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Posty: 17017
Dołączył(a): 4.03.2004
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2010, 13:48 
iniside napisał(a):
Wczoraj odpalałem EQ2 i WoW. EQ2 sie po prostu straszliwe zestarzał, concept jest niezły, ale wykonanie w grze jest po prostu straszne.

Niektóre rzeczy wyglądają naprawde paskudnie. Nawet ja bym potrafił część assetów zrobić lepiej ;/. WoW jest moze i kolorowy i taki uhm nie wiem płaski, ale za to dopracowany w detale które ze sobą wspólgrają. w EQ2 domek stoi ma deski, i żaden ten element nie pasuje do innych -;-.
Freeport wygląda całkiem przyjemnie, ale po prostu widać, że grafika mocno odstaje i jest juz mocno stara. W WoW np. SW tez moze super nie wygląda ale jednoczęsnie nie rzuca sie to tak odrazu w oczy :E.
Swoja drogą bronie te filmiku wygladaja całkiem niezle. Juz nie swieca sie jak psu jaja. Ale nad Staffami to mogliby popracowac.

To fakt. Ale EQ2 szedl w realizm graficzny i dlatego dzis wyglada tak biednie. WoW mial kreskowkowy styl. Jak obejrzysz film z efektami specjalnymi sprzed kilkunastu lat to tez razi. A stara kreskowke mozna ciagle ogladac. Blizzard tez poplynal z grafika w TBC. Kupa kolorowa wyszla. Na szczecie poszedl po rozum do glowy w WoTLK. Na screenach z Cataclysm nic specjalnego nie widze. Moze dwa fajne miesjca a poza tym nic ciekawgo. Troche kolorkow i juz sie wiekszosc i tak podnieca.


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Posty: 2625
Dołączył(a): 11.05.2008
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2010, 13:58 
Sobtainer napisał(a):
A coś więcej na temat podwodnych mountów? będzie można pływać pod wodą z jako taką prędkością? O-o

Jeśli dobrze pamiętam, to te mounty mają mieć chyba 280 %.

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Posty: 3592
Dołączył(a): 30.07.2005
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2010, 14:10 
Bardzo dokładna mapa Eastern Kingdoms ... nimapb.jpg

Bardzo dokładna mapa Kalimdor

Taniec male worgen

Taniec male goblin

Nowa achievementy i bossowie w dungeonach:

Blackrock Caverns
  • Rom'ogg Bonecrusher
  • Corla, Herald of Twilight
  • Karsh Steelbender
  • Beauty
  • Ascendant Lord Obsidius
Throne of the Tides
  • Lady Naz'jar
  • Commander Ulthok
  • Erunak Stonespeaker
  • Ozumat
Grim Batol
  • General Umbriss
  • Forgemaster Throngus
  • Drahga Shadowburner
  • Erudax
Halls of Origination
  • Temple Guardian Anhuur
  • Earthrager Ptah
  • Anraphet
  • Isiset
  • Ammunae
  • Setesh
  • Rajh
Blackwing Descent
  • Magmaw
  • Dark Iron Golem Council
  • Maloriac
  • Chimaron
  • Atramedes
  • Nefarian
Cataclysm Dungeon Hero

Cataclysm Dungeonmaster
  • Blackrock Caverns
  • Throne of the Tides
  • Grim Batol
  • Halls of Origination
Glory of the Cataclysm Hero

Zmiany w Patch 4.0.0 Build 12122

Class Changes

Druid Changes


  • Typhoon - Daze time increased to 6 seconds from 3 seconds.
  • Wrath - Mana cost increased to 14% from 11% base mana. During Treeform cast time reduced by 50%, damage increased by 30%.
  • Moonglow - Now affects Starsurge.
  • Moonkin Form - Now increases the spell critical strike chance of all nearby friendly and raid targets within 100 yards by 6%.
  • Wrath of Cenarius [NYI] - When you cast Moonfire, you gain Wrath of Cenarius. Wrath of Cenarius increases the damage done by your Moonfire by 3/6/9%, and reduces the mana cost by 10/20/30%. This effect is refreshed and amplified when you move, stacking up to 3 times. Effect lasts for 3 sec.
  • Improved Moonkin Form [NYI] - Now grants 2/4/6% haste instead of crirical chance.
  • Improved Eclipse - Increases the amount of Lunar or Solar energy generated from your Starfire and Wrath by 31%, and when critically hit by a melee or ranged attack, you will instantly generate 7 Lunar or Solar Energy.
  • Solar Beam [NYI] - You summon a beam of solar light over the enemy target's location, interupting the enemy target and silencing all enemy targets under the beam within 10 yards while it is active. Solar Beam lasts for 10 sec.
  • Euphoria - When you critically hit with Wrath or Starfire, you instantly gain an additional 3/6 Lunar or 5/10 Solar Energy. When you reach a Solar or Lunar eclipse, you instantly are restored 7/14% of your total mana.


  • Tranquility - Wording change to healing the target's party. Range decreased to 30 yards.
  • Regrowth - When in Tree of Life form this spell is an instant cast.
  • Naturalist - Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch and Nourish spells by 0.1/.2/.3/.4/.5 sec and increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 2/4/6/8/10%.
  • Nature's Bounty [NYI] - Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 10/20/30/40/20% on targets at or below 25% health, and you have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance when you critially heal with Healing Touch and Nourish to reduce the remaining cooldown of your Swiftmend spell by 0.5 sec.
  • Intensity - Rage generation reduced from 4 to 1.
  • Subtlety - No longer reduces the chance for HoTs/Moonfire/Insect Swarm to be dispelled.
  • Improved Tranquility - Reduces threat caused by Tranquility by 100%, and reduces the damage you take while channeling Tranquility by 50%.
  • Fury of Stormrage - You have a 5/10/15% chance when you cast Nourish or Healing Touch to cause your next Wrath spell to be instant cast and cast no mana. Fury of Stormrage lasts for 8 sec.
  • Lifebloom - While in Tree of Life form: Applies an additional application.
  • Empowered Touch - Your Healing Touch spell gains an additional 10/2% of your bonus healing effects, and your Nourish spell has a 50/100% chance to refresh the duration of your Lifebloom on targets.
  • Wild Growth - While in Tree of Life form: Affects an additional 2 targets.
  • Revitalize - This effect cannot occur more than once every 7 sec.
  • Gift of the Earthmother [NYI] - Increases the healing done by the bloom effect of your Lifebloom by 2/4/6/8/10%, and your Rejuvenation spell also instantly heals for 4/7/10/13/16% of the total periodic effect.
  • Improved Barkskin - Grants 10/20% additional armor contribution from cloth and leather items while in Travel Form or while not shapeshifted, increases the damage reduction granted by your Barkskin spell by 5/10%.
  • Tree of Life - 5 minute cooldown. 13% base mana. Shapeshift into the tree of life, increasing healing done by 15% and increasing your armor by 240% but reducing your movement speed by 50%. In addition, some of your spells are temporarly enhanced while shapeshifted. Lasts 45 sec. 5 minute cooldown. Enhanced spells: Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Regrowth, Entangling Roots, Thorns, Wrath


  • Shred - Shred the target, causing 226% damage plus 56.5 to the target. Up from 54 damage.
  • Ravage - Ravage the target, causing 550% damage plus 236.93 to the target. Up from 385% and 165.98.
  • Maul - Rage cost increased to 15.
  • Faerie Fire (Feral) - Rage cost increased to 15.
  • Feral Aggression - Reduces the cooldown of Faerie Fire (Bear) by 1/2/3/4/5 sec, and increases the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by 3/6/9/12/15%.
  • Shredding Attacks - Reduces the energy cost of your Shred and Ravage abilities by 5/10 and the rage cost of your Lacerate ability by 1/2.
  • Predatory Strikes - Increases the critical strike chance of your Ravage by 25/50% on targets at or above 90% health, and your finishing moves have a 10/20% chance per combo point to make your next Nature spell with a base casting time less than 10 sec. become an instant cast spell.
  • Mangle (Cat) - Damage slightly increased.
  • Improved Leader of the Pack - Your Leader of the Pack ability also causes you to heal for 4/8% of your total health and gain 4/8% of your maximum mana when you critically hit with a melee or ranged attack. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 sec.
  • Master Shapeshifter - Grants 5% healing when in both Tree of Life and Caster Form.
  • Infected Wounds - Your Shred, Ravage, Maul, and Mangle attacks cause an Infected Wound in the target. The Infected Wound reduces the movement speed of the target by 25/50% and the attack speed by 10/20%. Lasts 12 sec.
  • Savage Defense - Each time you deal a critical strike while in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form, you have a 50% chance to gain Savage Defense, reducing the damage taken from the next physical attack that strikes you by 75% of your attack power.
  • Faerie Fire (Bear) - Decrease the armor of the target by 3% for 30 sec. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible. Stacks up to 3 times. Deals [AP
  • 0.05 + 1.0] damage and additional threat.
  • Pulverize - 15 Rage, 5 yd range, Instant. Deals 120% weapon damage plus additional 952.27 damage for each of your Lacerate applications on the target, and increases your melee critical strike chance by 3% for each Lacerate application consumed for 10 sec.
  • Fury Swipes - When you auto-attack while in Cat form or Bear form, you have a 6/12% chance to gain an extra auto-attack on the same target. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 sec.
  • Primal Madness - Tiger's Fury and Beserk also increases your maximum energy by 10/20 during its duration, and your Enrage and Beserk abilities instantly generates 1/13 Rage (Some kind of error, check in game).
  • Skull Bash - 1 Rage, 8 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown. You charge and skull bash the target, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 5 sec.
  • Skull Bash - 25 Energy, 8 yd range, Instant, 10 sec cooldown. You charge and skull bash the target, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 5 sec.
  • Improved Feral Charge - Increases the damage done by your next 3 attacks by 15/30% in Bear Form after you use Feral Charge (Bear), and Ravage will temporarly not require stealth for 1 sec after you use Feral Charge (Cat).
  • Improved Feral Charge [NNF] - Increases your melee haste by 15% after you use Feral Charge (Bear) for 8 sec, and Ravage will temporarly not require stealth for 3 sec after you use Feral Charge (Cat).
  • Improved Feral Charge - Increases your melee haste by 30% after you use Feral Charge (Bear) for 8 sec, and Ravage will temporarly not require stealth for 6 sec after you use Feral Charge (Cat).
  • Faerie Fire (Cat) - No energy cost. Decrease the armor of the target by 3% for 30 sec. While affected, the target cannot stealth or turn invisible. Stacks up to 3 times.

Rogue Changes


  • Feint - Performs a feint, causing no damage but lowering your threat by 4%, making the enemy less likely to attack you. In addition, reduces the damage you take from area of effect attacks by 50% for 6 sec.


  • Vanish - Allows the rogue to vanish from sight, entering an improved stealth mode for 3 sec. For the first 3 sec seconds after vanishing, damage and harmful effects received will not break stealth. Also breaks movement impairing effects.
  • Cloak of Shadows - Instantly removes all existing harmful spell effects, provides momentary immunity against all damage and harmful effects, and increases your chance to resist all spells by 100% for 5 sec. Does not remove effects that prevent you from using Cloak of Shadows.


  • Master Poisoner - Increases the critical hit chance of all attacks made against any target you have poisoned by 1/2/3%, reduces the duration of all Poison effects applied to you by 17/34/50%, and gives Envenom a 33/66/100% chance not to consume Deadly Poison.
  • Armor Skills - Leather armor is the best armor for Rogues, although Rogues are also able to wear cloth armor.
  • Hunger For Blood - Removed.
  • Vendetta - 30 yd range, Instant, 2 min cooldown. Marks an enemy for death, increasing all damage you deal to the target by 20% [NYI - special abilities only for now] and granting you unerring vision of your target, regardless of concealments such as stealth and invisibility. Lasts 30 sec.

Priest Changes


  • Choir Leader [NNF] -Your Divine Hymn also heals you for 13% of your total health during its duration, and the channel time of your Hymn of Hope is reduced by 9%.
  • Chakra - When you use Prayer of Healing, Renew or Heal 4 times in a row you will enter a Chakra state empowering you for 20 sec. You can only be in one Chakra state at a time. Prayer of Healing - Increases the healing done by your Prayer of Healing by 2/4/6/8/10% and reduces the cooldown of your Circle of Healing by .5/1/1.5/2/2.5 sec. Renew - Increases the healing done by your Renew spell by 11%, and reduces the global cooldown of your Renew spell by .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 sec. Heal - Increases the critical effect chance of your Heal spell by 1/2/3/4/5%, and your Heal has a 20/40/60/80100% chance to refresh the duration of your Renew on the target. Smite - Increases your total damage done by Shadow and Holy spells by 3/6/9/12/15%.


  • Martyrdom - Decreases the duration of Interrupt effects by 10/20%.
  • Silent Resolve - No longer reduces dispel chances.
  • Rapture - When your Power Word: Shield is completely absorbed or dispelled you are instantly energized with 1.5/2/2.5% of your total mana. This effect can only occur once every 12 sec.
  • Improved Flash Heal - Increases the critical effect chance of your Flash Heal by 4/7/10% on friendly targets at or below 50% health.


  • Mind Melt [NYI] - Increases the damage done with your Shadow Word: Death by 15/30% on targets at or below 25% health, and and when you deal damage with Mind Spike, the cast time of your next Mind Blast is reduced by 10/30% (Possible error?) lasting 6 sec. Mind Melt can stack up to 3 times.
  • Spirit Tap - When you kill a target that yields experience or honor, you instantly gain 5/10/15% of your total mana instantly and your mana regeneration rate will be increased by 20/25/30% for 15 sec.
  • Shadow Affinity - Reduces the threat generated by your Shadow spells by 10/20/30%, and you receive 5/10/15% of your base mana when your Shadow Word: Pain or Vampiric Touch spells are dispelled.
  • Empowered Shadow Orbs [PH] [NYI] - Increases the chance for you to gain a Shadow Orb when dealing damage with your Mind Flay and Shadow Word: Pain by 5%, and you have a 33% chance to gain a Shadow Orb when critically hit by any attack.

Warrior Changes


  • Thunder Clap - Blasts nearby enemies increasing the time between their attacks by 19% for 10 sec and doing 16 damage to them. Damage increased by attack power.


  • Commanding Shout - Costs No Rage - Instant - 60 second cooldown - Increases Stamina of all party and raid members within 30 yards by 1080 and gaining 10 rage. Lasts 120 sec. (Possible error, check in game)
  • Battle Shout - Costs No Rage - Instant - 60 second cooldown - The warrior shouts, increasing strength and agility of all raid and party members within 30 yards by 16 and gaining 10 rage. Lasts 120 sec.
  • Booming Voice - [Rank 1] - Your Battle Shout and Commanding Shout abilities generate an additional 1 rage when used.
  • Booming Voice - [Rank 2] - Your Battle Shout and Commanding Shout abilities generate an additional 2 rage when used.
  • Blood Craze - [Rank 1] - You have a 10% chance to regenerate 3.0% of your total Health over 5 sec after taking damage.
  • Blood Craze - [Rank 2] - You have a 10% chance to regenerate 5.5% of your total Health over 5 sec after taking damage.
  • Blood Craze - [Rank 3] - You have a 10% chance to regenerate 8.0% of your total Health over 5 sec after taking damage.

Death Knight Changes


  • Bloodworms - Your weapon hits have a 3% chance to cause the target to spawn a Bloodworm. The Bloodworm attacks your enemies, gorging itself with blood until it bursts to heal nearby allies. Lasts up to 20 sec.
  • Dancing Rune Weapon - The rune weapon also assists in defense of its master, granting an additional 21% parry chance while active.
  • Veteran of the Third War - No longer increases strength. Increases your total Stamina by 4/7/10% and your expertise by 7.
  • Improved Blood Presence - While in Frost Presence or Unholy Presence, you retain 2/4% damage reduction from Blood Presence, and the chance you will be critically hit by melee attacks is reduced by 2/4% in Blood Presence.
  • Heart Strike - Instantly strike the target and up to two additional nearby enemies, causing 100% weapon damage plus 125.5 on the primary target, with damage reduced by 25% on each subsequent target. Each target takes 10% additional damage for each of your diseases active on that target.
  • Blood Presence - The death knight takes on the presence of Blood, increasing Stamina by 9%, armor contribution from cloth, leather, mail and plate items by 61%, and reducing damage taken by 7%. Increases threat generated. Only one Presence may be active at a time.
  • Bone Shield - 60 sec cooldown. The Death Knight is surrounded by 3 whirling bones. While at least 1 bone remains, Ghe:she; takes 19% less damage from all sources and deals 3% more damage with all attacks, spells and abilities. Each damaging attack that lands consumes 1 bone. Lasts 300 sec.
  • Blood-Caked Blade - Your auto attacks have a 10/20/30% chance to cause a Blood-Caked Strike, which hits for 25% weapon damage plus 13.0% for each of your diseases on the target.
  • Toughness - Increases your armor value from items by 2/4/6/8/10% and reduces the duration of all movement slowing effects by 6/12/18/24/30%.
  • Death Strike - A deadly attack that deals 151% weapon damage plus 170.63 and heals the Death Knight for $F% of Ghis:her; maximum health for each of Ghis:her; diseases on the target.
  • Might of Mograine - Increases the damage dealt by your Blood Strike, Heart Strike, and Rune Strike abilities by 5/10/15/20/25%.
  • Sanguine Fortitude - While active, your Icebound Fortitude reduces damage taken by an additional 10/20/30% and costs no runic power to activate.
  • Hemorrhagic Fever - Gives your Blood Boil a 50/100% chance to afflict enemies with Hemorrhagic Fever, reducing their physical damage dealt by 9% for 30 sec.
  • Crimson Scourge - Increases the damage dealt by your Blood Boil by 15/30/45%.
  • Improved Death Strike - Increases the damage of your Death Strike by 15/30/45%, increases its critical strike chance by 4/7/10%, and increases the healing granted by 25/50/75%.
  • Blood Swarm - When you Plague Strike a target that is already infected with your Blood Plague, there is a 20/40/60/80/100% chance that your next Blood Boil will consume no runes.
  • Will of the Necropolis - [Rank 3] - [Level 1] - When a damaging attack brings you below 30% of your maximum health, you generate a Blood Rune and the cooldown on your Rune Tap ability is refreshed, and all damage taken is reduced by 9/18/27% for 8 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 seconds.


  • Icebound Fortitude - No longer grants additional damage reduction based on Defense for 12 sec.
  • Guile of Gorefiend - No longer increases Icebound Fortitude duration.
  • Improved Frost Presence - While in Blood Presence or Unholy Presence, you retain 3/6% increased runic power generation from Frost Presence, and your bonus damage while in Frost Presence is increased by an additional 3/6%.
  • Pillar of Frost - Instant, 60 sec cooldown. Calls upon the power of Frost to increase the Death Knight's Strength by 21%. Icy crystals hang heavy upon the Death Knight's body, providing immunity against external movement such as knockbacks. Lasts 20 sec.
  • Improved Icy Touch - No longer buffs Frost Fever.
  • Annihilation - Increases the damage dealt by your Obliterate ability by 10/20/30%.
  • Rime - Your Obliterate has a 15/30/45% chance to reset the cooldown on Howling Blast and cause your next Howling Blast or Icy Touch to consume no runes.
  • Frost Fever - Now reduces the target's melee and ranged attack speed by 21% for 30 sec. Up from 14%.
  • Frost Presence - Strengthens the Death Knight with the presence of Frost, increasing damage by 11% and increasing Runic Power generation by 11%.
  • Runic Empowerment - When you use your Death Coil, Frost Strike, or Rune Strike ability, you have a 8/46/24/32/40% chance to activate a random fully depleted rune.
  • Brittle Bones - Your Frost Fever chills the bones of its victims, increasing their physical damage taken by 2/4%.
  • Might of the Frozen Wastes - When wielding a two-handed weapon, your autoattacks have a 15/30/45% chance to generate 11 Runic Power.


  • Unholy Presence - Now also increases rune regeneration by 11%.
  • Virulence - Increases your chance to hit with your spells by 1/2/3%.
  • Magic Suppression - Increases the spell damage absorption of your Anti-Magic Shell by an additional 9/18/27%, and increases the runic power generated when damage is absorbed by Anti-Magic Shell.
  • Improved Unholy Presence - While in Blood Presence or Frost Presence, you retain 8/16% increased movement speed from Unholy Presence, and you gain an additional 3/1% (Possible error, check in game) haste while in Unholy Presence.
  • Scourge Strike - An unholy strike that deals 100% of weapon damage as Physical damage plus 344.41. In addition, for each of your diseases on your target, you deal an additional 13% of the Physical damage done as Shadow damage.
  • Corrupting Strikes - Increases the damage of your Plague Strike and Scourge Strike abilities by 10/20/30%.
  • Night of the Dead - Reduces the cooldown on Raise Dead by 45/90 sec and the cooldown on Army of the Dead by 2/4 min.
  • Anticipation - Removed.
  • Unholy Frenzy - 30 yd range, Instant, 3 min cooldown. Induces a friendly unit into a killing frenzy for 30 sec. The target is Enraged, which increases their melee and ranged haste by 10%, but causes them to lose health equal to 3% of their maximum health every 2 sec.
  • Sudden Doom - Your autoattacks have a 5/10/15% chance to make your next Death Coil cost no runic power.
  • Epidemic - Increases the duration of Blood Plague and Frost Fever by 3/6/9/12/15 sec.
  • Resilient Infection [NYI] - When your diseases, other than those applied via Pestilence, are dispelled, you have a 50/100% chance to have their cost refunded.

Misc Changes

  • Every Man for Himself - Cooldown changed from 2 minutes to 5 minutes.

Female Worgen (twarze/fryzury/futro)

Ogromny leak screenów z gry na oficjalnych serwerach Blizzarda ... talon.html


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Posty: 13655
Dołączył(a): 24.08.2004
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2010, 14:18 

Jak nazywają się te zony na południe od Un Goro i Silithus ? :x

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Posty: 2625
Dołączył(a): 11.05.2008
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2010, 14:36 
Dana napisał(a):
Jak nazywają się te zony na południe od Un Goro i Silithus ? :x


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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2010, 15:09 
Cos im powoli idzie wywalanie tych talentow increase dmg by x%. (mowit cyh flat ofc).
Np. to:
Improved Moonkin Form [NYI] - Now grants 2/4/6% haste instead of crirical chance.

Czy to:
Naturalist - Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch and Nourish spells by 0.1/.2/.3/.4/.5 sec and increases the damage you deal with physical attacks in all forms by 2/4/6/8/10%.

A mogloby być coś w stylu. Bla bla bla.. and increase dmg done by your next damage dealing spell by x%, byloby dużo ciekawsze tbh.

Virulence - Increases your chance to hit with your spells by 1/2/3%.


Na tej mapie wyglda to taki jakby An'Qiraj Temple było teraz otwartą zoną a nie instancja (fajnie by było tbh, jedna z lepszych zon w WoW),

Ogólnie to czekam na pełne skończone talenty maga i warlocka.

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).


Posty: 60
Dołączył(a): 1.01.2010
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2010, 17:13 
Wow ssie jaki by nie był, kolejny dodatek to jeszcze większe gówno niż poprzednie.


Posty: 242
Dołączył(a): 25.07.2009
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2010, 17:18 
rzepo napisał(a):
Wow ssie.

Masz racje. Jednak nie zmienia to faktu, ze to ciagle najlepsze mmo na rynku. :lol:


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Posty: 4646
Dołączył(a): 31.01.2006
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2010, 18:41 
iniside napisał(a):
Na tej mapie wyglda to taki jakby An'Qiraj Temple było teraz otwartą zoną a nie instancja (fajnie by było tbh, jedna z lepszych zon w WoW)

podejrzewam ze z gory te wszystkie insty otwarte (np. ZG, ZF) troche zaktualizuja by wygladaly faktycznie jak same instancje w srodku (bo kto wszedl do 'nieinstancjonowanych' wersji wie ze w srodku to roznie bywalo ;]) ale gdy na flying mouncie sie zblizysz to normalnie bedzie portowac cie do instancji

Once upon a time games was fun and too quickly became about winning, being the best or leveling up to get sick loot. Screw that... it is the time to have fun. - Day9

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Posty: 3592
Dołączył(a): 30.07.2005
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2010, 19:50 
Twiligh Highlands - widok od strony Loch Modan ... 143550.jpg

Wejście do Grim Batol ... 143739.jpg


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Posty: 10854
Dołączył(a): 12.02.2004
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2010, 07:12 
badziol napisał(a):
rzepo napisał(a):
Wow ssie.

Masz racje. Jednak nie zmienia to faktu, ze to ciagle najlepsze mmo na rynku. :lol:

Najbardziej popularne nie znaczy, ze najlepsze :> Po prostu papka dla malo wymagajacych.


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Posty: 12796
Dołączył(a): 17.08.2005
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2010, 07:40 
Może nie papka, po prostu granie teraz jest dostępne dla wszystkich. Każdy może zwiedzić wszystko, dosłownie, pugować się i biegać po ICC bez problemowo. Widać, że Blizzard wyciągnął wnioski z Naxxramas 40, AQ40 którego nie widziało wiele osób. Mi tam to pasuje, bo jestem casualem i już mnie nie interesuje jak kiedyś, farmowanie flaszek na raid. MOgliby zrobić revamp grafiki tylko, reszta jest spoko.

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Posty: 1034
Dołączył(a): 16.02.2005
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2010, 08:44 
Panowie, kiedy Ruby Sanctum wejdzie na produkcje ? Kwestia tygodni czy raczej miesiecy?

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Posty: 4646
Dołączył(a): 31.01.2006
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2010, 11:01 
Huragan napisał(a):
badziol napisał(a):
rzepo napisał(a):
Wow ssie.

Masz racje. Jednak nie zmienia to faktu, ze to ciagle najlepsze mmo na rynku. :lol:

Najbardziej popularne nie znaczy, ze najlepsze :> Po prostu papka dla malo wymagajacych.

Masz racje Maple Story jest bee

Once upon a time games was fun and too quickly became about winning, being the best or leveling up to get sick loot. Screw that... it is the time to have fun. - Day9


Posty: 393
Dołączył(a): 3.01.2007
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2010, 11:52 
Caly czas zastanawiam sie na czym polega sukces tej gry .

Konkurencyjny warek jest 10 x lepszy !? przynajmniej wedlug mnie.


Posty: 1569
Dołączył(a): 8.12.2001
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2010, 12:31 
Warek warhammer? Tak bardzo lepszy;] to co mythic probowal zrobic z rvr i siege blizzardowi udalo sie na wg/strand of ancients/isle of conquest. O pve nie wspomne z litosci do gry ktora wydawala sie miec potencjal.


Posty: 145
Dołączył(a): 5.05.2002
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2010, 13:10 
WG i battlegroundy sukcesem blizza? pvp w wowie i sukces w jednym zdaniu? heh.

aczkolwiek tez uwazam ze WoW to obecnie najlepszy mmorpg na rynku...
no ale bez jaj, przemiliczmy wowowe pvp.

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Posty: 4646
Dołączył(a): 31.01.2006
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2010, 13:24 
GumisPLL napisał(a):
Konkurencyjny warek jest 10 x lepszy !? przynajmniej wedlug mnie.

przez pierwsze 30lvl moze i tak... ;]

Once upon a time games was fun and too quickly became about winning, being the best or leveling up to get sick loot. Screw that... it is the time to have fun. - Day9

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2010, 13:38 
WoW to najlepsza od sześciu lata gra na rynku, pve miażdży konkurencje, budowa postaci super, unikalne skille, itemizacja ciekawa, wyjebany crafting, no i to genialne pvp, masz bg, areny, w terenie tez sporo, świetnie zrobione ui, łatwy dostęp do instancji, itemow, można sie bawić latami.


"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."


Posty: 2350
Dołączył(a): 12.07.2007
PostNapisane: 30 maja 2010, 14:02 
embe napisał(a):
WoW to najlepsza od sześciu lata gra na rynku, pve miażdży konkurencje, budowa postaci super, unikalne skille, itemizacja ciekawa, wyjebany crafting, no i to genialne pvp, masz bg, areny, w terenie tez sporo, świetnie zrobione ui, łatwy dostęp do instancji, itemow, można sie bawić latami.



Ostatnio edytowano 30 maja 2010, 14:34 przez Daedrael, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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