We are writing to inform you that our investigation on your account has been completed.
Following our investigation, we have located your missing items, and are ready to reimburse them. Please note that the reimbursement may not include all of your lost items and gold. While we strive to reimburse as much as possible, only the items and gold that we were able to identify through our investigation will be returned to you.
In order to receive your reimbursement, please contact a Game Master. You can do so by clicking on the question mark on the bottom of your in-game World of Warcraft screen, and inform them you have a reimburse waiting for you. The Game Master will be able to help you from there.
Should you have other questions or concerns, feel free to contact the Game Master department by submitting an in-game ticket explaining your problem in more detail.
We hope you continue to enjoy your experience in World of Warcraft!
If you wish to review our current Rules and Policies, they can be found at:
to jest tresc maila jakiego dostalem...martwi mnie to ze nie ma tu nic o moim acc, ten Gm co to wyslal mysli chyba ze moge z nim skontaktowac sie w wowie