ROKKYU napisał(a):
Wklei mi ktoś najbardziej aktualne patch notes dla maga?
Mam poblokowane w robocie wszystko poza napisał(a):
Arcane Blast stacking effect is no longer considered a Magic effect and will not be dispelled.
Mage Armor: Now grants 50% of mana regeneration while casting.
Mirror Image: The images no longer cast Polymorph.
Molten Armor: Chance to critically strike is now increased by a percentage of the mage's total spirit.
Arcane Meditation: Now grants 17/33/50% of mana regeneration while casting.
Ignite: The damage done by this talent no longer receives modifications from effects that increase or decrease damage done by a percentage.
Improved Scorch: Increased critical strike chance is now 1%, down from 2% per application of the Improved Scorch effect. In addition, the critical strike chance of Scorch, Fireball, and Frostfire Bolt is increased by 1/2/3%.
Pyromaniac: Now grants 17/33/50% of mana regeneration while casting.
Improved Water Elemental: Renamed Enduring Winter. Instead of the Water Elemental increasing mana regeneration for the Mage's party, casting Frostbolt now has a 33/66/100% chance to provide the Replenishment buff to up to 10 people in the Mage's party or raid.
Winter's Chill: Increased critical strike chance is now 1%, down from 2% per application of Winter's Chill. In addition, the critical strike chance of Frostbolt is increased by 1/2/3%.
z wczoraj. nie wiem czy jest coś aktualniejszego