Hello there,
I'm from Maldy. Sorry for ressurect this post...
Anyway, I'm just posting to clear some points:
- In the math, Maldy get:
-> Var (weight)
-> Class (low)
-> Gear (low)
-> Tradeskill (low)
-> Achievements' Points (low)
-> Level (medium)
-> Featured Achievements (heavy)
What is "Featured Achievements"?
Are achievements "hard to get", like... rare mounts, legendary items, titles (explorer doesn't count

) and PvP.
Because if you see wath really worth in a char, isn't his actual gear.. is what it have that aggregate a value to it. You see... Al'ar will never be replaced in the next patch, gear will. But shadowmourne will be replaced, but it was something like unique, isn't everybody that can get it... after all, it's unique!
Thanks for your visit in our site! And Enjoy ;D
BTW... Recently we update the site to accept chars with strange characters, like russian.
You will see that chars from vanilla can wo