Na początek wersja z warriorem, potem z magiem - zdeka lepsza imho.
Adventures of a noob
Well, here I am. brand new to WoW and just created my first character.
Naturally I chose to be a human warrior. They're cool, right ?
Level 1
Day 1
I see lots of funny wolfs. I attack 5 of them at the same time. I'm a warrior, you see.
Then, OMG, I've died! What's this funny angel doing here ? I talk to it and it resssuzc, reszusit, rezzussit, brings me back to life
Cool ! So that's how you do it! I wonder what that funny icon means (that's 25% of something).
After several hours of the same (attack wolfs, die, talk to the Angel) someone tells me if I want to join for a quest.
Quest ? What's that ?, I ask. He pauses, and then says "nvm", and goes away. How rude !
Well, by now I'm pretty tired of dying with wolfs, so I look around a bit more.
Hey, there's a guy with a funny yellow "!" over his head. I wonder why ?
It turns out if you talk to him, he'll give you a task: "Kill wolfs", he says. But that's exactly what I've been doing for the last 5 hours ! Surely the task is already done ? Oh, well. start again.
Level 2
Hey, I got up a level, yay ! Take that, you nasty wolfs!
I found other guys giving me tasks, so now I understand, of course.
You see, they give you tasks to guide you which animals to kill next. This WoW game is pretty clever.
Look at me, my first day and I already am a level 2 !
Level 3
Day 2
No more guys with yellow "!", they all have yellow "?" so no good.
Also, it seems all my equipment has gone red, for some reason. So I just fight with my bare hands now.
I tell you, those wolfs are getting a good kicking anyway, they are (hehe, I love being a strong character).
Although I must say these wolfs carry a lot of rubbish with them. Sometimes you get up to four multiple choice items.
I just ignore those and just take the money. Safest way.
Level 4
Day 3.
I just discovered something: there is a secret exit to this area, cunningly disguised behind a big wall.
I just peeped outside, and there's a path going south, so I just follow it.
Whoah! More wolfs, cool!
Hang on a minute ! Those wolfs are not level 1, and they attack you on sight. How unfair is that?
Luckily, there's this other angel again. Thank God for that.
Anyway, I found some other characters with yellow "!", so I get an idea of the tasks I need to do.
Day 4
I found an Inn. They sell drinks and stuff, but I don't buy any because I think drinking is bad for you.
This levelling is getting harder and harder. Almost got killed by a cow. They're pretty vicious, you know. And there aren't any quests for them either.
But something made me laugh: I found an idiot hanging around in this area. His level is so low, it does not even have a number, just a "??". What a moob! (Although I must say that red glowing sword looks pretty cool, though).
Maybe I could buy a new weapon myself. After all I have stacks of money with all those killings: nearly 2 silvers (Yes, I'm telling the truth).
Day 5
Great discovery ! Turns out you can talk to the yellow "?" guys too.
And sometimes they reward you by giving you extra secret tasks (I'll call them quests, for short).
I also found out the weapons seller. I wanted to buy a few things, but they're so expensive !
50 coppers for that dagger ? You must be joking !
Level 5
YES! I finally made it to level 5.
Of course I had a stroke of luck to get there. Here's how: one of the mobs I killed dropped a blue item.
I went to a vendor and sold it for a whopping 30 silvers ! Lucky or what ?
This meant I could buy almost everything in the vendors stall. Why, I feel like a twink now.
With my new gear, I completed my quest in no time at all, so here I am at level 5.
Today I also met a level 70. Naturally I challenged him to a duel, but he declined.
Hehe, he must have realised I was fully geared up. No point in risking losing against a lower level, eh ?
Level 6
Well, things are looking up. I have managed to level up in a single day.
Also I have discovered a huge place: it's called Strongwind.
Up until now I didn't realise soooo many people played this game. Why, there must be hundreds of them around the world.
A level 1 has approached me and asked: "can I have 1 gold, plz ?"
One gold ? One gold what ? I don't have any gold items. Just to get rid of him I give him 1 copper. But the guy refuses it and swears at me. How ungrateful!
After wandering around the place (fell in the canal twice), I decide to leave it. But I cannot find the exit !
Finally I find an underground station. Great. Maybe it'll take me back to where I started, so I get in.
After an eventful journey (I fell off and had to walk the rest of the way), I managed to get to another place. This one looks even more strange than Strongwind. It's full dwarfs, mostly. It's called Ironfrog.
More wandering around (and falling into the lava pit) takes me by chance to the exit into the outside world once again.
Level 7
I have found some weird characters. They all show a little skull in their names, and they keep talking gibberish to each other.
To appear friendly, I typed what it looks like their greeting: "kek".
It seems to work because they say "kek" to me too. What I don't understand is why they're all surrounding me like that ...
I see: they're putting friendly buffs on me, I can see those icons in my character.
I say good bye to them and they just say "kek" again to me. They seem a happy bunch.
I have died again. Funny thing is I don't recall having fought any wolfs recently, so I'm not quite sure what happened there.
I can see they're still here, though (they seem to like our graveyard, weird or what?).
I say "kek" again and go on my way.
After having inexplicably died another 6 times, I decided to logoff. Maybe there's a bug with my computer.
Level 8
In my walks through this snowy land, I have seen some people (mostly dwarfs) riding in rams.
How cool is that ? I want one too.
I have tried many many times now to capture a ram, but they keep fighting back.
I don't understand. I have definitely seen another player capture one.
Getting a mount is going to prove more difficult than I thought...
Level 9
I have come back to Strongwind.
Apparently you can have professions and, looking at them, I think Mage is the best. Imagine me doing magic and stuff!
I asked some people to tell me where the Mage trainer was and they kindly told me the way.
After climbing a funny tower (I fell off again, doesn't anybody know that spiral ramps without hand rails are dangerous?),
I found several trainers in the same room.
For the next hour I have tried to get any of them to teach me how to be a Mage, but I don't see to be able to convince them.
Dissapointed, I gave up and wandered again on the streets.
Level 10
Today I tried my hand at a new experience: the Battleground. With my obvious talents and armour it'll be like a walk in the park.
I went to the Strongwind Keep to talk to the battlemaster for Wallsome Gunch, as it is called.
When I first entered the battleground I was a bit confused, as many people started to yell at me to leave it. I don't see why I should. So the first thing I did was to walk around and explore the place. There's a blue flag where I started, but as I walked out of the building I saw some people I knew: the ones who keep saying "kek" at me. But these ones did not seem so nice: They killed me without stopping, so I ended up in our graveyard. As I came back to life, I jumped down with the rest of my team, but I died from the fall
Now I have to go the long way round.
Eventually I followed a nice rogue in my team. He had goggles and glowing weapons, so I think he may have been good. However, he was quite slow (and transparent, for some reason), so I kept next to him to protect him. He didn't seem very happy about it though, and he kept whispering to me to go away. But my duty as a strong warrior is to make myself useful.
After a while, we managed to get to the other team's area, where there was a red flag. Wait, I know this: You have to hold it and you win ! I ran ahead and grabbed it.
The rogue didn't seem happy again. He told me to drop the flag, but I don't see how a weak character should hold it.
Eventually he said, "come on, let's go". "Eh? where?", I said. "Just bl**dy follow me!" he yells. Oh, well. Better keep him happy.
We started down a long tunnel, and were immediately attacked by some of the other team. "Help me", the rogue said. "But I can't", I said, "I'm holding the flag, see ?".
Eventually we both died. The rest of the game went pretty much similar, although the rogue left the battleground after he saw me coming again with him (some people are just quitters, aren't they?).
We lost 3-0. And all I got was a mark that you can't sell anyway

I just got rid of it. I don't think I'll be doing this BG malarky again, thank you very much !
Level 11
I have now joined a guild <Take Taht>. Our Guild Master is also level 11. She says she's starting to build a twing guild and everybody is welcome, even warriors like me.
Since I now have a lot of experience in WoW, I have decided to become a twing myself.
A Paladin level 70 (Becauze752) told me that there is a trainer in a city called Ohgrimer, so all I have to do is travel there (as soon as I find the zeppelin master in Strongwind, as he suggested). I have added him to my list of friends. It is nice when people help you.
Meantime, I decided to organise a raid with the guildies. We needed 15 of them to bring down a very dangerous mob boss: Hugger.
I told the Mages to get the best staff they can get. They were our main tanks.
All our warriors also had pets (you know, parrots, cats, etc.) They come handy in battle. We also had bows and arrows.
Man he fights hard, this Hugger.
Eventually, he was brought down. We congratulated each other (only 2 were left alive), and we decided to call it a day.
One of the dead guildies said "So, did everybody get the quest?".
I knew I was forgetting something ...
Level 12
Since twings need a lot of good items, I did a bit of research to see where you could get them. There is a web site called Thottbutt which is brilliant for finding things out.
I heard somewhere that [The Twing Laives of Azzimov] are some of the best items you can get (whatever they are), so I whispered my Paladin friend for some help, but he said "Sorry, I'm attuning for Klara".
I said, "np, carry on with your girlfriend, mate".
I was told by my GM that I should get my chest [Black Defiant Armor] and a sword [Cruel Barf] in a place call Dead Mimes, killing the main boss Van Cliff. I will be needing someone to help me, so I will be asking Becauze752's help.
In the meantime, I'd better level up as fast as I can, as you need to be level 19 to start collecting these items.
Also I'll need some enchants, so I'm planning to ask a mage to put +15 intellect on my staff. That way I'll be the cleverest twing warrior around
I UWAGA... WERSJA Z MAGIEM (Imho zabawniejsza
So i bought WoW and i rolled a mage cuz i love classes that do magic =)
Lvl 1
I am in a place that looks like a grave. I look around for some hidden treasure cuz u know, some dead ppl like to bury random good stuff with them. You KNOW im gonna be a pro just by hearing that right? Im gonna be teh ub3r 1337 pwnage at dis game!
I was dissapointed that i didnt find any treasure but oh well, theres always next time! I walked out of the tomb and onto the road. I saw tons of bats all around so i walked up and started hitting them with my staff. It was SUCH an easy kill! I still had half my hp left when i was done. Aint i so pro?
Lvl 2
Wewt! After about half an hour of killing bats, i got to lvl 2! Ill be 70 in no time at all! I walked back to the tomb again to scout for treasure when i saw this zombie dude with a yellow "!" over his head. I guess he was just shocked and scared to see me, such a powerful mage right in front of him. Poor guy! I wanted to tell him that i meant no harm and that we cud be friends but i didnt know how to talk. I just stared at him for a few minutes then went back to killing bats. I checked on him an hour later and thought "Wow that guy must have been scared stiff! He hasnt moved in the last hour!"
Lvl 3
It turns out i can click on that guy to talk to him. He tells u wat u gotta do! WOW this WoW is a pretty cool game! So i walked to this Deathknell place like he asked me to.
Wow that guy that told me wat to do sure was helpful (oh and ill call those "!" things quests from now on)! I see tons of friends! Well i couldnt find anymore "!", only some "?". Dunno wth that means, maybe he is confused? About wat? Anyways i left them alone and walked around town. It was pretty cool for a while but it got boring so i walked on. I saw tons more zombies that were ugly and not friendly looking so i started killing them.
Lvl 4
Well it seems like i have "spells." I thougth i didnt have any, even though im a mage. I find them really useless though. I ran up to the zombies and started hitting the key that said fireball. Nothing happend tho. I walked around while trying it on the zombies but it just doesnt work! The shield thing works but doesnt do any damage? Is that useless or wat? So i kept on killing with my super staff!
Lvl 5
I am just too skilled! Already lvl 5 and its only been... 4 hrs! WEWT! Anyways, i saw this n00b with a crappy lvl ?? and a yellow name! HAHA wat a N00B! But wow that 10k mana looks pretty useful, not to mention the suddenly sprouting wings on his back! Anyways, i was just walking around him until he suddenly started to attack my zombie friends! How rude! So i went and hit him with my staff. Then that friggin hacker did this fire poofy thing and killed me! Hes lucky i dont know how to report! I clicked the button that said release spirit cuz that was the only thing i cud do. I saw this angel thing and i talked to her. She was really nice and she resurected me! YAY! So i walked back to where the hacker was and i saw him leaving on a horse. I thought "Wow that thing is COOL! I want something to ride on too!!!" So i set out to find something to ride.
After tons of scouting and searching, i found some humans, all dressed in red and has a bright red name. I saw this one hot chick and thought "Hmm i wonder if i could ride HER......" =) so i walked closer and said "hi." I guess she sorta liked me too! Cuz she started running at me ^^. I thought "Lucky me! I get something to ride now! Wewt! All teh other players will be so jealous!" Then she started hitting me! I got angry and killed her. Dirty bitch. Dont deserve a good man like me. I started killing other random stuff around there. Then i walked, following the road. I saw another quest: it told me to go to some place called Drill or something like that. So next stop, DRILL!