- Improved Shadow Bolt now only works for the warlock who casted the bolt.
- ISB reduced to 15% at max rank
- Incinerate coeff increased by $
- Demonic Knowledge reduced to 10% from 15%
- Lifetap coeff reduced by $
- Lifetap health cost increase by 10%
- Icy Veins and Bloodlust no longer stack
- Icy Veins no longer increase chance to freeze, but provide full pushback immunity for all spells while active.
- Mana cost of Blink and Slow reduced by 40%
- Improved blink changed to increase blink distance by 30%
- Prismatic Cloak buffed to 6% damage redux
- Arcane Fortitude buffed to 100% of intellect as armor
- Ice Floes now provides 30% pushback resist for ice spells
- Improved Fire Ward changed to 50% chance to reflect, and 4% less damage taken while active
- Improved Ice Armory type talent changed to 50% chance to reflect
- Mana burn cast time reduced to 2s base, amount of mana burned reduced 50%.
- Improved Mana burn increases burn amount by 20%. It is unclear whether or not it still provides cast time reduction
- Lightwell charges increased to 15.
- Focused will down to 4%.
- Envenom no longer consumes poison charges
- Improved hamstring has a 10 second internal cooldown on the proc
- Endless rage fixed
- 30% dispel resist on that threat redux nature talent
- Earth shield mana cost reduced by 50%
- Tremor totem and poison cleanse totem reduced from 5s pulses to 3s pulses (!!!!)
- Turn Undead works on demons now and will be renamed, so apparently you can fear-lock warlock pets, 10s duration with DR
- Cyclone range reduced to 20 yards
- Lifebloom coeff reduced by $
- Treants now have a 15% chance to proc entangling roots
- Natural Perfection was nerfed slightly (don't remember numbers)
w sumie nie wiem czy to jest jakis buff dla magow ale zniany jakies sa