (src)

•Improved Berserker Stance provide threat reduction by 2/4/6/8/10% while in Berserker Stance. (UPDATED)
•Weapon Mastery has been changed to reduce the duration of Disarm effects by 25/50%. (src)
•Mace Specialization proc has been reduced. (src)
•Mace Specialization Rage increased to 7. (src)
•Tactical Mastery now greatly increases threat from Mortal Strike and Bloodthirst while in Defensive Stance. (src)
•Devastate now combines the effects of Sunder Armor into it's effect, and is affected by all talents and items that affect Sunder Armor. (src)

•New Daily Quests. (src)
•New recipes added for fish found near Karazhan and Zul'Aman. (src)

•Wizard and Mana oils duration increased. (UP5)

•Flying Mount added for Engineers. Epic version only. You can get the plans at a Trainer and so far Blizzard believe the cost is about 500 gold in materials.
•Field Repair bot will sell items: The repair bot will sell all reagents, level 65 arrows and bullets, poison reagents, few types of vials, up to 2 super mana/healing potions, and maybe some scrolls. These are all for sale, with no rep discount, because he’s a robot.
•New Recipe - New Field Repair Bot: Dropped(?) by Gan'arg Analyzers in Blade's Edge Mountains. (src)
•New Field Repair Bot is able to buy/sell. (src)

•Fish Tracking may be learned from a journal, fished from crates. (src)
•New fish added near Karazhan and Zul'Aman. (src)

•A new meta gem will be added to the game, with similar stats to Relentless Earthstorm Diamond. (UPDATED)

Interface & Macros
•Auction House scanning will receive its own API letting you scan the whole AH every 15 minutes with any addon. (src)
•Mailboxes are upgraded to handle up to 12 items per mail. (src)
•Many new macro inputs as well as druid 'cancelform' becoming an instant like 'dismount'. (src)
•Auction API Changes. (src)
•Mail API Changes. (src)
•New Macro Commands. (src)
•IsCurrectCast -> IsSelectedSpell change. (src)
•New Font/Button format skipping. (src)
•Garbage Collection outside of combat to keep memory use low. (src)
•'Form' added as a synonym to 'Stance'. (src)
•No longer the need to call :UpdateScrollChildRect(). (src)

Thanks to Nimburi for the original compilation and Troy for the src research.

2.3 Changes and Daily Blue

New Flying Mount in 2.3 (Source)

We translated it from french to english.

Regarding Flying Mounts, we plan to add a new mount in 2.3. This mount will be buyable from the Cenarion Expedition, the requirements to buy it are exalted and 2000 gold.

Personal Arena Ratings implemented in 2.3 (Source)

Well to start we'll just let everyone know that the arena RATINGS (not the number of points they'll cost) required to purchase the season 3 items will be 1850 for the weapons, and 2000 for shoulders. The rating will not be required to continue using the item, only to initially purchase it.

Now, most people have expected the weapon rating since we announced it at BlizzCon, and it's a bit lower than we had initially said, but the shoulders are obviously going to raise some questions. The shoulders for any set are commonly the most visually representative, they're the most visible at any distance, and as they allow a lot of space compared to say a leg or bracer item, we commonly take them and really create something visually impressive. We want that visually impressive item to represent what a player has achieved, and so the achievement of being a contender in the arena at a higher level will be visually distinguished. The shoulders are also average in the benefit they provide, as compared to a chest or leg item for example, and without them the set bonuses can still be completed.

This raises the question of a player finding a team that is of a skill level higher than their own, and simply buying the item with points they've gained at a lower rating. To restrict this we're implementing a personal rating system in patch 2.3. This is an additional arena rating that is unique to each character for each team they belong to. This rating rises and declines using the same formula as the arena team rating, but only in games that character participates in. You'll also be able to track this rating through the PvP interface. The personal rating will be used for purchasing items that require a specific rating, and also be used to determine eligibility for the end of season rewards. So, a player will have to achieve a specific rating, and not just get into a team to see the rewards that are meant to visually distinguish the high-rated players.

New Daily Quests (Source)

We have some new daily quests targeting a random battleground each day. You'll want to keep an eye out for Alliance Brigadier Generals and Horde Warbringers near your faction's battlemasters in all major capitals. The battleground daily quests will reward gold, experience, and honor. You’ll be able to begin these as soon as you’re able to enter the battlegrounds themselves. So if it’s a WSG day, and you’re level 11, you can take the quest.

One hour delay on AH mails (Source)

Just curious what this is about. We have to wait an hour to get our cash now?

This is in addition to the mail change that we made previously in patch 2.1.3. By adding in the delay we can better track transactions to assure the legitimacy of them.

This change will help us to better ensure the legitimacy of such transactions and further prevent the unlawful influx of currency into each realm’s economy.
Players will still receive their items immediately, but it will take one hour for the coins to show up in your mailbox.

Why do level 60 recipes require Exalted? (Source)

There are a number of recipes in the game that require exalted reputation to receive. The enchants you are referring to are pretty unique and still desired by many people at level 70. So we wanted to add a new method to make them attainable but just like a lot of other enchanting recipes, we don't want them to be easily attainable. If we wanted that they would be purchasable from a trainer.

While hitting exalted with one of these factions doesn't happen in 5 minutes, if you want to get the particular enchant, you can focus on getting reputation for that faction and you will definitely reach it over time.

Measures have been taken to prevent rep/loot farming in Hyjal (Source)

There are indeed protections put in place that should make it extremely difficult for very small groups of players to activate the Battle of Mount Hyjal event and be rewarded with either reputation or items from killing the incoming enemy creatures before the players suffer a defeat. Whenever an enemy wave spawns, there's a check done to see if you've killed enough of the enemy creatures. If you haven't, then loot/rep is disabled for that wave of spawns. If you have killed enough, then that wave and further waves of creatures leading up to the next boss have loot/reputation.

Under relatively normal conditions where a full raid is attempting to fight through the enemy waves of creatures to defeat a boss, all creatures past the first wave should reward reputation and have a chance at item loot.

These kinds of protections were necessary so as to not promote the creation and activation of large numbers of Hyjal instances, which could lead to performance problems for the server.

Ostatnio edytowano 7 paź 2007, 10:57 przez Sobtainer, łącznie edytowano 8 razy

Posty: 1217
Dołączył(a): 11.10.2005
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 01:42 
Super nikt cie nie pytal o zdanie... Jak nie grasz to po kiego sie interesujesz...

Śmierć jest czymś normalnym...


Posty: 1623
Dołączył(a): 11.10.2006
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 06:45 
Przy aktualnym patchu zrobili bardziej nieśmiertelnego paladyna;), ale tutaj to już prawie wszechmogący będzie;) (zastanawia mnie po co tak bardzo balans rozwalają)

Na szczęście rogala troszkę zaczęli ruszać.


Posty: 1391
Dołączył(a): 23.02.2006
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 08:22 
a lock dalej jest over powered =]


Posty: 1406
Dołączył(a): 8.06.2005
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 08:23 
Jeśli mount Cenarionów ma kosztować 2000 g to musi być wypaśny, a nie jakaś badziewiarska meduza od skyguardów.
Roflcopter ftw, ciekawe czy epicki będzie wymagał dropów typu heart of darkness albo inne badziewie tylko dla elity.
Field repair bot przydałby się czasem w rzeczy samej, niestety nikomu się nie chce za składnikami chodzić w obecnej wersji.
Fish tracking z początku wydał mi się śmieszny, ale mimo wszystko pozwoli trochę oszczędzić oczy :-D
Gdzie ryby koło Karazhan'u? W jaskiniach? W tym strumyku obok wieży?


Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 5356
Dołączył(a): 6.10.2004
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 09:14 
Super revamp ret paladynow. Najwazniejszej rzeczy nie tkneli nawet.

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 09:24 
Heroic Badges drop from Zul'aman and Karazhan bosses

No to teraz jeszcze reczne resetowanie 0o
Damage coefficient reduction is removed from Improved Fireball/Frostbolt. (Source)

New spell : Ritual of Refreshment. It will allow players to pick up their own stack of food/water, similar to a Soulwell. (Source)

O zajebiste :D
New Flying Mount added. Requires 2,000g and Exalted with Cenarion Expedition


PTR kiedy ?
Sob nie wkeleis paru waznych rzeczy jak
Zul'Aman is done. We just need to get the raid dungeon on the public test realms, and make sure it sees extensive testing. Don't worry, it won't require the same amount of testing as voice chat. I feel few truly understand what it took to impliment voice chat, and test it properly.
Well to start we'll just let everyone know that the arena RATINGS (not the number of points they'll cost) required to purchase the season 3 items will be 1850 for the weapons, and 2000 for shoulders. The rating will not be required to continue using the item, only to initially purchase it.

Now, most people have expected the weapon rating since we announced it at BlizzCon, and it's a bit lower than we had initially said, but the shoulders are obviously going to raise some questions. The shoulders for any set are commonly the most visually representative, they're the most visible at any distance, and as they allow a lot of space compared to say a leg or bracer item, we commonly take them and really create something visually impressive. We want that visually impressive item to represent what a player has achieved, and so the achievement of being a contender in the arena at a higher level will be visually distinguished. The shoulders are also average in the benefit they provide, as compared to a chest or leg item for example, and without them the set bonuses can still be completed.

This raises the question of a player finding a team that is of a skill level higher than their own, and simply buying the item with points they've gained at a lower rating. To restrict this we're implementing a personal rating system in patch 2.3. This is an additional arena rating that is unique to each character for each team they belong to. This rating rises and declines using the same formula as the arena team rating, but only in games that character participates in. You'll also be able to track this rating through the PvP interface. The personal rating will be used for purchasing items that require a specific rating, and also be used to determine eligibility for the end of season rewards. So, a player will have to achieve a specific rating, and not just get into a team to see the rewards that are meant to visually distinguish the high-rated players.

Obstawiam, ze najdalej do WOTLK bedzie jak z honorem, Wywala :E

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 5356
Dołączył(a): 6.10.2004
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 09:37 
Flying Mount added for Engineers. Regular and Epic version.

Gyrocoptery z w3 anyone?
•Healing Reduction effects now affect all Drain spells and abilities (i.e. Mortal Strike vs Drain Life) (UPDATED)

Balansuja warlockow. Swiat imploduje.


Posty: 308
Dołączył(a): 26.02.2007
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 10:26 
* +Healing bonus will give 33% of spell damage as well (1500 Healing bonus will give you 500 Spell damage)

imo ładny ukłon dla hilerów rajdowców ale areny przewali do góry nogami

to taki hiler +1900 heal będzie mógł całkiem fajnie "podleczyć" moba albo przeciwnika na arenie
ciekawe jak sie 5 resto druidów będzie zabijało na arenie : każdy dostaje od HoTów ok +1-3k HP na sec a jak się sfocusują na jednym celu to mogą zapodac całkie znośny dmg (dps = 3k HP) no i te cyklooooony a monfire zapoda coś koło 10k HP w 3 sec


Posty: 1623
Dołączył(a): 2.01.2006
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 10:30 
cypis napisał(a):
•Healing Reduction effects now affect all Drain spells and abilities (i.e. Mortal Strike vs Drain Life) (UPDATED)

Balansuja warlockow. Swiat imploduje.

Not good, not good :]

"Zapytać - może oznaczać moment wstydu, ale nie zapytać i pozostać ignorantem, to wstyd na całe życie..."

Ostatnio edytowano 27 wrz 2007, 10:30 przez h34t, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 650
Dołączył(a): 21.05.2005
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 10:39 
Wydaje mi sie, czy to buff shamana ?


This is 10% luck,
20% skill,
15% concentrated power of will,
5% pleasure,
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Posty: 2206
Dołączył(a): 27.03.2006
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 10:51 
Mój shaman znowu będzie IMBA, oby to nie był tylko fake!

Walter Sobchak: Fuck it, Dude, let's go bowling.


Posty: 364
Dołączył(a): 25.09.2007
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 10:57 
straszny buff healing shamanow/priestow (od biedy tez druidow) - immortal healer, ktory bedzie teraz robic decent dps...kek balans.

nerfuja drain life/siphon life, ale tylko w walce z warriorem/rogue i najbardziej to uderzy w affliction specc, ktory juz jest zbalansowany.
SL/SL ciagle bedzie smiesznie OP przeciwko reszcie klas.

fail blizz.

A disgrace on the beyond
That can never be undone
Who shall rise and unveil
The Facade of Reality?


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Posty: 2206
Dołączył(a): 27.03.2006
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 10:59 
Cashasty napisał(a):
* Lightning Overload now has a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to proc
Śmierdzi fejkiem IMO ;[

* Lightning Overload damage has been decreased by 50%
czytaj do końca

Walter Sobchak: Fuck it, Dude, let's go bowling.


Posty: 650
Dołączył(a): 21.05.2005
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 11:05 
Z drugiej strony zmnieszaja base casting time lightinga, czyli chyba mniej +dmg sie bedzie wliczac... ogolnie wyglada na buff, szczegolnie usunieciee FS z listy DR.

Aff lock jak dla mnie nadal jest przegiety - IMO DoTy, tak samo jak Hunter's Mark powinny schodzic z celu po smierci rzucajacego. Wtedy bylby balans aff szmat.

We'll see :)


This is 10% luck,
20% skill,
15% concentrated power of will,
5% pleasure,
50% pain,
And 100% reason to remember the name!


Posty: 364
Dołączył(a): 25.09.2007
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 11:35 
Demandread napisał(a):
Aff lock jak dla mnie nadal jest przegiety - IMO DoTy, tak samo jak Hunter's Mark powinny schodzic z celu po smierci rzucajacego. Wtedy bylby balans aff szmat.

polowa dmg'a, ktory zrobi mag instantami, tez znika po jego smierci, amrite?

A disgrace on the beyond
That can never be undone
Who shall rise and unveil
The Facade of Reality?


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Posty: 1594
Dołączył(a): 17.07.2004
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 12:12 
Ogar napisał(a):
polowa dmg'a, ktory zrobi mag instantami, tez znika po jego smierci, amrite?




Posty: 650
Dołączył(a): 21.05.2005
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 12:27 
Ogar napisał(a):
Demandread napisał(a):
Aff lock jak dla mnie nadal jest przegiety - IMO DoTy, tak samo jak Hunter's Mark powinny schodzic z celu po smierci rzucajacego. Wtedy bylby balans aff szmat.

polowa dmg'a, ktory zrobi mag instantami, tez znika po jego smierci, amrite?

Masz swiadomosc, ze mag musi byc zaangazowany w walke z tym celem przez caly czas ? Jak odbiegnie sobie 100y, to robi 0 dps, a lock ? Jak padnie, to robi 0 dps, a lock ?
Nie mam ochoty na flame, a juz na pewno z locklover.



P.S. Asekuracyjnie, sam mam 2 lockow, gralem jednym i drugim pure pvp przez prawie rok. Mam pojecie o czym mowie. EoT ?

This is 10% luck,
20% skill,
15% concentrated power of will,
5% pleasure,
50% pain,
And 100% reason to remember the name!

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Posty: 1594
Dołączył(a): 17.07.2004
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 12:38 
Demandread napisał(a):
EoT ?

nie. Lock ze 100yd tez nic ci nie zrobi, zeby robic jakis dmg musi wbiec w zasieg. To ze nie ktos nie potrafi sie trzymac na tyle blisko locka zeby zadac mu dmg to jego problem, wielu takich noskilli sie nie spotyka.
Proponuje ci narzkac tez na hunterow, ze ich dmg zostaje na tobie po ich zabiciu, skoro sa w stanie cie kite'owac, nie wspominajac juz o szamanach i magach.


edit - zapomnialem na smierc o spriestach, ktorych doty sa porownywalne z dotami warlocka, a w dodatku lecza takiego skur%!@.

ich doty oczywiscie tez powinny znikac po smierci nie?



Posty: 109
Dołączył(a): 31.08.2006
PostNapisane: 27 wrz 2007, 12:45 
Nareszcie jakieś ciekawe zmiany dla magow, myślałem ze blizz zapomniał o nas. Są tak piękne ze aż mam wątpliwości.

Co do icebarrier, obecnie skaluje sie w 13% z spell dmg tak?

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